Melee's situation will improve once they start bringing down the power of AOE damage.
Finally finished installing. Are there any officers online on SBI?
Katoki, junior officer to the stars
<3 Court.
The price of ectos keep rising man.
At this rate, I'll never be able to afford the incinerator.
Keep doing those dungeons, convert tokens to rares, salvage the rares and watch you ecto stack increase.
i salvage a lvl 80 rare and got only 1 ecto . so sad![]()
Does anyone know when the changes to which Fractals a party can enter are going live? I'd really like to try them, but I doubt many people are looking to do Lvl 1 anymore.
Just discovered how insanely good ash legion spy kits are in PvE. Instant 10s invisibility as long as you stand still that even works when you're channeling stuff. It's basically brokenly useful, a total lifesaver. All for 28 karma each from the heart merchant at the Victor's Presidium in Ashford Plains. Go buy 250.
I've still never used one of those (little need with a Thief or a Mesmer I suppose), but I bet they'd come in damn handy on my other chars. Are they soulbound?
Ahhh but karma jugs are notThey are.
Ahhh but karma jugs are not![]()
Average salvage rates for ectos are 0.8 to 0.9 over the long term, depending on kit (master's vs black lion).i salvage a lvl 80 rare and got only 1 ecto . so sad![]()
but you can still only use them for your charrs ?
Sorry to bring this up again, but I'm in the same WvW dilemma. For me, during the first couple weeks when queues were constant and groups of GAFfers (or my irl friends, for that matter) couldn't get in with me, I'd jump in solo. I really loved playing. I got to see as different guilds rose to the top of the pecking order like CaLM, SF, and WM, buying Commander Icons early and doing their best to lead. Since I was solo and didn't like zerging so much, I often used the crappy LFG icon as well as team chat requests to start havok squads a ton. And from there, I met a small guild, Remnant Heroes [RemH], and ended up joining them.
And those are the guys I've mostly WvW'd with. I'm sure there's another GAFfer or two that joined as well. Since GAF really is a casual guild, just yelling in guild chat every once in a while to see if anyone is interested in a group doesn't work for anything beyond dungeons. Since there are PvE events, I'm sure there's a decent portion of the guild who wouldn't mind PvP and WvW events once or twice a week. The modes offer hardly any progression or crazy rewards, but are just so fun that getting more and more people for them would be great. For PvP, all we'd have to do is find an empty 16 man server and all get on mumble, letting the game shuffle the teams for us and have chill time while killing each other.
I was going to do it... but I ended up choosing the fun-right-now, and playing a bunch with RemH instead of trying to work up the aspects of the GAF guild I wanted to see improve. And now, RemH is considering changing servers. The two under most contention are Sanctum of Rall (where many of the most recent exodus are going) and Kaineg (War Machine's current home, others are joining, and who I've been secretly rooting for).
So for now, I think I'm going to transfer, if they actually do make the decision to transfer. Getting back on SBI won't be too hard if the population goes down any further. PvE can still be guested and PvP is still linked among all of the NA servers which means I can always encouraging get togethers for that still. But WvW, my bread and butter, my favorite thing to do... I'd miss you guys.
Yeah there is actually no progression within the same tier at all (any item of a given rarity and level has the same total stats as any other). It's definitely just like GW1 in this regard.I wish there was a more of an item progression at end-game within the same tier, currently it looks like GW1 (all about skins!)
Hey Gaf,
Got this game all downloaded and ready to go. Bout to dive in after the pats game. Was just wondering if you guys got any tips for starting out. I remember trying GW 1 and being so lost on what to do that I just said forget it. Didn't really give it much a chance though. My MMO experience is basically WoW.
Thanks, maybe i'll see some of you on.
What am I looking at in your avatar, Moondrop?
Oh that sucks. RemH is leaving too? I was thinking of trying to find them for WvW lately and haven't seen them around even in LA.
I've posted on the GAF guild website about choosing a new server for the WvW-centric. Let's take that discussion over there.
Let's not. Like I said over there all you're doing is trying to split the guild based on who you consider to be true pvp'ers. If you want to talk about joining an entirely new guild and server for pvp it makes more sense to do it here where at least you'll reach a larger audience.
And as I told you there, you don't understand my motivations. It's not about who I consider to be true pvp-ers, I used "wvw-centric" as a self-identified term. It's for those who have already decided to leave SBI. And nowhere have I talked about joining a new guild. GAF guild =/= SBI.
I understand it's difficult for you to see the perspective of those who think differently than you, especially when you make so many false assumptions about them.
And like I keep saying, you're objectively wrong that all self-identified wvw-centric people agree with you. You keep making the assumption that everyone with that identification agrees with you and like I said over there I've talked to people in the guild who identify that way and don't agree with you.
I'd like to introduce you to my pal Irony.I just think you should stop with labeling people who don't agree with you and you don't even know.
I read the other thread. Here's what it comes down to.
Xeris, you have one point: Moondrop made a generalization/assumption. The rest of your post is overly antagonistic. And the fact is, your counter example completely proved his point. As you said, the people who you've talked to that are fine with staying in SBI but aren't having fun with the WvW there, complain about rewards. But most people you find calling themselves "WvW-centric" are those looking for a competitive fight, rewards be damned.
But fine, you may find disagreement with that point too. You might find my making any definition of what someone who calls themselves "WvW-centric" to be a terrible thing to do. But it doesn't stop the valid objective of Moondrop with his post.
GAF guild is a large guild. Moondrop doesn't know everybody. He's just making a shoutout for those who want to continue playing together on another server. The whole point of the GAF-guild is having people to play with together, and because WvW is limited by server, coordination is required right now for those of us like Moondrop and I.
Hey Gaf,
Got this game all downloaded and ready to go. Bout to dive in after the pats game. Was just wondering if you guys got any tips for starting out. I remember trying GW 1 and being so lost on what to do that I just said forget it. Didn't really give it much a chance though. My MMO experience is basically WoW.
Thanks, maybe i'll see some of you on.
1. Roll the class you think looks interesting and fun, not which you think will be most useful. If one doesn't click with you, try another. Whatever choice you make, you won't be penalized further down the road (i.e. you can get into a group no matter what class you pick now). Every class can contribute, even breaking MMO-tropes; Guardians (the Paladin-like class) have a couple ranged attacks, Rangers are good in melee, etc.
- That said, most people say the Guardian, Warrior and Ranger are good classes to start with, while Mesmers, Elementalists and Engineers have a bit of a learning curve. Seriously though, try what sounds cool to you, as all of the professions are pretty approachable and you can always ask for help here or in-game.2. Race has no statistical advantage; it will only give you a few race-specific utility and elite skills (none of which stand out over the others). Otherwise it is entirely cosmetic. Be aware that the "Tauren Effect" is in play here; the two large races, Norn and Charr, feel like they move slower than the others even though run speed is normalized. Likewise, Asura feel like they're flying. Some people (myself included) find it detracts from the game, YMMV.
- For what it's worth, Norn look insanely cool in full armor (especially plate) and Charr have an awesome four-legged run animation, so there's silver lining everywhere.3. Buy a copper Mining Pick, Harvesting Sickle and Logging axe as soon as you have the money; there's no gathering professions, everyone can gather everything so long as they have the tools. Resource nodes show up on your mini-map (Grey rock, green leaves, brown log pile) and are instanced for everyone; don't rush to mine a Copper node just because someone is running towards it, you will have your own copy waiting just for you.
4. Likewise, buy a basic Salvage Kit. This is similar to Disenchanting in WoW, but you actually get resources like cloth, leather and metal rather than dusts/essences. This is the primary method for getting cloth and leather, actually. You will get items from enemies that serve no purpose other than to be salvaged, and will be labelled as such.
5. You don't need to be at a waypoint to travel; you can open your map and travel to any waypoint you've previously visited at any time.
6. If you want bags, take up any of the armor crafting professions (Armorsmith, Leatherworker, Tailor) as all three can produce bags right away. You may also want to check the Trading Post (shortcut: o) because the prices there are pretty low.
7. You get weapon swapping at level 7 (unless you're an Elementalist or Engineer), and unlock utility slots at 5, 10 and 20. Elite skills unlock at level 30.
8. For a quick level or two, explore your race's starting city. When you open your map there will be a checklist of the waypoints (Diamonds), Points of Interest (Small squares), and Vistas (Two Red Triangles), all of which give you XP just for visiting them. It also nets you some money and goodies for fully completing the map.
9. Learn to dodge early, it will save you forever. Most enemies have a 'wind up' animation just before they deliver a large attack. The default dodge key is V.
- Red Circles on the ground are enemy AOE attacks; dodge out of those too.10. When your health reaches zero, you aren't automatically killed; instead you enter a 'downed' state where you can defeat an enemy (or heal yourself if none are around) to rally back at half health. Keep an eye open for a blue "V" symbol over other players, or on your mini-map; this indicates another played who has been downed, and you can revive them (default key: f) and get some experience.
11. Wander around and do stuff. One of the biggest complaints people new to the game have is that there isn't any direction it shoos you towards. There are traditional quests (marked with hearts on your map), but the real meat of GW2 are events which can happen anywhere at any time. Pay attention to your surroundings; people will often run up to you and ask for help, or you'll see signs that something is amiss (people are sick and the well water is green? Follow the pipes to investigate the water supply.)
12. Whisper any of the officers for an invite to GAF guild where your questions will be answered. Ferny, Ashodin Venteal, Hawkian The Blade, Gojira, Nephenee Reginleif, Professor Retro, Wallach or Arken Elric. You can be part of GAF Guild regardless of which server you are on (We play on Stormbluff Isle, but it is often full), and you can join multiple guilds as well (so if you have friends already playing, you can switch between them as you like).
13. We use Mumble, and have a GAF server just for our guild; talking is optional but being able to listen helps, especially in dungeons. We also tend to hang out and get overly excited about new features:
Server Address:
Port: 64742
Use your GAF Name as your username to avoid confusion.
14. You can also register at, we post all sorts of events and discuss things a little more indepth than we do here, just to keep this thread open for general discussion without getting bogged down in theorycrafting, event notices and such.
AWESOME TIPS (i.e. "Why don't other MMOs have that?!")
- There are no mailboxes anywhere, because you can send and receive mail anywhere via messenger pigeons.
- Likewise, you can buy and sell on the trading post from anywhere. However, any items you buy, or any money you make from selling, can only be picked up at a Trader NPC (marked as a golden scale icon on your map).
- You can click the small gear in the upper right corner of your inventory and select "Deposit all Collectables" to automatically send any crafting materials to your bank. These items appear on the "Collectables" tab at your bank, a special space that holds all of that stuff for you instead of forcing you to hoard it in your regular storage space.
- Your bank space is shared between all of your characters, and there is a space on the lower right to deposit money.
- There is no mob tagging in the traditional sense; as long as you do above a certain threshold of damage, you will get credit and looting rights regardless of who attacked first.
I read the other thread. Here's what it comes down to.
Xeris, you have one point: Moondrop made a generalization/assumption. The rest of your post is overly antagonistic. And the fact is, your counter example completely proved his point. As you said, the people who you've talked to that are fine with staying in SBI but aren't having fun with the WvW there, complain about rewards. But most people you find calling themselves "WvW-centric" are those looking for a competitive fight, rewards be damned.
The thing is after the paid transfers are here and if there is transfer remorse, there is no reason for anyone to come back unless they are willing to pay up in some form. The only folks that will join the server are potential new players. The only folks that will hop in WvW are those new people or those that feel ArenaNet has finally made it so that WvW is worth something to them. Then again, WvW is worth completely different things depending on the player.
I personally just feel that I'd rather be in an overflow now because it's so quiet in our own server's Lion's Arch.