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Guild Wars 2 |OT2| Funding An MMO Entirely On Quaggan Backpacks

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The Cryptarch's Bane
Wow, Valkyrie is a seriously rare stat combo...

I just realized how many laurels I'll be missing out on this month... damn. How many dailies do you need for the month, again? I need to make sure I manage to squeeze those in.


Wow, Valkyrie is a seriously rare stat combo...

I just realized how many laurels I'll be missing out on this month... damn. How many dailies do you need for the month, again? I need to make sure I manage to squeeze those in.

A whopping 5


Sonic handles my blue balls
Don't buy any weapons or armor from the TP until you're 80. It's a waste of Silver/Gold. Instead, as you're going through zones, focus on doing the Dynamic Events for Karma then check the Heart NPC's (after you fill the hearts up) and they should have the Armor and Weapons you need.

Buying armor/weapons from the TP isn't a terrible idea while leveling.

People tend to resell loot for Vendor price on the TP just to clear inventory room. As result, it's very easy to equip Blues/Greens, use them for a couple levels then resell them to the Vendor for a wash.
Buying armor/weapons from the TP isn't a terrible idea while leveling.

People tend to resell loot for Vendor price on the TP just to clear inventory room. As result, it's very easy to equip Blues/Greens, use them for a couple levels then resell them to the Vendor for a wash.

I found it's much easier just using the karma since the gear is already appropriate and you have a better chance at being able to afford your skill books. Besides at low levels like that the difference between blue and green is fairly negligible.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I find what the TP is most useful for while leveling is filling in any gaps to be at decent blue or green gear at the level requirement for a dungeon. You get fairly heavily penalized for entering a dungeon with outdated gear and it's a quick way to re-equip.
I finished clearing all of PVE woot! Even more exciting, the impossible happened, my server actually completely dominated on our borderlands and I was able to clear it! I seriously thought we would never conquer the big fort on the east side of the map, that I would have to wait until we swapped to different opponents and hope we claim it first. Sadly, that's what I'll probably have to do to clear the other servers as I doubt will conquer all of what I need. Sitting at 98 percent World Completion, so close!
I find what the TP is most useful for while leveling is filling in any gaps to be at decent blue or green gear at the level requirement for a dungeon. You get fairly heavily penalized for entering a dungeon with outdated gear and it's a quick way to re-equip.

You're probably right about that but I didn't even bother with dungeons until I hit 80 just because it was the first month and you could easily spend a lot of time on wipes that was better suited towards leveling and gathering mats. At least for me. Eventually I'll get all those story modes done though. Someday... lol
Pah, dungeons are the best source of XP in the game by a huuuuuge margin ;)

Not for me during the first month when people were wiping on AC story left and right. It took me 6 different runs before I was finally able to clear it. about 4 of those runs the groups didn't even get past the first boss.
So is the only way to be a commander in WvW buying that 100G item? If so, god ham. I guess you know the person play a lot and efficiently to be rolling in that kind of dough.


The Cryptarch's Bane
So is the only way to be a commander in WvW buying that 100G item? If so, god ham. I guess you know the person play a lot and efficiently to be rolling in that kind of dough.
I don't have any confirmation on this, but I saw the high price point of commander tokens to be an indication that the idea was that a guild or alliance would elect a commander and pool together resources to make the purchase for them.

For the really hardcore out there, 100g wound up not actually being that much of an investment, so I don't know how the plan worked out, exactly :p

On a related note, they really need a guild upgrade that enables you to put an icon above a "guild commander's" head (available as a rank selection). Would be so awesome for our organized events in the open world, because you don't get anyone but the members of your party indicated on your map.
So is the only way to be a commander in WvW buying that 100G item? If so, god ham. I guess you know the person play a lot and efficiently to be rolling in that kind of dough.

or very lucky, forgot to post this yesterday, but one of my guildies has gotten 3 precursor in one week, Dusk from FoTM10, Zap and Colossus from the Mystic Toilet...
I don't have any confirmation on this, but I saw the high price point of commander tokens to be an indication that the idea was that a guild or alliance would elect a commander and pool together resources to make the purchase for them.

For the really hardcore out there, 100g wound up not actually being that much of an investment, so I don't know how the plan worked out, exactly :p

On a related note, they really need a guild upgrade that enables you to put an icon above a "guild commander's" head (available as a rank selection). Would be so awesome for our organized events in the open world, because you don't get anyone but the members of your party indicated on your map.

It's too bad, would have been awesome if I could have become one and tricked my server into serving my selfish needs:

Squalls Wrath: "Alright men, let's storm the Hills, everyone gather on me!

Rest of Tarnished Shore: "But commander, we haven't gathered the necessary supplies to flip the fort and hold it down! We need to escort a few more dolyaks first!"

Squalls Wrath: "Nonsense! With our combined might, we can smash down the gate without any further resources. Just a few steps in and the poi will be ours! Throne room be damned. Line up, meat shields"

Rest of Tarnished Shore: ".................."


I finally hit 80 tonight after about 3 weeks! I'm excited to get geared up so I can contribute in WvW. I am thinking as a start I will get the Karma gear sets (I have a lot of jugs saved up), but does anyone have any recommendations on where to pick up a good hammer as well as all the jewelry?


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hah, nowhere close. The fastest, sure, if you follow a guide and have the gold.

edit: For the hammer you'll want to save up for a dungeon item or just browse the TP. I'm pretty sure there are new jewelry offering at the Orr vendors too, but you might find yourself running out of karma.

On the TP, consider 80 rares, or level 75-79 exotics, for a massive savings over 80 exotics for very negligible difference in stats.
Crafting only gets you 20 levels. I just leveled up chef to 400 on my mesmer and it brought him up that much. Lost around 3 gold though :(


Canadians burned my passport
Crafting only gets you 20 levels. I just leveled up chef to 400 on my mesmer and it brought him up that much. Lost around 3 gold though :(

You can just start another crafting profession and get more and more levels. There's more than enough professions to get you to 80


Leveling eight different crafting professions will run you about 20-25g (including potential value of any mats you possess). Depends on the market.
Alright, I rechecked the satchel stuff and it's the same amount, so it is easier to just craft seperately since I don't need to buy the recipe.


Any tips for dealing with ANet/NCSoft support? I'm trying to register for the forums, but apparently I forget my password for some reason. I'm trying to recover it but I don't have my original serial code. I've given them literally everything else they ask for and apparently that isn't enough. The password is saved on my client so I can play fine, just can't do anything else.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Don't you need to max every crafting profession all the way to 400 to get from 1-80? 20-25g does sound about right for that though.

re: above, without your original password or serial code... :-/ And you can't log in to your account on the site to make a thread on the forums.... hm. Did you get the game digitally?


Yeah, I pre-ordered months before the beta weekends started. Are forums a different registration that the game client? The three things I usually use as my password don't work on the forums, but I don't remember registering there. Apparently to do so you need the serial code, though, which brings me back around. Combing through multiple emails ATM looking for it, but there has to be an easier way to do this.


I recently noticed spell effects for combo projectiles that I had never noticed before. Namely, that shooting through a light field gave my projectiles an electric charge effect. I also noticed that shooting through dark fields gave my projectiles a blacker trail. For some reason, I've never noticed this before. I can't tell if its my not paying attention, something ANet threw in, or a product of the AMD driver update.


I recently noticed spell effects for combo projectiles that I had never noticed before. Namely, that shooting through a light field gave my projectiles an electric charge effect. I also noticed that shooting through dark fields gave my projectiles a blacker trail. For some reason, I've never noticed this before. I can't tell if its my not paying attention, something ANet threw in, or a product of the AMD driver update.

Yep. That's a projectile finish on a combo field.


I recently noticed spell effects for combo projectiles that I had never noticed before. Namely, that shooting through a light field gave my projectiles an electric charge effect. I also noticed that shooting through dark fields gave my projectiles a blacker trail. For some reason, I've never noticed this before. I can't tell if its my not paying attention, something ANet threw in, or a product of the AMD driver update.

And a projectile through a light field will cause confusion.

In related news, Mesmer is now my favorite class. Good lord this class can rock if you play it right.


I like how they made class builds so freeform, but some specs are definitely easier to PvE with than others. Sword and shield is pretty much non-negotiable. I can do greatsword until the shit gets serious, but then the shield has to come out or I just fall over.


Are you Guardian? I actually like Sword + Focus better than Sword and Shield. Both work though. I would like to find something that pairs well with Hammer other than Greatsword (which pairs well with about anything).


And a projectile through a light field will cause confusion.

In related news, Mesmer is now my favorite class. Good lord this class can rock if you play it right.

Ethereal leads to confusion, and yeah, Mesmers piss me off in most solo settings. Especially as a Warrior, I pretty much have to force them onto the back foot for the entire fight or retreat to cover.


Are you Guardian? I actually like Sword + Focus better than Sword and Shield. Both work though. I would like to find something that pairs well with Hammer other than Greatsword (which pairs well with about anything).

Yeah. I was actually just running with Sword + Focus, and it was pretty rough in Diessa Lowlands, even with a full set of level-appropriate blues from crafting. The cooldown that blocks three attacks in a row is nice when it's up, but without it, I'm very vulnerable. I'm running with Signet of Resolve, Bane Signet, Purging Flames. No traits purchased because this is my first character and I'm poor, but I'll probably break down and put points in Valor and Zeal just to improve the QOL.


Mesmers can be bursty and still survive tough situations. Not quite as squshy as a thief or Ele.

I wish thief viability wasn't tied to stealth. They avoided this at launch, but changes since then have recreated the classic stealth class problem.


WvW updates delayed. Nothing this month, some in March. Some pushed further down the line to some time in 2013.



Hey all,
I wanted to quickly give an update on where we stand with upcoming releases for WvW to help give a sense of where we’re at, and set expectations for the coming months. We’re in the midst of finalizing our February release, which I know had been discussed as a potentially large month for WvW additions.

Because of how broad the WvW game type is, and how large testing for features for this area of the game can be we’re going to hold off on any major WvW updates until March to allow a bit more time to test and polish.

March will see the release of the WuvWuv progression system, new ranks you can earn in WvW visible to all other players, and new DubVDub specific abilities/bonuses that you can earn as you rank up. Our team working on WvW will discuss this system in more detail as that date approaches.

Other major systems currently in the works, which will see updates in the future, include:
- Continual work to re-build the way our game loads models and compresses data, to allow for more visible characters/names in WvW in the long run as we build towards removing as much culling as possible from the game.

- Expanding on reasons to be winning in WvW beyond the total weekly score, providing stronger incentives for specific objectives and additional short term goals/rewards for winning minute-to-minute in the WvW maps.

- Providing additional ways for WvW players to earn various power-progression rewards available across the game currently in PvE for participating in WvW content.
- Exploring ways to help get more people playing WvW, as well as dealing with queue issues that come with those inherent issues of player population and demand.
- And of course additional polish and cleanup features to make the general experience in WuvWuv more fun and exciting.

We’ll discuss timelines and more details for the projects for 2013 listed above as they get closer to being finalized and we can safely say we know for sure when they will be released. We’ve recently expanded the staffing on our WvW team to build up and expand this core part of Gw2 even more, and we look forward to sharing with you more details and features in the coming month as this group polishes and grows the WvW experience.

I really hope, at the very least, they have some sort of WvW feature in each patch this year. No more of this 5+ month time frame between major WvW additions/changes. They really need to better balance their PvE, PvP and WvW additions. It's been far too PvE focused.
I kinda meant in this thread, based on how Diablo3 and WoW threads were in the past. I'm kinda disappointed, but at this point I'm sort of beyond caring too.


I kinda meant in this thread, based on how Diablo3 and WoW threads were in the past. I'm kinda disappointed, but at this point I'm sort of beyond caring too.

Well the news is pretty new. Give it time!

Plus, blizz fans have been in an abusive relationship for years. Not everyone will react like them.


The Cryptarch's Bane
It's a pity for sure, but February's a short month. I think the decision to reset the leaderboards came after the discussion of the Feb. patch having the WvW changes, and there's probably a lot of data they'll be able to get during the month starting from a new baseline. Sucks, but I know they're weighing the delay against the potential impact of releasing new features right up against a brand new run of the WvW scoreboards.


Canadians burned my passport
Eh, give them time to get it right. It's not that big a deal. I'd rather see it polished than filled with bugs and balancing issues.


The Cryptarch's Bane
That Colin post just says there will be no WvW updates in Feb, but there is still a Feb update coming out right?
Yep. There's something I really wanted still slated for Feb (for the moment) but I can't remember what it is right now. Damnit.
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