That actually sounds really good. I'm very intimidated by sPvP but the few times I have played were fun asskickings, if asskickings nonetheless. Thursdays I should tend to be on mumble anyways. Problem is that most of this month I am locked out of basically any free time more than a few minutes at a time within the confines of my own home.
Really starting to feel it by the way.

Want my long-as-I-want gaming binges back
In brighter news,
Join your fellow guild members to take on an entirely new category of content! These missions, designed for coordinated group play, include everything from bounties to group puzzles to cross-country challenges. You’ll need to work together to complete the missions and earn new Guild Merits, which can unlock cool upgrades and rewards. It pays to be in a guild!
Um, fuck yeah? Didn't realize this was going to be a part of the Feb. patch.
Also, selectable achievement dailies is the feature I was thinking of. Can't
wait to see what the forum inhabitants come up with to complain about once you can choose which ones you want to do.
Can someone explain how I'm doing event chains wrong?
I have a level 60 ele. I'm assuming the event chains are when you go into a zone, and there is a persistent event up top (independent of hearts).
Yet every time I have this, it seems like nothing is going on. "X is regrouping" "It's eerily calm" ect.
Am I just supposed to wait?
A few things:
1) An "event chain" is just any series of dynamic events that flow into one another. There are
tons. Sometimes they have branching paths based on succces/failure conditions. Typically, when you do a Dynamic Event, you want to stick around for 30 seconds afterward or so and listen to the NPCs- something might happen.
Meta Events are area- or zone-wide event chains that are much larger in scale than the average dynamic event chain, typically involving at least 4 or 5 steps before a large conclusion intended to be completed with a sizable group of players. These are the ones that only pop every so often, and the rest of the time you see the "dormant" messages you're referring to.
3) You're not supposed to wait- I mean, you could if you wanted to, but that sounds boring. You're just supposed to play through the zones, doing events as you see them- you're bound to run into a meta event chain at some point along the way!
4) Meta Events typically reward you with a chest upon completion, unlike typical dynamic events. Not, you know, that chests are all that great, but there you go.
5) Man how can you possibly have made it to level 60 without a single meta event popping for you.