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Guild Wars 2 |OT2| Funding An MMO Entirely On Quaggan Backpacks

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The Cryptarch's Bane
Yep, been using Discovery mostly. Hard to do for armor stuff though. Easy as hell for Chef.

And I'm level 15 now. So I guess the disparity between me and my armor isn't too bad. My weapons are like, level 6 though.

And I've been surviving quite well. Only ever really in trouble of dying when I aggro like 3+ enemies, where 1 of those enemies alone can kill me in like 5 hits. And when that happens I switch to Sword/Warhorn and give myself swiftness, then run like fuck while going back to Greatsword for the Running/Whirl powers.
Gotcha. At that level, you really just want to be focusing on learning your class mechanics, deciding on a preferred weapon set, learning to dodge consistently, etc. You can do very reasonably in that level range just checking the Karma vendors that Hearts become, like Retro said, or looking at every blue and green drop you find to see if it stacks up well.

Note: you can (literally) always buy Whites at your level from merchants in any city (weapon/helm and coin icon, not "cultural"). If you really seriously outclass your weapons or armor, this is a good way to catch back up.

This is most important for dungeons. Dungeons, unlike the open world, punish the crap out of you for not having gear at your level (level's all that really matters though. You can do just fine with gear of any rarity within a dungeon; there are no traditional "gear checks," ever).

Haven't had a single karma jug/vial drop. I did get one from the free key/chest you get during personal story. I'll stop hoarding though.
You get them from dailies, every day, and 10 from monthlies...
I like that the dungeon armors indicate visually that you ran that dungeon to obtain them. I can recognize almost all of them instantly.

Having shared tokens is also the kind of idea rife for abuse. Everyone would be able to (and would) spam the easiest path and buy the Arah gear.

A conversion recipe for the mystic forge sounds fine to me though. It would mean running the "right" dungeon would still get you the gear faster but that there was a gear-related use for tokens from a dungeon you no longer wanted gear from, and a reason to want the tokens from any dungeon rather than a specific one, making "help runs" more beneficial for everyone.

I'm going to be perfectly honest with you guys though, tokens have become third on my list of reasons to run any particular dungeon. They are such fantastic sources of gold and XP that I consider the tokens almost a bonus reward that I can use to get the right-stat version of a gear piece I need, or a skin that I like, by just saving up and then using them when I need them. I have piles from every dungeon but Arah now (121... :p).

I like that each dungeon requires you to run it to get the specific tokens. It can be a little grindy and daunting at first, but I think they come fast enough you can get quite a lot of pieces in about a week of regular runs.

That said, I think they could implement a few more Bags of Wonderous Goods so it isn't quite as grindy. Maybe finishing the dungeon faster than usual or just throwing in a ton of random encounters that can happen (like the troll in AC).

I also wouldn't mind some kind of conversion process, but one that comes at a loss. Maybe 10 of any token can be converted into 5 of a specific one.

I don't really see it as abusing it because I think most people wear whatever they think looks the coolest, not for prestige if they don't like it. I know some do it for prestige and rarity but I would expect more people than not wouldn't wear something they didn't like at all just because it's rarer (again, I know some would/will). I just know that as a developer, I'd care more about many users not willing to participate in 95 percent of the dungeons because they have to grind out one for the armor they want versus some people abusing getting aesthetic armor from a higher dungeon zone. You have to keep in mind that there are people that don't really like dungeons much or at least not enough to repeatedly do runs, this is a big deal for those people. For those that love dungeon runs or do them for various benefits like you guys, it wouldn't be much of an issue I'd imagine. It's a matter of choosing your battles I guess, since not everyone is the same. The conversion of tokens you guys reference might be a happy medium for everyone, depending on how steep it is.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I think the prestige aspect comes from both sides, i.e. if I see a person in full Arah gear, I know all the craziness that went into getting it. Some dungeon armors are harder to get than others and that's clearly by design. Prestige armor sets in GW1 had this same effect; if I saw an Obsidian set on someone I knew exactly what they had to do to get it.

I understand that you think there should be a way to get the armor from any dungeon by doing any other, because then people can get the armor look that they want while not having to necessarily repeat the same dungeon to demonstrate this mastery. Some kind of conversion is exactly a compromise between those two camps.

I'm not altogether sold on the concept that it's more beneficial for the devs to design first and foremost around the people that don't like the dungeons. I think that starts a dangerous walk down the path of just making everything easier and easier in a blanket sweep. That said, I think that (regardless of the token/reward aspect) there are definitely a ton of things that can be done to make dungeons more interesting and welcoming for new players, and hopefully they'll be implemented with "Phase II" of the dungeon updates.
I think the prestige aspect comes from both sides, i.e. if I see a person in full Arah gear, I know all the craziness that went into getting it. Some dungeon armors are harder to get than others and that's clearly by design. Prestige armor sets in GW1 had this same effect; if I saw an Obsidian set on someone I knew exactly what they had to do to get it.

I understand that you think there should be a way to get the armor from any dungeon by doing any other, because then people can get the armor look that they want while not having to necessarily repeat the same dungeon to demonstrate this mastery. Some kind of conversion is exactly a compromise between those two camps.

I'm not altogether sold on the concept that it's more beneficial for the devs to design first and foremost around the people that don't like the dungeons. I think that starts a dangerous walk down the path of just making everything easier and easier in a blanket sweep. That said, I think that (regardless of the token/reward aspect) there are definitely a ton of things that can be done to make dungeons more interesting and welcoming for new players, and hopefully they'll be implemented with "Phase II" of the dungeon updates.

I guess I just don't see how it's difficult to beat the same thing repeatedly. Maybe it's a struggle the first time, but once you get it down, not at all. You know many of these guys are running with the same group and get it down to a science. At this point it's a grind fest which ultimately, becomes a job. I would think the idea is to get players to invest hours in the game-heck, you're still having them invest all the time in dungeon runs, just not the same dungeon every single time. I'm not saying center things around those that don't enjoy dungeons, I'm just against the idea of grinding the same content repeatedly. If you allow for all dungeons to have one currency, a person could do each path of all the dungeons and earn quite a bit towards an armor set all while experiencing original content. I just think it encourages more gamers to play more content. You're going to have individuals that abuse CoF 1, that's why I said the devs would have to choose their battle. Is it a bigger deal to them to have some abusers of an aesthetic reward out there? Or for some gamers to be turned off or lacking incentive to do most of the dungeon content because of the token system? Again, the token conversion could be a happy medium between the two. Though the abusers of the quickest path will still have their way. Heck, you could at least make Fractal tokens that work on any of the dungeon vendors. Make higher token rewards the higher the dungeon level. I would think that would be more skill-centric than repeatedly running the same Arah paths. This would at least give you the 4 paths for a dungeon plus all the fractal paths and the fractals get more difficult to make things more interesting. A lot more going on there than being limited to 4 paths for the armor you want.
Gotcha. At that level, you really just want to be focusing on learning your class mechanics, deciding on a preferred weapon set, learning to dodge consistently, etc.

Alright. I think I like Greatsword, and Sword/Warhorn.

Hammer sucks. Haven't used Axe or Shield. Rifle was fun, but I like being in the enemy's face.

Also dodging seems weird. I'm really good at dodging some enemies. A few mini-bosses have telegraphed attacked making it easy. Then there are things like, wasps/mosquitoes. How do I dodge those? They attack with almost no animation. And I can only dodge twice before running out of Endurance. And then it takes a bit to recharge that Endurance bar. They attack way faster than it recharges though so I almost feel dodging is pointless against them.

Then again, they do little damage. So maybe enemies like that just aren't meant for dodging.


Yay all orichalcum ore refined and greatsword blades bought. Need to make gift of light (have all the mats for that too) and collect near round 70 MOAR lodestones, and foefire's essence shall be mine.....figure I have about a month left.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hah. I don't remember this being here before...




The Cryptarch's Bane
Better shot of the new preview interface (such a blessing for Asura, goddamn), along with what I'm pretty sure are a bunch of brand new exotics on the TP? Guess Apothecary's Destroyer stuff and those named ones are all old, nevermind that bit.

Is it relatively easy to get end-game gear as a casual player or will I need to join a team of professional dungeon runners to get some decent stuff?

I'm looking at YOU Maple Story.


Is it relatively easy to get end-game gear as a casual player or will I need to join a team of professional dungeon runners to get some decent stuff?

It's not instantaneous, but just run dungeons with gaf every so often and you will be able to get exotic gear pretty easy.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Very, very, very easy compared to almost any game I've played or heard described. Dungeons not necessary.

Guild Wars 1 is actually the only game I can think of that made it easier. Game had a level cap of 20 :p


The Cryptarch's Bane
Oh, dungeons are awesome. Awesome sources of everything, basically, except stuff having to do with Ascended gear.

But yeah, you can get plenty of Karma elsewhere, and you could craft your end-game armor too if you wanted, or save up gold doing other stuff and buy them on the TP.

Either way, I mean, it's pretty trivial to get a set of endgame gear especially if you're not a stickler for level 80 or nothing grrrr must have best-type caveats.
It's not instantaneous, but just run dungeons with gaf every so often and you will be able to get exotic gear pretty easy.

Is Exotic gear typically worn for what it is, or do you buy it for the appearance and trasmute better stats on to it?

Also the Warrior shout "Shake it Off" seems lameeeee. Cure only ONE condition? :/


The Cryptarch's Bane
Is Exotic gear typically worn for what it is, or do you buy it for the appearance and trasmute better stats on to it?
It's like

Exotic gear is the highest tier of stats (except Ascended which only concerns a few slots, but don't worry about it)

You can transmute whatever skin you like onto them if you don't like the skins, but lots of the exotics you can get with dungeon tokens are very cool skins people want anyway.

Some of the very priciest skins though (cultural armor and weapons) are sold as rares (the tier below exotic), so those are sold just for the appearance, for you to transmute onto whatever exotic.


Is Exotic gear typically worn for what it is, or do you buy it for the appearance and trasmute better stats on to it?

By "exotic" gear, I just mean the tier of equipment with the best stats in the game. For instance, some of the most expensive armor in the game, cultural armor, is only rare (tier lower than exotic), but I transmuted the rare look of the cultural armor over the better stats of the not as rare exotic armor. I hope that makes sense.

Basically, when I say exotic, I mean "end game stats" armor. Haven't factored in "prestige" or anything like that.


I guess I just don't see how it's difficult to beat the same thing repeatedly. Maybe it's a struggle the first time, but once you get it down, not at all. You know many of these guys are running with the same group and get it down to a science. At this point it's a grind fest which ultimately, becomes a job. I would think the idea is to get players to invest hours in the game-heck, you're still having them invest all the time in dungeon runs, just not the same dungeon every single time. I'm not saying center things around those that don't enjoy dungeons, I'm just against the idea of grinding the same content repeatedly. If you allow for all dungeons to have one currency, a person could do each path of all the dungeons and earn quite a bit towards an armor set all while experiencing original content. I just think it encourages more gamers to play more content. You're going to have individuals that abuse CoF 1, that's why I said the devs would have to choose their battle. Is it a bigger deal to them to have some abusers of an aesthetic reward out there? Or for some gamers to be turned off or lacking incentive to do most of the dungeon content because of the token system? Again, the token conversion could be a happy medium between the two. Though the abusers of the quickest path will still have their way. Heck, you could at least make Fractal tokens that work on any of the dungeon vendors. Make higher token rewards the higher the dungeon level. I would think that would be more skill-centric than repeatedly running the same Arah paths. This would at least give you the 4 paths for a dungeon plus all the fractal paths and the fractals get more difficult to make things more interesting. A lot more going on there than being limited to 4 paths for the armor you want.

You happen to be in the minority. The problem is that when people find a way to do something as efficiently and as fast as possible, such as CoF pre-"nerf", they will do it. Then you'll have the people that want to actually experience the content that either leave these groups or get kicked out because they actually want to "experience" the content. In essence, you end up having to conform and run with these guys or go through the trouble of creating a group that's actually willing to go in with the same mindset as you. On top of that, it was quicker/cheaper than crafting at the time for a full set of exotic gear. I don't quite see token conversions working either because they would then actually have to put each dungeon at a certain level so that tokens would be exchanged in a manner where Arah would probably be worth the most.

"Time is money, friend!"

I personally feel all the dungeons and their varying levels of difficulty are kind of on an even level as other dungeons, just in different ways/different points. The only dungeon worthy of "difficult" at this point from my point of view is Arah due to it being run less by the masses so the ideal/perfect movements haven't been defined as well. That and I think one of the paths still need fixing? I also still see Arah being slightly more difficult because even with experienced groups it still has a level of difficulty. I've gone in with groups I completely trust to back me up on the same level I would with them and still find that we have difficulties.


Is Exotic gear typically worn for what it is, or do you buy it for the appearance and trasmute better stats on to it?

Also the Warrior shout "Shake it Off" seems lameeeee. Cure only ONE condition? :/


Sometimes your efforts get you an exotic armor item with the look and stats you want. Sometimes you just get it for stats and transmute a look later if you want.

Exotics are attained via:

-Very rare drops - costs you luck
-Mystic Forge crafting - costs you luck and gold
-Crafting Profession - costs you gold and mats
-Dungeon token rewards - costs time running the dungeons
-Karma Vendors - costs time and doing your dailies
-Trading Post - costs gold


Hammer sucks. Haven't used Axe or Shield. Rifle was fun, but I like being in the enemy's face.

Also dodging seems weird. I'm really good at dodging some enemies. A few mini-bosses have telegraphed attacked making it easy. Then there are things like, wasps/mosquitoes. How do I dodge those? They attack with almost no animation. And I can only dodge twice before running out of Endurance. And then it takes a bit to recharge that Endurance bar. They attack way faster than it recharges though so I almost feel dodging is pointless against them.

Then again, they do little damage. So maybe enemies like that just aren't meant for dodging.
- Warrior hammer doesn't feel meaty enough, but considering how good everything else is, I really don't have any room to complain. Wish it had more 'oomph' or was a little quicker.

- Axe is good, give it a try. I usually run Sword/Axe for the Fury generation / AOE Spin. Warhorn in WvW for sure though.

- Shield can be fun, especially if you trait to reflect projectiles. The stun can be a lifesaver too. Millage varies in dungeons as most bosses are immune to that kind of stuff.

- I always pack a rifle, just because I can dodge out when things get dicey and keep up my damage. I run a bleed build so the auto attack works. Cripple for kiting, vulnerability for damage (compliments "On my Mark!"), knockback for FUCKYEAH-ery, and the 3 skill (Volley) delivers a lot of damage quickly. It's very good on some bosses you'll see later (Grawl Shaman in Fractals, for example).

- We're warriors, we don't need to dodge mosquitoes and wasps.

- That said, Warhorn 5 gives you Vigor (faster endurance regen) and a few weapons (mainhand mace, off-hand sword) have 'parry' abilities where you enter a defensive stance and block and riposte the next attack. Shield also can block, obviously.​

Better shot of the new preview interface (such a blessing for Asura, goddamn)

NICE, been waiting for the "Stowed / wielded / weapon only" option too. This will make it much easier to gussy up my alts.

Is it relatively easy to get end-game gear as a casual player or will I need to join a team of professional dungeon runners to get some decent stuff?

The only professionals in GW2 are Gold Farmers, and their days are numbered.

Seriously though, you've seen guild chat... "Anyone want to come to x?" pops up pretty regularly in the evenings. You can also hit up karma vendors (Orr has karma vendors that sell exotics), buy them off the trading post, and god knows what else they'll be adding in the WvW progression update (if that's your thing). Dungeons are the most reliable, probably... and the most fun, if I may say so.

Also the Warrior shout "Shake it Off" seems lameeeee. Cure only ONE condition? :/

- Cures one condition on yourself and everyone around you.
- Breaks stuns, very useful.
- Though technically not a 'stun', if you're knocked down, you get up immediately. Very useful since some enemies love to pounce on you later (Graveling Scavengers can eat me... Oh wait, no they can't anymore!).
- Only a 25 second refresh rate. That's 5 seconds faster than any other classes' on-demand condition removal (Shadow Return for thieves is faster and Mesmers have the Powerbreak Mantra, but for a straight skill, SIO is king).​

Also, it will remove two conditions if you stack Soldier Runes in your armor like I do (Healing/shout build, so it makes sense), but that's just me. It's not required by any means, but of the three shouts I run with ("For Great Justice!" and "On my Mark!" by the way), SIO! is the shout I'd replace last and miss the most.
You happen to be in the minority. The problem is that when people find a way to do something as efficiently and as fast as possible, such as CoF pre-"nerf", they will do it. Then you'll have the people that want to actually experience the content that either leave these groups or get kicked out because they actually want to "experience" the content. In essence, you end up having to conform and run with these guys or go through the trouble of creating a group that's actually willing to go in with the same mindset as you. On top of that, it was quicker/cheaper than crafting at the time for a full set of exotic gear. I don't quite see token conversions working either because they would then actually have to put each dungeon at a certain level so that tokens would be exchanged in a manner where Arah would probably be worth the most.

"Time is money, friend!"

I personally feel all the dungeons and their varying levels of difficulty are kind of on an even level as other dungeons, just in different ways/different points. The only dungeon worthy of "difficult" at this point from my point of view is Arah due to it being run less by the masses so the ideal/perfect movements haven't been defined as well. That and I think one of the paths still need fixing? I also still see Arah being slightly more difficult because even with experienced groups it still has a level of difficulty. I've gone in with groups I completely trust to back me up on the same level I would with them and still find that we have difficulties.
For starters, I highly, highly doubt I'm in the minority though it's impossible to say because you're going off of the opinion of yourself and the people you play with and I'm doing the same. Not everyone that plays this game is accustomed to playing MMOs and grind fests. I don't see anything in your first paragraph that is a problem besides your comment on those that would abuse it and I've already addressed that with my past few previous posts. Which is the lesser evil? is the questions the devs must ask themselves. When you buy exotics with tokens, are the exotic armor themselves soulbound? I'm guessing no and if that's the case, people can simply sell it, accumulate gold, and buy say an Arah set anyway. So they could still grind CoF 1 and get the same exact results. Even if it is soulbound, there's always a way to abuse or exploit a system and you can't stop it all. You can't let those people dictate how you make your game, at least if it's not something that will affect other players negatively. This is purely aesthetic, how does that out-weigh encouraging more people to play a greater variety of dungeons and more dungeon runs in general as those that would have to grind one dungeon for their armor may just avoid it out right.

If you don't mind replaying the exact same thing over and over again for whatever reason be it great monetary gains, because friends want to, etc. then ace. As a developer, you need to consider solutions that appease the most people so long as it doesn't ruin the game by the effort. Is seeing more people in Arah gear really ruining anyone's experience? Is that really a legitimate concern? Does it even come close to the weight of turning people off from obtaining any dungeon set armor outright? I'm arguing from the position that it doesn't. Need something more prestigious to make those that invest more time and effort happy? Create Legendary armor and they will get all the bragging rights they desire and it'd be far more impressive than completing the same dungeon run countless times.


The tendency to skip as much content ont he way to rewards kind of soured me on my gw2lfg.com experience. I've been wanting to do SE exp to get the visual look for my Charr Engineer, so I did a SE run with a gw2lfg pug and I'd say they skipped about 75% of the dungeon through various tricks. I hadn't done the dungeon that way and was struggling to keep up. Eventually I just kept following them and ignoring mobs, but I didn't really like the experience. They also used an area of terrain to beat the final boss without ever really having to fight it. Just spamming ranged 1 attacks from a terrace. Overall, the run was quick but it was boring.


The tendency to skip as much content ont he way to rewards kind of soured me on my gw2lfg.com experience. I've been wanting to do SE exp to get the visual look for my Charr Engineer, so I did a SE run with a gw2lfg pug and I'd say they skipped about 75% of the dungeon through various tricks. I hadn't done the dungeon that way and was struggling to keep up. Eventually I just kept following them and ignoring mobs, but I didn't really like the experience. They also used an area of terrain to beat the final boss without ever really having to fight it. Just spamming ranged 1 attacks from a terrace. Overall, the run was quick but it was boring.

Crap like that needs to be reported. Not only that, but you could post that kinda thing here and one of us will mention it to an ANet employee the next time we see 'em.


For starters, I highly, highly doubt I'm in the minority though it's impossible to say because you're going off of the opinion of yourself and the people you play with and I'm doing the same. Not everyone that plays this game is accustomed to playing MMOs and grind fests. I don't see anything in your first paragraph that is a problem besides your comment on those that would abuse it and I've already addressed that with my past few previous posts. Which is the lesser evil? is the questions the devs must ask themselves. When you buy exotics with tokens, are the exotic armor themselves soulbound? I'm guessing no and if that's the case, people can simply sell it, accumulate gold, and buy say an Arah set anyway. So they could still grind CoF 1 and get the same exact results. Even if it is soulbound, there's always a way to abuse or exploit a system and you can't stop it all. You can't let those people dictate how you make your game, at least if it's not something that will affect other players negatively. This is purely aesthetic, how does that out-weigh encouraging more people to play a greater variety of dungeons and more dungeon runs in general as those that would have to grind one dungeon for their armor may just avoid it out right.

If you don't mind replaying the exact same thing over and over again for whatever reason be it great monetary gains, because friends want to, etc. then ace. As a developer, you need to consider solutions that appease the most people so long as it doesn't ruin the game by the effort. Is seeing more people in Arah gear really ruining anyone's experience? Is that really a legitimate concern? Does it even come close to the weight of turning people off from obtaining any dungeon set armor outright? I'm arguing from the position that it doesn't. Need something more prestigious to make those that invest more time and effort happy? Create Legendary armor and they will get all the bragging rights they desire and it'd be far more impressive than completing the same dungeon run countless times.

That is exactly why I separated them and maybe it's not the minority but it's also not a majority. None of us know exactly which categories each part of the total population fall under, and I'm aware of that. I'm also saying that even though people may want to go through content, it's not a given that they'll want to do all the content (as in the entire storyline spread over the different dungeons, not such as skipping this part and using terrain to skip certain aspects of a fight). I also understand that people don't want to grind, as that's why there are other means to getting gear of the same stats. The only difference is in looks and that's where the grind comes in. This is where I disagree and end up seeing you as the vocal group that wants _________________. Is there anything wrong with seeing more people in Arah gear? No, not at all. At the same time, what's wrong with the crafted sets that give the exact same stats with a different look?

I'll throw it out right now that I don't agree with everything everything being accessible to everyone. This just supports all the whining that happened with the pre-cursors from the karka chest during the event. Im also not saying that people don't deserve exotics because they don't do dungeons or can't afford to craft it. All gear has the same total stat values at each of the item levels but the item's skin is what differentiates it and kind of shows what extent of playing a person has done and the experiences they've been through.

Like I said, token exchange isn't a bad idea but would need a lot more refinement. It'd also end up giving dungeons ranks in terms of difficulty or there would be no way to determine a "fair" rate of trade for say.. CoF/AC tokens to Shards of Zhaitan. What we could suggest is based on what we feel about each dungeon, but the developers don't share the same views.

As for legendary armor, no. That would break what little people are holding onto in terms of believing ANet for no vertical progression. If there's anything I missed, please drill me on it.

Edit: This just hit me. I see the game as a "dress-up" game. The base level end gear is provided, the WvW scales you up, the SPvP gives you the stats from the amulets. If they were to give you all the outfits as well, what else do you work for that's not just another "level-up?"


Bottom Line: GW2 gives people more ways to earn 'end game' gear than any other MMO I've played, and they're likely to add more "Soon™" via WvW Progression. There's a lot more options than your average WoW-clone where raiding, raiding and raiding is the only way to get the best gear. The only thing that's actually hard to come by are the cosmetics attached to certain pieces which are entirely optional. If you want to strut around in Arah Gear like a badass, you need to deal with Arah. But from a gameplay standpoint, looks means nothing. The "End Game" is in fact all about having fun, doing new content/content you haven't seen before and dressing up.


At last. It really should have been in the game at launch.

Given the trading post wasn't that might be a bit unreasonable! Still, I'm surprised it has taken so long to implement.

The trading post was in at launch, they just had to take it down almost immediately after the headstart =p

I believe the delay on previewing had to do with the browser-based approach they took to the TP, which was done (I assume) to facilitate something like a mobile app further down the road.
The trading post was in at launch, they just had to take it down almost immediately after the headstart =p

Ah. Due to a GMG debacle I received my key a few days after launch, so maybe I missed that.

I believe the delay on previewing had to do with the browser-based approach they took to the TP, which was done (I assume) to facilitate something like a mobile app further down the road.

Sounds reasonable, thanks for the explanation.
Right, but we are talking about people specifically wanting a particular dungeon gear and the best way to go about that between them grinding the same dungeon over and over again or the ability to do every dungeon for variety should they will it, and still be able to get the dungeon armor they want. Like Retro said, it's about FUN. If you have one type of token, people actually have a choice which means they will get to do what they consider fun rather than constant grinding of one location which isn't fun at all for many people. We're not talking about putting in time for the top stats here which you can get those stats multiple ways as you guys just pointed out, we're talking aesthetics. If you want prestigious armor for bragging rights, armor that 'won't necessarily be accessible to everyone' make the Legendary Armor. They already did it for weapons so how would armor affect vertical progression? It already exists.
Right, but we are talking about people specifically wanting a particular dungeon gear and the best way to go about that between them grinding the same dungeon over and over again or the ability to do every dungeon for variety should they will it, and still be able to get the dungeon armor they want. Like Retro said, it's about FUN. If you have one type of token, people actually have a choice which means they will get to do what they consider fun rather than constant grinding of one location which isn't fun at all for many people. We're not talking about putting in time for the top stats here which you can get those stats multiple ways as you guys just pointed out, we're talking aesthetics. If you want prestigious armor for bragging rights, armor that 'won't necessarily be accessible to everyone' make the Legendary Armor. They already did it for weapons so how would armor affect vertical progression? It already exists.

They have the metrics of who runs what and judging by the decisions they've made, people have been choosing the shortest path. What you're proposing is a pipe dream so long as people are lazy. Sure both sides can say "well you don't know if your stance is 'minority' or 'majority' so you can't say that!" but it's pretty common in the history of MMO's that most choose the path of least resistance and the rest are forced to succumb to it.

The amount of people who would form special groups and run dungeons for variety's sake is small. And a lot of those people would be forced to run whatever the FOTM Short Run dungeon and path is anytime they wanted to progress and their specific group isn't on. That's just how it always evolves with these things.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Right, but we are talking about people specifically wanting a particular dungeon gear and the best way to go about that between them grinding the same dungeon over and over again or the ability to do every dungeon for variety should they will it, and still be able to get the dungeon armor they want. Like Retro said, it's about FUN. If you have one type of token, people actually have a choice which means they will get to do what they consider fun rather than constant grinding of one location which isn't fun at all for many people. We're not talking about putting in time for the top stats here which you can get those stats multiple ways as you guys just pointed out, we're talking aesthetics. If you want prestigious armor for bragging rights, armor that 'won't necessarily be accessible to everyone' make the Legendary Armor. They already did it for weapons so how would armor affect vertical progression? It already exists.

I don't understand why you view a potential Legendary Armor as so distinct from the tougher dungeon armors. Katoki, I'm sure he just meant more aesthetically distinct armors, not statistically better ones. So they are both prestige aesthetics; the exotic armors with equivalent stats are easily obtainable many other ways.

It's just a difference of opinion. I absolutely want Arah gear to be legitimtaely harder to get than AC gear. Your point about "what's difficult about repeating content" falls a little flat- Arah is just objectively the toughest dungeon. It's hard. It feels satisfying to beat. It's not that seeing more Arah gear everywhere would be bad or ruin the game, it would just lose the meaning that it has.

I think you might also have misinterpreted the point Katoki was trying to make with the majority/minority business. He wasn't talking about his anecdotal experience of playing with people, he was relating the anecdotal experience we all saw as observers in the early days of the game. Before COF was nerfed to its still-easy-but-reasonable current form, COF gear was absolutely everywhere. To the point where I consciously thought, "there's somebody who just took the path of least resistance" immediately upon seeing it. It also put me off from wanting any of that gear for a long time- until Halloween, actually, when it was notably less common, and even then I went for a less common usage of it (the medium shoulders are not visible if also wearing the chestpiece).

That's sort of the crux of the thing. Your anecdotal experience with the way you want to run dungeons would make a universal token arrangement perfect for you. But you're framing it in terms of the game-runners' perspective. And the tragic truth is that a massive number of gamers will take the path of least resistance offered, regardless of "fun," regardless of "honor," even regardless of legitimacy, as seen in the regular use and patching of exploits.

The net effect would almost undoubtedly not be an increase in the running of all paths because you could now get any armor with tokens from any dungeon- instead, the masses would converge on the easiest runs to an even greater extent than they are now- making it, for the primest example, even tougher to get a good Arah group than it is now, because you wouldn't need to run Arah to get Arah gear anymore. I hope that makes sense.

I do still see a sliding scale for token conversion to be a reasonable compromise. The key is that it's still tougher on an objective basis to get some aesthetics than others. The concept of "everything for everybody" is laudable but I believe it should really only extend to a certain point- stat parity, and a variety of options for looks- both of which already exist to a huge degree. Some things need to be harder to obtain.


They have the metrics of who runs what and judging by the decisions they've made, people have been choosing the shortest path. What you're proposing is a pipe dream so long as people are lazy. Sure both sides can say "well you don't know if your stance is 'minority' or 'majority' so you can't say that!" but it's pretty common in the history of MMO's that most choose the path of least resistance and the rest are forced to succumb to it.

The amount of people who would form special groups and run dungeons for variety's sake is small. And a lot of those people would be forced to run whatever the FOTM Short Run dungeon and path is anytime they wanted to progress and their specific group isn't on. That's just how it always evolves with these things.

Pretty much dead on. While GAF may be packed to the rafters with exceptions, the majority of MMO players will always take the path of least resistance. No side of any discussion to be on here, that's a verifiable fact. Whatever is fastest/easiest will become the defacto norm and all other content will be ignored.

Alright so let me know when (EST) on Saturday you guys are going to WvW. I'd love to get into that, but I don't know the first thing about it.

There's actually an "Intro to WvW" night organized by the Stormbluff Isle community, you can find more details here.

Also, this: http://stormbluffisle.com/index.php/forum/wvw/656-the-golden-list-of-wvw-do-s-and-don-ts
With super mobile enemies it can be hard to hit them... because my character doesn't automatically turn to face them :/

Also I haven't a clue how to spec a decent warrior. Are there any guides that show math behind trait choices and such?
Arah 4 is the last path of the last dungeon, and it contains a DPS-check boss named Simin which is very frustrating for many groups to defeat.

By DPS check I assume that means he has massive regeneration?

If anyone plays Warriors, how useful is the Tactics line? Healing shouts looks attractive, but I'm afraid I'm making myself a shitty psuedo-Guardian.


Had a nice break from GW2, feel like poking around with some of the new stuff. I'm curious, how many more Ascended items have been added since the Wintersday event? Is it just amulets?


Just amulets.

By DPS check I assume that means he has massive regeneration?

If anyone plays Warriors, how useful is the Tactics line? Healing shouts looks attractive, but I'm afraid I'm making myself a shitty psuedo-Guardian.

Very massive, combined with a period of invulnerability where you must corral some sparks to make her reappear. Gathering the sparks relies on AI pathfinding, and we all know that is always a crap shoot.

I don't bother with tactics but I believe is is good for the trait which allows you to break stun with movement skills.


I don't bother with tactics but I believe is is good for the trait which allows you to break stun with movement skills.

You're thinking Discipline. Tactics is the Vitality/Boon Duration line with healing shouts / banners.

If anyone plays Warriors, how useful is the Tactics line? Healing shouts looks attractive, but I'm afraid I'm making myself a shitty psuedo-Guardian.

You won't be. Don't worry about taking another profession's role or anything like that; healing is healing, and that's useful for everyone because heals in GW2 are for pretty small amounts.

Tactics is a solid line for dungeon support;
- You revive faster (always good), and gain toughness while reviving (very good, at 80 this works out to 400 toughness; more than if you went 30 points in the Defense line)
- You grant might on revive (not amazing, but useful)

Additionally, a trait like Empowered (increased damage for every boon on you) can be obscenely good since there's usually a ton of boons flying around anyways. Round it out with Lung Capacity (Shouts recharge 20% faster) and Vigorous shouts (shouts heal) and you have a solid support build. You can put points in any of the other trait lines and still be pretty kick ass (I go 25 in arms and run a high crit/bleed build in addition to support).

Worth noting that Tactics line will also be useful for you in WvW: Quick Breathing (Warhorn skills convert conditions to boons and recharge 20% faster) will give you constant swiftness and help thin out conditions on yourself and those around you. There's also two traits in the line related to the Longbow, which is going to be your ranged weapon of choice in WvW for all of the AOE.

There's a LOT of good Warrior builds, and they're all in a really good place. I happen to like the Crit/Bleed/Support spec, but poke around GW2 Database's builds section and see if any sound good.

Edit: Oh yeah, if shouts aren't your thing, you can also roll with a banner build: Inspiring Banners will make them affect a wider area and cool down faster, and Inspiring Battle Standard will cause them to grant regen. It's not as effective as shouts, but it's an option. I've never tried it, but YMMV
Basically I'm worried I'm going to have a build useless (or well... not useful compared to better builds) for dungeons and WvW. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Canadians burned my passport
Spent 5 hours in arah4, gave up on simin after 3 hours of trying.

What a stupid piece of shit boss design.

Is she supposed to be invulnerable while healing?


Basically I'm worried I'm going to have a build useless (or well... not useful compared to better builds) for dungeons and WvW. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I wouldn't worry too much about it. No one in the guild asks what you're running when you join up.

Spent 5 hours in arah4, gave up on simin after 3 hours of trying.

What a stupid piece of shit boss design.

They have to adjust that at some point...


Canadians burned my passport
She keeps stealthing at 50% no matter what we did. We had to use the 4/5 spark exploit to get her below that but hit another stealth wall at 25%.

it's pure bullshit.


Yes she is supposed to be invulnerable. The amount of time she can be damaged after setting the sparks seems random, once it felt like 5 seconds :/
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