Basically I'm worried I'm going to have a build useless (or well... not useful compared to better builds) for dungeons and WvW. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Wouldn't worry about it until you're much higher level, and as Khold said, nobody in this guild is going to nitpick about your build anyways. Do what feels awesome for you, it's kinda hard to screw up unless you're purposely trying (Grabbing longbow traits when you don't use one, etc.)
Is this your first MMO? Because if not, you can safely throw out a lot of what you learned about the mentality and demands of other players. You can also feel free to toss out the idea that your build defines you; being a skillful player beats having an optimized build any day of the week. Knowing how to read a fight, when to revive a downed comrade, dodge, swap and heal is going to help you in the long run a lot more than having every point in the right place.
Builds are important, but not the be-all-end-all of the game.