Alright, this'll do, check ze traits.
So my Mesmer is 0-30-15-0-25; I switch the traits to switch builds, I never respec (until they add templates this is how I'm doing all my characters).
Control Build
Scepter/Sword (Sigils of Corruption/Energy)
Sword/Torch (Sigils of Strength/Force)
Centaur Rune (12s Swiftness on Heal)
This is my everyday, mass confusion build. I confuse all the things! This is what I use out in the open world- note, I'm not using a focus, so really the primary function of the Rune is to make up for how damn slow Mesmers are. With Mirror I only have 3 seconds of downtime without swiftness at any time. I'll swap Mirror for Ether Feast in Dungeons.
Support Build
Staff (Sigil of Battle)
Sword/Sword (Sigils of Strength/Energy)
Dwayna Rune (Regeneration+Protection on Heal).
This is the build we've been talking about, focused on staying alive and spreading ze boons around. While looking at the calculator I decided to try something out, since I'm ditching that +armor mantras trait. There's an interesting trait synergy with Blurred Inscriptions and Masterful Distortion. Basically now when I use Signet of Inspiration I become a totally invincible reflecty-face for a second. I'll have to see how it works in practice but I think it definitely fits in with my build. Note I've swapped the heal for the Mantra- despite the bummer that I have to wait 15s instead of the 10 I thought, it's still amazing- proc on the mantra prepare, wait 15s, instant proc on heal 1, wait 15s, instant proc on heal 2. It's great seeing boons I barely ever got before (regen and protection) all the time now, and landing a big boon "spike" to the whole party with the signet is incredibly satisfying.
edit: Yup, I swapped out Mirror Images for Feedback with this. Thanks etiolate... etiolate... etiolate... (this is an echo pun.)
The Dwayna rune is really perfect for what I'm going for. Reliable protection for the whole team is delicious!
I haven't finished my damage build yet. When I do I'll link to it too (and make a pretty chart graphic like I did for my thief).
Bah school work is getting in the way of GW2. I'll probably sign back on in a week or two. Dont kick me from the guild!
Oh how do you deal with fucking Confusion? I've had my character die from autoattack not canceling itself on Confusion.
Sheathing your weapons stops autoattack. Pretty advanced stuff here though, most players do exactly what happened to you, to my glorious amusement
Squall said:
I forget what Illusionary Persona is, will have to look it up.
When you Shatter, the shatter happens on
you, too.