More snips:
Fixed a bug on certain world boss chests that was causing them to drop fewer rewards than intended. These chests can now only be looted once per day, to encourage players to fight multiple bosses and spread out across the world.
This will break up the Frozen Maw farming, but I wonder... it seems to me that for them to impose such a harsh restriction, the reward amounts must really have been bugged significantly. Maybe wishful thinking
Daily achievement tracker now preserves expansion state.
Such a subtle quality of life thing, but this is huge for me.
Fixed a bug that caused loot chests to spawn incorrectly during group play. Loot chests are now created for items of rarity “rare” and above.
Great change. Now you know exactly what those leetle chests mean, and they mean LOOTS.
Fixed a bug where backpack pieces on players in transformations would render at an incorrect location.
Daw no more giant plush quaggans on the floor.
Lesser air elementals now have legs and a tail.
Timberline Falls: Fixed a bug in the “Partake in the moot” region so that passed-out drunks should no longer enter a comatose state where they ignore being splashed by water.
Okay, had literally no idea that was a bug.
Renamed rare armors from Dungeon reward vendors to appropriately reflect their models.
Hah. Someone tell me what they're called now?
Fixed a number of Mystic Forge recipes that had a chance of returning nothing. Zommoros apologizes for his thievery.
Crafty Zommoros.
Increased the drop rate of exotics in the profession gear boxes sold by laurel vendors.
Ranger gear boxes no longer drop rifles.
Looks like those might be a more viable way to gear up now.
Additional ghostly allies will now join Kholer during his encounter.
Ohhh shit.
Rebalanced the graveling dungeon army to make them more interesting and fun to fight.
Everything is a scavenger now?
Revamped the Ghost Eater fight to include Detha’s traps.
She has to build them herself!!!!
Explorable mode: Fixed a trap in the hallway from the room with the spider queen to the central chamber so that the trap will now turn off properly.
Huh. Always figured that was intended.
Added a safety net for players who die in lava at the boss fight with the Evolved Destroyer so that they will be teleported to a safe location to be resurrected.
That's a major nerf to that fight. Path three MIGHT be the easiest path now, depending on whether or not that has as much impact as I think it will.
Explorable: Added and modified existing waypoints.
Oh god fucking finally. This might be what I want to try first.
Explorable: Fixed an issue where Honor’s Claw would repeat himself when speaking of his lost sons. He has since overcome his grief and will carry on to the fight against the minions of Jormag without stuttering.
<3 (I assume "NO NO NO" is still in effect.)
Some pretty grand class balance changes in here, too... looks like mostly everybody got buffs! Everybody loves buffs. Necro changes look straight beast. My heart aches for the Ride the Lightning recharge though.
The celebration mode of Evon Gnashblade’s Box o’ Fun now has a chance to give the Dancing Spirit buff. This buff grants the character temporary access to three short dances. These dances will take up the utility slots on the skill bar, and when they are activated, your character will perform some new dance moves. The Dancing Spirit buff lasts 10 minutes, but entering combat removes the buff.
New dances you say...