Mega Post incoming, you know the drill. Gonna skim over the Official Forum-y garbage, you know who you are, you know what you did and now you're
on my list.
Basically, when Alpha puts up his icy double ring aoe, the trick is to NOT MOVE (usually). The earth ring will miss you. You still have to avoid the fire aoe, but for the double circles it's often safe just to stand flat out in the middle of them.
There IS a small chance he will single you out and you will get a central ice spike (where you want to move) and not the earth circle (where you don't.) If you have to guess, just don't move.
If there's ice in the center when the AOE rings pop up, stay in the center and you will be fine.
If there isn't ice, but it slowly starts to accumulate, it means he's going to ice spike and you need to move.
He generally ice spikes one person continually, so let people in your group know if you are 'it' so they don't have to worry about it (unless you're downed, I think he chooses a new target them).
yeah, im losing interest in this game fast. i haven't played in a while because it's pointless. no dungeon finder means i cant do them because i refuse to wait hours to get a group. hardly anyone plays at 2am when i play.
Try guesting on Sea of Sorrows, which was supposed to be the Unofficial Oceanic server. You might also try You can group with anyone regardless of server for dungeons.
I don't really think it's the game's fault that nobody is on at an odd hour, though I agree that an in-game LFG tool would be a vast improvement. Last we heard, they were working on it.
Is this game any good? One of the guys on the hall offered to let me borrow it.
The game is excellent, despite the negativity of the last page or so (all related to changes made in the latest patch that don't affect the majority of the game). Definitely give it a try.
People complain about RNG so they give you a clear concise way of getting high end loot (laurels), and even make it easier by allowing you choose your dailies, but now ANET sucks because I need to play the game to get those items.
ANET has only been listening to what people want this whole time.
This post is the diamond in the rough and can't be quoted enough. In fact, you know what? I'm gonna make it shiny and red so more people see it.
Aww yeah, that's the stuff.
A small section of the community who make the most noise. Not 'players'.
They seem to just be adding time sinks to the game, its mmorpg 101, but its the worst way go extend the life of a game. Or enjoyment.
I think people are looking at Laurels / Commendations as "Another grind that needs to be done", because they're either so used to the way other MMOs do it or they ate paint chips as a kid or something.
The alternative method for getting Ascended gear is just that; alternative methods. You don't
need to grind out anything if you're earning it from Fractals, or wherever else they decide to introduce it in the future. This is merely a way for other people to get their hands on gear if they don't frequent other types of content.
Dailies and monthlies aren't meant to be something you grind out quickly either. Most of them are things we do normally anyways; kill monsters, complete events, fight underwater, salvage items. These are not things people have to go out of their way to do.
I think the majority of people are looking at it backwards, because they're stuck in the mindset of other MMOs and their skinner box-esque reward system. They see it as having to constantly play to get a reward, whereas the implementation is the reverse; the game is simply rewarding you for constantly playing. The gear that costs 40 laurels isn't 'buried' because they want it to be a grindy time sink, it's there so the folks who only play a little bit every day can eventually get some gear too.
I will say that I am minorly annoyed at adding additional currency ONLY because it grates on my minimalist streak. We have laurels, dungeon tokens, fractal relics, karma, gold, and ectos for the ascended stuff... it kinda clutters up the bank and inventory UI. Doesn't bother me one bit that it's "something else to grind" though. It would be totally fine if EVERYTHING went into your collectibles tab or a currency tab.
Yeah, for some reason the Dungeon Token Collectables tab wasn't implemented this patch, that would have cleaned up the dungeon tokens and fractal relics.
And on that note, GW2DB
datamined an item called a "Bauble" that appears to be another currency for something called the "Super Adventure Box." My guess is, it's related to April Fools, but who knows.