Since launch?
There's Fractals of the Mists. It's an endless-dungeon type that repeats the same set of mini-dungeons in a random order, escalating in difficulty as you pass each set and "level up" your difficulty. At higher difficulty comes greater rewards.
What everyone is doing now is all the meta-event bosses. They changed the rewards to one chest per boss per character per day, but you are sure to get at least a rare quality item from each chest. The loot change also has increased the chance at getting the named and specific exotics of each meta-event boss. So now lots of people do all the dragons, Shadow Behemoth, Maw, etc.
They've added new events to the game, but its hard to say where all of them are. Even if you 100% a zone, its likely that you haven't seen all the zone's content.
Orr was reworked. They nerfed down the amount of mobs and took away their CCs. It's more traversable now. It still suffers from ZOMBIELAND though. I hope they slowly introduce a gentrifying of certain parts of Orr as the larger story moves into the next phase.
They also reworked Grenth's Temple boss. It wipes people like no other. As with the dragons and other meta event bosses, each temple has had its rewards improved.
Dungeons have also had their rewards improved and Ascalon Catacombs got a rework. Boss fights are a lot different now.
sPVP has had two or three new maps added since launch. They've changed the tournament side from bracketed paid tiers to free one-offs and ranked tournaments.
WvWvW had orbs removed and breakout events added. This is supposed to be the big WvWvW patch this month on the 26th. All we really know for sure is that they are removign culling from WvWvW and adding some sort of personal progression system to WvWvW.
Don't forget WvW also had its loot drops substantially buffed, including the addition of the ability to get supply off players and dolyaks, and the dailies system was completely redone.
Also we have at least four devs in the guild now. Don't bug them though they're good people.
edIt: Ah, new page, so here's a thing.
Like Seda and Retro, I made a ton of gold this weekend. Just a bundle. This game has a real "rich get richer" thing going on, such that the more you have to invest, the more ways and the more rapidly you can seriously profit. This might be a bad thing to have in real life (no one needs to apply for Tyrian Welfare) but it's an exceedingly good thing in-game, because it means the closer you get to a gold-oriented goal the easier it is to save toward that goal.
Because so much of the money I generated this weekend was just applying concepts I have understood for a long time but never put into practice all at once before, I'm going to put the finishing touches on and release a "ways to make gold in GW2" post that hopefully will be useful for some around these parts.
I went back and forth philosophically about whether or not to make it public for a while, but I think I will. The economy is very player-driven, but it's be guiding more by in-game tweaks like the world event reward change than we would be able to hope to effect, so it can't do too much harm.