One!What level do I need to be at to participate in the guild bounties/missions?
Don't worry. I couldn't stay on much longer.
Is path 2 that much harder than 3 and 1?
It's a bit longer. I think it took us 45ish minutes for 2 compared to 20-30 for path 1,3.
There are a lot more silver mobs in path 2 which make it annoying, but the boss fight imo was actually interesting. It actually required a fair amount of communication. But running path 2 wasnt that bad.
What level do I need to be at to participate in the guild bounties/missions?
Awesome I should hit that soon..
CM Story is laughably easy to me, so much so that if they tone it down to the degree they just did AC Story it would probably be soloable. I'm happy to run it anytime, CM is an interesting idea for a "dungeon" anyway; I can't wait for the revamp.Awesome I should hit that soon. heh. Also I think I should be ready for the next story dungeon, just hit 43 last night. IF anyone is planning on doing the manor (story) soon I would be more then happy to go along and I promise I will try and not die as much as I did in the caverns.
Good to know. I'll be sure to grab some gear at my level for the dungeon. If CM story is short I'll see about sending you a message tonight when I get online. I think for AC story my gear was at my level or within 4 levels of it. I was using the Tier 1 armor I had just bought the day earlier, so level 35 and I think I was 38-39 when we did that dungeon. I was able to upgrade my helm to a level 39 from what I got from the run.CM Story is laughably easy to me, so much so that if they tone it down to the degree they just did AC Story it would probably be soloable. I'm happy to run it anytime, CM is an interesting idea for a "dungeon" anyway; I can't wait for the revamp.
Re: dying, one important thing to remember is that unlike other areas of the game, dungeons really care that your gear is at your level. Note that I said level, NOT tier. Dungeons will artificially punish you for not having gear at or near your character level- I'm not exaggerating at all to say that, at level 60, level 60 Whites (purchaseable in your home city at any time for a paltry sum) are better to have than level 50 greens. Why this constraint? Because you can always, always get loot drops at your level in dungeons, no matter what level you are or what level the dungeon is. Actually, going in with whites and then repeatedly running a path is a pretty solid way to earn some gear upgrades in your level range.
Finally pulled the trigger on an MF set. bleh. Should've bought it months ago when the prices were lower. Live and learn.
Really dont see the point to one. Lets say an enemy has a .25% drop rate for a rare. (which is probably pretty close for your average mob, could be lower maybe) A 100% mf bonus is still only going to improve that to a .50%. Woopty doo.
By MF we are talking about magic find right? That just increases the chance for better drops slightly? Or is there another benefit? Just wondering because I have a few of those coins sitting in my bank and was wondering if it was worth it to use them.
It's really not something to worry about until you're at endgame, though, and farming for something in particular most likely. Definitely came in hella handy when I was saving up for my ascended back piece.Yeah we're talking about Magic Find. It increases the chances of all loot in the mobs table to drop. People tend to focus on the greater chances to get Exotics and Rares but it's really all about increases the liklihood of anything to drop which translates to getting materials faster which can bring you closer to your Gear goals.
Whats the least played class?
Besides Necro
A week from today we should have the Razing update.
I hope the event page on the main website finally updates today and gives us some more information on what is to come.
That new content. omnomnom.[/QUOTE]And Guild Treks Saturday (Friday maybe?).
Necro and Engineer I think. ANet has said they have a real time chart that tracks the amount of people playing each class and it's pretty even with outliers being Necro/Engineer on the low end and Warrior/Guardian on the high end.
I'm betting the page will be updated on Wednesday with a WvW progression blog on Friday.
Good question. I'll have to look at the timer and see what we're shaping up to, but yeah around then.
I'm so psyched for Guild Puzzles. I almost want to skip Rushes and go straight toward saving for that. But it definitely wouldn't be the most efficient way to progress, sooo yeah.
Also, I discussed this with Retro yesterday (and I suppose Ash has the right to overturn it) but I believe our policy for the time being regarding Guild Buffs will be the following:
-+5% Influence from Events should be perpetually active for us. There are too many of us at big events together too much of the time these days to let this go by.
-This can be achieved by simply starting the queue for it every day in the early evening EDT (before the reset). It takes 24 hours to queue and lasts for 24 hours, so as long as we maintain this schedule we can have constant uptime on that for the cost of 200 influence per day; we make this back in less than an hour.
-On weekends, when activity spikes, we'll activate the other influence buffs as well so that we max our gain during peak hours of play (+10% total, +20% dungeon).
You should be on to do a dungeon run tonight. Wink. Wink.
How do you figure?You can't skip anything. You have to unlock Rushes > Challenge > Puzzles.
they're all prereqs for each other in a line, i believe.How do you figure?
Bummer. Well at least that takes away any sense of what-ifness.they're all prereqs for each other in a line, i believe.
How do you figure?
Sounds like Ash and Jira might get some insider info during the scheduled late night dungeon run!!!!!
The rate you earn money stays the same but depends on the effort put in. The market however does react to the money people continue to make.
As for his earnings, assuming he's been event hopping all weekend with a dungeon thrown in here and there, I'd say 35g < earnings < 75g. This is only factoring in the constant money you get from event and dungeon clears as well as looting coin off stuff. This excludes any exotic drops and crafting materials (mostly loadstones and the sort) he may have found. It also kind of depends what his "weekend" is as well since my weekend sometimes includes fridays and sometimes doesn't.
LMK how my guess was Hawkian!
Over the weekend, tens- but in all honesty, this was the first time I had ever simply attempted to directly make a lot of money all in one period. There were plenty of times I was saving up for something in particular before, but I either immediately made the purchase and fell into bankruptcy upon reaching the goal (my first exotic set, my first black dye, the gems for a bag slot/character slot), or I was saving the value in something more relevant to the goal than gold (ectos, t6 mats, etc.).
Over the course of this weekend, counting gold from selling things on the TP that were either dropped or crafted from drops (with gaps filled in by TP purchases) as well as gold earned directly (from Dungeon rewards/drops + Raspberry Peach) plus a very little bit of Karma converted to gold (Jewelry Boxes), I actually stockpiled more gold on top of what I had in the bank than I had ever had saved total up until that point.
The biggest change between how I'd been playing up til now (roughly until the beginning of this month) and since is that I didn't have anything in mind to buy. Not saving for anything in particular has a twofold effect, both because you aren't looking to blow the whole stack on something, and because this game has a real exponential effect with your earning potential I never noticed before. The more risks you can take with investments and foundational capital the more profit you can make more quickly. When I first started out crafting Exotic jewelry at the beginning of the weekend I would only buy enough Ori to add on to what I had in the bank and complete a couple of pieces based on the Orbs I had stashed. I was very cautious not to overbuy. By the time I'd already sold a few, I was just buying stacks of Ori without even placing buy orders, upconverting all the gemstones I had accumulated and crafting even the less profitable pieces I had the gems for, because everything I was putting in was going to be so eclipsed by the profit.
As for inflation, this will sound dumb, but I really believe the Commander's book will lend some small degree of stability to the worth of a gold coin. I always think of 100g as the price for a Commander tag and a sort of threshold of wealth. The vast majority of the gear in the game is priced well below that, while some really crazy unique Exotics rest above it, and Legendaries hilariously far above that. Not that inflation isn't an issue, of course, but I have a good sense of what my money's worth- and it's not all that different than having it a few months ago would have been.
I know this was a long response, sorry! I guess what I keep coming back to is the fact that I have never made a concerted effort to earn gold, that is, I never set out to, merely for the purpose of saving it, complete any activity to get money. I just essentially did what I felt like as often as I felt like it, and then applied principles I had noticed and tips I'd gotten from others as to how to convert some more of what I'd completed into cash.
Very, very close. I mean, it definitely was in the range you specified. I'm thinking it was around 40g but I made the error of not really noting what I had between all my characters in total before starting out. Very impressive guess!
Basically, it definitely definitely excludes any exotic drops I found (in fact I've never sold a named exotic I've picked up, and the one I got from fractals couldn't be sold), but does include some crafting mats (I sold the corrupted lodestone I got from fractals, and upconverted some charged/molten/destroyers as well).
What's really crazy is that I know if I actually liquidated all I have on all my characters per the methods above (all skill points, dungeon tokens, banked crafting mats, and hundreds of thousands of karma), I'd likely more than double what I have banked. All of my near-term goals are either quite cheap gold-wise or don't require gold at all. Similar "problem" to etiolate- I'm not quite sure what I should be saving for. Can't say I mind.
The rate of gaining gold for someone who has been flocking to the updated world events in addition to whatever shenanigans he or she was getting up to before has dramatically increased. I don't know how you could argue otherwise. It may theoretically slow in a week with the account-bound chest nerf, although the more I think about it, I don't think it will be an appreciable slowdown to the savvy player. There are a lot of events out there. I can't speak to what the prices of precursors indicate, but in my casual viewing they've always been incredibly volatile.Going by this it sounds that the rate of gaining gold is the same or has only changed slightly. I was a bit worried when I logged in last week and saw most precursor weapons having gone up in price by over 100 gold.
I can't say buying cores to convert into lodestones is particularily good though unless something has drastically changed since late January. The profit back then was really really low considering what you invested. Simply flipping crafting mats would yield a better return on your investment. Of course, if you have cores you want to sell it's a good option for quick cash but I'd recommend doing Citadel of Flame p1/p2 instead. It should only take about 30-60 minutes to complete both and you get to keep your cores. From what I've seen farming CoF p1 might be the most effective strategy if you want to make money at a steady rate. Depending on the drops you can make 1-2 gold for every run after the first one and it should take 15 minutes or less with a experienced group.
Too true, when I had 1k CoF tokens I had to stop because it was getting silly.![]()
I love that you have a single innocuous pristine fractal relic in there... hahaha
and now I'm worried that by the time I decide to start running CoF for my lodestones, everyone in the Guild who does dungeons will be burnt (if they're not already). Yikes.
Just started playing again this month (EU GAF), logged in today and I've been booted from the guild. I was playing as recently as Sunday. House cleaning? I play at odd hours and there is only ever 1 or 2 people I see online.
If you are (were) in the EU Gaf guild, that's all but dead, talk to an officer about an invite into regular gaf.
(I think that's possible, right?)
Still on Gandara? I thought it was weird seeing hardly anyone online but I thought it was my playing hours.
One of the EU-GAF officers (not on GAF) went on a rampage and kicked everyone except the 6 or 7 people he saw online regularly, it is absolutely dead now.