Jest Chillin
edit: @Jest: I like your ideas about non-Zerg activities providing better consistent loot drops than sticking with a Zerg, to provide incentive to seek out other activities. However, this is unlikely to shift the distribution all that notably alone, because it doesn't actively change the required tactics for success, only the rewards for engaging in certain parts of them. Unless the rewards were so dramatically better for doing one thing over any other that it was impossible to resist (say, a guaranteed rare), the distribution of players doing different things in WvW is likely to reflect what the distribution would be like if there were no item rewards at all- meaning that the loot is likely secondary to the desire to win for most participating.
I agree and completely acknowledge that in my last post. It's actually a good thing that people prefer to win rather than just gather up their own points. The changes I suggest are only in the vain of increasing the attractiveness of skirmishing to help facilitate more of it..thus spreading the battles throughout the map. Zergs will still be best for Towers and Keeps but it allows for more havoc squads clashing throughout the maps attack and defending the smaller yet important objectives like Yaks and Camps. As it stands now, Zergs are the best tactic for everything and simply having the bigger zerg wins the fight, nullifying most (if not all) tactics. This is why they put the damage debuff on the Camps because prior to that, a smaller force taking camps would be worthless as they could never hold it long enough to actually impede supply.
Also, the idea of badges and the highly coveted T6 mats would encourage more PvE players to dip their toes in as well as provide dedicated WvW players a solid cash flow in selling the mats (which would also serve to bring down the massive cost on mats right now).
But boy, I think it would be really funny to have some kind of mechanic on a catapult projectile or some other siege weapon (that cost a lot of money or supplies) that would launch a temporary plague into a zerg. Effectively making them kill each other within a certain proximity, but would do no damage as long as they were xxxx amount of feet away from each other.
If only to see the zerg scatter just briefly. Sure would be one hell of a defense weapon... Also comedy.
This is supposed to be function of the poisoned cows that Trebs can throw actually. Group heals and cleansing (as well as the popularity of bunker builds) makes it less effective than it should be though considering how secure a position needs to be to set up and protect a Treb. They either need to make the cows stronger or give the cows (or a cow like option) to Cata's as well.
Being able to build barriers to create cut off points would be a way to counter zergs. Force them either to funnel through a small area or stop to take down the barriers.
Absolutely love the crap out of this idea. It would need some fine tuning though to prevent things like a dominating server simply walling off the weaker opponent cutting the map in half or additional walls around keeps and towers making them even MORE secure. Perhaps having barricade points buildable only at predetermined spots that a server must capture first. Think control points except on back way paths (which tend to be more narrow thus lending to barricading).