Today I bring you the how-to on the solution to your dungeon group-finding woes,
Note: there is also which has a nicer interface, but it's unstable and a little shady. I do not endorse it for now.
When you hit, here's what greets you:
1. The easy button. Pretty obvious. Look for the group you want listed, and if it's not there, click here to make it yourself.
2. Make sure to check the correct region. Dungeons do
not work cross-region. This will result in frustration in-game if you forget to click the right one.
3. Event filter. Use this dropdown to quickly filter for the exact run you're looking for and see if any groups are groups you want.
4. The Comment. The most important aspect of this entire enterprise.
5. Elapsed time. How long has it been since the post went up?
First off, I'm going to take a brief aside here and call your attention to
how many freaking dungeon runs are being listed here.
You can get down to the 60th listed run before you even hit the 4-minute mark. Put another way, this means that
at the time of this posting, a dungeon run is being listed in Guild Wars 2 roughly every four seconds.
I can understand thinking Guild Wars 2 is flawed. I can understand thinking Guild Wars 2 is disappointing. I can understand thinking Guild Wars 2 is bad. I can understand hating the crap out of Guild Wars 2 and wanting your money back and swearing to anyone that you meet that it will ruin your life.
I cannot understand, with any degree of clarity whatsoever, thinking that Guild Wars 2 has not been a runaway success. Bear in mind that these "one-every-four-seconds" runs are only the runs that
needed listings on GW2LFG. Our regular guild runs and in-game PUGs suggest the actual rate is higher than that. Then there are the world events, the most popular of which are still putting people into overflows nightly. Then there's the leveling population in the open world, which at the moment includes a spike in people at all levels in and around the Black Citadel to participate in the Living Story instances. Then there's sPvP; 5v5 tourney matches last night had 5-second-or-less queue times.
Then there's WvW.
An enormous number of people are playing this game. Deal with it, if you happen to be someone who must. Any attempt to put a number to it is pure speculation- but that does not distort, eschew, obfuscate, mystify or corrupt the validity of this fact.
Anyway, I digress. On to
getting the group you want:
When you click the big blue button, here's your setup screen:
Tips to ensure you get a group:
- Spell your username correctly.
There is no magical tie-in to the game here, people are just copying and pasting what you put in that field in order to make this entire thing work. Don't miss a vowel and wonder why no one is coming to hunt Inquest with you.
- Don't forget to select your region.
- Don't mix up Story and Explorable versions of dungeons in the dropdown. This one happened to me. I felt so guilty when people started joining that I ran SE Story with them anyway.
- If you've been waiting more than 5 minutes and not a single person has joined, delete the listing and relist. A far bigger problem than there not being enough people running the dungeon you want to run is that there are too many people running dungeons in total. People who aren't looking at the list with the filter might have missed your run- the run of their dreams- simply because a bunch more people listed seconds after yours and pushed it down with bad timing.
Tips to ensure the group you get is the group for you:
- Click the "show more grouping options" button and select the ones that apply to your run. These aren't widely adopted yet, but they're handy and every little bit helps.
- The Comment field is the ultimate group selector. If you know what kind of group you want, you know what to put here. If you DON'T know what kind of group you want, after much research I have found that the answer is to write in the following: "All classes welcome." These three simple words with ensure that anyone joining your group doesn't care what class you are, which means they probably don't care what gear you have, which means they probably don't care that the run is as fast as humanly possible, which means they are probably patient and friendly human beings who will not tell you to "l2p n00b." I am proud to tell you that literally every single run I have listed with this comment has been enjoyable, completed successfully, and several people met this way now reside on my friends list.
- If you're joining a group rather than listing your own, make sure the comment reflects your desire. The ugly snake-head of MMO elitism will QUICKLY rear its head if you get 2.5 minutes into a COF Zerker Farm Gotta Go Fast Run and the rest of the team notices you aren't Gotta Going as Fast.
That's it.
I literally- the literal version of literally- have never had to wait more than 15 or 20 minutes for a group to fill up for any run I've listed, regardless of how obscure. I'd say that somewhere in the ballpark of 90% are filled within 1 minute and 30 seconds, even if I needed 4 people. It's that good.
Happy gear grinding!