Miscegenation is the mixing of different racial groups through marriage, cohabitation, sexual relations, and procreation.
Haha, you looked the definition up. I figured out via context clues that the definition was "putting it in one's Hoelbrak."
Love that we can have real, open discussion about what is lacking or just plain wrong with the game in guild chat without the discussion getting ugly. No sarcasm, really enjoy talking with people on how they view the game, since nobody is overly negative or hyperbolic. Guild chat in other games I've played is rarely worth reading, tonight was cool just talking about the game without anyone bashing/ defending.
Probably because people chatting in-game are actually interested enough to stay and play, so even if there are parts they dislike, the criticism comes from a genuine desire to see the game improve, whereas here on GAF the haters can just roll in to be antagonistic.
Good stuff. Just wanted to comment on it.
It will play a major roll in the next living story arc that starts in May.Sooooooo
Whats the deal with that crab island? Seems kinda useless now...
There is a difference between criticism and negativity.
Whats the deal with that crab island? Seems kinda useless now...
Thursday, April 18th at 7:30PM EDT[/B] (a week from this Thursday). What do you guys think?
Hey guys,
I'm looking to schedule another full-scale guild invasion of Orr similar to Operation Tidal Sword once run by Warmaster Keoni.
The idea would be to rally in Fort Trinity, split into three teams to build up the reinforcements to take the Temple of Balthazar in Straits, push through to Malchor's Leap for Lyssa and Dwayna, through to Cursed Shore for Grenth and Melandru, and conclude by holding the Gates of Arah. Orr has changed since the last time we have done this. Several of the Temple events are tougher, but the rewards are better across the board as well.
We'd be opening up the temples for out server, but because I'd really like to do every templte Meta, we may guest to a small server to complete any that are already opened up on SBI. Because of this (you'll want to keep a guesting slot open), and time considerations (could be a long event!) I'd like to schedule it more in advance than our typical events, and go for a less common time so that some that might not always get to join in can have a chance.
I'm thinking we go for it on Thursday, April 18th at 7:30PM EDT (a week from this Thursday). What do you guys think?
Me I do I do I do!That would actually be a good time for me, I think.
On a different topic, I feel like doing some low level fractals to get back into them.
I did a lot right after they came out and then stopped. I think I am at level 8 or something. I think i just got sick of the Jade Maw fight. It is a cool fight, but it is the same over and over.
So, anyone care to accompany a relative fractal novice sometime?
Hey dude, nobody told you to get married. I don't know what you were thinking honestly. That's just a lifelong commitment to love and cherish your partner and unite your lives for the betterment of one another. This is an MMO Guild. Get your priorities straight.So you are going to plan all the crazy events while I'm away. This is uncool.
Kos Luftar's GAF will not stand for this treachery!
I recommend Tuesday April 23rd (possible patch day)
Nice! You've seen the bonus chest for world events, right? All of the Temple events now have them, replete with unique themed accessories (but no weapons like the World bosses have, sadly). Gates of Arah is missing that, although the Grand Chest that spawns on completion seems to have been pretty buffed... all of us got something decent out of it last time we cleared the Gates.I might come, haven't seen the new rewards in Orr to be honest.
I'd be ok with the 23rd, just make sure it's at least as early in the afternoon as I will likley be hung over from the events that are to occur on the 22nd.Kos Luftar's GAF will not stand for this treachery!
I recommend Tuesday April 23rd (possible patch day)
We're not moving it for one member. -_- Would not you be able to make the 18th?I'd be ok with the 23rd, just make sure it's at least as early in the afternoon as I will likley be hung over from the events that are to occur on the 22nd.
Btw, getting all 3 invasion forces to rally point will help a lot. "For each invasion force (North, Central, South) that reaches Rally point, the Pact's morale increases by 33%."
I finally got to level 10 fractals after actually starting to care about fractals in the past month or so.
Gonna be doing a lot of Fractals in the future, and I'd love some company.
Yay Ursa and Melisande fractaltimes!
Having the numbers to overcome Lyssa's scaling ain't gonna be the problem. Getting the damn Pact to Balthazar's Priest will. God... damn... morale. Don't they understand we could take the temple without them?!
We're not moving it for one member. -_- Would not you be able to make the 18th?
And yeah, we're gonna split up into 3 squads- we'll sign up via our Orders like last time.![]()
Well, I'd like everyone participating to get the rewards from every Temple event. There's no real benefit to taking multiple Temples simultaneously other than saving time and hopefully that won't be a concern.Might want to keep those three teams working in tandem (still maintaining separate names) towards Lyssa Temple and split them off around Cursed Shore. I find it easier to send one team towards Melandru Temple, and two towards Grenth, with meeting back in Anchorage for the final battle towards the gates.
We've failed with 2/3, though it was close.They always fail because people try to run it with only 1 branch of reinforcements. Though I think the whole thing needs a rework from Anet to be honest. That kind of zone-wide push should've been reserved for Arah.
How many dyes come in a Dye Pack? 5?
Wonder if it is cheaper to just by 5 dyes with Gold, rather than converting gold into gems.
Damn, Super Weapon skin prices already doubled since the last time I checked. What the hell.
and jewelry and chef are some of the easy/cheap ones iirc
I avoided chef cause you have to spend Karma on ingredients which a level 1 doesn't have. On Jewelry I just found the process a little more confusing but its by no means a deal breaker. I found other skills easier to buy for and put together. Saving money wasn't the goal, it was more about efficiently doing it. But I am no master or I would have recorded the process in more detail.
So you wanted to save the karma on your other 80s then?
Damn man. ArenaNet was all om nom nom this week.Well I bought 8000 ($100) bucks with a birthday visa card. I hate gift cards with a passion so i spent it on something I normally would never do.
My shame runs deep but I hold it at bay with a banner that reads "ArenaNet deserves money!"
if they start adding more town and clothes and want me to buy them, they need to fix that they take up bank space first imo.