Thanks for all of the kind words. So this was my 3rd seizure in my life. First one was when I was 16, 2nd was 17 (one month from turning 18) and now at 26. I had talked to my doctor last year about going off my meds as it had been nearly a decade while on them. Over the past few months I've started slowly weening myself off my meds. So I had finally been off of them for 2 weeks and then last night my vision started to cross and blur. It was very sudden and I knew something was wrong so I walked into the other room to let my parents know. As soon as I got into their room I apparently blacked out and started seizing. This went on for 3-4 minutes. Thankfully I didn't stop breathing like the other two times (this can kill you and if you ever see someone having a seizure, DO NOT TOUCH THEM until they stop moving. Once they do, roll them on their left side so they can get oxygen back into their heart/brain). Oh, I should also kinda preface this part with what happened on Monday. I accidentally tripped over one of my cats and hit the front of my forehead on the kitchen table. So I had a small sized knot and I iced it and it went down the next day. Also, one of the side effects for going off my meds is a chance to have a seizure. So the question is did hitting my head contribute to it? Was it a side effect of getting off the meds? Or unrelated to the two?
So I came to after about 3-4 minutes and there were EMTs around me and they started asking me questions. My mom told me I had a seizure and my reaction was something like "ugh dammit". She told me oh you hit your head tripping over Peanut and I thought that was when I had my seizure, of course my first reaction is "Is Peanut okay?". I was pretty damn out of it all the way till the ambulance and started to get more coherent and aware as time went on. Though getting into the ambulance I realized how damn thirsty I was, but they didn't have any water (wat). The EMT was having trouble getting the IV in my vein, so that didn't work out well. We got to the hospital and I was admitted to a room. A doctor came over to ask me some questions, then a nurse came over to hook me up to check my heart rate and blood pressure. So they then gave me what was essentially a muscle relaxer in liquid form since they needed to get some kind of anti-convulsant in me to prevent more seizures. They eneded up giving me two bags of that stuff too. Apparently they were worried that my heart rate was 90 (my resting HR is something like 75-80 or lower) and they couldn't understand that I get freaked out being at the doctors or a hospital cause I'm always afraid that they'll find something horribly wrong. It's all psychological but they just can't seem to grasp that. The nurse who was trying to put my IV in ended up missing and causing a huge bruise on my arm, but it doesn't hurt so whatever. They drew some blood (I don't even know what they did with it) and eventually it was time to go once they gave me a prescription. So I can also no longer drive for 2 years (again) and the doctor suggested I get on disability. When I got up to leave my entire body felt like it was made of lead and I needed help to move around without falling.
Fast forward to today and I slept for something like 20 hours throughout the day and every muscle in my body is just sore. Once again, thanks for all of the kind words all, it means a lot to me that so many of you care. At least I know my medicine works at such a low dosage with no side effects or long term organ issues. See you in game.