150 to get the Mace + Shield?
Log-in issues? I was met by an infinite load screen earlier.
Not sure what their definition of sandbox is.From here on out the only MMO I'm looking forward to is EQ Next, since it will be the glorious return of a sandbox MMO. I'm hoping the combat is visceral too.
I don't think the original EQ could be considered a sandbox, if that's what you're getting at.Not sure what their definition of sandbox is.
Are they bringing back mob camp grinding and stuff ?
From here on out the only MMO I'm looking forward to is EQ Next, since it will be the glorious return of a sandbox MMO. I'm hoping the combat is visceral too.
Heard really bad things about the endgame there, and I don't trust foreign MMOs any more. They always treat English players like trash, never wanting to simultaneously release content. This makes playing the MMO stressful, as you can literally see the grass being greener on the other side, but can do shit all to get it but wait.Not even Archeage as peaked your interest? You should give it a look at least.
Fun fact to know and tell, it's "piqued" in that usagei.e.: "to stimulate," rather than "cause to peak"
Also fun fact, you can now filter by Guild in the Leaderboards: https://leaderboards.guildwars2.com/en/na
But I'm sure you knew that already, didn't you mrCravens...
edit: Damn you Ashodin Venteal.
Heard really bad things about the endgame there, and I don't trust foreign MMOs any more. They always treat English players like trash, never wanting to simultaneously release content. This makes playing the MMO stressful, as you can literally see the grass being greener on the other side, but can do shit all to get it but wait.
An MMO on the Planetside 2 engine is more impressive. SOE is going to really pump out the graphics, and that engine runs beautifully even on lower spec machines.I think it's awesome just that an MMO on CryEngine3 is even a thing that exists at all. But I certainly have doubts about that game's staying power, especially if it doesn't launch here until 2014 and comes with a subscription (does it have one in Korea?)
Yeah, you gotta be logged in. It only shows you your guilds.And how do you parse it by Guild? have to be logged into your account?
Fun fact to know and tell, it's "piqued" in that usagei.e.: "to stimulate," rather than "cause to peak"
Also fun fact, you can now filter by Guild in the Leaderboards: https://leaderboards.guildwars2.com/en/na
But I'm sure you knew that already, didn't you mrCravens...
edit: Damn you Ashodin Venteal.
Achievements mean something?!
You gotta use that Mystery Tonic to mess with people in WvW.Amazing luck man, congrats.
I'm gonna try to knock out my remaining story missions besides Arah on my thief tonight. More than anything I just want to finally clear up the upper right of my screen.
I made half the Gems I need for my mining pick in gold from 5 dungeons runs yesterday. Looking for more tonight!
You gotta use that Mystery Tonic to mess with people in WvW.Amazing luck man, congrats.
I'm gonna try to knock out my remaining story missions besides Arah on my thief tonight. More than anything I just want to finally clear up the upper right of my screen.
I made half the Gems I need for my mining pick in gold from 5 dungeons runs yesterday. Looking for more tonight!
mmm, bad news, it costs even more today. About 50s more per 100.
It's not forum accounts that are suspended but it's them, maybe they didn't pay the bill or something.Super odd thing happened. I googled for some sbi Ori and Ancient node maps and found a link to a SBI forum. But when I go there it says Account Suspended. I never had an account on that forum before.
Super odd thing happened. I googled for some sbi Ori and Ancient node maps and found a link to a SBI forum. But when I go there it says Account Suspended. I never had an account on that forum before.
Super odd thing happened. I googled for some sbi Ori and Ancient node maps and found a link to a SBI forum. But when I go there it says Account Suspended. I never had an account on that forum before.
This (http://www.orrmaps.com/server/stormbluff_isle) isn't good anymore?
This (http://www.orrmaps.com/server/stormbluff_isle) isn't good anymore?
Some of the nodes are correct and some aren't. I had heard Anet was implementing or had implemented a change so that nodes would change every 24 hours (not just every server maintenance) so perhaps that's the problem?
I really don't know how these maps are generated or how Anet handles nodes so /shrug.
New way to cull the guild, me likee.
Nah we should wait!OH SHIIIII NICE
Time to cull the guild tonight!
Nah we should wait!
The "Tracking" only started when they started tracking for leaderboards (March 26th). So we should give people a little more time to get a bump.
How do you buy gems with money?
I want to buy some so that I can get that mining pick.
I logged on last night for the first time ever. I know nothing about Guild Wars as I never played the first one.
I have played many MMO's (WoW, EQ/EQII/FFXI/TSW etc etc. I started as a human warrior and have just completed first small instance in the city... or whatever it is?
I found it odd it immediately populated my quest screen with dailies at level 1......
I will say the reviews were right and this game definitely doesn't hold your hand as much through the first hour or so as other MMO's do.
I am rolling a human warrior. What do I need to know GAF?!?!?
Just explore the world and help the npcs you find along the way. Make sure to buy a mining pick, harvesting scythe, and an axe so you can collect materials from the nodes. You get xp from that and you can sell any mats you don't want/need for cash. Though you also get xp for crafting so even if youd don't typically craft in these games.. it's worth it here.
Instincts from other MMOs will tell you to go from heart npc to heart npc like quests. While you can do that..that's niether the most effecient way to play nor is it the most fun. what you really want to do is wander around the zones doing the events that pop up.
Even though you get xp from nearly anything you do.. the entire game (lvl 1 to lvl 80) is the experience.. so don't try to rush to level cap so you can "play the real game" as you'll actually be missing out on it.
Am I the only one who thinks the game is kind of slow at the beginning? Events never seem to start that often whenever I'm in a starting zone.