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Guild Wars 2 |OT2| Funding An MMO Entirely On Quaggan Backpacks

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So I was looking at my characters today and I realized that despite having my best reserved name and a melee class, my Norn Guardian is collecting dust. Level 12, only a few weapons leveled, no personal story progress at all.

It's not the profession so much as the race and visuals; I can't get past the slow, plodding animation of the Norn, even though my guardian is female and as short as I can possibly make her. This was especially noticeable running her through the Super Adventure Box, because everyone was scaled to Asura height, her animations actually felt right. She felt quick and fluid. Dinking around on her today, I don't think Norn are for me. Which is fine, because I already didn't care for the VA or their storylines that much either.

So I tried out a Human Guardian and was surprised to find that the dealbreaker that kept me from rolling that combo previously is mysteriously gone. When wielding a greatsword, human females would make this high pitched "YIP!" noise. After a few levels of playing, it appears to be gone!

So now I'm wondering... do I give my warrior a sex change and reroll my Guardian as a human male (visually identical to my warrior now), or do I keep my Warrior and just roll a female human Guardian? The Warrior is definitely still my main, with all of the good bags / dyes / tools and unlocks. Everyone seems to recognize that name even though I've never really cared for it.


Yeah, for the other guys.

name change contract.


it is party time



The Cryptarch's Bane
There is some really good stuff in there, I definitely think you hit some possible plot points.

Still, there's some player in all this we aren't privy to yet. Even if the Consortium is behind everything so far including getting the Molten Alliance together, we're missing how they were able to do that. They have to either have somebody powerful on their side or they're actually just being used by that somebody.


re: Arken's coat:

Damn, that's a cold-ass honky.


I am the lorenerding out over this shit.

I was just commenting to Jira this morning that Ellen Kiel could be a nice addition to the "New Destiny's Edge" that Rox and Braham seem to be a part of.

(Living Story Spoilers:)
Rox is clearly trying hard to join Rytlock's Warband, if she's accepted then she's clearly under his tutelage, and Braham is Eir's son. They're both following in the footsteps of former members.
If Ellen is 'adopted' by Logan at all, then I think it's obvious where they're going with the living story; slowly introducing and endearing characters to us so that they can all come together for the next draconian threat. With the original Destiny's Edge, you really had to read the book to understand their motives, even though the game clarified if you poked around in the dialogue. With the Living Story, there's lots of time to get to know them.

We just need a Sylvari and Asura now. Guardian, Ranger and (If Ellen joins up) Warrior are taken. They won't mirror professions identically, so we won't see a Sylvari thief or Asura Elementalist again. I think they'd also avoid a Sylvari Necro, because both Trahearne and Killeen were necromancers. High time we had an Asura Engineer in the spotlight though.

name change contract.

Oh yeah, definitely. If I gender-swapped my Warrior, I'd change the name over too.


I was just commenting to Jira this morning that Ellen Kiel could be a nice addition to the "New Destiny's Edge" that Rox and Braham seem to be a part of.

(Living Story Spoilers:)
Rox is clearly trying hard to join Rytlock's Warband, if she's accepted then she's clearly under his tutelage, and Braham is Eir's son. They're both following in the footsteps of former members.
If Ellen is 'adopted' by Logan at all, then I think it's obvious where they're going with the living story; slowly introducing and endearing characters to us so that they can all come together for the next draconian threat. With the original Destiny's Edge, you really had to read the book to understand their motives, even though the game clarified if you poked around in the dialogue. With the Living Story, there's lots of time to get to know them.

We just need a Sylvari and Asura now.

Oh yeah, definitely. If I gender-swapped my Warrior, I'd change the name over too.

And it doesn't HAVE to be Destiny's Edge again who faces the threat - new characters can show up and be just as good at stepping up to bat.

There is some really good stuff in there, I definitely think you hit some possible plot points.

Still, there's some player in all this we aren't privy to yet. Even if the Consortium is behind everything so far including getting the Molten Alliance together, we're missing how they were able to do that. They have to either have somebody powerful on their side or they're actually just being used by that somebody.


re: Arken's coat:

Damn, that's a cold-ass honky.

I'll refer you to the comment that Canach escaped. He's a crafty one!


And it doesn't HAVE to be Destiny's Edge again who faces the threat - new characters can show up and be just as good at stepping up to bat.

Right, I don't mean that they will literally come back. Eir is bitching about how old she is, Rytlock seems to be comfortable leading things from the Citadel, Logan won't take 3 steps away from his queen... they're not coming back. But that doesn't mean they can't inspire a 'new generation'.


To be fair, melee was in a bad spot pre-launch. Players took too much damage at that range to even do anything, and the spell effects were set to "blinding".


If all these new guys built up to be the team that goes with us to the next dragon, I'd be totally down for that.

I think one of the problems with Destiny's Edge is that we had no real personal connection to any of them except for the one that showed up in our personal story. If we hang out with the new team for a bit before the next Dragon, the emotional connection will be there for players to WANT them show up when it's time to bring down Jormag or Kralkatorrik.

Plus, it'd be better than having some random guy (trahearne) show up and immediately become the center of the universe. They could play it off as all of these people you've helped out in their travels coming back to help you take down the Dragons. That puts you back in the center of the world. If it turned out I was able to strike the Tooth of Jormag, and Rox and Braham showed up and were like "let's go kick some Jormag ass", I'd be pretty stoked.


You know, without counting any events we don't know about, nor Mad King or Wintersday, they're going to put out 20 patches this year. Before launch Colin said their goal was when you ask someone what is the most supported game you play that they say Guild Wars 2 without hesitation. I think that if they manage 20 patches plus the two events later in the year, they will have succeeded without a doubt. They're already succeeding but really that just nails it.

Oh, and we're going to have something every Tuesday now. First and third Tuesday of the month will be preview page updates while the second and fourth Tuesdays will be the updates themselves. Very exciting.


My word, this game has more patches than a "quit smoking" meeting in Lion's Arch.

Plus, it'd be better than having some random guy (trahearne) show up and immediately become the center of the universe. They could play it off as all of these people you've helped out in their travels coming back to help you take down the Dragons. That puts you back in the center of the world. If it turned out I was able to strike the Tooth of Jormag, and Rox and Braham showed up and were like "let's go kick some Jormag ass", I'd be pretty stoked.

That's a really good point. I think they definitely learned a few things from player reactions to the personal story. I personally didn't hate Trahearne, but I get how he's not really a compelling character at all. After reading the Rox and Braham back story vignettes on the website, I actually care about them and stuff.

I am the lorenerding out over this shit.

Same here. I'm trying not to read too much of it, but damn it's interesting.
What I love about the early pages of the first thread is how much misunderstanding there is about the combat. There was a sort of wide consensus about both Mesmers and melee damage in general just sucking across the board... who believes either of those things now? :p

I remember when GW1 came out, people said the game was broken because Warrior/Monks(Wammos) were overpowered and ruined PvP.

People will always say that there is unbalance, but in truth, I think it's more related to the fact that some classes in games take more effort to excel at than others. Just like with anything else.

And at the same time, different people have different ways at coping with certain playstyles. Some people just don't know how to be supportive or heal. Others don't know how to tank. But it's not unbalanced by principle, just because that activity is harder. People just feel that way, in their entitlement.

My attitude has always been that, even if you got your cards stacked against you (for real) what is the point of complaining about it? Games will never be fair, and never have been. It's really a childish point to be so hung up on something like that, instead of just playing. It's not the end of the world when you lose, and it does not need to kill the fun. Your own satisfaction with overcoming whatever odds you have, surely have to overwhelm you.... if one can put his ego down enough to not let him be absorbed by some victim mentality.


New build:

Fixed interactive gadgets for Flame and Frost that had disappeared on some worlds. The locations for the Secret Contact achievement will remain accessible until the May 14th build to make up for the time lost due to this issue.

Molten Facility: Fixed an issue where Rox or Braham would not proceed past the last gate before the final fight.



For those who can't watch, it's a recap of the Frost & Flame from a lore perspective and them saying that they have the Living Story and all of the connected stories planned out till the end of the year.


Oh, and we're going to have something every Tuesday now. First and third Tuesday of the month will be preview page updates while the second and fourth Tuesdays will be the updates themselves. Very exciting.

What's the source on this? I looked around the forums and came up empty handed. But maybe I'm just dumb. Super exciting!


What's the source on this? I looked around the forums and came up empty handed. But maybe I'm just dumb. Super exciting!

It's more or less me putting 2 & 2 together. They have never put out a normal content patch during the 2nd week of any month. Also, Colin said that they're working out the kinks on more frequent updates. On the update page they always referred to updates as January, February, and so on. Now they're referring to specific dates within the month. This leads me to believe they're doing bi-weekly updates. With that in mind, they seem to do everything on Tuesday. Hence the schedule I laid out above.


Ah, okay. Well I hope you're correct! Seems to be that way for now. Would make Tuesdays far more palpable at work.


New build:



For those who can't watch, it's a recap of the Frost & Flame from a lore perspective and them saying that they have the Living Story and all of the connected stories planned out till the end of the year.

It also shows off some screenshots of the new resort locations on southsun. Looks like there's a boardwalk with some tiki huts and some tropical themed bars as well. Looks like the weather has improved too.

Quite excited to see where this leads!


Been away from the game for about 2 weeks due to RL stuff, but I finally have gotten some stuff straightened out and wanna hop back in! Now that Artanthos has full exotic (and an ascended too), I'm gonna roll my next character, a necro!

I've heard that minionmancers are good for leveling, but what about Wubwub and PvP? Anyone got tips on how to roll with necros in those modes?
Uhh 1200 gems is not a lot of money...


I've spent around $60 on gems so far. That's 4800 gems. 1200 gems is nothing.

EDIT: Wait, I've spend $70 on gems. 5600 gems so far.

Guys, I was being sarcasting about the "a bit more than 1200" bit. Read the thread for the actual amount. :D


Sounds like they want to make Magic Find gear go away.

Understandable. I always find myself skipping it in gear pieces because of the dungeon guilt effect. I already play so little that I'm in yellows at best, I don't need to hamper my party members any more.

Yeah, the changes in this patch are a nice first step, it definitely feels less shoehorned, but it needs its own enhancements, plus some sort of sticky priority. When you're doing a Guild Mission, there shouldn't be ANY clicking to see the parameters of the mission once it starts. Pressing the G key is the most you should have to do to see your Bounty targets/Rush location/Trek spots. And even that could be eliminated with a subtle overlay.

It would be best of all having it integrated in the objectives pane as the highest-priority one. It has to be totally in-your-face so that people can't claim ignorance when a guild mission is ongoing. :p

MF % + (To whatever)
Run Speed to 25% (maybe replace some of those traits)
Represent! gain additional Guild Influence while Representing
Karmic Master (A plus to Karma gained)
Black Lion Patriot (Increase Key Finding %)

I'd remove the Run Speed and Guild Influence thing; again, make them all "selfish" buffs, otherwise most likely I'll end up using the one that helps my party of guild all the time.

Ahhh so that's why Rox is all "I wouldn't wish mining on anybody" when they see the prisoners in the facility. Dang.

Dang indeed, awesome find and read.

Oh man, when it was in the Gaming side and not nestled in the community section? Horrible drive-by trolling, and because Tekno was more than happy to engage in it himself, it had Moderator Approval to boot. Combine that with most of the regular folks actually playing? Yeah, it got bad quick. I should skim through it, if only to see how wrong people are, but I think it'd be rage inducing... that, and I'm still too busy actually playing.

To put into perspective how utterly bad it was, I simply ragequit the thread for almost half a year, from launch to a couple of weeks ago. I was really pleasantly surprised to come back and see no trolling at all.

I'm referring more to the people who weren't just misunderstanding the combat, but operating on the assumption that they were understanding it and it was horrible.

This. This right here. It's not limited to this game, either, but it is pretty bad in GW2. It's one thing not understanding a game, but being aware of the fact and shutting your mouth; I do that all the time. But playing a game as deep as an MMO for an hour and declaring it broken? Come on, son.
I think the issue here is that people come in expecting WoW 2.0, like they do (and often get) in all other MMOs. When it doesn't conform their preconceptions (which hilariously are themselves extremelly narrow-minded, as most of them have only played WoW and WoW-clones but fancy themselves MMO experts), they cry broken. Ugh.

I was just commenting to Jira this morning that Ellen Kiel could be a nice addition to the "New Destiny's Edge" that Rox and Braham seem to be a part of.

(Living Story Spoilers:)
Rox is clearly trying hard to join Rytlock's Warband, if she's accepted then she's clearly under his tutelage, and Braham is Eir's son. They're both following in the footsteps of former members.
If Ellen is 'adopted' by Logan at all, then I think it's obvious where they're going with the living story; slowly introducing and endearing characters to us so that they can all come together for the next draconian threat. With the original Destiny's Edge, you really had to read the book to understand their motives, even though the game clarified if you poked around in the dialogue. With the Living Story, there's lots of time to get to know them.

Anything not requiring people to read the awful garbage that is Edge of Destiny is a plus in my book; seriously, if they want them to have any relevance from now on, they really should contract an actual writer (like Jeff Grubb or Christie Golden) to make a new book on them.

It also seems that they're going for opposite gender-race combos, with a charr female, a norn male, and possible a human female; this would leave a male asura and male sylvari. I hope they follow the trend and make the asura representative a young male, as prominent asura males in GW2's backstory have been mostly elders.

We just need a Sylvari and Asura now. Guardian, Ranger and (If Ellen joins up) Warrior are taken. They won't mirror professions identically, so we won't see a Sylvari thief or Asura Elementalist again. I think they'd also avoid a Sylvari Necro, because both Trahearne and Killeen were necromancers. High time we had an Asura Engineer in the spotlight though.

I vote mesmer for the sylvari myself. :)

Whoa, what? Time to play some more of the Sylvari personal story.

I wish you had had the chance to discover that by yourself; the twist came out of nowhere and was utterly fascinating. Definitely the standout sylvari personal story of those that I've played; I was quite surprised that such a significant plot point would be missed by most players. For reference, to get this story, select "
Where Life Goes, So Too Should You
" when asked "
What is Ventari's most important teaching
" on sylvari character creation.


I work longer days, 9-10 hours most of the time, so I don't have a huge amount of time to play during the week. I've got my Mesmer to level 17, among some messing around with other classes. I'm swept away by all the talk that's happened since I last posted. I can't keep up. It feels like this game just has so much going on and I'm completely out of the loop and missing out on stuff. Still, I'm liking it. I'm going to hit up someone for a GAF guild invite tonight and keep on leveling my Mesmer. I think I'm finally starting to understand the class.


I work longer days, 9-10 hours most of the time, so I don't have a huge amount of time to play during the week. I've got my Mesmer to level 17, among some messing around with other classes. I'm swept away by all the talk that's happened since I last posted. I can't keep up. It feels like this game just has so much going on and I'm completely out of the loop and missing out on stuff. Still, I'm liking it. I'm going to hit up someone for a GAF guild invite tonight and keep on leveling my Mesmer. I think I'm finally starting to understand the class.

Post your username (name.####) and one of us will get you in asap.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I work longer days, 9-10 hours most of the time, so I don't have a huge amount of time to play during the week. I've got my Mesmer to level 17, among some messing around with other classes. I'm swept away by all the talk that's happened since I last posted. I can't keep up. It feels like this game just has so much going on and I'm completely out of the loop and missing out on stuff. Still, I'm liking it. I'm going to hit up someone for a GAF guild invite tonight and keep on leveling my Mesmer. I think I'm finally starting to understand the class.
You aren't ;)

Just kidding, but seriously, Mesmer has an enormous learning curve- don't feel stressed to figure it out by level 20. You'll be picking up new tricks and strategies all the way to 80, and the full array of trait synergy you get at that time is a whole new world compared to what you had up until then.

If you ever have any questions about the class feel free to PM me in-game or ask the guild! :)


Ahhhhhhh, those teases with the culling!

I am SOOOO down with a meta event train when the culling change does go into effect. We'll drag our corpses through all the temples.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Hello all, I just got this game on Monday. Right now I'm a level 16 Necromancer and I just completed everything in the Wayfarer Foothills. Having a good amount of fun and I saw a few people in the GAF guild too. NameGen.3294 is my tag so I'd appreciate an invite even though I barely know what I'm doing so far. Maybe someone can group with me for whatever, because nobody seems to do that out randomly. Thanks.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hello all, I just got this game on Monday. Right now I'm a level 16 Necromancer and I just completed everything in the Wayfarer Foothills. Having a good amount of fun and I saw a few people in the GAF guild too. NameGen.3294 is my tag so I'd appreciate an invite even though I barely know what I'm doing so far. Maybe someone can group with me for whatever, because nobody seems to do that out randomly. Thanks.
I invited you, welcome to Guild Wars 2

the object of the game is to become a baby quaggan
Tell me about it.

*Looks longingly at the Abyss Dye listings*

The Abyss Dye is so funny to me.

It's SOOO expensive yet most of the people I see wearing it look kinda-really-meeh because they use it as a main color instead of a trimmer or w/e ... so it completely takes away the texture and appeal to their armor.

It's like paying 20-30g to look like a silhouette. That's the only reason I want to get it as a drop really, to throw it on the TP.

Black seems far more visually cohesive and the Midnight-Ice/ Fires are as close to Abyss as I would recommend for any large part of a armor's coloring.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Cool thanks. "Ok, so this is like _____ in WoW" has basically been how I've been getting through it so that's basically the extent of my knowledge here.
Ack. That's going to lead you astray very rapidly. :-[

I admittedly don't know all that much about WoW, but from what I understand you can get quite frustrated if you expect/perceive things to be the same. They're designed reallllly differently. Feel free to ask any questions you have here! We're friendly.

Like cats. and baby quaggans


I wish pets were 'better' they always cant keep up, they despawn all the time, you have to keep right click on the icon in your back pack >.< They keep going to damn collection!


Ack. That's going to lead you astray very rapidly. :-[

I admittedly don't know all that much about WoW, but from what I understand you can get quite frustrated if you expect/perceive things to be the same. They're designed reallllly different. Feel free to ask any questions you have here! We're friendly.

Like cats. and baby quaggans

just got a race change today. running a quaggan engineer atm.



I wish pets were 'better' they always cant keep up, they despawn all the time, you have to keep right click on the icon in your back pack >.< They keep going to damn collection!

them and costumes needs an UI overhaul. at least pets goto collections. town clothes just take up spots in the bank and you have to always switch back and forth. should just switch out of clothes when you goto combat and back again.

leng jai

I wish pets were 'better' they always cant keep up, they despawn all the time, you have to keep right click on the icon in your back pack >.< They keep going to damn collection!

I've been asking to buff their run speed for months now. Plus also a pet slot in your hero pane...
The Abyss Dye is so funny to me.

It's SOOO expensive yet most of the people I see wearing it look kinda-really-meeh because they use it as a main color instead of a trimmer or w/e ... so it completely takes away the texture and appeal to their armor.

It's like paying 20-30g to look like a silhouette. That's the only reason I want to get it as a drop really, to throw it on the TP.

Black seems far more visually cohesive and the Midnight-Ice/ Fires are as close to Abyss as I would recommend for any large part of a armor's coloring.

I'm using AC+Human T2 helm to go for a Fallen Angel/Vanguard look, and Abyss seems to work better as the main (admittedly using midnight ice for certain parts.)
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