Jest Chillin
Go biggest Norn or go home.
Norn have no time for puny, weak nornlings.

Go biggest Norn or go home.
Norn have no time for puny, weak nornlings.
Humans are essentially the villains of Guild Wars 2. This whole Elder Dragon shebang is a misdirect.#basicallynoonelikeshumans
Humans are essentially the villains of Guild Wars 2. This whole Elder Dragon shebang is a misdirect.
I just think of Norns as the amazonians from futurama. Norn want snoo snoo, out me way!
Ok, so while I'm at work, I typically browse GW2 stuff when I have down time. I see a whole lot of variety in builds and what not when looking for Mesmer builds and whatnot. I really have no pure preference on weapon, well maybe GS, but I can't figure out an effective leveling build. I seem to die more than I should when playing solo, so is there a particular resource I can look at for a more "standard" Mesmer leveling build? I had no idea where to put my traits so I feel like they are a bit scattered. Same for skills.
I joined the guild and played for 2 hours wondering why 30+ people were on and nobody said a word. Didn't realized you had to hit "represent" lol.
Sounds like they want to make Magic Find gear go away.
"Also Words"
This is a good Mesmer leveling guide:
A lot of what was said feels like what I've read before, which is good since it gives me a good direction and perspective on Mesmer. I respecced and went 5 points into illusion and haven't put points elsewhere. I still cannot decide how I want to go with my Mesmer just yet. I feel like I should take some short videos of how I tend to play naturally(with a little guidance) and post 'em as subject matter. As for builds I've seen...
Don't worry too much about respec's. Everytime you get a new skillbook (which you'll need to unlock the next Tier in your trees) it's use will automatically respec you. So unless you absolutely can't progress at all.. try to scrap by with whatever your spec is until you reach the book. Saves you some cash in the long run.
Used that build on my mesmer to level it up, levels went by pretty fast.A lot of what was said feels like what I've read before, which is good since it gives me a good direction and perspective on Mesmer. I respecced and went 5 points into illusion and haven't put points elsewhere. I still cannot decide how I want to go with my Mesmer just yet. I feel like I should take some short videos of how I tend to play naturally(with a little guidance) and post 'em as subject matter. As for builds I've seen...
And this:
Two links, three different builds. Lazy Kai's build intrigued me since, well, I can be lazy. It sounds close-ish to the "Illusion Army" build seen in the reddit post Lone_Prodigy linked(Thanks!), but does anyone have any extended opinions on them? I know it'll come down more to my personal style of play, and I'd try them all if respeccing my traits didn't break the bank.
Also, I appreciate all the effort that's been put forth in giving me feedback. Thanks guys (and girls?)
The game draws inspiration from the crab guild challenge but plays a bit differently. There’s achievements, titles, and prizes for participants and winners.
Crab Toss will only be around for the duration of living story events at Southsun Cove. But don’t be too sad, as far as activities go, you might have a very exciting year ahead of you.
Towards the end we did talk about the new Crab Toss game that is coming into Guild Wars 2. These mini games are fun side areas that the devs can add. It really is about fun random game play. Throwing the crab around and using a fishing pole to steal it makes for a good time. There are also fun rewards built into the system. It is definitely a change of place from the intense game play and players should get a great kick out of it.
Came home to a powered-down, severely overheating PC. Everything was completely stable last night. No idea what broke the camel's back while I was at work today, but my PC is completely out of commission for the moment. Gonna be replacing fans at the least. Fun times to be sure!
Just went out and grabbed my laptop from work so I should still be able to kinda play this weekend. I'm downloading the updates now. Man what an unexpected bummer.
Geflato, if nobody's invited you by the time I get on I will be happy to.
turn your PC off at night!
You want to avoid doing that. The more you turn it off the more wear and tear you put on it when every part has to spin back up. It's better to keep your PC on 24/7 than to turn it off and back on each day. If you can afford the power bill and the noise/light isn't an issue, then keep it on.
So the new Crab Toss minigame is tied in with the duration of the Southsun Living Story arc and therefore is temporary. However, it will have unique rewards tied to it.
So since the patch Anet has buffed the mobs in the Shelter Camp tunnel DEs to the point of absurdity:
- The Champion Wraith that occasionally spawns is virtually impossible to kill and capable of wiping entire zergs over and over with its AOE lifesteal.
- The Champion Chickens shoot eggs with no discernible animation which one shot you no matter how much HP you have.
- Some of the spiders (that spawn in packs of 20) drop no loot whatsoever.
Also has anyone successfully done Grenth since the patch?
Yup. My high school computer teacher told me the same thing. He taught classes on building PC's as well as IT stuff like Cisco certification prep classes. He also said that your PC pulls more power per month from shut downs and start ups than it does if you leave it on.
Conventional wisdom is that scepter and torch are underpowered, but I actually like both quite a lot.
Humans are essentially the villains of Guild Wars 2. This whole Elder Dragon shebang is a misdirect.
Seriously, what's with the cleft lip/grimace? It's impossible to make a male human without one!
What about sleep mode?
Does GAF have a guild on the magguma server by chance?
Also, does anyone know a good site for else builds? I can't seem to find one that has more than 1 or 2
Guilds are cross server, and if you are one Magumma you can do practically everything with the guild on SBI by guesting for free. All except wvw.
GAF's neko has an ele guide of sort. It's kinda of specific for "end-gamey" stuff but figured i should still plug it.
How do I go about getting into the GAF guild?
Southsun cove will feature a mixture of both temporary story lines and content, as well as permanent additions of playable content as a result of what happens there.
Edited to add: Some temporary content may also appear again in the future in other story lines, events, or even find permanent homes as the world continues to change.
You can post your screenname.#### here or message an officer in game
others I forget
Who's Ashodin
The head doesn't stick out like a sore thumb to you?
The head doesn't stick out like a sore thumb to you?
This one looks fine as the face is covered.