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Guild Wars 2 |OT2| Funding An MMO Entirely On Quaggan Backpacks

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Loaded this back up on Monday (thanks bank holidays) instead of working on any of the number of characters I have yet to get to 80 I decided to make a Necro.


edit: eventually I'll run out of grunty fruit from .hack to name my characters after.

I found out what the objective of Guild Wars 2 is

it is to be a baby quaggan

to be a baby quaggan is to win

you'll die, quaggans have the survival instincts of a panda


Neo Member
Been away from the game for about 2 weeks due to RL stuff, but I finally have gotten some stuff straightened out and wanna hop back in! Now that Artanthos has full exotic (and an ascended too), I'm gonna roll my next character, a necro!

I've heard that minionmancers are good for leveling, but what about Wubwub and PvP? Anyone got tips on how to roll with necros in those modes?

As a levelling necro myself I just switched to a power build and probably won't go back (from a condi). I'm using the same build in WvW with a some utilities changed up.

PS. I have 15 un-used skill points... Bleh don't see anything to spend these on...


The Cryptarch's Bane
As a levelling necro myself I just switched to a power build and probably won't go back (from a condi). I'm using the same build in WvW with a some utilities changed up.

PS. I have 15 un-used skill points... Bleh don't see anything to spend these on...
If you don't feel like unlocking a single further skill, just save them. Skill Points become a useful currency at 80.


As a levelling necro myself I just switched to a power build and probably won't go back (from a condi). I'm using the same build in WvW with a some utilities changed up.

PS. I have 15 un-used skill points... Bleh don't see anything to spend these on...

I also liked power for leveling, but once you hit 80 you should very seriously think about switching to conditions. Conditions aren't good unless you gear is specced for them, once it is, you can do upwards of 150 damage a bleed. And you can typically get about 12 - 15 stacks of bleeds on a target. As if that wasn't enough, you can then epidemic that target and transfer all 15 stacks of that bleeding to all nearby targets.

Yeah. If you're anything like me you'll crack up after seeing all that damage on your screen. (a fun note is epidemic spreads condtions your allies apply as well, so if you're in a group you can easily spread 25 stacks of bleeding + whatever other conditions you allies are applying and just watch as everything falls over dead)


Neo Member
I also liked power for leveling, but once you hit 80 you should very seriously think about switching to conditions. Conditions aren't good unless you gear is specced for them, once it is, you can do upwards of 150 damage a bleed. And you can typically get about 12 - 15 stacks of bleeds on a target. As if that wasn't enough, you can then epidemic that target and transfer all 15 stacks of that bleeding to all nearby targets.

Yeah. If you're anything like me you'll crack up after seeing all that damage on your screen.

Yup this was my end goal. I just want to push through these levels and get to 80. I was running condition from the inception of my necro all the way to a few days ago. Epidemic is ridiculously good in group events indeed.


Things I should have done differently with my necro, episode 63:

Made a stack of Omnomberry bars & tarts for magic finding and practically ignored gathering Lotuses while in Orr. Now I see that Lotus Fries do the same thing but with Condition Damage as a secondary effect instead of power.
These things matter.
Cool thanks. "Ok, so this is like _____ in WoW" has basically been how I've been getting through it so that's basically the extent of my knowledge here.

Ouch. As a longtime (2004-2010) WoW player, I have to give you a few warnings:

First of all, the biggest problem you're going to have with GW2 is that it LOOKS like WoW, while it BEHAVES nothing like WoW. This will lead you to play it like WoW, which is good enough for the first few levels, then get owned once you hit 30 (to say nothing of dungeons). Problem is, by that time you might be set into your playstyle so much that you'll just get frustrated and think the game is just unfair.

There are a lot of vices one picks up from WoW and that are quite hard to leave. For example, in WoW you never backpedal when taking damage or seeing an attack coming your way. Why would you? Enemies always stay at melee attack once they engage you, right? Well, in GW2, you CAN backpedal out of range of an enemy's attack. It's easy to do, in fact. That's right, you don't even need to dodge; you can just back up and see them whiff (however, beware that attacks, both enemy and players', have more range than they seem).

Also, you CAN circle strafe enemies; they don't auto-turn to always face you. You can BACKSTAB enemies that are targetting you, just by circling them while they whiff attacks. Imagine that in WoW!

Of course, the secret sauce is dodging. It's going to take a while to do that instinctively every time you feel threatened or see the tell of a big attack coming your way, but keep at it and it'll feel as natural as in any action game.

Basically, combat in GW2 is much more dynamic than in WoW. Virtually all attacks and skills except channeled AOEs can and SHOULD be done on the move. It's a bit like... like WoW's PvP, in fact. There is quite a smaller divide between PvP and PvE in terms of gameplay.

Ack. That's going to lead you astray very rapidly. :-[

I admittedly don't know all that much about WoW, but from what I understand you can get quite frustrated if you expect/perceive things to be the same. They're designed reallllly differently. Feel free to ask any questions you have here! We're friendly.

Yep, GW2 is such a different beast from WoW, the worst part being that they actually look so similar superficially. It's like approaching a tiger thinking it's just like a big version of Fluffypants, your pet cat. It's not. :D

I wish pets were 'better' they always cant keep up, they despawn all the time, you have to keep right click on the icon in your back pack >.< They keep going to damn collection!

If your last comment is that you bank them accidentally using the "send all to collections" option, remember that you can put them into an invisible bag, safe box, etc. and they won't be sent.

Good to know...I learn something new everyday with this game.

Be sure to ask a lot, here or in-game! If any of you find me online feel free to ask me anything, I love teaching stuff to new people. My game account is the same as my GAF name. :)

Also make sure to join the guild forum!


The Cryptarch's Bane
I can't really watch at work but has this been posted?

Beyond Flame and Frost.

Yep yep. All is as I expected. Like I've said before, I've been keeping in mind since the January patch: what we're about to see is the conclusion of the first Living Story arc, and now we've seen that the second will be beginning this month. Just imagine what the fifth will look like.


-.- I can participate in guild events even though I'm not 80 ?

Yeah, you can definitely participate, but sometimes the events are in higher level areas. Usually we tend to get one or two bounties that are in a lower level area, so there's no reason you can't help with that. Rushes are also something you can do independent of level, given that you can get to the area. Challenges might be difficult, but depending on where it is and how big the group is, you should be fine.

Really, it comes down to whether you can get to the area or not.


Neo Member
Yeah, you can definitely participate, but sometimes the events are in higher level areas. Usually we tend to get one or two bounties that are in a lower level area, so there's no reason you can't help with that. Rushes are also something you can do independent of level, given that you can get to the area. Challenges might be difficult, but depending on where it is and how big the group is, you should be fine.

Really, it comes down to whether you can get to the area or not.

Now I feel retarded. (sorry no other word comes to mind)

I have literally been sitting at home levelling like a damn fool just looking at guild chat and saying to my toon "Soon Rika, soon you can play with the other kids too !!"

I'll get mumble tonight and watch out for call outs in areas I have been or can get to.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Whenever you see a waypoint linked in guild chat, click on it and see if you have anything nearby. If you do and you can get where we're going, just bring your bad self on down. Honestly, even if you're ludicrously underpowered for where we're at, just party up and it barely matters. Guildies can keep you alive, and you'll probably get a metric ton of XP in the crossfire. This game just really takes the approach of rewarding you for trying wacky and bizarre things, even things that seem to contradict the design.

One time a bunch of guildies were farming the Trolls up in Frostgorge Sound (a level 70-80 zone) and just for the hell of it I ran my level 50 thief up there. Getting to the group was a harrowing experience (Moas could one-shot me), and I couldn't get loot credit on any of the Trolls, but just from getting up there, being in a party for some of the kills and grabbing a couple waypoints and vistas I got 2.5 levels in about 20 minutes.

Actually, there are very few game design decisions that legitimately punish rather than reward you for pushing your limits. The closest I can think of would be the dungeon gear requirements (dungeons punish you heavily for not having gear at your level, regardless of the level of the dungeon), but even that pretty clearly subverts traditional MMO tropes. You can participate in dungeons without issue in at-level whites, and I'm not just speculating that it's possible; I've done it.


Alright, didn't play much last night and made no progress when I did. What a waste -_-. So, about that guild invite. kreeze.9074 is my user handle thingy. I'll be on tonight, hopefully for longer than to just kill SB (I'm so addicted to those events). I'm also west coast, so don't know if that makes a difference for anything?


So I was looking at my characters today and I realized that despite having my best reserved name and a melee class, my Norn Guardian is collecting dust. Level 12, only a few weapons leveled, no personal story progress at all.

It's not the profession so much as the race and visuals; I can't get past the slow, plodding animation of the Norn, even though my guardian is female and as short as I can possibly make her. This was especially noticeable running her through the Super Adventure Box, because everyone was scaled to Asura height, her animations actually felt right. She felt quick and fluid. Dinking around on her today, I don't think Norn are for me. Which is fine, because I already didn't care for the VA or their storylines that much either.

So I tried out a Human Guardian and was surprised to find that the dealbreaker that kept me from rolling that combo previously is mysteriously gone. When wielding a greatsword, human females would make this high pitched "YIP!" noise. After a few levels of playing, it appears to be gone!

So now I'm wondering... do I give my warrior a sex change and reroll my Guardian as a human male (visually identical to my warrior now), or do I keep my Warrior and just roll a female human Guardian? The Warrior is definitely still my main, with all of the good bags / dyes / tools and unlocks. Everyone seems to recognize that name even though I've never really cared for it.


Yeah, for the other guys.

Garg can no long speak with you. You bring Shame upon the Norn honor. Your blood is thin......human.


I got my first piece of ascended gear but the infused slot add-ons confuse me. Some seem rock solid like +20% Karma, while others seems super weak like +4 to toughness. Why so low?
I got my first piece of ascended gear but the infused slot add-ons confuse me. Some seem rock solid like +20% Karma, while others seems super weak like +4 to toughness. Why so low?

The infusions that give the large bonuses (Karma, Gold, Exp, etc..) are Utility Infusions. They only go into the Amulet. The rest go into the other Ascended Items in Offensive or Defensive slots respectively.


The infusions that give the large bonuses (Karma, Gold, Exp, etc..) are Utility Infusions. They only go into the Amulet. The rest go into the other Ascended Items in Offensive or Defensive slots respectively.

Makes sense but why is the bonus on those offence and defensives so low (+4)? Is it really a matter of your fine tuning to that high of a degree?
Makes sense but why is the bonus on those offence and defensives so low (+4)? Is it really a matter of your fine tuning to that high of a degree?

It's likely because those infusions will be used in items in the future. While Utility infusions will only be usable in the one Amulet slot. So as the introduce more Ascended Items, you'll be looking at +4 Stat in more than just the accessories. That's my theory on it anyhow.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Like what? I've looked at the wiki, seems weapons are pretty damn good but nothing else jumps out at me. I have like 100 SP.
1. All weapons you can make in this fashion are tradeable. Craft 'em and sell 'em.
2. If you are interested in making stuff for yourself in this fashion: besides the Mystic weapons, others that have cool skins you might want can be forged with various Skill Point-requiring items including Glint's Scale and The Anomaly, and the enormous list of weapons that require Eldritch Scrolls (50 SPs)
3. The Ascended Books and Quivers all require some Skill Point-purchased components, as do the Fine Infusions if you're masochistic
4. Mystic Clovers and the Gift of Mastery which are needed for forging a Legendary
5. Promotion/upconversion of crafting matierals requires Philosopher's Stones, or Crystals/Elonian Wine in the case of Cores->Lodestones
Makes sense but why is the bonus on those offence and defensives so low (+4)? Is it really a matter of your fine tuning to that high of a degree?
Those offensive/defensive ones (purchased for 5 laurels) are for people who don't ever, ever play fractals to be able to use the slot at a very marginal stat boost. The ones that come with both agony resistance and the tiny stat boost (the Fine infusions) are absolutely ridiculous. Have you seen the material requirements to forge them? They are the ultimate luxury, "look-at-me-I-have-everything-COMPLETELY-best-in-slot" items, and have the worst value of any obtainable item in the game. If you want agony resistance, get a Simple Versatile Infusion from fractals. If you don't, don't bother putting anything in those slots unless/until you happen to be overflowing with Laurels. The Utility infusions for the Amulet are the only universally-appealing infusions in the game.


Ok, so while I'm at work, I typically browse GW2 stuff when I have down time. I see a whole lot of variety in builds and what not when looking for Mesmer builds and whatnot. I really have no pure preference on weapon, well maybe GS, but I can't figure out an effective leveling build. I seem to die more than I should when playing solo, so is there a particular resource I can look at for a more "standard" Mesmer leveling build? I had no idea where to put my traits so I feel like they are a bit scattered. Same for skills.


If you don't feel like unlocking a single further skill, just save them. Skill Points become a useful currency at 80.

Unless they've changed it and I missed it, you don't get the fake level skill points unless you've already bought all of your skills. Missed out on several on Ivogar because I didn't know that and there were a couple minion skills I didn't buy for a couple months.


Garg can no long speak with you. You bring Shame upon the Norn honor. Your blood is thin......human.

I know... I had the same problem with Tauren in WoW: I love their shamanistic culture, they look positively badass in heavy armor... but that slow run animation, even though it's the same speed as everyone else, creates a disconnect I can't get past. I tried. A lot.

I am shamed.

Ok, so while I'm at work, I typically browse GW2 stuff when I have down time. I see a whole lot of variety in builds and what not when looking for Mesmer builds and whatnot. I really have no pure preference on weapon, well maybe GS, but I can't figure out an effective leveling build. I seem to die more than I should when playing solo, so is there a particular resource I can look at for a more "standard" Mesmer leveling build? I had no idea where to put my traits so I feel like they are a bit scattered. Same for skills.

Search specifically for Mesmer Leveling builds... or wait for Hawkian to chime in.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Unless they've changed it and I missed it, you don't get the fake level skill points unless you've already bought all of your skills. Missed out on several on Ivogar because I didn't know that and there were a couple minion skills I didn't buy for a couple months.
Uhhh. I don't know anything about that. I suppose I'd have to test but I'm not really sure how.

edit: Ack okay, mesmer leveling tips when I get back from lunch


Ok, so while I'm at work, I typically browse GW2 stuff when I have down time. I see a whole lot of variety in builds and what not when looking for Mesmer builds and whatnot. I really have no pure preference on weapon, well maybe GS, but I can't figure out an effective leveling build. I seem to die more than I should when playing solo, so is there a particular resource I can look at for a more "standard" Mesmer leveling build? I had no idea where to put my traits so I feel like they are a bit scattered. Same for skills.

Depends on your level. Mesmers don't really stand out until after level 40 or so. All I can say right now is to pick the traits that look like they'll benefit you the most from what you currently do. I can tell you that my own mesmer spent a lot of levels 11 to 40 or so in the downed state during/after each fight.

Unless they've changed it and I missed it, you don't get the fake level skill points unless you've already bought all of your skills. Missed out on several on Ivogar because I didn't know that and there were a couple minion skills I didn't buy for a couple months.

If you watch your "Skillful" achievement, this number should keep going up indicating point gain. Depending how much you play, it may not be all that noticeable either but I can safely say that my thief has been getting points despite not having every skill unlocked. It's just not very high anymore (as it used to be above 300) after paying Miyani a visit.


Uhhh. I don't know anything about that. I suppose I'd have to test but I'm not really sure how.

edit: Ack okay, mesmer leveling tips when I get back from lunch

With Ivo I noticed that his skill points were staying static over a long period so I made a point of watching as the odometer ticked over and found he didn't get a point. Going to log on one of my other 80's real quick and see if they get a point on fake level since none of em have full skills.


I know... I had the same problem with Tauren in WoW: I love their shamanistic culture, they look positively badass in heavy armor... but that slow run animation, even though it's the same speed as everyone else, creates a disconnect I can't get past. I tried. A lot.

I am shamed.

Norn don't walk slow. Norn walk with confidence and purpose.

They are a race full of perseverance. The spirits may rarely answer them, but dammit, they keep praying.


1. All weapons you can make in this fashion are tradeable. Craft 'em and sell 'em.
2. If you are interested in making stuff for yourself in this fashion: besides the Mystic weapons, others that have cool skins you might want can be forged with various Skill Point-requiring items including Glint's Scale and The Anomaly, and the enormous list of weapons that require Eldritch Scrolls (50 SPs)
3. The Ascended Books and Quivers all require some Skill Point-purchased components, as do the Fine Infusions if you're masochistic
4. Mystic Clovers and the Gift of Mastery which are needed for forging a Legendary
5. Promotion/upconversion of crafting matierals requires Philosopher's Stones, or Crystals/Elonian Wine in the case of Cores->Lodestones

Those offensive/defensive ones (purchased for 5 laurels) are for people who don't ever, ever play fractals to be able to use the slot at a very marginal stat boost. The ones that come with both agony resistance and the tiny stat boost (the Fine infusions) are absolutely ridiculous. Have you seen the material requirements to forge them? They are the ultimate luxury, "look-at-me-I-have-everything-COMPLETELY-best-in-slot" items, and have the worst value of any obtainable item in the game. If you want agony resistance, get a Simple Versatile Infusion from fractals. If you don't, don't bother putting anything in those slots unless/until you happen to be overflowing with Laurels. The Utility infusions for the Amulet are the only universally-appealing infusions in the game.

Awesome info across the board, thanks. Fractals still confuse me, I've only run one and just followed the leader. Will have to look them up at some point but right now I'm working on world completion.


Norn don't walk slow. Norn walk with confidence and purpose.

I use the term: lumbering. They are lumbering hulks. When I do jump on my Asura its like the little fucker is on speed crack. Defiantly 'perception' at its finest. Time is relative.


anyone who cares to take a look, i have some questions about my condition damage necormancer (since people have been bringing it up in the last page or so):

i'd really like to save up for legendary weapon, but the gold sink just seems too crazy. my currency on hand:

154 skill points
150 mystic coins
~6 gold
62 laurels
120k karma (saving at least 90k of this to finish off the last two pieces of my grenth exotic armor set)
70 WvW tokens, whatever they are called

should i go ahead and forge some mystic weapons with my SP? my artificer is at 400 so it's no problem to get all the mats needed, but i feel like i "should" be saving them for a legendary down the road. it's just the way i fly through gold, legednaries seems like a mountain i'll never climb :/

also i have a jeweler at 400, is ascended gear (the 40 laurels + 50 globs of ectoplasm)better or worse than the exotics i could craft with the jeweler?


I use the term: lumbering. They are lumbering hulks. When I do jump on my Asura its like the little fucker is on speed crack. Defiantly 'perception' at its finest. Time is relative.

Well, my Norn is hardly lumbering.

It's graceful, dammit!

Awesome info across the board, thanks. Fractals still confuse me, I've only run one and just followed the leader. Will have to look them up at some point but right now I'm working on world completion.

Fractal Boot Camp time!
Now I feel retarded. (sorry no other word comes to mind)

I have literally been sitting at home levelling like a damn fool just looking at guild chat and saying to my toon "Soon Rika, soon you can play with the other kids too !!"

I'll get mumble tonight and watch out for call outs in areas I have been or can get to.

Can I vehemently recommend a couple of things?
1) Do the Rox and Braham storylines as soon as you can. I think the minimum level to do them is around 15, and after, I think, the 14 of this month (i.e. in four days) they're supposedly gone forerever. This will be a great introduction for both of them, just in time for:
2) The Molten Weapon Facility, a dungeon that is only up until then as well, and IMHO is the best dungeon in the game right now. What's more, this saturday there is a guild event to raid that dungeon (split all the guild into 5-man parties and race to see who can complete it first, all participants get a free unidentified item just for attending). The dungeon itself has NO LEVEL restriction, as you get upleveled all the way to 80 for its duration (I completed it at 38 with Hawkian as a 20 something without wiping once).
Seriously, if you've not done Molten Facility yet, absolutely do not miss it. You might even want to run it a few times until then, since, like any dungeon, you get quite a lot of loot, plus about a level per run worth of exp, and, frankly, it rocks. :)

Alright, didn't play much last night and made no progress when I did. What a waste -_-. So, about that guild invite. kreeze.9074 is my user handle thingy. I'll be on tonight, hopefully for longer than to just kill SB (I'm so addicted to those events). I'm also west coast, so don't know if that makes a difference for anything?

Some of us are in Europe! :D There's people virtually all around. Obviously, make a point to convert the times for guild events.

Ok, so while I'm at work, I typically browse GW2 stuff when I have down time. I see a whole lot of variety in builds and what not when looking for Mesmer builds and whatnot. I really have no pure preference on weapon, well maybe GS, but I can't figure out an effective leveling build. I seem to die more than I should when playing solo, so is there a particular resource I can look at for a more "standard" Mesmer leveling build? I had no idea where to put my traits so I feel like they are a bit scattered. Same for skills.

I think the essence of the Mesmer has little to do with builds and much to do with gameplay. Mesmer is a class that took a bit to click, but once it did, I have better survivality than with a lot of my other alts (admittedly I just hit level 30, though).

The secret to playing Mesmer is resource management; specifically, your illusions. I know it's obvious that they're the core of the class, but they're so enormously flexible that it's a bit overwhelming at first what to do with them. Let me give you a couple pointers:

1) You probably already know this, but there's two kinds of Illusions, Phantasms and Clones:
1a) Phantasms are resilient illusions that actually do stuff, like protect you, reflect projectiles or do damage.
1b) Clones are paperthin, not-damaging illusions; these have the advantage of looking exactly like you down to the name tag, so they're useful for confusing people in PvP, but this advantage is lost in PvE as mobs will attack ALL illusions and phantasms are more resilient. Therfore, Phantasms are ALWAYS preferable to Clones in PvE (conversely, they have longer cooldowns).
2) For me, the Mesmer's game is a delicately balance act between having three illusions up at most if not all time, but also not wasting cooldowns because you already have three illusions and would waste a fourth one. Particularly, weapon swapping is important because virtually all weapons have at least one Phantasm in the 3-5 skills. You ideally want to have three Phantasms up; if you do, chances are that you're doing well. If not, fill empty slots with Clones.
3) When facing a Veteran with adds, ALWAYS throw your illusions at the veteran. Remember that your illusions shatter as soon as their target dies, so this way they'll last much longer, not to mention all of their effects will affect the most dangerous enemy. This may mean a slightly fancy targetting work, as your damaging skills should definitely concentrate on the adds to take them down ASAP.
4) The Mesmer is paperthin; your defense are the illusions themselves. I would recommend to have at the bare minimum one skill that stealths you, like Decoy or The Prestige, so you can reset aggro and hopefully peel the enemies off you and onto your cheap illusions. Remember though that unlike WoW, you CAN be attacked and damaged while stealthed.
5) Try to spread out your illusions so that the enemy can't hit them all, let alone you, with AOEs or wide-range slashes. To that effect, it's not a bad idea to circle the enemy while you summon them, so as to get them surrounded by them. This also has the bonus that the enemy is with their back to at least one illusion and probably you, and also, they have to turn to face each illusion.
6) It's probably best (or at least that's how I play) to have a mental count of how many more illusions you can summon at any given time (taking into account your utility skills and your other weapon set). If at any time this number is three (or more), or is soon going to, it's probably in your best interest to shatter your current illusions and summon another three; this is also a good thing to do (and therefore you might want to even if you can't replace all three) if you can't peel the enemies off you and have no stealth skills available.
7) The one handed sword has a great defensive + offensive skill in Blurred Frenzy. You're entirely and completely invulnerable during the two seconds you're slashing like mad, and it has a measly 10s cooldown. Invaluable when you're in a pinch and need to wait a handful of seconds for your other cooldowns to reset. 

I'll try to think of more stuff, but Hawkian also has a Mesmer so I'm sure he'll have some great advice that even I could really use. :)
Unless they've changed it and I missed it, you don't get the fake level skill points unless you've already bought all of your skills. Missed out on several on Ivogar because I didn't know that and there were a couple minion skills I didn't buy for a couple months.

I honestly don't know what you've been experiencing. Even when you don't have every skill purchased, your skill points keep accumulating every time your bar levels. I know that because I never bothered buying every skill since I knew early on I wanted a Legendary and it would cost skills.


Uhhh. I don't know anything about that. I suppose I'd have to test but I'm not really sure how.

edit: Ack okay, mesmer leveling tips when I get back from lunch


Depends on your level. Mesmers don't really stand out until after level 40 or so. All I can say right now is to pick the traits that look like they'll benefit you the most from what you currently do. I can tell you that my own mesmer spent a lot of levels 11 to 40 or so in the downed state during/after each fight.

Yeah, that's about how I feel. I'm usually partied with two others, but they ended up leveling a few levels beyond me and it's hard to catch up with all the dying I do. Kind of discouraging, but I keep equating Mesmer to Red Mage from FFXI. Difficult and crappy to start, but after 40 it gets way better.


I honestly don't know what you've been experiencing. Even when you don't have every skill purchased, your skill points keep accumulating every time your bar levels. I know that because I never bothered buying every skill since I knew early on I wanted a Legendary and it would cost skills.

It seems ok now. Just fake leveled my ele and she got a point. In January me and a few other people wern't getting our points for the bar leveling and it didn't start until we bought our last skills. Dunno if we were just bugged then or what. Ivogar was stuck at 35 skill points for about a month.


I don't remember ever getting stuck on actually accumulating skill points, but I did have some issues with them counting on the hero panel achievement or whatever, was stuck for the longest time and would only count skill challenges or <80 levels I think. I believe it seems to have been fixed..
It seems ok now. Just fake leveled my ele and she got a point. In January me and a few other people wern't getting our points for the bar leveling and it didn't start until we bought our last skills. Dunno if we were just bugged then or what. Ivogar was stuck at 35 skill points for about a month.

That definitely seems really weird. I don't recall ever experiencing a bug like that, though without looking for it at the time, I guess I wouldn't really know. I did accumulate more than 200 skill points more than once though as I was able to buy the bloodstone shard easily.


I don't remember ever getting stuck on actually accumulating skill points, but I did have some issues with them counting on the hero panel achievement or whatever, was stuck for the longest time and would only count skill challenges or <80 levels I think. I believe it seems to have been fixed..

That could be it, or at least related. It seems like I did still get skill challenge points but nothing else showed up. Going to full skills just might have coincided with the patch and I figured it was full skills.
anyone who cares to take a look, i have some questions about my condition damage necormancer (since people have been bringing it up in the last page or so):

i'd really like to save up for legendary weapon, but the gold sink just seems too crazy. my currency on hand:

154 skill points
150 mystic coins
~6 gold
62 laurels
120k karma (saving at least 90k of this to finish off the last two pieces of my grenth exotic armor set)
70 WvW tokens, whatever they are called

should i go ahead and forge some mystic weapons with my SP? my artificer is at 400 so it's no problem to get all the mats needed, but i feel like i "should" be saving them for a legendary down the road. it's just the way i fly through gold, legednaries seems like a mountain i'll never climb :/

also i have a jeweler at 400, is ascended gear (the 40 laurels + 50 globs of ectoplasm)better or worse than the exotics i could craft with the jeweler?

If you aren't going to being used that sp for upconversion of mats or cores then sure go ahead on the mystic weapon. Just make sure you are making a profit.

The ascended gear is marginally better than exotics but 40 laurels+50 globs is a bit high of a price in my opinion.


If you aren't going to being used that sp for upconversion of mats or cores then sure go ahead on the mystic weapon. Just make sure you are making a profit.

The ascended gear is marginally better than exotics but 40 laurels+50 globs is a bit high of a price in my opinion.

I suggest skipping this particular route altogether. Purchase the trinkets from commendations and the rings and amulet from the collected laurels. A monthly usually does the trick for the amulet.
I know... I had the same problem with Tauren in WoW: I love their shamanistic culture, they look positively badass in heavy armor... but that slow run animation, even though it's the same speed as everyone else, creates a disconnect I can't get past. I tried. A lot.

I am shamed.

No shame in disliking the lumbering oafs. In retrospective, I might have played my Tauren Shaman less often than my other characters for that same reason. The game seems slower, even though it's objectively the same speed. I actually did like the class, so it's pretty likely this was the reason.

My Norns seem to be doing OK, in part because, in anticipation of this and camera issues I made them shorter (my female ranger is actually about the side of a very tall human male, it's almost as short as you can make a Norn), and in part because the warrior actually kind of looks cool lumbering in that heavy armor and dishing out the pain, mighty glacier mode.
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