Maybe this is a bad picture, one of the only ones I have on hand and the injector aa not captured in shot, but looks ok to me?
Human models still look terrible, and often look out of place in screenshots as their super smooth reflective faces stand out far too much. They all look like overgrown pre-teens with silly hair and badly drawn facial hair.
Trying to find the GAF Guild group shots, where the human faces stand out like Beacons of Light guiding ships away from danger.
I got to play a bit more than normal last night, so I gained a couple levels. Almost 20 on my Mes! With that said, I totally suck at being a Mesmer. Playing with my gf's Ranger, I was hardly helping to kill anything. I noticed, though, that in that kind of situation I was heavily gravitating to Sword/Sword or Sword/Focus. I'll have to take a break for a bit as one of the friends I play with is going out of town and we don't want to leave him behind in levels. Guess I'll level a Guardian for the next week, since I'll never outgrow playing classes that look like Tanks.
On another note, what other content can I do aside from story, heart-questing(dunno the term), and the events(Troll up! Wasp! SB! Did I miss SB? Fuck, I missed SB!)? Being such a low level, I don't know if I can do the living story stuff and dungeons and whatever. I'm definitely a PvE guy so WvW and sPvP don't completely interest me at this point.
And I didn't get a guild invite yet... ;_;
Reminds me of something someone pointed out in the GW2 forum once.
Basically its pretty damn hard to make a human character who doesn't look "White, Asian or like a porcelain doll". I would have to agree, It's FAR easier for me to make chocolate female norn than one that's human. Mainly because of the face and hair options the humans lack.
But on the female norn side there's basically only 2-3 body types ... ( skinny + big tits, slim + big tits or truck torso and big tits :/ )
Basically what you're saying is that you don't like white people.
Looks like a doll in this second shot. Plastic hair an all. But I guess I never really like the shaders in GW2 in the first place. Very... shimmery and oily.
Looks like a doll in this second shot. Plastic hair an all. But I guess I never really like the shaders in GW2 in the first place. Very... shimmery and oily.
However, I like the Norn design when people go over the top with it. Like the guy who has the huge norn with the red face paint cover half his face and body. That looks class with the armor sets he's using.
Oh definitely.
Seeing stuff like THIS on reddit has given me so many great ideas for a norn that take advantage of all their cool features (size, build, tattoos, hair)
Ha, that's Yoloswagdawg in our guild. I think that's his character eighthundredgems.
So I have gotten a few steps into the Rox and Graham sorylines and I am lovin them so far. I really hope I get enough me time to finish these off along with the dungeon. Thanks for the push Weltall Zero, got me right over the edge.
I got to play a bit more than normal last night, so I gained a couple levels. Almost 20 on my Mes! With that said, I totally suck at being a Mesmer. Playing with my gf's Ranger, I was hardly helping to kill anything. I noticed, though, that in that kind of situation I was heavily gravitating to Sword/Sword or Sword/Focus. I'll have to take a break for a bit as one of the friends I play with is going out of town and we don't want to leave him behind in levels. Guess I'll level a Guardian for the next week, since I'll never outgrow playing classes that look like Tanks.
On another note, what other content can I do aside from story, heart-questing(dunno the term), and the events(Troll up! Wasp! SB! Did I miss SB? Fuck, I missed SB!)? Being such a low level, I don't know if I can do the living story stuff and dungeons and whatever. I'm definitely a PvE guy so WvW and sPvP don't completely interest me at this point.
And I didn't get a guild invite yet... ;_;
Agree on that.
How do I go about getting into the GAF guild?
Yup, Norn are basically the "true" human race in GW2 as far as I'm concerned. [
Basically what you're saying is that you don't like white people.
My Sylvari still gets the oily cloth effect on his clothes though, I really hate it.
You'll actually figure out your play style pretty quick, if you prefer shattering constantly or if you tend to leave your illusions around to help out.A lot of what was said feels like what I've read before, which is good since it gives me a good direction and perspective on Mesmer. I respecced and went 5 points into illusion and haven't put points elsewhere. I still cannot decide how I want to go with my Mesmer just yet. I feel like I should take some short videos of how I tend to play naturally(with a little guidance) and post 'em as subject matter. As for builds I've seen...
And this:
Two links, three different builds. Lazy Kai's build intrigued me since, well, I can be lazy. It sounds close-ish to the "Illusion Army" build seen in the reddit post Lone_Prodigy linked(Thanks!), but does anyone have any extended opinions on them? I know it'll come down more to my personal style of play, and I'd try them all if respeccing my traits didn't break the bank.
Also, I appreciate all the effort that's been put forth in giving me feedback. Thanks guys (and girls?)
Mind blown.That's why all my guys are too tall.
Can't touch this.
Sylvari are SUCH a waste of potential! >:[
I can get over them all having pretty "Ehhhh" body shapes I guess seeing as plants don't need to have the hour-glass or buff-guy shapes ... I GUESS.
But the lack of hair and face options? Yeah, a lot of Sylvari players sufferer from looking alike/ having same-face because there's just not very many good faces or hair styles.
I mean, come one ... they're plant people. For hair, why not have flowers blooming on their head? Vine or root dreadlocks? Cotton bloom afro? More use of flower petals in hair?
Both the sylvari and the asura suffer from lack of hair options and the sylvari get a double-hit with their lack of faces and the simply fact that they have SO MUCH that can be used that's not.
Sylvari are SUCH a waste of potential! >:[
I can get over them all having pretty "Ehhhh" body shapes I guess seeing as plants don't need to have the hour-glass or buff-guy shapes ... I GUESS.
But the lack of hair and face options? Yeah, a lot of Sylvari players sufferer from looking alike/ having same-face because there's just not very many good faces or hair styles.
I mean, come one ... they're plant people. For hair, why not have flowers blooming on their head? Vine or root dreadlocks? Cotton bloom afro? More use of flower petals in hair?
Both the sylvari and the asura suffer from lack of hair options and the sylvari get a double-hit with their lack of faces and the simply fact that they have SO MUCH that can be used that's not.
Had posted it before, but I think it got overlooked: kreeze.9074What's your account name? The XXXX.1234 thing.
Glad to be of service! Please don't hesitate to ask in guild chat for people to run facility, it's a short and very fun dungeon so I'm sure you'll always find someone.
At level 20 you can do the entirety of the current Living Story content, including the dungeon.If you need quick levels, gathering and crafting give quite a lot of exp. I'd try WvW if I were you, as it's a quite PvE-flavored kind of PvP, but it might not be to your liking, especially with nobody who can tell you what you're doing. Other than that, the meat and potatoes of the game is events, hearts and dungeons, with the latter starting at 30 (exception made of the Living Story dungeon while it lasts, so get it while it's there), but you'll find more varied and elaborate events (and also hearts) as you keep playing. Basically, the thing is that the game doesn't start turning up the heat until 30ish, so if you're finding it too simple or easy, you're in for a treat, but if you find it challenging already... that's kind of bad news.
You'll actually figure out your play style pretty quick, if you prefer shattering constantly or if you tend to leave your illusions around to help out.
Not too crazy about the Reddit builds, I took issue the second I saw where he put his trait points. If you go shatter, you want that amazing self shatter trait that requires you pour 30 pts into Illusions and it will go really well with any shatter build whether it's concentrated on conditions or base damage. As a Phantasm build Mes, I take even more issue with his Illusion Army. I want to throw a quick caveat that you really have the flexibility to tailor a build the way you want and can still make things work, but for a proper Phantasm build (not talking hybrids here), if you aren't pouring points into Inspiration, you're doing it wrong. That is THE trait line for Phantasms though there are a few very useful major traits in others but the majority are in Inspiration. He has 10 pts there which doesn't even reach the other 15 percent more damage by phantasms (stacks with the 15 percent more damage from the Domination line for 30 percent more damage!) You also get a trait that increases your phantasm's HP so everything doesn't one shot them (mine can survive anything but a powerful boss attack and a large group of enemies attacking it in unison) and having all phantasms generate non-stop regen when near them which can be very valuable as you imagine, whether you're hanging back at a safe distance with a ranged phantasm or you setup warden to pummel away at a boss from the side while you're attacking close with the sword. Take a look at the trait lines but you'll see that Inspiration is meant for Phantasm builds.
The lazy build is better and fine for a shatter build. The one comment I'd make is that you should not use a single weapon as he does. He admits it's for being lazy yada yada but if you're only ever using a single weapon, you're playing wrong. You should constantly be swapping between them for the right situation. I primarily use Sword/Focus but I swap to Staff in every battle for specific functions. Your traits will shape what skills you want to use and of course enemy encounters. Are you going to fight a boss that places lots of boons on himself? Does the dungeon have lots of enemies that use projectile attacks? etc.
I didn't touch on utilities as you're low level (what are you up to now?) but I should have provided a few to start with. Pretending you just unlocked your 7 skill slot, I recommend Mirror Images because 1. It's useful to instantly generate 2 clones to help you out at early levels or for quick ammo if you're going to shatter and 2. The reason it never leaves my bar even at level 80, that it's basically my heal. Whenever I've dropped to half health or worse, I use the skill (and if you have clone on dodge, can do a quick roll for a third clone) and use Ether Feast and it heals exponentially more than if you have no illusions out when you use it. When you are in a pinch and need a massive heal, this is a life saver, literally. This by the way is great boosted by my having many trait points in Inspiration as that trait line boost your max health as well has healing power. This gives me a nice health pool and enhances my survivability despite being a zerker glass cannon. Blink is an amazing survival tool as it breaks stuns and can get you away in a jiffy. You can also use it to shoot through a line of traps in a dungeon or jp. It's an excellent way to get enough of a head start that your pursuers won't be able to catch up to you. Feedback is excellent when in an area full of enemies that use projectiles and absolutely DESTROYS enemies with extremely powerful projectiles like karkas. Portal is invaluable in WvW but also is great when working as a team in other scenarios. Besides helping people with JP's, you can use it to get people past traps in dungeons if they aren't very good at dodging them or even use it to help your team use a shortcut that only a Mesmer can access via Blink. I use it in the CoF dungeon as well as in multiple fractals. If you are approaching a boss you know loads up on boons as some of the fractal bosses do, you can bring the combination of Arcane Thievery and Signet of Inspiration and once you see the boss full of useful boons, you use thievery to steal all of them and place them on yourself, then activate the signet to replicate every boon you have to the rest of your party. If you have staff equipped, pop on a chaos armor (the 4 skill) before you use the signet and your party will love you for all you've tossed on them. These are the skills I use most often but Null Field can be very useful if in an area where enemies cast lots of conditions and you don't have someone in your party that can cleanse them.
Hawkian covered the elite skill, Time Warp will rarely leave your bar, if ever. Amazing for bosses for obvious reasons but it's also nice to be able to heal downed allies at a rapid pace if multiple drop at once.
Give me an update on your level and what weapons you have and I can rant about those too![]()
Aren't most of the story decisions after the first chain (the one you set up during character creation) the same regardless of race?If you're waiting for a change race you should just remake your character now. Change race wouldn't work with the personal stories.
Haha, you're such a sensitive little guy. I'd love to see how a race/class change comment, which isn't even a criticism of the game, is trolling. Please PLEASE give me a glimpse of what goes on in your head. I'm really curious.Don't worry about Lyphen, he makes the race change troll comment every so often to see if people bite.
Class change I could see eventually, but only between armor types.
You guys are posting pictures of me, you must really like me! Anyone? No?
Oh well
There's certainly characters with the same skin/face/hair options but it seems more prevalent on the non human races because of that. I'd say my face/hair probably is the most common, but I see many different looking sylvari. Way more than I thought I'd see when I originally created her. Have yet to see one with my face/hair/colors.
Yep, my main is one and if they ever introduce *Change Race* cash shop item I would buy it and change my Guardian to Norn, Sylvari equal human plants, would have been awesome to see branches growing out of them but I guess Anet didn't want to deal with the headache of programing each armor set to make sure there's was no clipping, so I can understand that headache, but they didn't even try and make them stand out, the glowing effect should effect the all armors, also the glowing effect should be something we can change at any time we wanted, for a new race in Tyria Anet pretty much shat all over them and didn't even try...
I just hope that they get a big fat upgrade in the faces+hairs+Culture armor in the future expansion/ patches.
My next armor set I want to work towards is TA, but good god that dungeon sucks my balls. It definitely needs an upgrade soon. Maybe I can find a group to stick it out.
My next armor set I want to work towards is TA, but good god that dungeon sucks my balls. It definitely needs an upgrade soon. Maybe I can find a group to stick it out.
Well I definitely don't get tired of how I'm leveling now, but I am looking forward to dungeons a lot. It's my favorite thing to do in PvE. I guess once I hit level 20 I'll try out the living story dungeon!
Wow, just wow. So much good info for me to absorb. I'm just still not used to their being no real cookie-cutter builds or mandatory builds to be good at the game, but rather making a build around how one plays. It's like I can't wrap my ahead around it. And dungeons sound more hearty than I would have thought.
I hit level 19 last night and am close-ish to hitting level 20(will hit tonight). I primarily use a Greatsword but will switch out to Staff sometimes, and Sword/Sword/Focus as my alternate. I also try to keep my gear up to date with my level. I have a pretty good idea on how I can combo with my weapons and what not, but it really does feel like it takes a while to kill things, and that effect becomes more apparent when grouped. I typically do not play my Mesmer solo. I'm usually with one to two other people when leveling. I also don't shatter much, but sometimes I will. My play style just feels so sporadic even to myself that I can't peg a direction to go. It's different for sure.
Never was a fan of TA in the early days, but I've recently ran all 3 paths pretty easily.My next armor set I want to work towards is TA, but good god that dungeon sucks my balls. It definitely needs an upgrade soon. Maybe I can find a group to stick it out.