Does neogaf have a guild wars 1 guild? I actually logged on.
Man whoever wrote that little lore bit is in love with Kasmeer.
Never mind the haircut, how about Kasmeer's Splendid Chest?
I actually kind of want the hair style too
That was a fake spoiler.
What do Asura females wear at the beach?
...this isn't a setup for a joke, I just realized I had never seen one.
*tookPeople in Kamadan were bitching too much. I bolted and tried to remember how to play an assassin. fail, fail, fail!
I was about to ask if a friend could get an invite, then I remembered. derp. Surprised this is taking this long. In 8 years, GW1 was rarely down for more than a few minutes.
Most likely on May 28th, broI can't wait for the culling update to come out. In the brief minutes I was playing gw1 that was really the biggest thing that stood out. I could see people more than 30 feet away from me. ZOMG>
Man we didn't kick you.
Exhale everybody.
Wait why? Season 1 of the Wire and Season 1 of Breaking Bad were both awesome (that's all I've seen of each)
Game of Thrones I haven't given much of a fair shake.
Go back to playing you sissies. I'll keep packing away my stuff (read: throwing away a lot of it)
pics too small
You can put 's' 'm' or 'l' at the end of imgur file urls!
You can put 's' 'm' or 'l' at the end of imgur file urls!
Buy him a copy on Amazon, mark it as a gift and have it delivered to him?
Glad to see the Faren love. Sorry he's not everybody's cup of tea, but he's one of our favorites to write (and a fave of the voice actor Yuri Lowenthal, who supplies Faren's dulcet tones).
Lady Kasmeer is a brand new character who is making her extended cameo debut in the Secret of Southsun. We will see more of her in future releases (or, I should say, we'll spend more time with her but see less of her, as she won't always be wearing her beach gear).
Braham shouldn't be allowed into this new superhero group until he cuts his damn hair. What is that anyway, that's not what goes on peoples' heads.
One thing that I still need to repeat: the particle effects aren't something that's just anti-viewer. It's anti-player, and creates a real smokescreen effect for all involved. This is something I don't think is inherently a bad thing. Focus on the player that camera is following, and the player himself is making judgement calls over what he thinks is happening where if he's wrong, he melts. You will always see players moving into a position of less noise around the direct vicinity of their character, especially since noise that isn't spawned from their character is usually noise that's trying to kill them.
I want to break down the rest, but I feel like anything I put down will come off as a biased opinion of someone who already plays GW2 sPvP and knows what to look for.
The two biggest negative issues I can see are:
1) For a Melee player getting rained on from afar in a group fight the particle effects blind what others are doing in Melee range. It blocks equally but that doesn't mean it's a good thing. In inherently encourages Melee's going Bunker and Ranged doing all the killing since the gamemode requires that someone needs to stand on the node to prevent or cause a flip.
2) It's incredibly confusing to a viewer. You can't tell who is throwing what AoE out there and you'd only be able to learn what was a good decision and what was a bad decision after watching a LOT and even then you fully won't understand without playing yourself. It makes it counter productive for streaming and building a fanbase of non or casual players.
1) It's not the particle effects blinding that make people go bunker. It's the particle effects also being equivalent to instant death that force people to go bunker. There's so much damage ranged can do that you need to have someone with the toughness and healing/damage mitigation to stay on the point. Hell, I'm still of the opinion that there's too much damage to this game period. I'll also add that more and more teams are running on average two members with ranged revive utility skills for this reason.
2) This is what casters are for. For a more concrete example, I don't play LoL or DotA 2, but recently I've been making an effort to watch games on twitch. When team fights start, while there are less effects, I still have no idea what is happening except in retrospect. Some guy might get close and do some burst, but that's the same in GW2. Some ranged guy might have done the killing blow with some skill shot, but in GW2 most of that stuff comes with some kind of projectile effect to follow, from fireballs to arrows. In the case of just ground targetted AoEs appearing, you're able to just link it to a specific class most times, and most teams don't run multiples of a class.
And even with all of that, much of my knowledge of what happened in a given fight in LoL/DotA 2 is filled in by the casters going on and on over what just happened.
Hi Guys,
So I just bought Guild Wars 2 like literally now. Downloading it. Any tips for a newbie? What class should I start with. Always played a tanking class in wow.