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Guild Wars 2 |OT2| Funding An MMO Entirely On Quaggan Backpacks

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Everyone wants there to be something to do with spare Ascended Rings (a complaint I once found ridiculous I am now guilty of myself). Your idea is as good as any!

Really, if nothing else you should be able to toss four in the forge for a random one, but you can't even do that!

Yeah, seriously! I hope they eventually look at this.
No, you weren't saying that particle effects = death. I was saying that. I was saying that you're ignoring the fact that the particle effects also mean that you're getting hurt if you stand there. I was saying that because so much damage can be aimed at a point (which usually takes the form of crazy amounts of particle effects) bunkers exist.

As for the field, the nature of the field tells who it's from. If I see a poison trap go off, it's one of the rangers, but the Thief poison field is very distinct and the only other one that looks similar to it comes from two necro traits that no one uses and (I think) a rune set no one uses.

As for which team a given AoE belongs to, that I can agree with. What would need to happen is blue and red borders. For now, you generally tell which team launched it based on who takes damage standing in it. Yes, this means more figuring it out as/after the AoE goes off, rather than before it touches the ground, but...

Part of the issue is how fast everything is. And with more skills to work with, casters need some time to get up to speed. The best caster team from the last weekend of tournaments wasn't one that played GW2 much at all, so of course they needed to catch up. And then the caster team with the most knowledge weren't the best speakers.

And while I agree it is easier to tell in the MOBA's, it's still not easy, especially during team fights. I don't know who has what skills, so there are times when three or four guys mingle, and start going off on each other, and the only reason why I might be able tell what happened is because I saw those skills go off before. GW2 has a lot more skills per character, with faster animations, but I disagree that there aren't a deluge of unique effects. You can tell a lot from just a 1 on 1 fight.

To summarize,

There are a lot of effects, but those effects are there because they come from skills that do a lot of damage.

GW2 is fast, and with a lot of skills. I don't think it's impossible for a caster to keep their head on through all of it because there are a lot of unique things between classes. In your example, everything blue that comes out is the Guardian. Most of the other crazy effects will come from the D/D Ele. If a poison field shows up, the casters can easily say it's from the Thief on the side. Anything else will be a trap from one of the Rangers, or perhaps their torch AoE skill, which has an animation different from all the other class skills in play.

The problem is when both teams are running the same class and they clash during a team fight. That is a problem they absolutely will have to address. But for the most part, if I can parse what's going on, then a caster can. What's next is working on speed, or failing that, being able to breakdown what happened after the fact as quickly as possible. As it is right now, the casters are already able to call out when stomps are going down.

And I will say that I'm basing a lot of this from all of the special showmatches and demos they had for PvP before GW2 released. For the year up to release I loved watching these vids and figuring out the general gist of what was going on wasn't too hard.

I guess we just have differing opinions on it. But I'm confident that if you sat 10 people down to watch an SPvP match with having no prior knowledge of the game, the team fights would be extremely hard to track and understand.

As a player, I feel I should be able to see what my enemies are doing to be able to counter it, rather than reacting to effects or trying to guess what's coming next. With the current spell effects that's just not possible for melee in group fights and group fights are key in Conquest. I really feel that needs to be changed rather than adapted to by being forced to go Bunker.


The Cryptarch's Bane
You can support the settlers (star icon) for a small boost to MF.
Yes, a small boost of TWO HUNDRED PERCENT.
What's this I read about DR while farming?
It's.... there is some form of DR on farming. That's straight up all we know. I suggest ignoring the fact that you ever learned about it, while staying away from farming the same area for two hours for other reasons (like that it's incredibly boring).
I've yet to have a chest drop for me :(

Usually run with about 130'ish MF too. southsun is pretty brutal on MF gear though.
Are you using the coin boost then...? If you're actually looking for crates you should be using the Settler boost the whole time, which means the 130 MF is inexplicable, so I dono what is you talkin about

100% agreed on the bold though, holy hell. It's totally worth it, but I have to play my absolute best down there just to get from A to B in my MF gear (it's not even all level 80, and the accessories are green). I switch to my support/survival set and it's like "ahhh, right..."


The Cryptarch's Bane
Fixed the Heralds so they will tell the tale of Southsun Cove.
Fixed a bug causing waypoints on Southsun Shore to remain locked when they shouldn’t be.
Fixed issues that were potential causes of server latency in Crab Toss.
Fixed Cragstead and North Nolan Hatchery to appear in their post-Flame and Frost states.
Flame and Frost’s Victory Bonfires in Lion’s Arch, Hoelbrak & Black Citadel will remain until May 28th. Interacting with them will allow A Rallying Flame to be completed.
Fixed a bug with Dodge roll where it could get stuck in the queue and unintentionally execute after a stun or immobilize.
Collision has been updated on the World vs. World Burning Oil Pot. Players will once again be able to burn the enemies at the gate.
Fixed a bug with the animation with Sclerite Karka Shell.
Fixed a bug with missing upgrade slots on PvP Sclerite weapons.
All good stuff. People who missed the bonfire take heed!
I haven't taken leave of my senses.


Excellent, thanks all - I'll invest in some MF gear/trinkets eventually. Just a shame I won't be able to farm up enough to get them in time before the MF boost in Southsun is gone (more than likely, anyway).


The Cryptarch's Bane
Because people may have planned around making up their comms for the week tonight, missions (whatever people need) will go on tonight at 9:00PM (roughly 1.5 hrs) as scheduled. If you're on and not engaged in WVW, please try and help out- we'll do them very quickly.

After this, we'll no longer be doing guild missions (or any scheduled guild events) on Fridays. More info to follow!


To the victors go the spoils



The Cryptarch's Bane
Greetings comrades,

Amid all the tanning and karka rolls of our Southsun vacation, GAFGuild is making some substantive changes to guild operation that will hopefully benefit all of us, and make the guild a more rewarding place for all types of GW2 players to represent.

In our discussion, we wanted to approach three separate but related issues:
  1. Making Guild Missions and Commendations more accessible, especially for new players
  2. Making GAF a more rewarding guild to represent in WvW and motivating our WvW activity
  3. Working around time zone and member schedule conflicts that could lock people out of easily-obtained but crucial rewards; also, avoiding the perception that members are "required" to play one game mode over another, because of the WvW reset overlap.
We decided on two things right away: having missions overlap the weekly WvW reset is awful for everyone, and trying to do all the commendation makeups all at once, late at night, is a lot to ask of the guild. We killed two birds with one stone: no guild missions and no scheduled guild events, outside of WvW-related events, will ever be held on Fridays.

Friday is suggested as a Guild WvW day. It is when we will apply desired buffs and if you are online and looking for something to do with the guild, we encourage you to hop into the Mists.

We also discussed how popular the Saturday night commendation trains have been. We decided that as long as there are a lot of opportunities for people to make up their comms during the week, there's no reason to stop doing these. So Saturday night commendation parties are still on, starting slightly earlier.

If you haven't been online on Saturday night with us, either because you're new to the guild or usually can't make it, try and eke out a night to do it. We regularly have over 50 members active and I've seen 4/5 of the guild taking part in missions simultaneously. It's a blast. At these times, I have no doubt that our presence as a single guild could complete any content on Stormbluff Isle with relative ease, or be our own zerg in WvW.

Anyway- here's how we're taking care of business in more detail:

New Weekly Schedule



This is a lot simpler than it looks. First off, most importantly, none of this is stuff you have to do. This is a menu of stuff you can do.

Yellows are makeups, Greens are our first attempts/Merit Gets for the week, Red are suggested WvW sessions to accompany our high online concurrency.

On Saturday nights, an hour after reset, we'll blaze through all of the guild mission types except Trek, and earn our comms. If you can't make it to that, your first chance to make up any missions is Sunday afternoon at 4:00PM. At the very least, it will be simple to complete Bounty and Rush for comms with a small group online at this time. If we have more on we can attempt the others if needed; it's a convenient time of day for most officers. After comms are done, we'll do a Trek for the week.

Then on Monday at 9:00PM and Wednesday at 6:30PM, we'll do puzzle/bounty makeups.
On Tuesday at 9:00PM and Thursday at 6:30PM, challenge/rush makeups.

The differing times will hopefully accommodate more time zones than we did before. I didn't want to schedule anything that was at a time I couldn't fit into my schedule as a last resort, so I apologize there isn't more variety.

If you need your commendations for the week and you can make it to any of these times, please speak up in-game. If you already have your commendations for the week, the best way you can "give back" to the guild is to help your fellow guildies out with these missions. It's better than donating influence to the guild directly, it's better than In addition to getting commendations for those who need 'em, this earns us influence, and helps keep a sense of community up right alongside tasty guild buffs.

Note: With regard to the WvW stuff, I am using the term "suggested" because, as previously discussed, we'd love it if any one of you would be interested in stepping up to be our guild "WvW guy." I would personally love to command one day when I have some more of my character goals complete, but for now I just don't have the expertise. So if someone wants to step up, and those times aren't ideal for you, we can change up our "official" times to match your schedule better.

Our idea was for an hour of guild WvW following the conclusion of our makeups (and later on Sunday night), with Friday devoted to it.

That's all there is for the new schedule. This officially goes into effect Monday, 5/20.

GAF in WvW

WvWvW is great. It's not for everyone, but if you haven't tried it, you owe it to yourself. It's unlike PvP in any other game I've personally played. There's something to do for a group of any size, and you can even level up your character inside if you so choose.

GAF has primarily been focused on PvE since before the game was even released, and we took a further blow to the WvW population when Stormbluff Isle became destined to drop down out of the top tiers. Still, we have a number of dedicated WvW players and commanders, and any time a GAF group heads out into the Mists, we generally clean up shop.

Our most active commander is Dhomei Ventus, aka Kvothe. Unfortunately he doesn't post here, but his brother Kos Luftar can occasionally relay information about any events he may be hosting specifically.

These new changes are meant to encourage participation in WvW as well as incentivize the WvW-centric members of our guild to represent GAF on SBI.

  • Clearing of the Friday Guild Events: this is our chance to make an impact for our server when it matters most. Just before reset at 9:00PM eastern, we'll form parties and either fortify our homelands or wreak havoc on the enemy in an attempt to get territory early. As discussed above, we're also opening up a more casual "power hour" of WvW after our guild missions.
  • New Guild Rank: those who are primarily or specifically interested in WvW may be bestowed the new rank of Mist Warrior. Mist Warriors will have the ability to claim outposts for GAF in WvW, but otherwise are no different in responsibility or access from other guildies. The first batch of Mist Warriors will be selected by the Officers, but after that point, anyone who gets the approval of any existing Mist Warrior may become one, so if you're into WvW, don't be shy!
  • WvW Buffs: At targeted times, we will be activating WvW guild buffs. To start out, on Fridays from 6pm to 6am we will have the +5 supply to claimed outposts buff active every week. We can take the possibility of further buffs under advisement from our Mist Warriors.
  • Teamspeak: By popular demand, GAF members who are interested in any more serious WvW are encouraged to download Teamspeak 3, especially in larger, more organized groups, and connect to the Stormbluff Isle primary server at ts3.stormbluffisle.com. We will continue to use Mumble for Guild Events, informal PvE, PvP, and general chat.

If you want to be more involved with regard to GAF's presence in WvW, please let an officer know. On the one hand, guild leadership is willing and eager to provide more structure for intra-guild WvW as it seems like there's a definite demand for it. On the other, we feel that those players who are most active in WvW within the guild themselves would be the best voices to organize guild groups around their schedules, playstyles, and so forth.

Culling is gone, traps are here, and extra World XP for tasks like escorting Dolyaks is being introduced into the game soon. Our current matchup makes it very possible for us to get plenty of kills, take keeps, and claim substantial ground on EB every week (unlikely as it may be that we'll ever come close to escaping this tier >:I). It's a great time to jump in!

Guild Buffs

We want representing GAF to give you bonuses that are always beneficial, while demanding no more or less from our members than we ever have. While the schedule we have in mind will seem simple, it will actually be a bit complex to maintain week-to-week without wasting influence. Please bear with us if the times aren't exact for the first two weeks!
  • Constant or Near-Constant Buffs
    10% Magic Find
    +Influence/Inf. for Events

  • Friday Buffs (in support of WvW and high player concurrency)
    +5 Supply (time range: ~6:00PM to ~6:00AM)
    15% Reduced Repair Costs (time range: ~6:00PM to ~6:00PM Saturday)

  • Saturday Buffs (in support of Guild Missions, World Events and high player concurrency)
    15% Reduced Waypoint Costs (time range: ~6:00PM to ~6:00PM Sunday)

We can expand and streamline this over time. Please feel free to make suggestions.


(All times in U.S. Eastern Time)

New schedule begins Monday, May 20th.

No more Guild Missions or Events on Friday. Guild Missions for comms still occur on Saturday, now at 9:00PM. General makeups/fun/some Trek or another on Sunday afternoon.

Commendation makeups for Puzzle/Bounty: Monday 9:00PM, Wednesday 6:30PM
Commendation makeups for Challenge/Rush: Tuesday 9:00PM, Thursday 6:30PM

"WvW Power Hour" immediately following scheduled Guild Missions. Friday is devoted to WvW with a scheduled event at reset (9:00PM). New guild rank for WvW-oriented players, Mist Warrior.

Teamspeak: ts3.stormblufisle.com

Buffs for Magic Find, Influence gain, Reduced Repair cost, Reduced Waypoint cost, +5 Supply in WvW, and potentially more are being enabled on a staggered weekly schedule.

One final note: culling of the guild roster will be taking place on Saturday, June 1st (two weeks from today). If you do not want to be kicked, simply log on once between now and then and make your presence known and you'll be saved.

Feel free to reply or PM me with any questions or concerns. Thanks for reading!
The new schedule is a bit inconvenient for me (and probably worse for the rest of EU guys), as 18:30 is 0:30 AM in Spain and even later for most Euro countries, and 21:00 is 3:00 AM. This would be viable if the 18:30 stuff was on, say, Saturdays, but all of it is Wed-Thu. The only viable thing for us is the makeups, but expect Euro people answering "everything" when you ask what they're missing. :D
I however understand that people want to be able to go out on weekends and stuff, so we'll just have to adapt. :)

Seems entirely logical and even better than mostMMO companies would do, IMHO. I'm kind of used to them saying "hey guys, the few millions we're making with subscriptions isn't enough to leave the servers running, so we're switching them off" after a year (of course, nowadays the thing to do is turn them F2P, which is at least kinder than death).
Considering GW1 is an eight years old game without a subscription it's almost crazy that it's still running, let alone that they took the care to automate everything so that people can still get birthday presents, etc.

I really want to! But I can't join on Friday and Saturday since I can't make it at those times.
Still, when we have a dungeon to do, we'll put the word here and see who wants to join us. :D

Huh? Am I missing something here? GAFGuild is active pretty much 24/7, since we have people from all timezones (I myself am Spanish). I've been able to find people for a party pretty much at all times, even on weekdays where all US people were sleeping.

Just join the guild and you'll see, there's rarely less than 20-30 people online at the minimum.


I feel like Hawk should add that the guild culling will happen on that day based on convenience and that people should log in prior to that instead of being one of those folks that shows up on the day of but is late anyway.


cool, cool. weekend missions are great for me. sometimes busy on saturday, but I can do the makeup on sunday if it goes down.

will have to remember to check out some wvw too. the last time i played with the guild was shortly after launch and it was a blast.


Everything except maybe Thursday lines up well for me. I've diddled around solo/zerging WvW, so I'm excited to play around in a dedicated GAF crew to see what kind of trouble we can drum up. Still have to explore a couple of the zones as well.


Yep, just consider it a menu, like Hawkian said. Personally, I can make everything but maybe miss Mondays and Tuesdays because they are a bit later on a weeknight and I am a delicate flower who needs to go to bed early.


One tiny addition; right now, anyone can capture structures for the Guild in WvW, as we have not selected our Mist Warriors. When we have, that will change. Knowing when to claim a structure for the guild is important, and coordinating with other groups in WvW is essential, so it's something we want to restrict to just the core people who 'know what they're doing'.

It's not something everyone should have access too anyways, but we just sort of let it happen because we're morons.


How are you guys getting you 20 slots bags? Now that I can get ascended backpack with Southsun, I was thinking of getting my bags with the fractal relics and not using 10g? It's the best way to get 20 slots bags right?
How are you guys getting you 20 slots bags? Now that I can get ascended backpack with Southsun, I was thinking of getting my bags with the fractal relics and not using 10g? It's the best way to get 20 slots bags right?

It's much cheaper, for sure. It's the only other 20 slot bag I have aside from the one from the Karka one-time event.


Junior Member
How are you guys getting you 20 slots bags? Now that I can get ascended backpack with Southsun, I was thinking of getting my bags with the fractal relics and not using 10g? It's the best way to get 20 slots bags right?

thats what ill be doin man! 20g for holdin` craft items is waaaaaay too much to spend on bags! If theres a better solution pls let us know!
If there's a bag you want for specific stuff that isn't covered by fractals (like weapons/armor, lockbox, w/e) then you could just use 18 slot bags. 2g isn't that bad for 18 slots.


I'd definitely like to sign up for Mist Warrior; rather, regardless of the title, WvW is my main focus in the game and I'm going to join up with Dhomei this Monday for his kill team/terror squad/insert badass name here.

Edit: Also, I just realized I'm a member now. WHOOOOO~


I guess we just have differing opinions on it. But I'm confident that if you sat 10 people down to watch an SPvP match with having no prior knowledge of the game, the team fights would be extremely hard to track and understand.

As a player, I feel I should be able to see what my enemies are doing to be able to counter it, rather than reacting to effects or trying to guess what's coming next. With the current spell effects that's just not possible for melee in group fights and group fights are key in Conquest. I really feel that needs to be changed rather than adapted to by being forced to go Bunker.

I won't disagree that the game should be adapted. I hate the difference in how much Precision is valued over everything else. I hate how different classes have such disparate ways to use the different stats, and how in the end it encourages each class to use only a subset of armor sets.

And I don't particularly like the fact that the damage in the game is so high and at such a fast speed that your only options are to predict or counter rather than properly react.

But I do believe that a group of people can watch an sPvP match with no prior experience and have some understanding of what's going on. Just like with myself and League, they'll have no idea who these characters/classes are, won't always know what is coming from who when it's their first time seeing it, and will often figure out more of what happened after the fact than while during. But it doesn't mean that "after the fact" is only after the game ends and it's explained to them, but rather after the fight ends and they see who wins. It doesn't mean that they won't be able to catch the gist of it, especially since GW2 is about a series of fights to hold capture points or put yourself in a position to better gain points from those capture points (secondary mechanics).
I just realized I intended to comment on Retro's post from three days ago, but ended up not doing so.

I've noticed something, in this post and demented's, and I have to get something off my chest. This isn't meant as an attack on either of you (or anyone else), any specific game or anyone's gaming preferences.

The level of conditioning going on in other MMOs (and to some degree, still present in GW2, to be fair) is scary, and almost makes me wish professionals would take note and try to document it (of course, there's already been plenty of studies in non-game situations so I'm not sure it matters).

The constant rewards and treats to keep you filling bars so you can fill bars so you can fill bars evokes all sorts of discomfort for me, and worse, you guys are even aware of it:

"I have been trained"

"I don't know better, it is what I'm used to and what I've been thought [taught?] to want."

"I have no time or patience to grind endlessly but that's only way I know how to play."

Guild Wars 2 isn't perfect in this regard, but it seems a hell of a lot better than other MMOs I've played. I'm sure others will disagree, but the fact that there's a point where you can stop gearing up is a HUGE deal, and that ArenaNet hasn't been as quick with new gear as they have new content shows where their priorities lie (and I would argue that the gear they add is there to serve the content; Agony Resist is there to add to fractals, not the other way around).

Just something I wanted to comment on since I saw it mentioned the other day. It's kind of scary to see this sort of Skinner-box level stuff, and I hope you guys get past it. Like I said, I'm not trying to pick on anybody, It's just that over the years I've been saying and reading how MMO design, built to keep people paying a subscription as long as possible, results in all sorts of unhealthy behavior. That you guys know it at least means you can try to work on fixing it.

Dunno. Just wanted to share my thoughts on something that's always alarmed me about this genre.

This resonates heavily with my experiences, and, having played WoW (and Ragnarok Online before that), and having a number of friends who still think WoW is the bee's knees, and worst of all, not being at all aware how they are being manipulated, I can't help but agree, and also worry quite a bit. It's not even just MMos that use it, but a lot of Facebook and mobile games as well; a lot of social games are entirely built around this.

There have actually been lots of studies about this, within and outside of gaming, and worse, it's becoming a science in and of itself. I've been doing free Coursera online courses lately, and one I took recently was Gamification, which is pretty much the application of game elements into non-game domains, like points, badges, levels and quests (it's a rapidly emergent trend that I'm sure you've seen quite a bit of lately). I took it in order to see both the light and dark side of gamification and be more aware of the latter, and I wasn't disappointed with either, although I was surprised that the course itself was quite (self-)critical of addictive mechanics, exploitation and "hollow" gamification where these elements are all there is, as well as them being used to force the player into behaviour that is against their own interests. They also focused on the good, self-improvement side, like Fitocracy. Obviously, the course still leaned towards the advantages of it more than the dangers, but it was almost surprising they mentioned them at all.

In a sense, something like an abbreviated version of this course should be mandatory for all gamers, so that they are able to see when they're being manipulated, and how. Fortunately, I was already kind of immunized and aware of these techniques, having played Ragnarok Online before WoW, a much more barebones (and therefore, much more obvious) MMO.

One of the most often repeated themes in the course is that of extrinsic motivation (doing something in order to get a reward) and intrinsic motivation (doing something because it's fun); the latter will always be more powerful, more healthy, and less subject to diminishing returns. I think this is at the core of the issue with MMOs; they have been so centered on progression for so many years, that at this point neither MMO makers nor MMO players can even conceive the meat and potatoes of an MMO's gameplay to be inherently fun without any kind of reward.

Another concept shown in the course was the crowd-out effect, in which an external reward ends up displacing the intrinsic motivation for an activity that was inherently fun, as the player simply rationalizes that they're doing it for the reward. Apparently studies have shown time and again that, if a group of players is incentiviced for doing an activity, then the reward is removed, they will stop doing it much more often that a similar group of players that was not given a reward at any time. Perhaps because of this, I NEVER look up rewards when doing something in GW2 (although, as a result, all my dungeon tokens sit in my bank unspent. :D).

I guess this intrinsic/extrinsic dualism is why I love GW2 so much, and why a lot of people don't want anything to do with it. I love it because it has none of the old manipulative techniques; it doesn't care that I grind for weeks, it only cares that I'm having fun. However, for players for who the grind has become the game itself, "there is no game after 80". It's frankly depressing, but I have a feeling that more and more players will start getting into GW2 over time. GW2 has the potential to appeal to non-MMO players, players that don't care about gringing, or having to show up at 8 for work (er, I mean, raiding). Hell, I've gotten a few of these myself into it!

The Langmar Estate gallery section was amazing, and we figured it out on our own (I don't think dulfy even had a guide up for it yet). That's the sort of stuff I love. Using Dulfy or other sites is just... following instructions. I'd rather not play the Ikea version of GW2.

Having been there at the time... it WAS the most amazing thing ever. Discovering stuff like that with all the guild together is just awesome.

Man whoever wrote that little lore bit is in love with Kasmeer.

Yep, I'm getting some serious Mary Sue vibes right there. I hope they don't keep it up, or she'll end up being as beloved as Logan. What's with ArenaNet and human characters?

What do Asura females wear at the beach?

...this isn't a setup for a joke, I just realized I had never seen one.

The exact same thing they wear when you remove all armor (not sure if it's like that with all races, actually, as I've only been to the beach with precisely my Asura mesmer). Can't find a pic but it's a sort of cute, light purple, full-body, 60's style swimsuit with a symbol/rune on it.
I don't have a clue what MALE Asuras wear, though.


The exact same thing they wear when you remove all armor (not sure if it's like that with all races, actually, as I've only been to the beach with precisely my Asura mesmer). Can't find a pic but it's a sort of cute, light purple, full-body, 60's style swimsuit with a symbol/rune on it.
I don't have a clue what MALE Asuras wear, though.

All player character just have their armour removed, while Kasmeer and a Faron flaunt their swimsuits :(

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
The exact same thing they wear when you remove all armor (not sure if it's like that with all races, actually, as I've only been to the beach with precisely my Asura mesmer). Can't find a pic but it's a sort of cute, light purple, full-body, 60's style swimsuit with a symbol/rune on it.
I don't have a clue what MALE Asuras wear, though.

Swimming trunks :)


The Cryptarch's Bane
The new schedule is a bit inconvenient for me (and probably worse for the rest of EU guys), as 18:30 is 0:30 AM in Spain and even later for most Euro countries, and 21:00 is 3:00 AM. This would be viable if the 18:30 stuff was on, say, Saturdays, but all of it is Wed-Thu. The only viable thing for us is the makeups, but expect Euro people answering "everything" when you ask what they're missing. :D
I however understand that people want to be able to go out on weekends and stuff, so we'll just have to adapt. :)
Oh no, can you specify how the old schedule was superior with regard to EU times? I thought this had a good chance of being more convenient for everyone. I mean, all the stuff we had scheduled was very late EU times (9:00PM mostly). Was it just that we did the T3 bounty on Saturday afternoons? We won't need to get T3 bounties done anymore, so it would be no problem at all to do a T1 at at time that works for EU people. Otherwise there's nothing to worry about with people needing "everything" on the Sunday makeups. Anything we can do to try to make it work, we will!


I'm a UK player and I'm fine with the new schedule but I am a night owl and the UK isn't as far ahead as the rest of EU.

Had a lot of fun tonight in WvW. My first real taste of organised play on reset day. Thanks to Kvothe for commanding. Thanks to everyone else for the guild mission fun.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Glad some were able to get their Bounty/Rush comms this afternoon... Gotta go spend a few hours on my PC now, I've been getting really frustrated trying to run stuff on this laptop (jumping puzzles are nightmare with this variable framerate).

Remember the new schedule doesn't begin until Monday- tonight's Guild Missions will still be closer to 10:30PM than 9PM. However, if people are around in the afternoon tomorrow and do need makeups, we might be able to help.

We are actually a little influence-starved right now. In order to get everything off the ground, any donations would be much appreciated!


Saint Nic
Furniture shopping is not as fun as playing GW2. But I am shopping with couch in mind that allows me to veg with my laptop plugged in for gaming sessions. A+


Furniture shopping is not as fun as playing GW2. But I am shopping with couch in mind that allows me to veg with my laptop plugged in for gaming sessions. A+

Screw couches, get a recliner. Or a sectional with a recliner part. Or something. I hate not having my feet up on something.


Saint Nic
Screw couches, get a recliner. Or a sectional with a recliner part. Or something. I hate not having my feet up on something.

We got a large seat with an ottoman. That will do me well. Almost did a sectional, but out living room is so huge, we were afraid the sectional wouldn't fill the space right.
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