Saint Nic
Overheating, possibly need to replace my liquid cooling![]()
This is why I never did water cooling!
Overheating, possibly need to replace my liquid cooling![]()
I'm a UK player and I'm fine with the new schedule but I am a night owl and the UK isn't as far ahead as the rest of EU.
Had a lot of fun tonight in WvW. My first real taste of organised play on reset day. Thanks to Kvothe for commanding. Thanks to everyone else for the guild mission fun.
I'm stopped over in NC, and soon to be in Minnesota. I'm extremely excited to see my fiancée again!!
Tanking doesn't exist in GW2 like other MMOs, there's zero taunts in the game. Every class can assume any role, nothing is locked down and can be changed at will via changing your weapons, traits, utilities, or gear. You kinda "tank" by putting yourself in front of attacks and using block skills or projectile reflect skills or knocking mobs back. There are absolutely no ways to guarantee that you have threat, it's up to everyone to be paying attention. Post your account name (name.1234 thing) and we'll throw you a guild invite so you can have help because this game is very different from other MMOs. Also, be sure to roll on Stormbluff Isle if you're in North America.
Credit to Retro for the quoted.
For teh new page(All times in U.S. Eastern Time)
New schedule begins Monday, May 20th.
No more Guild Missions or Events on Friday. Guild Missions for comms still occur on Saturday, now at 9:00PM. General makeups/fun/some Trek or another on Sunday afternoon.
Commendation makeups for Puzzle/Bounty: Monday 9:00PM, Wednesday 6:30PM
Commendation makeups for Challenge/Rush: Tuesday 9:00PM, Thursday 6:30PM
"WvW Power Hour" immediately following scheduled Guild Missions. Friday is devoted to WvW with a scheduled event at reset (9:00PM). New guild rank for WvW-oriented players, Mist Warrior.
Buffs for Magic Find, Influence gain, Reduced Repair cost, Reduced Waypoint cost, +5 Supply in WvW, and potentially more are being enabled on a staggered weekly schedule.
One final note: culling of the guild roster will be taking place on Saturday, June 1st (two weeks from today). Just log in at some point before then.
Oh no, can you specify how the old schedule was superior with regard to EU times? I thought this had a good chance of being more convenient for everyone. I mean, all the stuff we had scheduled was very late EU times (9:00PM mostly). Was it just that we did the T3 bounty on Saturday afternoons? We won't need to get T3 bounties done anymore, so it would be no problem at all to do a T1 at at time that works for EU people. Otherwise there's nothing to worry about with people needing "everything" on the Sunday makeups. Anything we can do to try to make it work, we will!
I ended up missing the stuff tonight due to unexpectedness. Going by that chart, it'll be happening again Monday night?
I definitely understand that they're not ideal times for EU gaffers. The thing is, I made it things that fit into my schedule, because if need be I can ensure that I'm there almost always, if no one else will, to make sure we can go. If we had an EU officer interested in running stuff that could make such a commitment to off hours missions that would be great for our friends in those timezones. For now though, I have to work around US time![]()
I'm talking a bit out of my ass here, I have no clue whatsoever if that would work well. I'll try to think of other ways. Of course the best thing would be to have a committed EU officer, but... :/
I think you guys make it easier on yourselves as officers because you split duties so well.
Ash gets all the loot.
Hawk does all the organization.
Jira rigs the lottery.
Retro handles the Puns.
Katoki works the graveyard shift.
And Wallach just sits back and collects the proverbial paycheck.
Thank you for coming and kicking ass!Thanks for leading tonight's guild missions despite your headache, Hawk.
It is much appreciated.![]()
A puzzle and bounty will, yes.I ended up missing the stuff tonight due to unexpectedness. Going by that chart, it'll be happening again Monday night?
If you mean Monday night, Puzzle and Bounty are scheduled. If you meant today, technically nothing is scheduled, but if there is demand and on officer is on (I'm going to see Star Trek in a few hours) we could probably do something...Guild missions were fun, thanks again guys!
Again, on behalf of Neko (Bhalazar), I am reposting his D/D Elementalist guide!
Guild access can't be assigned to certain individuals, everything is controlled by rank. I suppose that we could use the Remote Operator rank to designate this. Either way we'd need someone (or some people) to commit to starting things at 20:00GMT on Fridays, otherwise there won't be much help...It's a bit crazy that we don't have an EU officer, and I feel partly responsible for that :/. I swore off binding myself to online game "obligations", it's pretty much a life principle for me at this point.
Perhaps giving Guild Mission starting permissions to several trusted members would work, along with strict guidelines like "you can't start a guild mission unless there are X people that haven't done it yet". Then give a particular time when the preferred time for EU members is (say, Friday 20:00 GMT). That way, it's very likely that at least one member with permissions will be online at that hour, but if it so happens that there's nobody, it's not the end of the world.
I'm talking a bit out of my ass here, I have no clue whatsoever if that would work well. I'll try to think of other ways. Of course the best thing would be to have a committed EU officer, but... :/
Haha, we'll be beginning and hour and a half early from now on at leastThe guild stuff is a lot of fun. Well worth staying up until 5:30am for it lol.
Those tentacles are so awful...
Awww, thanks!I joke because I care.Seriously though you guys do a great job and we do see and appreciate the effort. Hell tonight Hawkian was under the weather and still put up with our madness on his own to make sure we got our Comms. Having the Mumble for us, The Guild Website, the plethora of information, immigrant fund, lotto, etc.. all of it is awesome stuff that none of you had to do but took your own time and money to provide and operate. It's great. And on top of all that, there's requirements made of any of the members except what basically equates to "don't be a dick."
I can honestly say that this is the best Guild Leadership I've experienced.
Awww, thanks!I'll make sure Ash sees this message if he doesn't have the chance to follow the thread before he gets back too.
Yeah, seriously, this guild would've been dead months ago without you guys around.
Everyone in the guild is simply fun to interact with. Even when I'm done playing for the day I sometimes keep the game open to use like a chatroom. Maybe that's weird..I dunno
My power is out![]()
Jon Peters in Masters of the Mists stream Chat said:jon_peters: we are going to try and get that diversity by improving traits that aren't as good at the next balance patch
tbh, i'm actually surprised that the guild is still going. I got rift at the start and joined the gaf guild. then one day it was randomly disbanded and no one knew what happened. quit that day.
the fact that even during the middle of the day on weekdays there's like 20 people on is pretty amazing.
You do know Officer duties are pretty easy, right? It is literally inviting people, whispering people when they say something that breaks GAF rules (usually people just slipping up and letting a homosexual slur out) and having a meeting about once a month to talk about stuff we can do to improve the guild. It's not at all as intense as other MMOs.
Occasionally we do run events / missions, but these are pretty laid back since Hawk / Ash usually like to manage them anyways. On the rare occasion where I had to handle it, it's pretty much "Okay, let's play this game we already know how to play, but in this direction over here". I was worried before launch too, since I've been forced into leading guilds in the past and hated it, but GW2 does so much for you already that the hard part is just deciding what to do when.
Nothing to it, and since you're on all the time you'd honestly be my first choice for an EU Officer. Something to think about?
I think you guys make it easier on yourselves as officers because you split duties so well.
Ash gets all the loot.
Hawk does all the organization.
Jira rigs the lottery.
Retro handles the Puns.
Katoki works the graveyard shift.
And Wallach just sits back and collects the proverbial paycheck.
I joke because I care.Seriously though you guys do a great job and we do see and appreciate the effort. Hell tonight Hawkian was under the weather and still put up with our madness on his own to make sure we got our Comms. Having the Mumble for us, The Guild Website, the plethora of information, immigrant fund, lotto, etc.. all of it is awesome stuff that none of you had to do but took your own time and money to provide and operate. It's great. And on top of all that, there's requirements made of any of the members except what basically equates to "don't be a dick."
I can honestly say that this is the best Guild Leadership I've experienced.
Whoa, whoa whoa. This almost seems insult to EverQuest, the bestest MMO ever.I'd play freaking EVERQUEST if you guys ran a guild there.
Whoa, whoa whoa. This almost seems insult to EverQuest, the bestest MMO ever.
Very true. However, in seventeen years I'm sure there will be another MMO that will make all the MMOs out today look pretty bad by comparison. Have to look at how it made you feel then.To be completely honest, I loved the hell out of EQ when I first discovered it. I was in college and had no responsibilities whatsoever so I could play until 4 AM and it was no big deal. I had a blast grinding out levels, calling out camps in the Dreadlands, running from dragons, camping spawns with the rest of my guild on patch day, and spending hours at the oven making Misty Thicket Picnics to sell in the Bazaar. I miss those days.
However, if the same game was "new" today? No way would I tolerate some of that stuff. It was a huge time investment.
Wait a sec, Katoki is an officer? Isn't he Euro as well?
Oh god, Everquest nostalgia usually leads me down bad, bad roads. I'm positive I'll never have those same feelings about a game. GW2 is far and away the most played MMO since I retired from EQ in 2010, actually. I'm also super hyped to see what EQNext is.
Edit: For bonus nostalgia, click here!
Oh god, Everquest nostalgia usually leads me down bad, bad roads. I'm positive I'll never have those same feelings about a game. GW2 is far and away the most played MMO since I retired from EQ in 2010, actually. I'm also super hyped to see what EQNext is.
Edit: For bonus nostalgia, click here!
I've been thinking about it for a long time, mostly because I feel like I should give back, but the thing is, I simply love too much the fact that I can just not log in to GW2 in a month, or two, and it will be perfectly OK.
Wait a sec, Katoki is an officer? Isn't he Euro as well?
A guild that had Ashodin, Retro or Hawkian as their leader/officer would already be the best thing ever; having all three is just ridiculously awesome.