Might as well chime in on the whole XBox One thing.
Our Wii is pretty much a dedicated Netflix box, though Hythloday has been using it lately for Wii Fit. My 360 has been collecting dust since I shut it off in disgust after a weekend of Halo 4's failings. Never bought a PS3.
I'm honestly not going to buy any consoles from this generation, not until they come waaaaaay down in price (like $99). The games haven't been worth it, even when they're exclusive, and when they're not the PC ports are generally better (even if you have to wait a little longer for them).
I am much more likely to sink the $3-400 entry fee for a console into my PC and play the games I already love (GW2, Terraria update soon) or am looking forward to (Starbound). The price and the headaches (always on, DRM, No used games, no backwards compatibility, kinect, etc.) aren't worth being a console gamer anymore.
That said, I've been playing my SNES a lot lately. Going through all of the Mario Games (on World 8 in SMB, getting my ass kicked), then I think Super Metroid. I might fire up the N64 for some Ocarina of Time, it was the one Zelda game I skipped during my big Zelda playthru I used to get through GW2 BWE withdrawls.