Up to 98% and 97% on monthly event and vet completion, respectively. Following zergs in WvW make it relatively easy. The lag spikes are brutal though.
The population is quite healthy on our server (Stormbluff Isle).Is this game fairly well populated?
What would be a decent starting zone/class/whatever for a new player?
The population is quite healthy on our server (Stormbluff Isle).
Pick the class that interests you the most! Engineer and Elementalist are among the most complex, whereas Guardians and Warriors are thought to have an easier learning curve.
You can easily access any starting zone with your new character, from the Gate Hub in Lion's Arch.
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109814_0106 Find others to help you in this month's Living World content.
109831_0726 Ascalonian Catacombs
Story recommended level: 30
Explorable recommended level: 35
109814_0107 Caudecus's Manor
Story recommended level: 40
Explorable recommended level: 45
109814_0108 Twlight Arbor
Story recommended level: 50
Explorable recommended level: 55
109814_0109 Sorrow's Embrace
Story recommended level: 60
Explorable recommended level: 65
109814_0110 Citadel of Flame
Story recommended level: 70
Explorable recommended level: 75
109814_0111 Honor of the Waves
Story recommended level: 76
Explorable recommended level: 80
109814_0112 Crucible of Eternity
Story recommended level: 78
Explorable recommended level: 80
109814_0113 The Ruined City of Arah
Story recommended level: 80
Explorable recommended level: 80
109814_0114 Entry-level Fractals with basic rewards.
109814_0115 Intermediate Fractals with better rewards and a chance of obtaining Ascended Rings.
109814_0116 Advanced Fractal levels with a chance of obtaining Infused Ascended Rings.
109814_0117 Rated PvP matches, for competitive play and leaderboard rating.
109814_0118 Unrated
109814_0119 Unrated PvP matches, for more casual play.
109814_0120 Eternal Battlegrounds
Find a group to take supply camps, towers, or keeps in the Eternal Battlegrounds.
109814_0121 Red Borderlands
109814_0122 Red Borderlands
Find a group to take supply camps, towers, or keeps in the Red Borderlands.
109814_0123 Blue Borderlands
109814_0124 Blue Borderlands
Find a group to take supply camps, towers, or keeps in the Blue Borderlands.
109814_0125 Green Borderlands
109814_0126 Green Borderlands
Find a group to take supply camps, towers, or keeps in the Green Borderlands.
109814_0127 Find players to help you through your personal story.
I still see nothing about Mesmer GS fixes or Illusionary Elasticity applying to clones. Hmmmm?
please get better m8
Another thing to note: The settler's jewelry that drops from the southsun event is a new stat combo, toughness / healing / condition. Didn't realize it at first.
Finally! It's LFG!Datamined:
You are so slow.
This is what happens when you stop playing and you just follow easy everywhere!
Yeah, I shudder to think how long it'd take to get a new install caught up with all the updates that've come out in the past 10 months. As of right now, my GW2 folder is backed up when I remember to do it on two different drives in case of emergency.
When you download the game its the full game all the time.
You dont need to patch at all.
every patch anet finds a way to break something about mesmers. now buffs will bounce to clones instead of player characters. noticed it on GS 2, haven't tested with staff yet but other people are reporting the same problem with it so i'll take their word for it.
Hehe well, think of it as being $50. Are you interested in an MMO for that much? Bear in mind you get, you know, a full MMO you can play forever.So, I have a twenty five dollar gift card for Amazon, is this game worth 25 bucks? I was semi interested in it before it came out but never got a chance to grab it. Is the game still popular? Do many on GAF still play?
So, I have a twenty five dollar gift card for Amazon, is this game worth 25 bucks? I was semi interested in it before it came out but never got a chance to grab it. Is the game still popular? Do many on GAF still play?
So, I have a twenty five dollar gift card for Amazon, is this game worth 25 bucks? I was semi interested in it before it came out but never got a chance to grab it. Is the game still popular? Do many on GAF still play?
The woman and I made it intact! It's all about dat first day floor sleeping lol
So, I have a twenty five dollar gift card for Amazon, is this game worth 25 bucks? I was semi interested in it before it came out but never got a chance to grab it. Is the game still popular? Do many on GAF still play?
Congrats on your safe successful arrival! Enjoy the floor!The woman and I made it intact! It's all about dat first day floor sleeping lol
when is the LFG tool being implemented?
when is the LFG tool being implemented?
From what some of the NPCs have been saying it looks like the next update "Dragon Bash" will be happening in Southsun mostly and I am ok with that but I hope the next one starts another thread somewhere else in the world that people don't explore as much.
I'd love for them to do something with the Drummand Priory where most of the story happens around Timberline Falls and Lornar's Pass. Where we learn more about the history or something.
Another one I would like for them to explore, is that bridge in Brisbane Wildlands. Would be awesome if they used to living story to get that bridge completed and then use it to lead to another map or dungeon.
Hopefully the Dragon Bash/Festival will leave some kind of hints regarding where the living story is going next.
I want a living story to go to the Tengu area. Because that blank area between kessex and lions arch pisses me off.
So, I have a twenty five dollar gift card for Amazon, is this game worth 25 bucks? I was semi interested in it before it came out but never got a chance to grab it. Is the game still popular? Do many on GAF still play?
I've never once logged on and been alone.
You are so right. I just feel like they will probably not do anything with them till they are ready to talk about expansions. I cannot wait to make a Tengu Guardian or Thief.No race in Guild Wars 2 is so underused as Tengu.
The game begs for bird-man.
1) Bird-Man, highly unique in MMO.
If they focus on Cantha as an expansion then I'm pretty sure the Tengu city will be what leads us there because of the Tengu's strong connection with Cantha.2) The long development window for first expansion could mean that they have heard the cries for Cantha (more so than Elona, Cyrstal Desert, Maguuma Waste, Home le Oblivion). That expansion would be about Bird-Men taking back their home.
Introduced, asian style maps, music, art, weapons, hairstyles, armors and creatures.
Of all things Guild Wars, Factions had some of the best music, undoubtly the best art and they are one of the only western companies that managed to take a eastern style and go somewhere new with it.
I wonder if there is some connection between the Karka and the Kraken in the Jade Fractal. What if the Kraken is one of the lieutenants of the sea-dragon "Bubbles", like Shatterer is for Kralkatorrik!3) Karka story leading up to be coming from jade sea. don't poplute the tyrian north eastern garbage patch, kids.
I really have no interest in the Kodan becoming a playable race because they just seem like hairier-calmer Norn and I don't think they can differentiate them enough.4) Kodan, not unique enough. want to diversify from Panda. Already enough Icy areas.
I really have no interest in the Kodan becoming a playable race because they just seem like hairier-calmer Norn and I don't think they can differentiate them enough.
I think I've never logged on and seen less than five people, even during Euro morning (3-8 AM US).
From data mine.Each festive dragon coffer commonly contains candy, tonics, or fireworks. It may also rarely contain a Mini Holo Undead Dragon Knight, recipes, or a Dragon's Jade Weapon Skin Ticket.
So, I have a twenty five dollar gift card for Amazon, is this game worth 25 bucks? I was semi interested in it before it came out but never got a chance to grab it. Is the game still popular? Do many on GAF still play?