There's actually nothing about legendary about dumb luck.
Well, legendary in that it's not very common to see one.
There's actually nothing about legendary about dumb luck.
try running a repair.
Locate your Gw2.exe file.
Right-click on the file and select Create shortcut.
Rename this new shortcut to Guild Wars 2 Repair.
Right-click on Guild Wars 2 Repair and select Properties.
Locate the Target line and add -repair to the end.
Example: C:GamesGuild Wars 2gw2.exe -repair
Click OK.
Why Skelks and not the Instigator zergs? Those give you a guaranteed chest each time and often come with rares.Everything was so cheap because the chest at the end of the Karka event had a very high chance of dropping a precursor. A lot of people got there's from buying at the prices they were being sold at, I know I should have though in retrospect it would have been the one I know longer want. The fastest way at the moment is probably farm Skelks in Southsun due to the insanely high MF settler bonus.
Woooah, not accurate. Path 1+2 runs, and even full-on multi hour farms (basically alternating back and forth again and again with breaks until the party gives up or dies IRL) are incredibly common.I hate the fact that CoF path 1 is so profitable because I'm trying to get CoF armor and that's all anyone runs, limiting the amount of tokens I can get a day.
Feels Bad Man
Holy bejoiusus.Wrong guy lol. I'm chase.
And yeah, I threw 200g in the forge for nothing, but I'm not even mad. That was like...less than 1/3 of my total gold, and I don't even care about having a legendary weapon anyways.
And Kaioshade, I know you're mad dude but seriously, how is it Anet's fault that you threw all your gold into the forge? That's entirely on you.
Hmmm, are you using anything that would display an overlay in 3D games?Thanks! I'll try that when I get home!
It is indeed like the daily boss events, apparently both tougher and more rewarding. She doesn't show up until June 4th, so relax.Hey, I have been out of the loop for a bit (Medical problems + laziness ).
Can someone tell me what this kraka queen event is all about and how you can do it?
Is it like a world dragon event? Heard you can only do it once a day :/
Whoa, Karka shells are listed at 4 silver?
because next week there will be vendors that you can buy stuff with the shells
edit:also, where the hell are the skelks in SS? dont' think i ever ran across those.
Why Skelks and not the Instigator zergs? Those give you a guaranteed chest each time and often come with rares.
Wrong guy lol. I'm chase.
And yeah, I threw 200g in the forge for nothing, but I'm not even mad. That was like...less than 1/3 of my total gold, and I don't even care about having a legendary weapon anyways.
And Kaioshade, I know you're mad dude but seriously, how is it Anet's fault that you threw all your gold into the forge? That's entirely on you.
Well that was unexpected. Now I really want you to get your legendary one day!You know what? you are 100% right. I still think its bullshit to have such tiny odds, but that is the game i have chosen to play. I was just beyong pissed last night. I am fine now.
Hawkian, account name is kaioshade.7682. Thank you.
oh, they're only in events?
Interesting!From personal experience I haven't gotten much, if any rares. I do however get notable amount of Vials of Powerful Blood, which sells more than the average rare and more than ecto.
Yeah I'm concerend with getting burnt out but it's easily the best way to get it quicker outside of spending real money, of course. The problem with your money methods is that I need the gold for a Legendary and many of your money methods involve selling something I need to craft the weapon haha It truly is brutal. I need a ridiculous amount of ecto so CoF helps that effort as well by purchasing the rares with tokens. I don't think there is a way around it, sadly. Southsun might be worth grinding the skelks for bloods though since I need to get 250 of all the T6 mats. Thank goodness if you have a hard time crafting the clovers, you at least have a high chance at T6 mats, I can't lose trying to craft that item hehe I forgot you could buy the mats with laurel, that's nice. After I infuse my accessories that's what I'll start doing with laurelGetting it primarily through COF runs might well be the fastest and have the least effort but it's got to be the most boring (and most likely to cause me to give up on the game, personally). Here are some of my ways to make gold. Merely running around Southsun doing stuff right now, with either of the zone buffs, is quite profitable as well.
Note, nowhere close to everything you need for a legendary is purchasable with gold. I would however recommend it as the most viable way to get a precursor.
Everything was so cheap because the chest at the end of the Karka event had a very high chance of dropping a precursor. A lot of people got there's from buying at the prices they were being sold at, I know I should have though in retrospect it would have been the one I know longer want. The fastest way at the moment is probably farm Skelks in Southsun due to the insanely high MF settler bonus.
try running a repair.
Locate your Gw2.exe file.
Right-click on the file and select Create shortcut.
Rename this new shortcut to Guild Wars 2 Repair.
Right-click on Guild Wars 2 Repair and select Properties.
Locate the Target line and add -repair to the end.
Example: C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\gw2.exe -repair
Click OK.
These Sclerite skins make me queasy :x
"I'll find something that I like". ...nope
These stupid errors make me want to pull my hair out. I seriously have NO IDEA how to fix this :/, and I really DO NOT want to spend all night re-downloading this in hopes it will fix it.
I went ahead and uninstalled it and tried to reinstall it; then I got a Gw2.exe-Bad Image error. Says that propsys.dll is either not designed to run on windows or it contains an error.
I went ahead and uninstalled it and tried to reinstall it; then I got a Gw2.exe-Bad Image error. Says that propsys.dll is either not designed to run on windows or it contains an error.
I went ahead and uninstalled it and tried to reinstall it; then I got a Gw2.exe-Bad Image error. Says that propsys.dll is either not designed to run on windows or it contains an error.
So I've come back to this game once again.
Some of you might have seen me ingame asking about the vigil personal story path.
I probably won't attempt to involve myself in any activities until I'm at a much higher level so I hope you guys will put up with my random questions in the meantime.![]()
Did you guys manage the puzzle tonight? 6:30 or whatnot is a bit rough for me timewise. I hopped over for the challenge, but yeah. 3 charr vs 12 charr was funny at least. And is there any reason its always the same challenge, or is it just bad luck?
Warrior isn't working out so hotly for my second character. Mid 30s, but I'm mostly keeping at it because I'm not up spending a few hours fussing over the character generations screen to start another just yet. What I really want is something with good ranged attacks for WvW.
What I really want is something with good ranged attacks for WvW.
Welcome to online city!We finally made it back online! It feels good to be in a new home.
Which buff were you using? They're actually both really good. Very good money to be found there for the next few days.I had never bothered to try the Southsun Zerg until tonight and HOLY SHIT it is amazing. I got 5-6 rares in a bit over an hour. Made over 3g from 6? instigator kills? Very impressed with the rate you can earn gold from that event train.
It's called a Zerk now by the way.
I had never bothered to try the Southsun Zerg until tonight and HOLY SHIT it is amazing. I got 5-6 rares in a bit over an hour. Made over 3g from 6? instigator kills? Very impressed with the rate you can earn gold from that event train.
Where and how do I do this?
So here's a major noob question, because I've only ever participated in one Guild Bounty before. I only have about 40 percent of the map done so far. Is there any way I can participate in some of these things if I don't have the waypoint that everyone is going to discovered? Like, is there any way for other members to port me over?
For example, yesterday I noticed that some guild event was going on, but I didn't have the waypoint that everyone was going to (hadn't even been to the area). Is there anyway around this?