Hello everyone!
Just got my GAF account activated, but I have been following the GW2 threads since the first press beta in the beginning of last year.

A bit of shame, that I missed lots of really good discussions since launch, but I hope I will be able to join in the future ones.
Some background info: Playing Guild Wars since Prophecies (2005) with over 8k hours spent mostly on GvG, was rated in top 200 guilds where I've played (mostly) core flagger, some Gladiator and Hero titles as well.
At first I didn't really liked how Guild Wars 2 was turning out to be, but when I actually played it in the very, very first beta, it really hocked me up (despite the poor state of the PvP at the time, and it still is far from where it should be), so here I am, 2000+ hours in, just 9 months after release. ^^ (witch really hurts my backlog)
Here, in GW2, I'm playing on Desolation EU and doing, everything with everyone everyday

Be it PvE for the daily and world boss hunting and some guild missions every now and then, WvWing with my (really) small guild and mostly - playing rated "tournament" PvP matches with few friends, even got to EU ladderboard position of top 120 few days ago! 8)
As for the characters, I have everything except engie (for one reason or another, I dont really like engies) and in PvE and WvW I'm constantly switching between them all (and thats why I HATE the WvW Ranks being character bound, instead of account bound, cuz I have to rank up 7 chars ^^), as for rated tPvP I prefer playing ele (with my very own "hybrid" build, which I havent seen in any of the streams ever) or a guardian (bunking and aoe healing, to remind me of my GvG days).
That was a kinda long introduction.

To wrap it up, if there are still fellow gafers "stuck" on EU worlds (altho, I think Deso is the best place for a tPvPer) and want to tag along for anything, feel free to add and whisper me ingame: Swnny and account name savov.3712
See you here, in the beautiful world of Tyria or in the endless Mists!
Best wishes,