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Guild Wars 2 |OT2| Funding An MMO Entirely On Quaggan Backpacks

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The Cryptarch's Bane
Ahh, I can't really participate in tomorrow's makeups, I have to go to my nephew's recital. It would be be awesome if any officers (or Ash) were possibly able to fire stuff off at least, around 3


I want to apologize for the non-stop flood of tree / plant-related puns in guild chat tonight. If I start another pun spree again, I willow yew alder money I fern'd.


i have no idea what the last part of that sentence means. did you play poker with only 1 card?

Drinking game using one face-up card and one card per player. One shot to trade your own card and two shots to change face up; both could be done for as many shots as you wanted to take. Then they used standard poker hands to determine who ended up with two shots for losing. Do not wish to go into specifics beyond that. Too lazy.

(picks up jaw off the floor)
(jaw falls again)
(goes off to fetch some superglue for jaw).

Drinking game using one face-up card and one card per player. One shot to trade your own card and two shots to change face up; both could be done for as many shots as you wanted to take. Then they used standard poker hands to determine who ended up with two shots for losing. Do not wish to go into specifics beyond that. Too lazy.

I don't know much about booze and poker, but if you're keeping most of your clothes by the end, aren't you doing it wrong?
Please.. does anyone know where I can get some crystallized dust? the current prices. They are atrocious. I need hundreds of these dusts.

Also.. is there a more affordable way to get elonian wine from Myani without paying 25s?
Please.. does anyone know where I can get some crystallized dust? the current prices. They are atrocious. I need hundreds of these dusts.

Also.. is there a more affordable way to get elonian wine from Myani without paying 25s?

There is an item (mystic binding agent) you can get with laurels which does the same thing as elonian wine I think it's 10 laurels for 10 mbgs.



It's not my fault, I didn't create the names Charrlton Banks and Wilt Smith (a sylvari)... I did, however, stay up until nearly 3am making awful puns.


Please.. does anyone know where I can get some crystallized dust? the current prices. They are atrocious. I need hundreds of these dusts.

Also.. is there a more affordable way to get elonian wine from Myani without paying 25s?

Wait for the Southsun events to end, that way everyone will go back to farming orr and you can get your dust. I need 750 for Bifrost, but I sold all mine (250) since the prices are so absurd right now.


Alright, in half an hour there will be another Guild Wars 2 Masters of the Mists tournament. Link here for highlights of the previous ones: http://www.guildwars2guru.com/news/...-the-mists-tournament-sponsored-by-curse-inc/
Link here for info on today's match. Includes the brackets: http://www.guildwars2guru.com/news/...-the-mists-tournament-sponsored-by-curse-inc/

Before it was all Euro teams. But today, NA teams take the stage for a whole new battle. Blah, blah, blah, I'm not getting paid to do this so I'm having a hard time getting hyped on a hot Sunday (at least it's not as hot as it was the last couple days). Anyway, here's the twitch channel: http://www.twitch.tv/guildwars2guru

So you know, Team PZ is my favorite to win this one.


^ Was about to post the links. :)
It's good to see there is interest in the tournaments that more and more teams are joining them. Keep in mind that Team Sleepy are now (under) Absolute Legends and I'm thinking they will dominate the games once again. Cutie have really, really good portal management and, at the current state of the game/meta, there are no counters to portal in general...
Nonetheless it will be interesting to see how this plays out after the matches last weekend.

Guilds are international, and while guesting isn't you can feel free to hop into GAF chat if you just want the conversation. Also, if you ever get tired of your EU server, we have a transfer fund set up to get people migrated to Stormbluff Isle. Sounds like you're cozy where you are though.

Let me know if you'd like an invite to the guild just for shits and giggles though, and gratz on getting approved.

If it's not a problem, I would love a guild invite. Can't see myself migrating to other server atm, as I said, Deso is a heaven for tPvPers. But I hope guesting will get international at some point, so I can join you guys for some guild action. :)
As for the transfer fund, I'll try my best to donate often, but after the removal of paid tournaments, PvPing isn't really profitable right now. I guess it's a good think I made tons of gems back then...^^


Apparently Team Sleepy a.k.a. zZz (a.k.a. that team with the smart Mesmer from last week) is participating in this tournament as Absolute Legends. So now this thing has gotten interesting.

Edit: Apparently I didn't read up.

Edit2: I forgot to mention that they're playing in the first match.


If it's not a problem, I would love a guild invite. Can't see myself migrating to other server atm, as I said, Deso is a heaven for tPvPers. But I hope guesting will get international at some point, so I can join you guys for some guild action. :)
As for the transfer fund, I'll try my best to donate often, but after the removal of paid tournaments, PvPing isn't really profitable right now. I guess it's a good think I made tons of gems back then...^^

Not a problem at all, jut post your account name (name.####) and we'll get you in asap. Don't worry about migrating over either, I just wanted to put it out there in case any other EU players are lurking about and unhappy with their server.


Ye, Team Sleepy recently joined the Absolute Legends community and now are playing under their tag.
At the time of writing, the first match is about to end in favor of Absolute Legends, but their thief switched characters mid game and in my book, that's a bad thing. Will see in the next games.

Edit, @Retro, my account name is savov.3712. Thank you, mate! :)


Ye, Team Sleepy recently joined the Absolute Legends community and now are playing under their tag.
At the time of writing, the first match is about to end in favor of Absolute Legends, but their thief switched characters mid game and in my book, that's a bad thing. Will see in the next games.

Edit, @Retro, my account name is savov.3712. Thank you, mate! :)

I didn't catch that. I was thinking that BB was going to win in dominating fashion, and then one team fight after the disconnect AL stabilized by taking the side points and winning smaller 2v2s.


yeah that shit needs to be made illegal immediately.

ArenaNet spoke about possibly preventing players from looking at the opposing team's setup until 10 seconds before the match in the last SOTG, but I don't think anyone took this into account.

Sounds risky as hell too, since you're down a man for what could potentially be a significant part of the match.


Maybe, maybe not. Keep in mind that the prices have been slowly rising for the last 3-4 months.

More people including our own guild members are most likely aiming for a legendary at this point, as I read somewhere. I also know that the Immobulus I want one day requires another stack of the stuff.

wait wait wait.. someone disconnected and came back under another character?

That's cheating no matter how you spin it. No other game will let you go and do that in e-sports (right?), so why should any rules allow this? That definitely needs to be addressed if not by the game then by any rules set forth.
And probably with completely different build to counter the enemy setup. Can't say if that was the case, but it sure doesn't look good in my eyes.

They may end up losing but if they win the tourney, it will definitely be marred.

ArenaNet spoke about possibly preventing players from looking at the opposing team's setup until 10 seconds before the match in the last SOTG, but I don't think anyone took this into account.

Sounds risky as hell too, since you're down a man for what could potentially be a significant part of the match.

I don't think they considered this because it should so obviously be illegal. And I don't think it's all that dangerous for teams since I'm pretty sure people who have different builds just have multiple characters anyways. I could see it affecting the Guild Lord map.

That's cheating no matter how you spin it. No other game will let you go and do that in e-sports (right?), so why should any rules allow this? That definitely needs to be addressed if not by the game then by any rules set forth.

Yeah. No doubt it will be explicitly disallowed going forward but it shows an ugly aspect of the nature of Competitive Gaming that reminds me why I've never enjoyed when I dabbled in it. If it's not explicitly against the rules (and even if it is, as long as no Officials are watching) people will do it regardless of how low it is.


Well, everyone who needed Comms got them from the Rush and Bounty, but we just didn't beat the Puzzles with enough time for everyone to finish. We had trouble getting the last battery at the end of the Maze and simply ran out of time. We got through Langmar alright (slight delay in the Gallery, but nothing unusual), but we had some miscommunication on my part and one of the rooms was accidentally flooded with poison with people still in there. Ouch.

We tried to rez everyone as fast as possible while the bottom floor was cleared, but we didn't have enough time for everyone to get the chest or their comms. Door was open and everything, but we didn't have time to get everyone down and out.

Puzzle Makeups are on Monday (9 pm Eastern) and Wednesday (6:30 eastern) in case you still need your commendations for those. Sorry to anyone who can't make those times, I know Elazul has to work nights. Sorry we couldn't make it happen.

Sorry again for the mix-up in that last room.
Just wanted to throw it out there that if any of you want to do the Balthazar event, hit me up! I tried to solo a portion of it last night not remembering what it entailed...got pretty close to completing the Northern army portion. Orr is indeed a ghost town right now so impossible to access the Karma merchant for Obsidian Shards :( I imagine a team of 5 could handle it though. Kinda sucks that the only real viable way to get this item in bulk has you relying on other human players being available to help access the merchant... I want to start making my clovers! haha

Cool stuff with the Ranger Mist Wolf! Really does make you wonder if there are other united power skills for the rest of the classes...
Just wanted to throw it out there that if any of you want to do the Balthazar event, hit me up! I tried to solo a portion of it last night not remembering what it entailed...got pretty close to completing the Northern army portion. Orr is indeed a ghost town right now so impossible to access the Karma merchant for Obsidian Shards :(
It seems that every Saturday one of the SBI guilds opens up Balthazar. It was actually open yesterday; Rottel called it out in gchat. Try waiting until the next weekend. Alternatively, if you have lots of useless fractal tokens you can buy shards that way as well. That's how I got the last ~50-70 needed for my clovers when I got impatient.
It seems that every Saturday one of the SBI guilds opens up Balthazar. It was actually open yesterday; Rottel called it out in gchat. Try waiting until the next weekend. Alternatively, if you have lots of useless fractal tokens you can buy shards that way as well. That's how I got the last ~50-70 needed for my clovers when I got impatient.

I just logged in and amazingly, it was open on my server! Just bought 500 of them, imagine I should be good now hehe
I just logged in and amazingly, it was open on my server! Just bought 500 of them, imagine I should be good now hehe
I hope you have better luck than me at the mystic toilet. Both times it took me about 260 tries to get 77. I used the single clover method. Very annoying feeling when you blow through a stack and you still end up needing 3 more clovers :mad:


I much prefer throwing 10 in at a time. I figure that I only really use about 10-15 shots at it so that's something like 100-150 if I had gone with single attempts. Even if it fails I get some powerful blood back from it a lot of the time.
I plan on doing stacks of 10 at a time, seems to be the most popular method. T6 mats are among the worst to me so it's win-win whether I get the clovers quick or not. Ecto is what I have the least of out of the ingredients after blowing 100 on ascended earrings so they dictate how many attempts I can try at this time.


There is definitely some luck involved. He seems to put up the shield at a regular 1 or 2 minute interval, so the longer you take to remove it, the quicker he will reapply so it's like being penalized twice. (Or maybe the shield application is random).

And the more ranger pets you have to deal with the worse it is :x. Would be nice if they didn't activate mines, or at least not while on passive, or could be stowed in combat.


There is definitely some luck involved. He seems to put up the shield at a regular 1 or 2 minute interval, so the longer you take to remove it, the quicker he will reapply so it's like being penalized twice. (Or maybe the shield application is random).

And the more ranger pets you have to deal with the worse it is :x. Would be nice if they didn't activate mines, or at least not while on passive, or could be stowed in combat.

I also learned today that illusions running past a mine to shatter will trigger the mine so berserkers from greatsword are a bad idea as well. I think they really screwed over classes that have any sort of minions.


Yeah I heard that follow up NULL run also didn't go well :(. Sounds like some of those people hadn't done the Canach fight yet, so too many going in blind.
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