Finally made my legend dairy. Thanks Kos and Varix for the last few ectos to finish the job.
Gif to show the sparkly stuff:
Finally made my legend dairy. Thanks Kos and Varix for the last few ectos to finish the job.
Gif to show the sparkly stuff:
Dragon Bash in 4 days yaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
I'm only looking forward to the Wings. And I know I'm not gonna be able to collect w/e heavy amount of stuff they're gonna want for that :[
Seems like Coffers arent going the gem route soooo I guess I wasted this $10 investment :/
Oh well ... Hair Style kit I guess?![]()
Just to make sure, you know there are more options each day than the 5 that show up at first in the upper right?
Sometimes there's a little up or down arrow icon showing you if it's far above or below you (could be underground, underwater). Some of them are just tricky to get to in general though.
That seems basically impossible :/ The beginning tutorial quest isn't a dynamic event at all, it's instanced.
Lion's Arch is the main hub. You can get there at any time either by taking the portal from your home city or from the Mists (hit the PvP menu). You can also go from there to any other race's city and explore those starting areas too (so whatever zone it was you went to doesn't have to be "next" for you unless you want to be there).
I wouldn't spend them until the patch comes out. We know normal coffers are drops but there's no confirmation that the rich ones aren't on the gem store.
Expect this to happen pretty often for a while. Still happens to me even 1300+ hours into the game. :xTime flew and it became bed time unfortunately.
I will check it out, thanks.
Playing with a controller is incredible; totally makes the longevity of the game for me. The way it translates to the SAB (which has fewer buttons, obviously) is just magic.
I'm not at all kidding when I say gw2 feels like it was designed for it. I'm working on a controller map image that is simpler to understand than what we have so far but installation is quite simple. Just File -> Download and follow the instructions.
So tonight, I try this, been getting arm ache using my mouse and I have a Logitech F710 ready to go...
Is the version of Xpadder in there the free one?
Edit: oh snap, I use Windows 8![]()
I went full retard and bought for 100 gold worth of rare and exotic greatswords and just threw them in the mystic toilet. NOTHING. ABSOLUTELY WORTHLESS. What have I done!!!111
I hate myself. ughh. :[
I think someone did the same thing recently.I went full retard and bought for 100 gold worth of rare and exotic greatswords and just threw them in the mystic toilet. NOTHING. ABSOLUTELY WORTHLESS. What have I done!!!111
I hate myself. ughh. :[
I tore this game a new hole on YT because unlike GW1, GW2 is like reused toilet paper of other mmo features that they tried to claim as original. Anet + NCSoft can go jump as far as I'm concerned.
I tore this game a new hole on YT because unlike GW1, GW2 is like reused toilet paper of other mmo features that they tried to claim as original. Anet + NCSoft can go jump as far as I'm concerned.
I stopped right before the conclusion to Flame and Frost. I think my boredom came in large part from the fact that all my friends had long moved on from the game, so I'd love to play with GAF Guild whenever I do make a return.And speaking of Flame and Frost, I'm curious: did any lasting changes come out of the event?
I tore this game a new hole on YT because unlike GW1, GW2 is like reused toilet paper of other mmo features that they tried to claim as original. Anet + NCSoft can go jump as far as I'm concerned.
Look everyone, it's Bizarro Retro.
Hello! (That means goodbye in Bizarro world).
What's the Bizarro version of "Account Suicide"? Account immaculate conception?
Visit the two instances in Wayfarer's Hills and Diessa Plateau now to see those changes.And speaking of Flame and Frost, I'm curious: did any lasting changes come out of the event?
Careful guys. He's a celebrity.
What a bizarre post. I'm glad to have context for your YT activities, I suppose.
Anyway, hello GW2 GAF! I picked up GW2 at launch, played actively for maybe a week before I suddenly got really busy and stopped, returned around half a year later and became utterly absorbed for awhile (79 Warrior, ~55ish Thief), and have now been on a break for the past month or two, as I began to get a little bored.
I stopped right before the conclusion to Flame and Frost. I think my boredom came in large part from the fact that all my friends had long moved on from the game, so I'd love to play with GAF Guild whenever I do make a return.And speaking of Flame and Frost, I'm curious: did any lasting changes come out of the event?
WvW was so much fun last night. Really wish I didn't have to stay up until 5am for it thought![]()
No, he's Infinite Retro. He's you from another universe, like in bioshock infinite.
In that universe you hate GW2, and probably built a giant floating city in the sky to instill fear into everyone who likes it.
No, he's Infinite Retro. He's you from another universe, like in bioshock infinite.
In that universe you hate GW2, and probably built a giant floating city in the sky to instill fear into everyone who likes it.
Nearly 4 million views on his channel. Guess people really will watch any old shite on YT. Has about 50 videos crying about GW2. Biggest butt hurt GW1 fan I've ever seen.
WvW was so much fun last night. Really wish I didn't have to stay up until 5am for it thought![]()
Knowing Retro he'd only be instilling fear in the contractors hired to build the giant floating city, as they prepared the 50th version of the design blueprints because everything has to be just right.
... speaking of spoilers, what's this bombshell in The Empire Strikes Back people keep talking about?!
Darth Vader is actually Andrew Ryan.
Yeah the attitudes on TS are great. Tempers can easily flare when playing PVP but those dudes are cool as ice.
Look everyone, it's Bizarro Retro.
Hello! (That means goodbye in Bizarro world).
What's the Bizarro version of "Account Suicide"? Account immaculate conception?
Hey, Team Paradigm's Guild Wars 2 Invitational is starting!
Anyway, first match already started while I was typing this out. Team Paradigm against Seaclubbers. Come watch.
tells you what servers cof is open at.
If you cof relatively often you should bookmark it.
Argh, I missed it and it's not uploaded (yet)... Is it with NA and EU teams, or only EU teams? Anet seriously have to think of a way to allow is international guesting...
From what I've heard "second handed", the NA meta (builds, team setups and even map rotation) is more stalled and boring, while there is a bit of diversity in the EU meta. Can't comment on it myself, because I've only played in EU, but I know (actually playing with them on weekends till 5 am local time) a lot of good players switching from NA to EU (like PIKE, Starcraft and Select) because of this. So, I can imagine that NA is (a bit) behind EU. One more reason for Anet do address the international guesting asp.
As for the TP stream recordings, looks like I'm stupid enough and couldn't find them myself, thanks!![]()