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Guild Wars 2 |OT2| Funding An MMO Entirely On Quaggan Backpacks

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Hey, I'm not bitter about anything. Update's just not for me. I totally get that the grind stuff is not meant to be done in one sitting, and it's totally optional and layered on top of all the other content in the game.

My favorite kind of content updates are ones where grindable content is fun and dynamic with a group, such as fractals/dungeons/instances. Going between "points" because there's gold to be made is a little less interesting.

Dunno, not disappointed or upset, just sayin' stuff's not for me. You won't hear any "Anet sucks" from me.


People on other forums are starting to bring down GW2 because of the constant grind being added monthly. It's no longer being considered as new "content" now.

lol other forums. That is funny.

Yes, new content shouldn't have any grind at all to it! That way I can do it all in an hour and complain that there's nothing new to do for the rest of the month!


Hey, I'm not bitter about anything. Update's just not for me. I totally get that the grind stuff is not meant to be done in one sitting, and it's totally optional and layered on top of all the other content in the game.

My favorite kind of content updates are ones where grindable content is fun and dynamic with a group, such as fractals/dungeons/instances. Going between "points" because there's gold to be made is a little less interesting.

Dunno, not disappointed or upset, just sayin' stuff's not for me. You won't hear any "Anet sucks" from me.

Same here.

I'm getting tired of the "smash X, find Y" achievements. Why can't we have more unique, albeit challenging, achievements? Whether you spend an hour grinding pinatas in a sitting or you spread it out over a week...it's still the same achievement.

On top of that, you have achievements like the holo kills, which end up just being a massive sprint fest all over a zone. I'd much rather see it like the pinatas/whatever, where EVERYONE can tag it at their own pace. I've lost count of the number of times an Ele has RTL'd to the holo and downed it before 10+ people can get 5ft from the WP.

Right now it just feels like a slightly re-skinned Halloween with less fun stuff to do(the skeleton door/Mad King stuff was lots of fun).

Here's hoping the storymode/dungeon? stuff is fun.

lol other forums. That is funny.

Yes, new content shouldn't have any grind at all to it! That way I can do it all in an hour and complain that there's nothing new to do for the rest of the month!
It isn't really "content" though, that's the issue I think some of us are having. Smashing pinatas, setting off fireworks, etc isn't "content".

I'm all for the grind, as long as it can be done with a party/is more than just solo running around spamming F.

edit: on another note, I think 2 of the achievements(Dragon Ball) are either bugged or don't count, as I have all 8 done, but it only shows 6 complete. It seems like others have encountered it as well on Reddit.


The holo-kills are a little counter-intuitive to Anet's other principles. Nothing game-breaking, but it gets weirdly frustrating when people can steal your coffers by just warping around a zone. I thought one of their goals was enforcing co-operative gameplay over kill-stealing, but this seems to be exactly that.

It's not like I'm sitting here going, "OH GOD ANET IS RUINING EVERYTHING THEY REALLY DOOMED THEMSELVES THIS TIME!" I'm not really grinding for anything in particular, so it's not like I'm upset that grinding takes a long time/is not cooperative. It's just casual observations.

Look, everyone was "up all night to get lucky" on Southsun, so it just seems odd that the next update was just as "loot from point to point" as the last one.


What kind of challenging achievements do you want that are for temporary content? I agree that they're grindy, but they're also temporary.

I'd love it if the pinatas spawned an event where a group of players could then join in, and the game would randomly blindfold a single player (hinder their vision) while giving them a pinata stick with one swing to try and smash it. If they miss, the game does the same to a different player until everyone had a turn or someone broke it open successfully. Reward everyone who participated, but reward the winner even more. Make the achievement to play this game 10 times or something.

Sounds like a complete bitch to program though for temporary content that will vanish in a month. If they try to do something so complex for every grindy achievements it gets even worse. They'll never do it.

I completely agree they need to reduce the overall number of times you need to do something, usually in half at least. Maybe even divide the number by 4 and have the game unlock each tier per week, so it appears less grindy, while still giving people the ability to go over the weekly limit to max the total needed.

I can't really think of challenging achievements that are easy for ANet to program in on a monthly basis for these temporary events. Putting dungeons in and other unique story related content tied to achievements takes a boatload of time for them.


What kind of challenging achievements do you want that are for temporary content? I agree that they're grindy, but they're also temporary.

I'd love it if the pinatas spawned an event where a group of players could then join in, and the game would randomly blindfold a single player (hinder their vision) while giving them a pinata stick with one swing to try and smash it. If they miss, the game does the same to a different player until everyone had a turn or someone broke it open successfully. Reward everyone who participated, but reward the winner even more. Make the achievement to play this game 10 times or something.

Sounds like a complete bitch to program though for temporary content that will vanish in a month. If they try to do something so complex for every grindy achievements it gets even worse. They'll never do it.

I completely agree they need to reduce the overall number of times you need to do something, usually in half at least. Maybe even divide the number by 4 and have the game unlock each tier per week, so it appears less grindy, while still giving people the ability to go over the weekly limit to max the total needed.

I can't really think of challenging achievements that are easy for ANet to program in on a monthly basis for these temporary events. Putting dungeons in and other unique story related content tied to achievements takes a boatload of time for them.

Yeah, it's temporary. That's why I'm not mad. I understand that not every update is going to have new instanced content.
The amount of Zaitaffy for the holo wings feels kinda steep on the first day (given drop rate and TP prices), so I can see why people are complaining that it's grindy.

That said, the price if Zaitaffy will only fall (it halved over the two hours of WvWvW I played last night), and the dropped version of the wings is falling in price too so if you want a set there's a reasonable chance you'll be able to get them by the end of the event.

There were two people on our server in WvWvW with them already, only a couple of hours after the patch, (since this is .eu), something which is a little ridiculous, although I did the same with the Super sword skin on my warrior. Having seen them I've gone off them somewhat and will focus on the achievement ones.


Can't disagree that the achievements aren't particularly exciting.

The thing with the holographs is that you kind of want to do it as fast as possible to maximize profits so the people who saw the icon come up late on their map tend to get really screwed because they need to run faster than the guy who saw it earlier. People are also extremely impatient with these or may be those that don't know what is going on after the patch but there don't seem to be too many of those from what I've seen. I'd say the biggest thing to keep in mind at this point if you're having trouble tagging these because they die too quickly or you fall behind is that the lower leveled the zone is, the faster they die so move up to a higher leveled zone where the HP increased.

Edit: There is no real "stealing" because it's mostly uncooperative. If someone gets the one you were going to, you find the next one and move on because there's also the chance for a by-passer to hit it because it reactivated next to them. A holograph isn't yours because you looked at it, which is how I see it from what I've seen and from examples such as designer purses on clearance at department stores. However, low mobility classes and those that lack AoE get the short stick for sure.

Dragon Ball's swap team button is so bad because it allows people to stack teams in the beginning if they see that they aren't grouped with the experienced guys from last game. The experienced guys tend to leave if they end up on a team with a bunch of new guys queued up for the game if the team with the experienced guys is full. There's also the really terrible part about loading into a stacked game and then the games where the score is already 20 - 400 but I guess that part isn't too bad since it ends quickly enough so you can look at who was doing the most work and swap into that team when the new round starts.


Yeah, I was having some luck grabbing them in Maelstrom yesterday because they could survive a few hits. Or Fields of ruin.


The holo-kills are a little counter-intuitive to Anet's other principles. Nothing game-breaking, but it gets weirdly frustrating when people can steal your coffers by just warping around a zone. I thought one of their goals was enforcing co-operative gameplay over kill-stealing, but this seems to be exactly that.

I liked the way SAB handled it. Even if you didn't get there for the kills, it left baubles on the ground for you to pick up. They were instanced per player, like gathering, so everyone could pick them up.

They disappeared shortly after the kill, but usually still left you enough time to get there.


I think the best bit of advice for people that need it at this point is to find slightly higher leveled maps for increased HP so they can tag or to select maps with varied terrain (jumping up rocks, swimming, walls you NEED to get around, etc) because it's not an "easy farm."


Just realized the free "Polla" doll might be a breadcrumb for the last Guild Wars 2 book which comes out later this month.


It has to do with the founding of Lion's Arch, so maybe an in-game reference.

Old. I knew all about that before you did.

Those steampunk armors


Also, dey be the gemstore ones, sorry Jira



Yeah, it's temporary. That's why I'm not mad. I understand that not every update is going to have new instanced content.

There's something coming with the next update for the living story that is very likely instanced and it takes place somewhere we haven't been before.


There's something coming with the next update for the living story that is very likely instanced and it takes place somewhere we haven't been before.

Neat! Glad to hear it. I do like a lot of dragon bash though, not trying to be a debbie downer.

Wait a minute... all this steampunk stuff... what if it's time travel related? WHAT IF CROSSROADS IS REAL?


A fine bloody zeppelin. Oh, now you've gone and spoiled the surprise. If an airship instance is in our fate, I do hope it contains plenty of goodies to gather.


I spent last night completing plains of ashford on my ranger who's at 98% map completion. I grabbed any holographs I saw on my way from spot to spot. Was a good way to get that map finished and not feel like I was just farming holograms. Plenty of coffer drops from some of the large mobs on that map too. Probably made around 4g. Wasn't paying close attention.

Might do that tonight with one of my other alts I'm still leveling although prices have dropped another 2s and will probably drop even more when US is home from work.

And not a fan of the steampunk armors that have been shown.
I just wanted to say LA looked amazing last night. Really really like the decor. Part of me wishes it was like that always but then it wouldn't be as special I suppose.

As for the festivities...don't dig. Dragonball seemed like it would be a lot of fun until my whole team left and it was me against three from the other team... I waited and waited for more teammates. In the meantime, you get ported out into the open so I was constantly triple teamed and it was the furthest thing from fun. Now I know that people can't drop in, apparently so next time just leave the match but it's a broken system. Don't start matches unless there are even teams and allow people to join the match to make it so if others leave please.

My other issue is that none of the achievements needed to get those sweet wings are things I'd ever do naturally. So for me, it's a grind regardless whether I do it all at once or spread out my grinding. Well, you get candy regardless what you do which is smart, but I didn't even run into a single hologram and I never will unless I go out of my way to go to those particular zones. That in itself certainly isn't an issue, going to a specific zone for an event or boss is fine. The problem is that you have to run around repeatedly looking for spawning holograms and I have no other business in this zone so taking up that much time to solely go after these holograms repeatedly is a grind any way you slice it. The way around this would have been to put holograms in every zone, then there would be no issue as I'd be in whatever zone for something I want to work on and would be able to come across the holograms while going about my business. That would be nice. Thankfully, the story achievements will go a long way towards getting those wings which is good because I'm not blowing money on freakin Moa racing for an achievement haha

All this said, the festival 'looks' gorgeous and there's still potential for the story portions so...bring it on! I will enjoy soaking in LA immensely in the meantime as I go there every play session :)


It would've been cool if there were some quirky acheviements like...I dunno I'm not that creative

Kill a veteran with a firework! (Give fireworks some 4 skill that can be used sparingly as an attack, lol)

Puke on 3 enemies at once! (Poison them?)

If the Moa race was more like a guild rush, they could've made some for winning once, maybe tripping someone, finding a shortcut?

I dunno, anything to remove the repetition..


Sonic handles my blue balls
It would've been cool if there were some quirky acheviements like...I dunno I'm not that creative

Kill a veteran with a firework! (Give fireworks some 4 skill that can be used sparingly as an attack, lol)

Puke on 3 enemies at once! (Poison them?)

If the Moa race was more like a guild rush, they could've made some for winning once, maybe tripping someone, finding a shortcut?

I dunno, anything to remove the repetition..

Clearly the achievement people aren't as creative as the people who put together the Molten Facility.
I haven't played this game in over a month and just saw that the download is over 300MB right now. GW2 must've got a HUGE update while I was gone. This time away finally did give me time to pick what class I want. I've been playing League and I've come to love being the tank of teams, so Guardian is going to be my role of choice.

I have 2 lvl 30's but I don't mind starting up a guardian. It surprisingly doesn't take a long time to get back to lvl 30.

Btw, is their any other good tankers except for the Warrior and Guardian?
Edit: There is no real "stealing" because it's mostly uncooperative. If someone gets the one you were going to, you find the next one and move on because there's also the chance for a by-passer to hit it because it reactivated next to them. A holograph isn't yours because you looked at it, which is how I see it from what I've seen and from examples such as designer purses on clearance at department stores. However, low mobility classes and those that lack AoE get the short stick for sure.

I have actually popped nodes with my ele and had them die before she could tag any of them because people lay traps and turrets and Warrior's GS it down too fast. I have actually BEEN that GS Warrior who stands in a group waiting for it ... only to have one of the people waiting right next to it say "I didn't get to hit it :[" because they're a ele or some other light armor class.

I don't like that kinda practice at all.
I think people should simply be able to grab the drops like in the SB event. Or at the very least the high level nodes should be in places that arent surrounded by agro mobs so that more farmers at higher levels are ok with sitting there.

Also, not sure if the Coffers drop less with the higher level mobs or not.
I got tired of having nodes pop right behind my back with my warrior so I started just exploring level 40-50 areas and those coffers where NOT dropping much at all.


Let's see, going off of Jira's clues...

Sky + Zeppelins = Clearly something about flying airships.

Flag = Guilds have flags!

Conclusion: Colin listened to my idea and we're finally getting flying guild halls!!!

Case closed, guys.
Let's see, going off of Jira's clues...

Sky + Zeppelins = Clearly something about flying airships.

Flag = Guilds have flags!

Conclusion: Colin listened to my idea and we're finally getting flying guild halls!!!

Case closed, guys.
New Class: Air Pirate!!!

One of the elite skills is using an airship to rapidly traverse Tyria for free, blasting everything in your path from a safe distance. It will be nerfed within a week.


Is there a better way to get candy than by simply hitting pinatas in LA? The wings seem pretty far.

Kill anything in the world to get Dragon Coffers, which seem to drop 1-3 candy (Plus a chance for fireworks and, rarely, a Weapon Ticket). The ones at the Holographic Projectors seem to drop more, but just wandering the world killing everything you see seems to yield a coffer every 5 kills or so. Sometimes I'll kill a ton and get nothing, then get 4 in a row. Just RNG as usual.

Also, 100,000 is an ABSURD amount, but remember that Dragon Bash should be here until the first Tuesday in July (when the next event begins). That's a lot of time, and you'll be getting coffers just doing what you normally do anyways.

There's also an update on the 25th which may add some entirely new method of getting candy, possibly in bulk. I'm just theorizing here, but it's possible. We're only a day into the event, so it appears pretty hopeless. I think the required amount is so high because they know something we don't.

At the end of the day, if you've got your heart set on it, maybe just buy it from the TP? The price has dropped a bit from yesterday. It will probably continue to go down or at least stabilize as the event continues.
At the end of the day, if you've got your heart set on it, maybe just buy it from the TP? The price has dropped a bit from yesterday. It will probably continue to go down or at least stabilize as the event continues.

Prettty much the best route to take from what I can tell.

Either that or sacrifice a puppy to the RNG gods or w/e those people are doing to get these as random DROPS from mobs.

Personally I think the reason they're going down in price on the tp is because many who find them and toss them on there are over-estimating just HOW MANY people want them and how much they're willing to spend. As more people get them from random drops and coffers the prices will lower because many want their gold now and few are willing to pay them the 60+ gold I saw it going for last night. Hopefully the market holds firm on this until they're down to 10g or less. >:/


I have actually popped nodes with my ele and had them die before she could tag any of them because people lay traps and turrets and Warrior's GS it down too fast. I have actually BEEN that GS Warrior who stands in a group waiting for it ... only to have one of the people waiting right next to it say "I didn't get to hit it :[" because they're a ele or some other light armor class.

I don't like that kinda practice at all.
I think people should simply be able to grab the drops like in the SB event. Or at the very least the high level nodes should be in places that arent surrounded by agro mobs so that more farmers at higher levels are ok with sitting there.

Also, not sure if the Coffers drop less with the higher level mobs or not.
I got tired of having nodes pop right behind my back with my warrior so I started just exploring level 40-50 areas and those coffers where NOT dropping much at all.

I can't tell for some people if they get credit or not but I can see the concern there. Latency definitely plays a huge role for tagging these guys as well as AoE-ability of the class you're on. At the end of the day, this is only as cooperative as the players are willing to be which is usually a low chance with everyone in farm mode.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Sorry I've been so bad about mission makeups this week, it's been kind of a bad/off one (was home most of the day sick from work, and just woke up at 10pm). Makeups should take place tomorrow at the regularly scheduled 6:30PM ET and we can do whatever is needed.
I just joined the GAF Guild guys. I'm level 19 but feel very much like a Noob. I have been playing on and off but now I'm on break for two months and want to dedicate more time to the game. Thanks for having me.
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