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Guild Wars 2 |OT2| Funding An MMO Entirely On Quaggan Backpacks

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Anyways, still a fucking great game. Trying to progress quickly so that I can finally play with you guys. I keep seeing on guild chat about cool shit like wurm (no idea what that is) and quip? I'm confused, but I probably dont have to know about that for a while.

Quip is a Legendary Weapon (a pistol, specifically). Rottel just got his today. It shoots confetti and fart noises.

"Wurm" is a big jungle wurm to kill in the Caledon forest. It's one of the meta-events that happen throughout the world. Once a day, your account can do each event and get a bonus chest with a rare or exotic item in it. The rewards scale with level so it's mostly 80s that go and do them, but you can actually do them any time if you can get to the zone. They are on rough timers, and people will usually give a heads-up in guild chat if one's about to start soon.

Also, if anyone's able to watch and interested, http://www.twitch.tv/GuildWars2 is live. Hugh Norfolk is doing a "WvW for Newbies" thing. Edit: He appears to be playing on Northern Shiverpeaks! Get him!


Great game so far. Level 13.

One thing I do not like though, is how skills are attached to what weapon you are using. 5 of the skills are taken up by my longbow. The skills in there are decent, but I want to free them up. I mean, the first skill is literally just shoot your bow. Why is that there? Another skill is to just knock a foe back. It is very situational, and I don't find myself using it too much.

I just wish I could create my own skillbar and put what I want in there.

that took some getting used to coming from GW1 where the auto weapon attack wasn't your main damage and you had 8 skills to mess around with (but were totally locked once you entered any instance)
I find the knockback actually very useful myself. Longbow does the most damage from range than close us. So using knockback maximizes your damage if you're fighting a melee mob. Basically I used to open with A4->A2->A5. And most single enemies would be dead halfway through barrage. And that was prior to the buffs. A3 is useful if you have a pet tanking for you so its the first to agro a mob. After moving to more WvW, I decided longbow wasn't for me and stick to mainly axe as my range and sword for melee.

Ploid 3.0


I wonder if this would be enough gold to buy some extra character slots with the gold to gem exchange. I would totally sell it then. Until then I'm going to try to farm 7 gold just in case.

Ploid 3.0

I got it out of a chest with the key they give new characters or something (black lion key). Maybe from the 5th mission quest. I leveled about 8 characters. I was about to delete my 80 thief to level another haha.


Opened nearly 1800 coffers bought with gold and finally managed to get a jade claim ticket.

Then I opened about 300 more and got a second....

I got it out of a chest with the key they give new characters or something (black lion key). Maybe from the 5th mission quest. I leveled about 8 characters. I was about to delete my 80 thief to level another haha.

Damn, that's some good luck.

If that happened to me I would never delete that character. Hell, I'd probably make it my main from that point on.


I have personally never seen ANYONE get one of those perma contracts in our guild, in-game, or on the internet. That is easily the best one too. Selling that for 125g is simply not worth it considering gold can be obtained in many ways while that contract is not only insanely rare but that's the only place to find them.

Ploid 3.0

Yeah I'll probably just use it, and yeah I'm not going to delete this bugger, he has my full unmodified internet name "Ploid." Happy that name wasn't taken, it's taken everywhere else it seem.


Opened nearly 1800 coffers bought with gold and finally managed to get a jade claim ticket.

Then I opened about 300 more and got a second....

Damn, that's some good luck.

If that happened to me I would never delete that character. Hell, I'd probably make it my main from that point on.

wow...just wow.

i hate everything about this
thanks to katoki who sent me 500 coffers a few days ago, which i just say today because my box was full, i opened over 1k today.

i'm probably reaching 10k+ with 20+ gold spent. ridiculous.
Ah what. I cant even just make a new guy on the North American server, I have to actually wipe my other guy? that is cruel.

Edit: ugh that pained me to do.. gaf guild better be worth it!
Ah what. I cant even just make a new guy on the North American server, I have to actually wipe my other guy? that is cruel.

Edit: ugh that pained me to do.. gaf guild better be worth it!

Guild missions every weekend with makeups during the week. Wubwub on friday. It's worth it.
Guild missions every weekend with makeups during the week. Wubwub on friday. It's worth it.

Ok so rolled a charr warrior again. Got a better grasp of what the hell is going on this time.
Who do i need to contact for a guild invite? Name is Ozokoo if anyone gets to me first.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Any chance we could run a quick Bounty today before reset? I basically missed all commendations this week but would at least like to get an easy bounty in.


Ok, so this is like the fourth time I convince myself to buy the game but this time is for real. I am taking long breaks from my usual games and since I have always been interested in GW2 (and loved GW1) I decided to pick it up @ Wallie today when I go pick up my GF.

Now, my questions are;

1-What are good sites where I can read up some beginners guide?
2-Good sites where I can read up on classes and builds etc?
3-Are there any good Android Apps that help either learning the game or enhancing your experience while playing?
4-Any incentive on joining the GAF guild, if there is one running?
5-Last but definitely not least, Is there anything I definitely NEED to know or take into consideration before starting the game?
1-What are good sites where I can read up some beginners guide?
This site is pretty good. You should also read the wiki if you have anything specific you want to look up. If you're in-game and see something, you can type "/wiki xxx" to open a window with a wiki search of the term you put in.
2-Good sites where I can read up on classes and builds etc?
This is less necessary, as you will generally get a feel for builds organically, but you can always have a look at others' builds to experiment with.

3-Are there any good Android Apps that help either learning the game or enhancing your experience while playing?
Somewhat. Anet recently released their API for a few things but the tools aren't quite there yet. Timers for world bosses is about as far as they've gotten. More will be added, though.
4-Any incentive on joining the GAF guild, if there is one running?
GAF guild is running strong at over 300 members. You'll have acess to advice, guild buffs, and guild missions (all valuable). Put your account name in a post and an officer can get you in quickly. (looks like accountname.####)
5-Last but definitely not least, Is there anything I definitely NEED to know or take into consideration before starting the game?
Don't rush through the game. Take time and really look at the world you're in. Enjoy the immersion and the activity that takes place around you instead of running from heart quest to heart quest grinding shit.

Retro will probably be along soon, he'll put up one of his megaposts including a lot of stuff, I'm sure.


1-Somewhat. Anet recently released their API for a few things but the tools aren't quite there yet. Timers for world bosses is about as far as they've gotten. More will be added, though.

2-GAF guild is running strong at over 300 members. You'll have acess to advice, guild buffs, and guild missions (all valuable). Put your account name in a post and an officer can get you in quickly. (looks like accountname.####)

3-Retro will probably be along soon, he'll put up one of his megaposts including a lot of stuff, I'm sure.

1 Aww thats a shame but at least the API is out, so hopefully some neat stuff comes out.
2 That sounds awesome, I will post in back when I get home tonight. Looking forward to joining in
3 Love me some megaposts! Can't wait huehueheu!

Thx for the info. much appreciated!
In retro's absence, I found one of his general info megaposts for your perusal.
1. Roll the class you think looks interesting and fun, not which you think will be most useful. If one doesn't click with you, try another. Whatever choice you make, you won't be penalized further down the road (i.e. you can get into a group no matter what class you pick now). Every class can contribute, even breaking MMO-tropes; Guardians (the Paladin-like class) have a couple ranged attacks, Rangers are good in melee, etc.
- That said, most people say the Guardian, Warrior and Ranger are good classes to start with, while Mesmers, Elementalists and Engineers have a bit of a learning curve. Seriously though, try what sounds cool to you, as all of the professions are pretty approachable and you can always ask for help here or in-game.​
2. Race has no statistical advantage; it will only give you a few race-specific utility and elite skills (none of which stand out over the others). Otherwise it is entirely cosmetic. Be aware that the "Tauren Effect" is in play here; the two large races, Norn and Charr, feel like they move slower than the others even though run speed is normalized. Likewise, Asura feel like they're flying. Some people (myself included) find it detracts from the game, YMMV.
- For what it's worth, Norn look insanely cool in full armor (especially plate) and Charr have an awesome four-legged run animation, so there's silver lining everywhere.​
3. Buy a copper Mining Pick, Harvesting Sickle and Logging axe as soon as you have the money; there's no gathering professions, everyone can gather everything so long as they have the tools. Resource nodes show up on your mini-map (Grey rock, green leaves, brown log pile) and are instanced for everyone; don't rush to mine a Copper node just because someone is running towards it, you will have your own copy waiting just for you.

4. Likewise, buy a basic Salvage Kit. This is similar to Disenchanting in WoW, but you actually get resources like cloth, leather and metal rather than dusts/essences. This is the primary method for getting cloth and leather, actually. You will get items from enemies that serve no purpose other than to be salvaged, and will be labelled as such.

5. You don't need to be at a waypoint to travel; you can open your map and travel to any waypoint you've previously visited at any time.

6. If you want bags, take up any of the armor crafting professions (Armorsmith, Leatherworker, Tailor) as all three can produce bags right away. You may also want to check the Trading Post (shortcut: o) because the prices there are pretty low.

7. You get weapon swapping at level 7 (unless you're an Elementalist or Engineer), and unlock utility slots at 5, 10 and 20. Elite skills unlock at level 30.

8. For a quick level or two, explore your race's starting city. When you open your map there will be a checklist of the waypoints (Diamonds), Points of Interest (Small squares), and Vistas (Two Red Triangles), all of which give you XP just for visiting them. It also nets you some money and goodies for fully completing the map.

9. Learn to dodge early, it will save you forever. Most enemies have a 'wind up' animation just before they deliver a large attack. The default dodge key is V.
- Red Circles on the ground are enemy AOE attacks; dodge out of those too.​
10. When your health reaches zero, you aren't automatically killed; instead you enter a 'downed' state where you can defeat an enemy (or heal yourself if none are around) to rally back at half health. Keep an eye open for a blue "V" symbol over other players, or on your mini-map; this indicates another played who has been downed, and you can revive them (default key: f) and get some experience.

11. Wander around and do stuff. One of the biggest complaints people new to the game have is that there isn't any direction it shoos you towards. There are traditional quests (marked with hearts on your map), but the real meat of GW2 are events which can happen anywhere at any time. Pay attention to your surroundings; people will often run up to you and ask for help, or you'll see signs that something is amiss (people are sick and the well water is green? Follow the pipes to investigate the water supply.)

12. Whisper any of the officers for an invite to GAF guild where your questions will be answered. Ferny, Ashodin Venteal, Hawkian The Blade, Gojira, Nephenee Reginleif, Professor Retro, Wallach or Arken Elric. You can be part of GAF Guild regardless of which server you are on (We play on Stormbluff Isle, but it is often full), and you can join multiple guilds as well (so if you have friends already playing, you can switch between them as you like).

13. We use Mumble, and have a GAF server just for our guild; talking is optional but being able to listen helps, especially in dungeons. We also tend to hang out and get overly excited about new features:
Server Address: atl.eoreality.net
Port: 64742
Use your GAF Name as your username to avoid confusion.

14. You can also register at GAFGuild.com, we post all sorts of events and discuss things a little more indepth than we do here, just to keep this thread open for general discussion without getting bogged down in theorycrafting, event notices and such.

AWESOME TIPS (i.e. "Why don't other MMOs have that?!")
- There are no mailboxes anywhere, because you can send and receive mail anywhere via messenger pigeons.

- Likewise, you can buy and sell on the trading post from anywhere. However, any items you buy, or any money you make from selling, can only be picked up at a Trader NPC (marked as a golden scale icon on your map).

- You can click the small gear in the upper right corner of your inventory and select "Deposit all Collectables" to automatically send any crafting materials to your bank. These items appear on the "Collectables" tab at your bank, a special space that holds all of that stuff for you instead of forcing you to hoard it in your regular storage space.

- Your bank space is shared between all of your characters, and there is a space on the lower right to deposit money.

- There is no mob tagging in the traditional sense; as long as you do above a certain threshold of damage, you will get credit and looting rights regardless of who attacked first.


Retro will probably be along soon, he'll put up one of his megaposts including a lot of stuff, I'm sure.

Heh, yeah, I was an hour or so late digging up my Beginners Tips post since I was up until 3am playing.

Officer list in that list of tips needs to be updated, I see!

Well, it's from December, so...

Here's the updated list; Ashodin, Ferny, Gojira, Hawkian, Katoki, Kos Luftar, Levyne Lesník, Lucrezia Stone, Professor Retro or Wallach.


Ok, so this is like the fourth time I convince myself to buy the game but this time is for real. I am taking long breaks from my usual games and since I have always been interested in GW2 (and loved GW1) I decided to pick it up @ Wallie today when I go pick up my GF.

The wiki is probably one of the better places to find basic info about the game. Like mentioned, typing /wiki *term* in game will get you the page of whatever your typed.

As much as official forums suck, I'd recommended the profession forums for info on builds. Unless the Mesmer forum is somehow different than the rest, you can usually find builds, videos, and explanations on how to play that build on there. Just looking at random build and trait layouts at the various build websites isn't exactly the easiest thing for a new player to understand.

As for apps, there aren't really any that I've seen yet. ANet did release the API not too long ago, but people are mostly using it for really nice websites that track things like events and WvW.

Some that I've come accross:
For Boss events (overlay program in the upper right corner as well): http://us.gw2stuff.com/events/stormbluff-isle
For all events: http://gw2hero.com/stormbluff-isle
WvW: http://mos.millenium.org/na

A lot of the API stuff is down right now, though, so those sites other than the WvW aren't working right now.

Speaking of tracking sites, it might be a good idea to have a list of some of these sites in the next OT.


Speaking of tracking sites, it might be a good idea to have a list of some of these sites in the next OT.

They're in there, along with direct links right at the top to my beginners tips and Jira's OT post for people new to the game.

The OT3 isn't going to be as heavy on graphics as Jira's, but it doesn't need to be since at this point, it's all about being utilitarian. Still, I hope you guys like the look of it. Been trying to get it to look decent in both GAF themes.

Still got about 700 posts to go. I expect we'll be there before the end of the month, maybe a little into August. Seems appropriate that we start the next OT about the same time we start the second year of the game's life.


thanks to the few people who have sent me coffers!

no ticket yet :(
got an exotic that sold for 5g. so probably another 1k today of disappointment


Wow, saw this, had some coin lying around. I though why not. I'm glad you got your ticket.

me too! dear god. I know i opened at least 10k of those, probably more. I've bought about 250 every day for 2 weeks or so. the last few days i've bought 500-750.


I did an interview with Mike Zadorojny, the Lead Content Designer of GW2, last week.

The original interview is in Dutch: http://translate.google.com/transla...71/1/Interview-Guild-Wars-2-heden-en-toekomst

But here are some important things he said:

1) 4 teams are working on living story right now, they each have 4 months of preparation to provide a single month of content. This is to stress the “ever evolving Tyria”. All parts of the living story are part of a big epic story being told throughout the year.

2) There are 10 to 30 new builds every day while developing. There is a constant testing of new stuff at ArenaNet, and because they can roll out builds so quickly, this gives Anet an edge competitors don’t have. The developers are also getting more and more familiar with the way of creating new content, so they can create content faster in the future.

3) PTR’s are a way to tackle bugs. The problem with PTR’s however is that you cannot keep things secret until release. Anet wants to continue to surprise their players and wants them to eagerly await new stuff. They understand they need to find a way to bring out qualitative content, without counting that much on the players. However, Anet now has more tech support and a lot of people that help with testing. Still, they admit there is a problem with bugs during patch release, and they are looking into it. What they try to do right now is hotfix bugs as soon as possible once a build has gone live.

4) Temporary content is a necessary evil for telling the living story. However, more permanent content will be shipped in the future. The Sky pirate jumple puzzle is an example of permanent content. You will see more of these things in the future, like revamping dungeons, similar to what happened with Ascalonian Catacombs. The whole of Tyria is evolving, and dungeons are a part of that.

5) A dungeon wallet (to store tokens) is a suggestion that is taken seriously.

6) The Aetherblades are a creation of one of the artists. Anet encourages employees thinking of fun, new ideas, like the Super Adventure Box.

7) Content that was well received with the players like the Molten Facility will be revisited, either by shipping a new story that brings us back to that place or by putting it in the Fractals rotation. However, a key part of the living story is that it’s temporary. This is however a promise to the players, that they will see new stuff every 2 weeks from now on. There will be new stories, and Mike sees it like television: with new episodes that keep on coming.

8) Anet loves to try out different things and look at the feedback of the community. Southsun had a easy dungeon that thaught the mechanics, and a harder one for the rewards. For the Aetherblade retreat, they wanted a certain level of difficulty, and achievements that played with this level of difficulty so hardcore players had something to do.

9) Guild Missions were well received and i twill be something that will receive support in the future, with new mission coming in the next months.
10)There are limited resources for improving guild management at this moment, and it’s not a priority.

11) There are several teams busy with providig new Living story Content, but the rest of the company supports the game by creating new features and technology. One example of this new tech is the cutscene at Margary’s bar you can rewatch through an item.

12) An expansion is not actively being looked at. Everything that you normally can find in an expansion (new maps, races or professions) are things they would like/could add through the living story-strategy. The Players have been very supportive in buying the maingame and through microtransactions. If Anet can keep the game competitive and create an attractive world, they feel players will continue to play and support the game.

13) A few of the competitors will bring out their games on PS4 or Xbox one. This will be a challenge, but it’s something Anet isn’t looking in at and can’t do at this moment. Consoles cannot/hardly can keep up with the rate of updates Anet wants to bring out, or make it hard to do this without a sub fee.

14) The Mobile application didn’t bring about a feeling of quality and has been pushed aside for other stuff. They however will bring a lot of API’s to the player base, and they are curious to see what players will be able to do with it.

Hopefully it was an interesting read :) (also, if it's not allowed to link, please tell me and I'll remove it. I just wanted to share this information)
I did an interview with Mike Zadorojny, the Lead Content Designer of GW2, last week.

The original interview is in Dutch: http://translate.google.com/transla...71/1/Interview-Guild-Wars-2-heden-en-toekomst

But here are some important things he said:

1) 4 teams are working on living story right now, they each have 4 months of preparation to provide a single month of content. This is to stress the “ever evolving Tyria”. All parts of the living story are part of a big epic story being told throughout the year.

2) There are 10 to 30 new builds every day while developing. There is a constant testing of new stuff at ArenaNet, and because they can roll out builds so quickly, this gives Anet an edge competitors don’t have. The developers are also getting more and more familiar with the way of creating new content, so they can create content faster in the future.

3) PTR’s are a way to tackle bugs. The problem with PTR’s however is that you cannot keep things secret until release. Anet wants to continue to surprise their players and wants them to eagerly await new stuff. They understand they need to find a way to bring out qualitative content, without counting that much on the players. However, Anet now has more tech support and a lot of people that help with testing. Still, they admit there is a problem with bugs during patch release, and they are looking into it. What they try to do right now is hotfix bugs as soon as possible once a build has gone live.

4) Temporary content is a necessary evil for telling the living story. However, more permanent content will be shipped in the future. The Sky pirate jumple puzzle is an example of permanent content. You will see more of these things in the future, like revamping dungeons, similar to what happened with Ascalonian Catacombs. The whole of Tyria is evolving, and dungeons are a part of that.

5) A dungeon wallet (to store tokens) is a suggestion that is taken seriously.

6) The Aetherblades are a creation of one of the artists. Anet encourages employees thinking of fun, new ideas, like the Super Adventure Box.

7) Content that was well received with the players like the Molten Facility will be revisited, either by shipping a new story that brings us back to that place or by putting it in the Fractals rotation. However, a key part of the living story is that it’s temporary. This is however a promise to the players, that they will see new stuff every 2 weeks from now on. There will be new stories, and Mike sees it like television: with new episodes that keep on coming.

8) Anet loves to try out different things and look at the feedback of the community. Southsun had a easy dungeon that thaught the mechanics, and a harder one for the rewards. For the Aetherblade retreat, they wanted a certain level of difficulty, and achievements that played with this level of difficulty so hardcore players had something to do.

9) Guild Missions were well received and i twill be something that will receive support in the future, with new mission coming in the next months.
10)There are limited resources for improving guild management at this moment, and it’s not a priority.

11) There are several teams busy with providig new Living story Content, but the rest of the company supports the game by creating new features and technology. One example of this new tech is the cutscene at Margary’s bar you can rewatch through an item.

12) An expansion is not actively being looked at. Everything that you normally can find in an expansion (new maps, races or professions) are things they would like/could add through the living story-strategy. The Players have been very supportive in buying the maingame and through microtransactions. If Anet can keep the game competitive and create an attractive world, they feel players will continue to play and support the game.

13) A few of the competitors will bring out their games on PS4 or Xbox one. This will be a challenge, but it’s something Anet isn’t looking in at and can’t do at this moment. Consoles cannot/hardly can keep up with the rate of updates Anet wants to bring out, or make it hard to do this without a sub fee.

14) The Mobile application didn’t bring about a feeling of quality and has been pushed aside for other stuff. They however will bring a lot of API’s to the player base, and they are curious to see what players will be able to do with it.

Hopefully it was an interesting read :) (also, if it's not allowed to link, please tell me and I'll remove it. I just wanted to share this information)

Very informative. Great interview. Thanks for posing it here.
Yes, great write up. Dungeon wallets sound great for my meager collection that is steadily expanding.

Who is ready for save the supplies challenge and crab rush?


Good job on Mission Fever tonight. I believe everyone but one person picked up all of their commendations, and we beat everything but the Bounty with plenty of time to spare. This was an especially good night, since this is the first time we've beaten the newest Guild Puzzle, Angvar's Trove:
I like how a bunch of us are all looking in different directions, like we're on a Christan Rock album cover.

5) A dungeon wallet (to store tokens) is a suggestion that is taken seriously.

Good to hear, that would clear up a whole bank tab for me.

9) Guild Missions were well received and i twill be something that will receive support in the future, with new mission coming in the next months.

10)There are limited resources for improving guild management at this moment, and it’s not a priority.

Good that there are more missions coming, since those are always one of the highlights of my week. Boo that they won't be upgrading guild management, but I can understand why.

14) The Mobile application didn’t bring about a feeling of quality and has been pushed aside for other stuff. They however will bring a lot of API’s to the player base, and they are curious to see what players will be able to do with it.

Hopefully it was an interesting read :) (also, if it's not allowed to link, please tell me and I'll remove it. I just wanted to share this information)

Just releasing the API is probably a smarter move, as the rabid player base will work much harder on it collectively than ANet's internal guys, who are better off working on actual useful game stuff.

Thanks for sharing the link and doing the interview, there's a few tidbits in there we haven't heard about in a while so you definitely asked some good questions.
Man I feel so left out from that screenshot. Oh well. That's what I get for leaving too early after completion.

It was a great night of missions everyone. And thanks everyone for the help in the 4 dungeons I ran today.
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