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Guild Wars 2 |OT2| Funding An MMO Entirely On Quaggan Backpacks

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1. Corruption utilities + Dagger 4 skill.
2. Golem elite passive + Sceptor 2 + Focus 5 = That vet/champion is perma-crippled
Edit: 3. The golem elite knockdown is the best DPS I've seen against objects. Turned those stupid sonic transmitters into child's play.

I literally jog in a little circle watching the numbers tick away. The way I'm torturing that vet to its doom is apropos for a necromancer.

I don't mean as in "powerful" stuff or combinations, but as in "fun". Perma-crippling doesn't sound particularly fun, as it leads to lots of kiting.

BTW; I couldn't make good on my intention about playing GW2 tonight, as I went to a friends' house too. Perhaps tomorrow.
I don't mean as in "powerful" stuff or combinations, but as in "fun". Perma-crippling doesn't sound particularly fun, as it leads to lots of kiting.
Didn't mean to imply that it's powerful. It's different from my main guardian, where I stand still and tank it. Just a different change of pace. It's hilarious standing 900 units away from a mob and turn off the autoattack; the mob painstakingly inches his way to you, then drops dead at 50 units away, while I /laugh. Granted, I've built my necro solely for solo PvE play, so it only optimizes my own survival and couldn't care less for any allies'.

Edit: One thing I love about my necro that my guardian cannot do is indeed the stacks of bleeding and poison. With the guard I DPS down one mob, then move to the next, then to the next. With my necro I throw all my conditions onto the first mob, then immediately target the second mob with my autoattack and completely ignore my first target. I know that first target will eventually die. I like that "guarantee." With my shouts guard the utilities are reactive. With the necro corruptions those utilities are proactive. It just offers me a change of pace.
Just grabbed this and was wondering if someone would be so kind, as to list what they thought the easier and harder classes were? I've been messing around with an engineer, as I liked the idea of the class, but was beginning to wonder if they're a more difficult class to play. I think the friend I'll be playing a lot with, is a playing a guardian, if that helps.

Also. Game seems awesome, from the little I've played.

I think the general consensus is that Guardian, Warrior and Ranger are easier classes and Elementalist, Engineer and Mesmer are more difficult classes. There are no defined roles in the "trinity" MMO sense so just mess around with a few different classes you are interested in and see what clicks.


WvW was sort of fun yesterday. My (other) guild is pondering pooling for a commander tag simply for borderland defense. Commanders don't seem to hang around long during our weekly wvw time. But we've seen a few too many pissing contests between commanders in map chat, too. Not sure if any of us really want to step into that.

Once again, another example for why this game desperately needs guild commander tags that are invisible to those outside the guild. Make them even more accessible than regular tags, or just give them to every officer idc.

The only downside I can think of is that there will be less tags running the map for the casuals to follow. But hey, maybe that will encourage them to join a WvW guild. This is, after all, Guild Wars.

And to that point, right now on SoR a lot of the big guilds run tagless anyways to try and avoid the pug train, which allows for more strategic maneuvering among other things. You're expected to party up and target the commander as a kind of workaround. My point being that this is already happening, we have guilds running the map without a tag, and the meta is fine.

This is a no-brainer as far as I'm concerned. What is the holdup? What am I missing?


This is a no-brainer as far as I'm concerned. What is the holdup? What am I missing?
Well, it does go against a lot of their philosophy about the gameplay. But they've already enabled all the tools you need to build it yourself, so that's always an option if you're serious about it :)


I'm beginning to suspect it's not that the necro is the only class that doesn't relly click with me, but that it's actually the weaker class in terms of gameplay overall. I've seen very little "I love my nNecro" posts, certainly less than for other classes.

For me, the problem is that a class based around conditions is something I've seen and played too much already, likewise for pets. In the insane buffet of wildly varied, satisfying mechanics that are the other seven classes (well, warrior might not be particularly innovative but damn is it satisfying to bash stuff with them), the necros simply don't stand out at all.

Anyone who loves this class wants to share what do they find outstanding about it? As an obsessive-compulsive and perfectionist, it kind of bothers me that I love only 7 of the 8 classes.

I know a big deal for Elementalists, for me, was that their abilities just didn't have the synergy that other classes do. They have 20 core weapon abilities in contrast to other classes 10, but it felt like I was using 3-5 at best. There wasn't much room for deviation in the builds either. In contrast, my Guardian actually feels like I can play a genuine support character. All the abilities have great synergy with each other, and there's a much better variety of skills and weapons to pick from .
That's why, when people start playing, if it doesn't click with them immediately it's important to suggest they try a different profession. If I had started with an ele or necromancer, I wouldn't have fallen in love with the game quickly either. Not that they're bad, they're just not my cup of tea. Likewise, my brother started with a necro and hated it, but loves his ele. My wife started off with a Ranger, then Ele, then got a Mesmer to 80, a Guardian to 80, and promptly fell in love with a thief.

Profession is a very personal thing in GW2, finding one that clicks with you is essential.

I think that's one one of the reasons I stopped playing this game (other than the shitty endgame). Once I got my mesmer to lvl 80 and beat the main story my will to play was non existent.

I'd like to get back into this game, but I'm just not sure what class to play as :(


Well, it does go against a lot of their philosophy about the gameplay.

I don't understand. Why?

It's like, you're totally encouraged in a ton of different ways to do PvE content with your guild, then that design philosophy suddenly stops when you hit WvW? I mean, I guess there's claiming but that's still kind of weak.

Basically I just want more tools to be able to play with my guild in WvW. Some type of commanders tag is an extremely effective and proven way to do this.

Unless...are you talking specifically about the "let's be as inclusive as possible, even to the detriment of everything else" design that seems to permeate throughout the game?

(Sorry I'm mad because I spent all day fussing around with the targeting system with a bunch of adhd kids who are clearly off their meds in my party)


A big thanks to Levyne and Kos for getting Guild Makeups going today. My wife's been off since the 4th so our sleep schedules have been messed up, woke up at noon and had stuff to do that kept us from getting on at 4. Seriously, thanks guys.

On to business;

From the "GAF, what is "THE" MMO to play now?" thread:

1) Blizzard finally kept true to their goal of releasing fast patches. We get a new patch every 2 to 3 months now.
fast patches. every 2 to 3 months
fast. months.

Sorry, thought that was amusing. Lots of recommendations for GW2 in there, and not from the usual suspects too. I wonder how many GAFers are playing without GAFGuild.

I can't decide on a race for thief. There are too many humans thieves around. So that's out. Norn look pretty neat, but their female voice is a little annoying. Asura are nice, but I believe -all- of their armors are trench coats. Bleh. Sylvari and Charr are good too, but I already have one of each.

I went Sylvari Female for my thief; Jennifer Hale's VA and their ultra bony, almost skeletal appearance (not to mention you can have completely black eyes which looks kinda cool) made it a pretty easy choice. That and I have more humans than I'd like as well.

I'm beginning to suspect it's not that the necro is the only class that doesn't relly click with me, but that it's actually the weaker class in terms of gameplay overall.

I tried a Necro recently, and it didn't click. Their weapon skills don't do it for me (Melee Dagger auto attack with no other melee skills?), their heals are pretty dismal (I know they have lots of lifetaps, but still) and pet classes never did much for me anyways (I know you can go non-pet builds, but you know what I mean). I also didn't care for the staff being all targeted AOEs, but that's just me.

The ideal recipe for a Necro, at least for me, is to just rip off as much as possible from Vanguard's Blood Mage class. Don't even be subtle about it, just smash and grab. SO MUCH was right with that class, without falling into the usual traps related to Necromancy and blood magic.

I feel the same way about Necromancers and pets as I do Rangers and pets; conventions waiting to be broken.

I wish I could figure out why I can't play this game any more. I log in to do the Sky Pirates achievements but just... can't. I look at them and just don't care, even though I know it's going to bug me to see the empty list once they're gone.

Burn out? I mean, it's B2P so there's no penalty for taking a few updates off, or just waiting until you see one you like and coming back. I know that the Dragon Bash / Aetherblade story hasn't been nearly as interesting as the Flame and Frost story, and I'm hoping their next one, on the heels of the official 2-week cycle announcement, will be better. Or at least a little more laid back.

I'm worried that the 2-week cycle will actually be detrimental in some ways, in that there's literally too much to do. With other MMOs, I would get burned out because there wasn't anything to keep my attention and I'd get sick of fighting boredom to recapture that spark. With GW2, I'm worried I'll have TOO MUCH to do and will constantly feel overwhelmed.

That said, I'm more excited for the 2-week cycle than worried. They've got a chance to do something really cool here and I hope it pans out better than some of their other attempts. The core of the game is so good though.

This is a no-brainer as far as I'm concerned. What is the holdup? What am I missing?

I'd be perfectly okay with this. Was just sort of spewing my own brand of stupidity about this into guild chat last night before bed. It's too easy for people to grab a Commander Tag. Yes, it costs 100g, and that's a lot of gold, but in some ways it's not. I've been sitting on more than 100g for a while. I just don't see the need to buy a tag when I don't have the knowledge or the desire to lead in WvW.

I'd be all in favor of them removing the 100g cost and tying the commander tags in to WvW progression. The people who have them now can keep them, but stem the tide before everyone does. Or better, create a new, better Commander Tag that is unlocked via WvW progression; blue hats can be there to show that you know how to waste money, some other, better tag can exist to show you've at least played WvW enough to know your ass from a hole in the ground.


I know a big deal for Elementalists, for me, was that their abilities just didn't have the synergy that other classes do. They have 20 core weapon abilities in contrast to other classes 10, but it felt like I was using 3-5 at best. There wasn't much room for deviation in the builds either. In contrast, my Guardian actually feels like I can play a genuine support character. All the abilities have great synergy with each other, and there's a much better variety of skills and weapons to pick from .

I can't compare to a Guardian because I don't play one, but elementalist skills have excellent synergy with one another. Each attunement inflicts a different condition, and offers a different boon in a variety of ways. You're constantly switching between them as the situation changes. For PvE, there are three (or so) "core" builds but plenty of variation based on whatever stat you want to emphasis.

If you were only using three skills, your rotation was extremely limited. You will use every skill on a D/D set for certain. Staff also has three very use heavy skills per attunement (given that cds on staff skills are relatively long). Of course you will find yourself spamming 1 (air 1, more than likely) every now and again, but that's true of all professions.


Retro said:
Burn out? I mean, it's B2P so there's no penalty for taking a few updates off, or just waiting until you see one you like and coming back. I know that the Dragon Bash / Aetherblade story hasn't been nearly as interesting as the Flame and Frost story, and I'm hoping their next one, on the heels of the official 2-week cycle announcement, will be better. Or at least a little more laid back.

I'm worried that the 2-week cycle will actually be detrimental in some ways, in that there's literally too much to do. With other MMOs, I would get burned out because there wasn't anything to keep my attention and I'd get sick of fighting boredom to recapture that spark. With GW2, I'm worried I'll have TOO MUCH to do and will constantly feel overwhelmed.

That said, I'm more excited for the 2-week cycle than worried. They've got a chance to do something really cool here and I hope it pans out better than some of their other attempts. The core of the game is so good though.

Maybe. I dunno. I haven't seriously sat down and played since December, to be honest. I'd log in and do my daily, monthly (though only the past 3 months, I completely skipped it the first 3 months), and guild missions on the weekend. I did whatever achievements were tied to the content for the month, too, but only on the weekend before it disappeared.

Maybe it's the fact that the instance and achievements tied to it this time are challenging, but I didn't pay attention to them at all and didn't realize they would take some time until it was too late to do them. I have zero issues with increased difficulty and challenging achievements, the game sorely needs it, I just wish I would have paid attention to it sooner. Just knowing I won't be able to get it done in time is what's making me not even try, I guess.


Maybe. I dunno. I haven't seriously sat down and played since December, to be honest. I'd log in and do my daily, monthly (though only the past 3 months, I completely skipped it the first 3 months), and guild missions on the weekend. I did whatever achievements were tied to the content for the month, too, but only on the weekend before it disappeared.

Maybe it's the fact that the instance and achievements tied to it this time are challenging, but I didn't pay attention to them at all and didn't realize they would take some time until it was too late to do them. I have zero issues with increased difficulty and challenging achievements, the game sorely needs it, I just wish I would have paid attention to it sooner. Just knowing I won't be able to get it done in time is what's making me not even try, I guess.

I'd just check their updates page once in a while (and they do send out e-mails for major events) to see if something catches your eye. Not everybody is into the game as equally as others, and one of the best things about GW2 is that it doesn't punish you for that. The most you've missed out on for Dragon Bash / Aetherblade are a dragon helm (which, as Kos will happily point out, hides your beard), some achievements (none with a title) and a vanity back item or two (one of which you can still buy for less than 10g on the TP if you REALLY want it). The dungeon will surely be back as a fractal; it doesn't drop any loot beyond a monocle that drops pretty rarely (which you can buy if you want).

There's still time to run the Aetherblade dungeon (well, 2 days), play a few games of the Unreal Tournament-esque Dragon Ball, and crack open a few coffers for a chance to get a Jade Weapon skin.

Just be aware that in 2 days, they're starting a new event with a Mario Kart-like footrace, a permanent drinking minigame, a scavenger hunt mini-game and the usual assortment of vanity items. They're also redoing the Achievement UI and giving out a bunch of new rewards retroactively, so if you've played the game even a little there's a good chance you've unlocked something.

Details Here: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/releases/july-09-2013/

I love that even if you don't like what's going on right now, you are never more than two weeks away from something new. Dragon Bash was neat, but it didn't hit as many notes as I would have liked. Likewise with Aetherblade. It sounds like the Bazaar, at least for the first two weeks of the event, will be pretty laid back. I'm okay with this.

Holy shit guys.

Have you all seen this?! I don't think I've ever been more blown away by a fan remix... o.e

Yeah, it was out before the game was, actually. I remember linking to it in a bunch of my "Countdown Banners".

Doesn't change the fact that it's pretty damn good, though.


Neo Member
I just started playing GW2 again for the first time since hitting 80 which was maybe 6 months ago. I plan to get around to the fortnightly updates eventually but at the moment I'm only interested in pvp. I tried structured pvp with my warrior yesterday and found it pretty fun but I'm totally lost with pvp builds.

I was running a greatsword and axe/mace for MH/OH since they seem pretty pvp oriented and had something like 20/30/0/0/20.

Is there a staple pvp build for warriors?

Eric WK

I just started playing GW2 again for the first time since hitting 80 which was maybe 6 months ago. I plan to get around to the fortnightly updates eventually but at the moment I'm only interested in pvp. I tried structured pvp with my warrior yesterday and found it pretty fun but I'm totally lost with pvp builds.

I was running a greatsword and axe/mace for MH/OH since they seem pretty pvp oriented and had something like 20/30/0/0/20.

Is there a staple pvp build for warriors?



I can't compare to a Guardian because I don't play one, but elementalist skills have excellent synergy with one another. Each attunement inflicts a different condition, and offers a different boon in a variety of ways. You're constantly switching between them as the situation changes. For PvE, there are three (or so) "core" builds but plenty of variation based on whatever stat you want to emphasis.

If you were only using three skills, your rotation was extremely limited. You will use every skill on a D/D set for certain. Staff also has three very use heavy skills per attunement (given that cds on staff skills are relatively long). Of course you will find yourself spamming 1 (air 1, more than likely) every now and again, but that's true of all professions.

Well, not outright three skills. But a good deal of the class mechanics felt pointless. I certainly did not experience any of this "synergy" that you did, and the conditions/boons were often situational, unnecessary, unwieldy, and/or impractical in the middle of combat.

Nothing like my Hammer/Staff setup on my Guardian right now. Where I've got good AoE, great self AND group heals, a hard hitting weapon, and a weapon swap combination (Staff Empower to Hammer Mighty Blow) that does amazing damage. And I don't need to juggle awkward attunements to get all that. Nor do I have to deal with trait lines that promote specializing in a class intended to be diverse. :p
A big thanks to Levyne and Kos for getting Guild Makeups going today. My wife's been off since the 4th so our sleep schedules have been messed up, woke up at noon and had stuff to do that kept us from getting on at 4. Seriously, thanks guys.

You are welcome and no big deal. You guys have been doing this for awhile so thank you for helping out even though you came at the tail end of it.



Well, that's certainly going in the OT3. I honestly have no idea how to answer PVP-related questions. If only there was somebody in GAFGuild who really knew their PVP and wanted to be a PVP Officer, having been approved as an Officer before, who's name is Arken...

You are welcome and no big deal. You guys have been doing this for awhile so thank you for helping out even though you came at the tail end of it.

Yeah, I ended up having dinner right about 4pm when Makeups were supposed to get under way. That's one of the reasons we wanted to expand the number of officers; more coverage for invites, more knowledge to answer questions, more people to get things going if folks are late (Me), have other plans (Hawkian) or kept hostage at the bottom of a well (Ashodin).


Neo Member
Well, that's certainly going in the OT3. I honestly have no idea how to answer PVP-related questions. If only there was somebody in GAFGuild who really knew their PVP and wanted to be a PVP Officer, having been approved as an Officer before, who's name is Arken...

Does this mean the GAF guild mainly does PvE content? And can I join the guild if Stormbluff isn't my home server?


Does this mean the GAF guild mainly does PvE content? And can I join the guild if Stormbluff isn't my home server?

Yes, and yes. You can join a guild from any server, regardless of region. And if you're on the North American realms, you can just guest to play with us directly.


Can I Get an invite, dunlop.1654

Done and done, messaged you in game. Welcome to GAFGuild.

Does this mean the GAF guild mainly does PvE content? And can I join the guild if Stormbluff isn't my home server?

Yeah, GAF tends to favor PvE for the most part, then WvW, then finally PvP. That's not to say we don't have people who do all of that; Arken was top ranked in PVP for a long time, Hawkian was getting people together to do nightly PVP matchups too.

We decided very early on that with a community like GAF, trying to have a specific focus was never going to work. So we took the more casual route and just cater to as many playstyles as possible. I think the only people that don't really click with GAFGuild are the hardcore Alpha-type raiders who want to be at the cutting edge of the hardcore. Most of us are just too laid back for that, and the game itself doesn't seem to really encourage it anyways.

As to your second question, Yes. Guild are cross-server (and cross-region) and we have a lot of people who hang out on their home servers and use GAF purely for social reasons. You can also guest (only within the same region, international guesting doesn't work), so if you actually want to hang out with GAF you can just guest over to SBI.

The only thing you can't do with GAF if you aren't on SBI is WvW, for obvious reasons.

Edit: Beaten by Sophia
Wow. Kos Luftar just helped me so much. Helped me get me the last 2 POI's I needed In Straits of Devastation. You earned that promotion!!

Spare me the ban!


The Cryptarch's Bane
Yeah, I ended up having dinner right about 4pm when Makeups were supposed to get under way. That's one of the reasons we wanted to expand the number of officers; more coverage for invites, more knowledge to answer questions, more people to get things going if folks are late (Me), have other plans (Hawkian) or kept hostage at the bottom of a well (Ashodin).
Starting to feel like I'm at the bottom of a well myself. Or at least the functional city equivalent, i.e. Miami, where I've been more time in the past 5 days than in the 2 years before that :p


Starting to feel like I'm at the bottom of a well myself. Or at least the functional city equivalent, i.e. Miami, where I've been more time in the past 5 days than in the 2 years before that :p

Miami is the pits... but enjoy hanging out with your buddy, doing interesting things. Not like the game is going to disappear before you get back.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I'm having a good time, it just really feels like it takes all your time up, having someone in town to entertain. Really hoping I can snag an AR run tomorrow evening, so I don't have to wait for the fractal rerun! :)
Wow. Kos Luftar just helped me so much. Helped me get me the last 2 POI's I needed In Straits of Devastation. You earned that promotion!!

Spare me the ban!

No problem bud.

I got helped during my map completion by many guildies so I am just paying it back.

Can't wait till Tuesday for Patch day.

It was a fun Guild Warsing weekend. I'm out for the night.


What server is gafguild on? Or can guilds be cross server?

Stormbluff Isle (NA) and yes.

Guesting is cross-server as well, but not cross-region; if you are on an EU server, you will be unable to play with GAF in any capacity, sadly. Can still enjoy guild chat, though.


Starting to feel like I'm at the bottom of a well myself. Or at least the functional city equivalent, i.e. Miami, where I've been more time in the past 5 days than in the 2 years before that :p

I live in south Florida but rarely go to Miami. My excursions usually only take me down to ft lauderdale, really.


I feel like I should have done a Necro defense post earlier. It's my second favorite class, after all.

Necromancer was the class I expected to like the least, and a week or two after launch I decided to level one up while playing with a friend who had just got the game. It was the only other human I had that I hadn't started playing with, and I was feeling too lazy to run through the Lion's Arch portals to go join that friend in Queensdale.

I didn't really have fun. Scepter didn't really do it for me, and minions felt too hard to use. Either they were up and helping you, or they were suddenly dead and you'd have to wait forever for them to come back.

Later that day, I jumped onto WvW with some friends. I decided that this was the class' last chance and took the dagger and staff, the only weapons that seemed interesting enough to me. I figured at the very least I could aim for a Deathshroud/Life Siphon build of sorts. The bad news was that Life Siphon traits suck, and you can't heal your regular health at all while in Death Shroud; even the regeneration boon just gets wasted.

The good news is that I fell in love. With the high base health along with some power gear, I could get into a fight and hold my own. Deathshroud was great in defending against Thief ganks and the 2 skill would let me chase them down afterward for revenge. I soon discovered that a class dependent on conditions didn't need to always use them offensively for damage or defensively just to kite; you could use them for revenge. I found myself suddenly with the close ranged warlock I always dreamed of playing after trying out D&D and being dissatisfied. I was a Thief in reverse; instead of always catching up to you I was never letting you get away. I even found a way to get perma-swiftness going without using any runes or sigils.

I quickly found myself leveling around 60 of my 80 Necromancer levels in WvW.

Well, at the very least, that's Necromancer for me. But it still took around 10 levels of play during a beta weekend, and another 10+ levels after launch for me to find something I liked about the class.

I guess the point of all this is that all classes have a general intent and then at least one other playstyle facilitated by that original intent. For Warrior, the idea is to get in, hit hard, build adrenaline, then hit harder. Big numbers all the way. But the Warrior can also be played as a class that puts you in a pressure cooker, keeping the heat clamped down until you melt. The Thief is a class that likes to disappear until the moment is right before appearing out of nowhere taking off 70% of your life, but can also be played as a class that's always right in front of you but you can never quite get your hands on. The Guardian class is very much a Defender or Paladin, risking his own life to keep all of his allies alive, but the class is also an Avenger, one that will know your misdeeds, find you, and punish you for them with sacred flame. And those are just the classes I've gotten to level 80.

Each profession is also a myraid of choices in itself. Be sure to try them all out, but don't forget to give every weapon they can use a fair shot as well.


so there's no penalty for taking a few updates off

That's actually not true - in fact, the opposite is true, it's why I and some friends have little will to return, even though the game is overall really good and probably the best MMO we played.

The penality is that you miss stuff. Permanently, because it gets removed. This kills a lot of content, actually. You can't just wait a bit and then play through the whole bit at your leisure, you must be there in the short time the content is available, or you're out of luck.

I'm not talking about rewards. Rewards don't matter to me. I am talking about the content itself. If I returned right now, I couldn't do the Adventure Box, for example. If I could do it or the other minidungeons/story parts now, I'd probably return (and might therefore also stay around longer). But since it always gets removed, there's never enough new stuff to really make me want to return to see it.

I'm the explory type, and when I play a game, I want to have a lot to explore. The permanent parts of GW2 sadly don't really change as much, so re-exploring things I've already seen isn't doing much, and the parches sadly don't accumulate new content, because it gets axed.

It's a shame, I think. I know why they do it (they want you to play every month without longer breaks), but it's still why I'm not really interested in picking it up again.

My poor engineer :(
That's actually not true - in fact, the opposite is true, it's why I and some friends have little will to return, even though the game is overall really good and probably the best MMO we played.

The penality is that you miss stuff. Permanently, because it gets removed. This kills a lot of content, actually. You can't just wait a bit and then play through the whole bit at your leisure, you must be there in the short time the content is available, or you're out of luck.

I'm not talking about rewards. Rewards don't matter to me. I am talking about the content itself. If I returned right now, I couldn't do the Adventure Box, for example. If I could do it or the other minidungeons/story parts now, I'd probably return (and might therefore also stay around longer). But since it always gets removed, there's never enough new stuff to really make me want to return to see it.

I'm the explory type, and when I play a game, I want to have a lot to explore. The permanent parts of GW2 sadly don't really change as much, so re-exploring things I've already seen isn't doing much, and the parches sadly don't accumulate new content, because it gets axed.

It's a shame, I think. I know why they do it (they want you to play every month without longer breaks), but it's still why I'm not really interested in picking it up again.

My poor engineer :(

The most popular content either stays or is slated to return. Super Adventure Box was confirmed to return when it was out and the rumor is, that it will be back soon. When it does come back, you'll be able to play the original levels as well as additional levels with a brand new Hard Mode. Same with the Molten Dungeon and the Sky Pirates dungeon, which will return in the form of Fractals.

The only stuff that really disappears is the non-descript and grindy stuff like smashing pinata's and killing mobs that pop out of boxes/holograms/whatever else and even then the spirit of those events returns almost every month with just a costume change.


I can never find anyone doing PvE on Eredon Terrace... No one does Group Events or anything. The only time I see someone else is at Lion's Arch. It used to be extremely populated around January. Any idea? I'm lvl 20


I can never find anyone doing PvE on Eredon Terrace... No one does Group Events or anything. The only time I see someone else is at Lion's Arch. It used to be extremely populated around January. Any idea? I'm lvl 20

I would hazard a guess that many people have moved on to different games. January was populated still mainly because I believe fractals were introduced? These days my guildies only log for wvw on reset night, sat and sun and for the varying limited time content.

If possible, maybe guest on another server with a larger PvE presence (like TC).


I would hazard a guess that many people have moved on to different games. January was populated still mainly because I believe fractals were introduced? These days my guildies only log for wvw on reset night, sat and sun and for the varying limited time content.

If possible, maybe guest on another server with a larger PvE presence (like TC).

Oh boo. I really only play PvE and it just feels like a ghost town without anyone /:


And those that haven't moved on to another game are either in dungeons, fractals, sticking to rare-rewarding meta events or temple clears, in wvw, or are focused on whatever the recent Living story addition is.

To be honest, there's not a lot of reason for players to revisit those mid level zones once they've seen them once or twice. Even when leveling an alternate character, a player may likely decide to level more heavily through wvw, crafting, or dungeon runs since they likely experienced what they wanted by levelling the old fashioned way on their initial go around.

Luckily the living story idea gives anet the opportunity to increase visibilty of such zones if they decide to do that.

Aside, I believe there is a developer livestream of upcoming BotFW in about 12 hours...

Also Fractals were November. January really had nothing of note. Refugees showing up into Wayfarer Foothills and Diessa...unless I am forgetting something..


That's actually not true - in fact, the opposite is true, it's why I and some friends have little will to return, even though the game is overall really good and probably the best MMO we played.

Jest covered most of what I would have said, but I would add that ArenaNet has heard how the lack of permanent content has gone over with the community, and it's something that we've expressed directly when we see them in guild chat. They know it's not ideal and I believe they're keeping that in mind from here on out. The Aetherblade Jumping puzzle is one permanent feature, we're getting a drinking game in the next update too.

Holidays and Festivals are always a limited-time thing, but story arcs do end eventually. All I can say is, Flame and Frost and the Southsun storylines all felt like they dragged out, rather than ending too soon. You usually have a lot of time to do them, honestly.

I do wish they would add some kind of "DVR"-like feature to go back and see old storylines. Maybe that's something in the works? I'll ask next time I see a dev around, maybe that's something they didn't consider people would want?


Need an invite please. Was in GAF guild at launch but got removed due to inactivity.

Invite sent, check your guild panel and remember to represent!


I'd love a DVR like functionality in game that sort of summed up the overall story line, re-played important cutscenes, maybe even a flyby of the boss fights in the dungeons, things like that. The Durmand Priory are perfect for it.

Combine that with getting the dungeons as a part of fractals sooner and I wouldn't feel so bad about missing out on things. Blank achievements from temporary content that I can never get annoys me a bit, but I can live with that I suppose.
Once again, another example for why this game desperately needs guild commander tags that are invisible to those outside the guild. Make them even more accessible than regular tags, or just give them to every officer idc.

The only downside I can think of is that there will be less tags running the map for the casuals to follow. But hey, maybe that will encourage them to join a WvW guild. This is, after all, Guild Wars.

And to that point, right now on SoR a lot of the big guilds run tagless anyways to try and avoid the pug train, which allows for more strategic maneuvering among other things. You're expected to party up and target the commander as a kind of workaround. My point being that this is already happening, we have guilds running the map without a tag, and the meta is fine.

This is a no-brainer as far as I'm concerned. What is the holdup? What am I missing?

More games really should take cues from Planetside 2's platoon/squad system. It would make commander tags pointless.


I do wish they would add some kind of "DVR"-like feature to go back and see old storylines. Maybe that's something in the works? I'll ask next time I see a dev around, maybe that's something they didn't consider people would want?

Weren't we just talking about good uses of the Mists sometime back? ;)
Man I swear I have ran into maybe 3 people the whole time Ive been leveling my Charr :/
So many Ghost bosses running about unchecked! I cant do many of the bigger quests as the ghost bosses just kick my ass.
Man I swear I have ran into maybe 3 people the whole time Ive been leveling my Charr :/
So many Ghost bosses running about unchecked! I cant do many of the bigger quests as the ghost bosses just kick my ass.

Sadly, yes, this is the state of the game right now. Just like every other MMO.


Maybe Tarnished Coast is really packed? I run into people all over the place. Especially during prime time or when there's a daily achievement. The beginner zones are downright full of life, and the mid zones not that bad.
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