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Guild Wars 2 |OT2| Funding An MMO Entirely On Quaggan Backpacks

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The Cryptarch's Bane
I feel like an idiot, but then again not, for not knowing the monthlies reset 3 hours before the month ends. or 6 hours where the game hq is. had 27 salvages left...
Is it common practice in this game to just run past the mobs in dungeons? I just tried my first dungeon run and one of the guys just ran past everything (pulling it all). I was pissed. Guy kept telling us to just run past the mobs.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Is it common practice in this game to just run past the mobs in dungeons? I just tried my first dungeon run and one of the guys just ran past everything (pulling it all). I was pissed. Guy kept telling us to just run past the mobs.
No, that doesn't sound quite right. What dungeon?
No, that doesn't sound quite right. What dungeon?

Ascalonian Catacombs. First attempt at it. It was fun when we were fighting on somewhat equal footing, but when that guy decided just to run past all the mobs it was just annoying. I'm sure it can be a lot of fun with a good group.


I want to keep playing, but it's 3am. Addictive challenges are not good for my sleep pattern :\
Been trying the clocktower again for the past few hours, and actually did far better this time, but still not good enough. Every time I get to the top of the beam ready for the jump down, I end up being too slow and all that's beneath me is death. Still hoping I might get home from work in time to give it a few more goes before it ends but I'm doubting I will, so as much as I dislike the idea that it's beaten me, I think it has :p

Have enjoyed the Halloween event a lot though, and I'm really hoping that the Inquisition comes back in some form because I've had a brilliant time playing that mode.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Haven't had the chance to try it much but I really want to get all the achievements done for the halloween title.


The people that designed the clock tower are bad people and should feel bad.

Actually they should be forced to run it as asura, in a group filled with norn and charr. Every time they fail they should slam their balls in a desk drawer.

I would have completed this thing in 2 or 3 tries if it wasn't a group event. Being an asura really sucks sometimes. Hell, it would be so much better if i wasn't forced to stop along the way so the huge races can catch up and block my view all over again. It's really poor design to give certain races insurmountable disadvantages.


The people that designed the clock tower are bad people and should feel bad.

Actually they should be forced to run it as asura, in a group filled with norn and charr. Every time they fail they should slam their balls in a desk drawer.

I would have completed this thing in 2 or 3 tries if it wasn't a group event. Being an asura really sucks sometimes. Hell, it would be so much better if i wasn't forced to stop along the way so the huge races can catch up and block my view all over again. It's really poor design to give certain races insurmountable disadvantages.


The creator of the tower posted a few times there. In particular:

I agree that this was unfortunate. But it was not intentional. When I designed the map I thought we were going to be able to have single-player instances.

As a single player experience it probably works out pretty well. Either there was a major miscommunication between him and the other people working on the event, or he just made the wrong assumption.

Personally, I liked the multiplayer aspect of the tower. It was fun failing with other people over and over. Then again, I play a charr.
Ascalonian Catacombs. First attempt at it. It was fun when we were fighting on somewhat equal footing, but when that guy decided just to run past all the mobs it was just annoying. I'm sure it can be a lot of fun with a good group.

I'm guilty of that. A lot of the people I group with run dungeons like Acalonian dozens of times and just want the tokens in the end, so we rather just get it over with as fast as possible. I could understand a first-timer being annoyed however.

Twilight Arbor is even worse. Most groups encourage everyone to skip like half the mobs on a certain path, but can be very difficult if you're not familiar with the dungeon.


Does guesting work yet?
I'm trying to go play with a friend from another server, the only time it worked was when he was in overflow.
I loved the clocktower. peoples rage fascinate me. Yes it was frustrating as fuck. it took me 4-5 hours of continous effort non-stop but i slowly got closer and closer, and once I got to the end it was ecstacy.

Its by far the most skill-challening PvE content Ive played in a MMO. normally MMOs are not difficult, just time consuming. there was a bit of that.. dark souls.. of that super star wars, maybe even Ikugara of go-fuck-yourself-you-stupid-game, but you keep on going and it just reminds you of the glory of beating something difficult.

Is it bad mechanics? perhaps. Its certainly not a tight platformer with all the clipping and floatyness on edges. but still I was surprised how I improved in the puzzle tiny bit by bit, like it was cleaverly designed even if the mechanics, and game systems were not created for this.

I think we have gotten way to pussy-fied, and IMO there was real unity between the players as everyone was in the same boat trying to beat it. it was a single player thing, but in a multiplayer context. it was like the countdown was your personal AA group meeting of frustrated and desperate people. To me it was more meaningful than the last 8 years of MMOs, even though that doesnt say much thinking about the easy braindead travesty we've received.

we dont know how to keep fighting something nearly impossible. its so much easier to just give up, but its not about it being worth it in terms of loot. if this is the framework for ones motivations for gaming, just like in real life, your material wealth, virtual or not will not be able to fill the dark void in your heart and you will rage quit in distain and blame it on the balance/the devs incompetence/whatever. In the end it was just you and your obsession with things that didnt matter as much as you thought they did.



The creator of the tower posted a few times there. In particular:

As a single player experience it probably works out pretty well. Either there was a major miscommunication between him and the other people working on the event, or he just made the wrong assumption.

Personally, I liked the multiplayer aspect of the tower. It was fun failing with other people over and over. Then again, I play a charr.

Saw that post, yeah. As a single player instance it would be fun. As an asura it is not fun in any way in a big group for me at least. Trying to literally blind jump your way through a puzzle like that is incredibly frustrating, not challenging.

I'd probably have a different outlook on the event if I played a different race.

@vigilant walrus
If you guys are going to start pounding your chests about how pussified mmos are and how it wasn't that bad, make sure you let us know your race and how many people you did it with....


Clock tower took me about an hour and a half. Got it done on my wifes account on the second try after. All this was while I was under the assumption that I had to do all of the halloween achievements. Ended up getting every single one anyways since the only thing i was missing when I figured it out was the pumpkin carving.
Target marking yourself can help a lot when trying to figure out where you are in the giant herd of people. Just join a group and have the other player target you, it will stay on you as long as they don't target anything else.
@vigilant walrus
If you guys are going to start pounding your chests about how pussified mmos are and how it wasn't that bad, make sure you let us know your race and how many people you did it with....

I am a tall human, but still was completely shrouded by norns and charrs. particularly an annoying naked norn in yellow boots. I simply outlasted the other guys, and by the time it was 3/4 through the puzzle almost nobody was left. i zoomed out the camera and just instinctively knew where my character was and was able to memorize the the steps i needed. it was a slow moving process though, and I found it most difficult to concentrate on my jumps when other people fell off.

its like if your trying to do a hand stand, or grab your own leg during yoga or whatever, and people around you lose balance. sometimes it disrupts your concentration too.

ive had an easier time doing jumping puzzles with my asura, than Ive had with my norns. norns have annoying uncompromisingly big bodies and sometimes they fall through all sorts of places because while their model is large, their actual footprint is not. it creates for some really frustrating jumping puzzles were you have a very small precise jump.

keep at it. you can do it!


I am a tall human, but still was completely shrouded by norns and charrs.

keep at it. you can do it!

Yes. Now imagine that the morns and charr are just normal sized people like your character, and the charr and norn are like king Kong's. It sucks.

Yes normally in a jumping puzzle being an asura is fine, actually it's preferable. But you're not surrounded by giants that keep you from seeing anything, if you are, you can just let them by. Unlike with the CT.

Seriously the people that complete this as an asura with a big group have some mad skill, or mad luck. Because even the first pause point it is 50/50 if you will even make it because it's completely blind from the jump to the landing.

Thanks for the encouragement though. I may just be a cock and take the easy way out on my charr.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Yeah, race isn't really a matter here. It's more of having groups of people going with you hence making it hard. In particular, I actually find the beginning of the tower much harder than the rest of it, because you struggle against other players.

Anyway, are the slippers strictly light armor? I guess it would fit my elementalist.

Is there any fast way to carve?




I don't know the heavy armor equivalent, but light armor is definitely acolyte set. The medium armor uses the duelist skin if I'm not mistaken.


I would start to get far in the Clock Tower and then have a few runs where the camera suddenly zooms in and I get stuck in geometry and the whole thing would become frustrating.

I might give it one more try, but for my sanity's sake I hope I do not.

Also, my Ghastly Sword and Corrupted Sword set. Thanks to Ashodin.



I would start to get far in the Clock Tower and then have a few runs where the camera suddenly zooms in and I get stuck in geometry and the whole thing would become frustrating.

I might give it one more try, but for my sanity's sake I hope I do not.

Also, my Ghastly Sword and Corrupted Sword set. Thanks to Ashodin.


They are coming...


Yeah, race isn't really a matter here. It's more of having groups of people going with you hence making it hard. In particular, I actually find the beginning of the tower much harder than the rest of it, because you struggle against other players.

I agree about the beginning of the tower being the hard part. But I don't necessarily agree that race doesn't play into it, even if it is just slightly. The difference between only being able to see my head as a reference (big race) and not seeing literally any part of my body (asura) at least gives you something.

I agree that especially in the beginning when you start (especially that first really annoying pause) it's pretty much a crap shoot. The problems I had were when I would get out ahead of folks and finally be able to see where I was going I'd get to a point where I was having to turn and jump a beam or a small landing and a giant (they're all giant to me) charr or norn would literally cover my entire model and the only thing I can see on the screen is them. If I wait to let them pass I die, if I blind jump I can't control myself in the air (which you can do in this game) and then can't make the landing because I can't see where I'm landing.

I had at least 6-7 attempts where I made it easily to the last 2/3 of the puzzle (past the gear/chest jump down) only to have a norn or charr hop on top of me and block my view on the tight jumps after. It was maddening.

I've wasted a lot of time bitching about this puzzle, but I think the implementation of this puzzle was really poorly done. I'm glad it doesn't really count towards the achievement (not that they matter that much to me), it's just that I'm really ocd about these things and once I start I can't stop.

I'll stop, I promise!
Haven't had the chance to try it much but I really want to get all the achievements done for the halloween title.

Same here. I think I only need to carve a few more pumpkins, do the party achievement, and finish the Clock Tower. I am dreading that Clock Tower. I tried it a few days ago for about 20-30 minutes and then watched a video of how long it is and got discouraged. lol

Hopefully I'll have time to finish everything.
I agree about the beginning of the tower being the hard part. But I don't necessarily agree that race doesn't play into it, even if it is just slightly. The difference between only being able to see my head as a reference (big race) and not seeing literally any part of my body (asura) at least gives you something.
Over on reddit someone mentioned placing a sticker on your monitor marking your character's feet, since they stay centered on the screen (unless you zoom in). Blew my mind, something so simple as that.


Over on reddit someone mentioned placing a sticker on your monitor marking your character's feet, since they stay centered on the screen (unless you zoom in). Blew my mind, something so simple as that.

Ah the old "counterstrike" method. I won't lie, the thought already crossed my mind a couple times. ;)

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Ahh if you argue about size being annoying due to how everyone would stick together, yeah I agree. Though like I said it's more of an implementation that is a problem.


Saint Nic
It's odd...The Clock Tower was frustrating and rage inducing, but I found myself unable to quit until I got it done. What surprised me most was how over time, it became instinctive.

Yes, the Charr and Norn characters made my little Asura angry. But by the time I cleared it, I could have run with a full group of Charr and still finished it no problem. The trick to the Clock Tower was "figuring it out". I know that sounds dumb, but it's true - once you knew the solution to the jumps, it became VERY doable.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Just zoom in all the way if an Asura. Stick to the edge of the first platform (where you wait) away from everyone so you land on a different spot than everyone else. After the first three jumps almost 80% of the crowd drops and you should easily pull ahead.


I would start to get far in the Clock Tower and then have a few runs where the camera suddenly zooms in and I get stuck in geometry and the whole thing would become frustrating.

I might give it one more try, but for my sanity's sake I hope I do not.

Also, my Ghastly Sword and Corrupted Sword set. Thanks to Ashodin.

You shouldn't jump on that platform that obscures your view. You need to wait on the one to the right.


The clocktower is easily my favourite feature of the entire event. They could have given us only that and I'd have been happy. I'm going to miss that puzzle when the event ends.



The creator of the tower posted a few times there. In particular:

As a single player experience it probably works out pretty well. Either there was a major miscommunication between him and the other people working on the event, or he just made the wrong assumption.

Personally, I liked the multiplayer aspect of the tower. It was fun failing with other people over and over. Then again, I play a charr.

I hated the clock tower but mainly because it was hard to see my guy with everyone around.

So I'm glad they see this as an issue. Also happy to see he's answering other concerns in that thread. Really liking the communication so far with ANet.


I'm betting on that it will become more expensive to buy on the TP. I bought it for 5c/corn, if it will sell for 40c in two months I'll make a nice profit.


This weekend will be an exercise in testing my economics degree.....thinking about learning the intricacies of the TP when it comes to buying/selling. Considering that the market functions as commodity market, should be somewhat easy to figure out.


Saint Nic
This weekend will be an exercise in testing my economics degree.....thinking about learning the intricacies of the TP when it comes to buying/selling. Considering that the market functions as commodity market, should be somewhat easy to figure out.

You are assuming people on there are somewhat intelligent traders, no? In which case, good luck lol
Maybe a silly question but how do I find/come across side quests? I find that I've only doing story missions, and the one I'm at now requires me to be a little more leveled.

Also, is there a reason the game doesn't explain what the crafting stuff is better? I see all of the trainers/masters, go over to them and it pops up a tip/hint bubble and that's it. Doesn't actually explain much more than that.

Overall I just often feel overwhelmed with stuff on screen but not actually having it properly explained to me. :(

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