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Guild Wars 2 |OT4| The only subscription you need is this thread.

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Mordremoth's Mordrem Moth Champion Mothra.

Why am I in this picture? I don't remember this.


I've stockpiled about 30 so far so I can use them if I ever make an engineer and I want to skip the slow levels. But so far all my other 9 characters are level 80, and the ones I keep making
and then deleting :C
I'm having too much fun leveling up.

I created 11 characters on launch day because I love birthday presents. AND LO I WAS REWARDED :)


There's a new trailer out? Whelp I need to see it! I've been helping my Dad out painting his house.

Legendaries are a mixed bag for me. Some look awesome cool effects like Twilight and the Shield whatsit. Then there are the over the top silly ones like the Mace and Pistol. W
ould still totally have the Mace though.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Speaking of shatterer , he definitely could use a boost .
Currently the most disppointing fight in the game, especially if you consider visual appeal vs. gameplay appeal. Dude looks BADASS.... and he just isn't, really. The fire elemental is more threatening these days.
I think GW2 group-play in general plays a lot more like a co-op action RPG than a typical MMO. This became really apparent to me when I started using a gamepad. It's much more about knowing your skills and when to use them rather than consistently filling one role within the team.
Yes! 40,000 times this!

I remember vividly the fight time I discovered that you can use Shadow Refuge to stealth yourself, a downed ally, and any other allies nearby to help rez- breaking aggro and safely getting someone back into the fight. This single skill makes thieves- thieves- into a valuble support asset in any difficult content. Then as I improved, I learned advanced ways to use it, like always watching the stealth timer and make sure to get my stealth attack off before it wore out, even if I had to break rezzing someone (they'll stay stealthed unless they've attacked), or dropping the field and Shadowstepping into it to rez so that if I take on conditions during the rez, I can port back to clear conditions.

I love GW2's combat system and the way all the classes feel so different, and I can definitely attribute a lot of that to playing with a pad.
There have been more than a few times I've been the last one standing to finish off a boss. Sometimes we wipe, sometimes we don't, but it's always a thrill.
Anyone remember who it was that saved us at Alphard in Arah that one time?

I've last-man-standing-ed the Thaumanova boss, Howling King and Destroyer of Worlds (and recently almost Colossus Rumblus buuut I failed). Definitely feels awesome.
Never bothered with anything else since I thought everyone kinda went their own way, minding their own business. I am really gonna have to change that!
I didn't really even pay attention to combo fields until after reaching 80, but they are absolutely integral to advanced play. Guardians have access to a couple fire fields, which are some of the most useful to any party <3
Unfortunately though, I've only played the story mode of AC and I could almost stand still most of the time during bosses, maybe I've been lucky?
I hear a screeching hawk(ian) approaching
Hehe. AC Story is the easiest dungeon path in the game (minus the Cave Troll which isn't a random encounter- I figure you haven't run into him yet or you'd have mentioned it? :p), but at launch it was incredibly challenging. It really took a lot of coordination and adjustment and absolutely wrecked PUG groups trying to force their way through. It was a real introduction to the tougher side of GW2's content.

Then in a patch (one that also remade the explorable paths of that dungeon more difficult and better), it was completely neutered. It's just, like, silly now. I mean it's fun and everything as a nice gentle introduction to dungeons but you are correct about its qualities. Personally I like to solo Ralena, the lady that you fight alongside with Vassar, since she can be knocked back and forth like a pinball. And poor Kasha Blackblood used to actually have a mechanic... now 10 seconds is a long fight against her.

But I'm happy to tell you that AC's three explorable paths are a great deal more challenging, and at level 37 you can do them! It's a shame you can't just jump in and play with us. Stupid cross region limits.
Weirdly enough it felt like the first couple of levels, like 1-13 was slow like hell. It definitely feels a lot faster right now.
The leveling curve in GW2 is pretty unique. It literally took me less time to go from 70-80 than from 30-40 on my first character. Remember that there's no truly "irrelevant" content for leveling. Like I said you could literally hit 80 by doing that very same easy old AC Story if you wanted to (although that woudl be lame), or get a few levels in your 60s by clearing a level 1-15 zone. Just about eeeeverything you can possibly do gives you decent XP.


The big thing that sets Guild Wars 2 well above the Traditional MMO fray is that when things go wrong in a game like WoW, it's usually over. Main tank is dead? Wipe. Adds got into the healers? Wipe. Even if you recover with stuff like Rebirth or Soulstones, or the off-tank manages to pick up the slack before everyone dies, your DPS may not be able to beat the enrage timer, and most groups (at least the ones I played with, when I played Traditional MMOs) would just tell everyone to wipe so they could start the next attempt faster.

When things go wrong in GW2, it gets much more enjoyable. When people go down, there's a flurry of options; is the boss on me and can I lead it away? If not, can I get over to revive them in time, or should I drop my Warbanner? Is there another enemy I can kill off quick to rally? Is anyone closer and headed that way and can I help keep things off them long enough to heal? What other special, encounter-specific mechanics are in play that I could help with?

I start grinning from ear to ear when shit goes wrong, I love those moments when you pull victory from the jaws of defeat. That's why I've never understood the criticism about GW2 being 'chaotic'. Chaos is fun. In any other genre of gaming save RPGs, things coming at you from multiple directions at once is when you know shit is getting real. Predictability is boring ... but then again, if all you're after is an easy, reliable loot grind, predictability is your best friend.

there was a time hawk made a party to go into fractals, we got mai trin.

we tried hard, we were being destroyed, but after a wipe, when hawk said it was his last try, and said make it count.



On my phone, so forgive any formatting issues.

I actually thought Blind was like a 3s 100% miss chance or something like that, good to know that it's just one attack, maybe that's why I've been killed a couple of times going into 5-6 mobs thinking I can kill them faster than they can kill me.

Nope, blind is 100% chance for the next attack to miss. As soon as they attack once, blind ends. Really fun to use it to negate a boss's super attacks.

So far regarding utility spells, for healing I just use a signet, one signet for knockdown, a stability spell, a sprint/aegis spell and one to recharge my virtues. Never bothered with anything else since I thought everyone kinda went their own way, minding their own business. I am really gonna have to change that!

Guardians are actually really really good in a group. I'd go so far as to say that a Guardian without someone to guard is only so-so, but put them in a group and they shine more than any other class. Total team players.

I noticed that some, if not most bosses so far, you are either able to immobilize or knock down/stun, which to me is quite new and I think it's quite neat actually.

Defiance (a special mechanic bosses have) keeps you from being able to keep bosses perma-downed and is, in my opinion, a tad too balanced against players, but stuff like blind and immobilized always work (unless the boss is specifically immune, like dredge). Its one of those things you'll pick up on as you play. Timing a knockback isn't just awesome to pull off, but is actually required in some cases (like one notoriously drunken Asura).

Unfortunately though, I've only played the story mode of AC and I could almost stand still most of the time during bosses, maybe I've been lucky?


Story mode AC is a cakewalk (it used to be MUCH harder, but ANet realized crushing dungeon runners into paste right out of the gate was a bad idea), you'll find AC explorable MUCH more exciting. You have much to look forward to, my friend.

Well, 5 friends are playing it I guess. Where 3 of them are not on the same server (Though I learned that didn't matter much) and the other 2 I guess play very casual, if at all?
Actually considering paying for a move, since I recently got fiber and all, so the latency shouldn't be that high.

Don't abandon your friends, but if you can swing a transfer to NA and convince your friends to tag along, everyone is welcome to join. Since I'm typing all this out on my phone, I bet Hawkian has already replied with great enthusiasm for getting you into dungeons.


The Cryptarch's Bane
there was a time hawk made a party to go into fractals, we got mai trin.

we tried hard, we were being destroyed, but after a wipe, when hawk said it was his last try, and said make it count.

That was classic GAFractals. Everyone played perfectly.

That was the old Mai Trin though D: I still haven't fought the Omega version

edit: Actually Retro, for bosses with Unshakable, Blind only has a 10% chance to cause a miss :'[ That can still make a difference though. Immobilize is huge for sure.


There have been more than a few times I've been the last one standing to finish off a boss. Sometimes we wipe, sometimes we don't, but it's always a thrill.

The other night when I was in SE1, the whole group wiped while we were fighting Nokk. His health bar had depleted to the point that there was literally no red left and he was a walking zombie.

Thankfully, we all managed to sprint back before he rezzed. Someone in the group lobbed an axe as we approached and that was all he needed to drop dead...

Also, clutch battle standards are one of the most satisfying things to do on my Warrior. I love when things go south and since I have something like the absorb heal on, I can pop it and tank the boss just long enough to get us back in the game.
I suck so bad at remembering names.. I still struggle with ability names :L


The Cryptarch's Bane
The other night when I was in SE1, the whole group wiped while we were fighting Nokk. His health bar had depleted to the point that there was literally no red left and he was a walking zombie.

Thankfully, we all managed to sprint back before he rezzed. Someone in the group lobbed an axe as we approached and that was all he needed to drop dead...
XD Who was in that group?

You got a taste of what dungeons used to be like. There was no "you cannot waypoint in combat" and you'd just keep res-rushing back to the boss whittling its health down. I hated it :p
GAFractals has been very clean with Mai lately. She used to be easier?
I wanna tryyy

She just does more damage now, especially if you get in melee range.


XD Who was in that group?

You got a taste of what dungeons used to be like. There was no "you cannot waypoint in combat" and you'd just keep res-rushing back to the boss whittling its health down. I hated it :p

I wanna tryyy

She just does more damage now, especially if you get in melee range.

PUGs! The fight with Nokk is weird.. sometimes he isn't a problem, with or without reflects, and other times everyone just suddenly dies. I still don't fully get him tbh.

God that sounds lame as hell. Like if you were designing GW2 baby edition. "Aww you died? Don't worry, have another go lil buddy!"


The Cryptarch's Bane
Nokk has several pretty unique attacks that many people don't understand, pugs not least of all.

-He can place a 10s stun on you, which also creates a a wide AOE ring around you. When the stun ends, anyone inside the AOE radius is knocked back, often into the lava (I assume this is where he gets him name).
-The Singularities also cause AoE around them and shoot bouncy projectiles. If a party doesn't have the damage to kill Nokk before he gets over 3 singularities going, it's often a good idea to target one for a little breathing room and to give people the chance to rally.

Fighting him with your backs to the door leading to the next section nullifies a lot of his advantages, most of all the lava.



Mordremoth's Mordrem Moth Champion Mothra.

She's trying to save her egg, so she's Mordremoth's Modrem Moth Champion Mother Mothra.

edit: Actually Retro, for bosses with Unshakable, Blind only has a 10% chance to cause a miss :'[ That can still make a difference though. Immobilize is huge for sure.

Shit. Two years on, I'm still picking stuff up. Guess I better Lrn2ply.


Nokk has several pretty unique attacks that many people don't understand, pugs not least of all.

-He can place a 10s stun on you, which also creates a a wide AOE ring around you. When the stun ends, anyone inside the AOE radius is knocked back, often into the lava (I assume this is where he gets him name).
-The Singularities also cause AoE around them and shoot bouncy projectiles. If a party doesn't have the damage to kill Nokk before he gets over 3 singularities going, it's often a good idea to target one for a little breathing room and to give people the chance to rally.

Fighting him with your backs to the door leading to the next section nullifies a lot of his advantages, most of all the lava.

Yeah I knew about the freezing thing, and the singularities but not the specifics of them so thanks :)

Ya know, I never even thought about his name but it makes total sense!

Just watched the trailer, it didn't show too much but it looks like things sure are hotting up!
I still don't know all that much about the lore in Ascalon besides the fact there are ghosts everywhere. Would someone care to gimme some background so I know what's what?


I still don't know all that much about the lore in Ascalon besides the fact there are ghosts everywhere. Would someone care to gimme some background so I know what's what?

GW1 spoilers:
Short Version: Rather than accept defeat at the hands of the Charr (who were the bad guys in GW1's Prophecies campaign), the last king of Ascalon, Adelbern, used his Orrian sword Magdaer to cast a spell that would kill everyone in the city but turn the humans into ghosts. They're basically cursed to fight the Charr for eternity, or until the spell is broken (by returning either Magdaer or it's twin, Sohothin to the city, in the hands of the rightful king).

Long version: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Foefire


Just watched the trailer, it didn't show too much but it looks like things sure are hotting up!
I still don't know all that much about the lore in Ascalon besides the fact there are ghosts everywhere. Would someone care to gimme some background so I know what's what?

The intro cinematic to AC Story shows you the main plot points. There's also http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Foefire to bring you up to speed.

Edit: I'll Foefire YOU, Retro.


Speaking of Ascalon , i just did my first AC run with a group of Pugs .

First try at the Lovers we got wiped because they did not know you have to separate them .

Second try i explained it to them and we wiped the floor with them .



Am I reading that wrong or are they taking a break after next release?

You'r reading it wrong, penultimate = "second to last". Part 1 is next week (7/29), Part 2 will be on the 12th, then there will be a mid-season break. The article also says "before the Living World goes on a mid-season break", which could also mean that just the Living World content will pause, but that there still might be an update on the 26th (which is actually the 2nd anniversary of the Headstart).

My guess is that we'll see 4 episodes (Gates of Maguuma, Entanglement, The Dragon's Reach pt. 1 and The Dragon's Reach pt.2) then a break, then four more episodes to carry us through September and early October before events like Halloween and Wintersday start up again. If they take one update off, they'd start up again on September 9th, which would take them to October 21st, a week before Halloween.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Yeah that was a crazy sentence, I have no idea why they phrased it that way (penultimate fortnightly? are you fucking kidding me? I'm pretentious as all hell and that still made me roll my eyes) or what information they actually had that gave them that tidbit.

But yeah, two more updates and then a break, that's a bit surprising, but I bet some sort of update or another comes during the break that isn't Living World content.


So, two more updates and then a break.

Fine with me. If stuff like that allows them to keep the level of quality this high, then by all means, go for it. I'll be here when they get back.


But yeah, two more updates and then a break, that's a bit surprising, but I bet some sort of update or another comes during the break that isn't Living World content.

Yeah. They did say they were decoupling system updates from the living story updates. With any luck we'll be getting some of the fruits of that during the midseason break while we ponder the significance of Logan and Rytlock finally declaring their forbidden love to the world.


Been binge gaming the last 2-3 days and now I'm finally lvl 50 :D I don't know if my method is the fastest or anything, but doing hearts and completing low level maps is a lot of fun either way. Though I keep forgetting I have several exp boost items to use xD Is it just me or was it a bit weird to have a personal story mission with a around lvl 39 recommendation inside a 50ish zone? o_O The mission was easy, but getting to it was a bit rougher (and I was aboce the mission recommendation at the time).
Been binge gaming the last 2-3 days and now I'm finally lvl 50 :D I don't know if my method is the fastest or anything, but doing hearts and completing low level maps is a lot of fun either way. Though I keep forgetting I have several exp boost items to use xD Is it just me or was it a bit weird to have a personal story mission with a around lvl 39 recommendation inside a 50ish zone? o_O The mission was easy, but getting to it was a bit rougher (and I was aboce the mission recommendation at the time).
Yeah, that was definitely weird. Died more than once trying to get there I think.
I shouldn't have attacked the mobs there though. That was probably a bad idea.
You'r reading it wrong, penultimate = "second to last". Part 1 is next week (7/29), Part 2 will be on the 12th, then there will be a mid-season break. The article also says "before the Living World goes on a mid-season break", which could also mean that just the Living World content will pause, but that there still might be an update on the 26th (which is actually the 2nd anniversary of the Headstart).

My guess is that we'll see 4 episodes (Gates of Maguuma, Entanglement, The Dragon's Reach pt. 1 and The Dragon's Reach pt.2) then a break, then four more episodes to carry us through September and early October before events like Halloween and Wintersday start up again. If they take one update off, they'd start up again on September 9th, which would take them to October 21st, a week before Halloween.

Ok cool. Look forward to next two updates.


I didn't really even pay attention to combo fields until after reaching 80, but they are absolutely integral to advanced play. Guardians have access to a couple fire fields, which are some of the most useful to any party <3

You just blew my mind. I had no idéa what combos actually were. I just thought it was some kind of bonus exp for not mashing buttons and pressing when it's actually pressable, lol.

Just started a read into it and suddenly the game is even more complicated to me. Baffling.

Story mode AC is a cakewalk (it used to be MUCH harder, but ANet realized crushing dungeon runners into paste right out of the gate was a bad idea), you'll find AC explorable MUCH more exciting. You have much to look forward to, my friend.

I figured there had to have been changes since I searched for some tips on AC before going and everyone said it was bullshit.

AC Explorable is from 35+, right? Am I crazy for wanting to try that now? Will I even find a group?

Don't abandon your friends, but if you can swing a transfer to NA and convince your friends to tag along, everyone is welcome to join. Since I'm typing all this out on my phone, I bet Hawkian has already replied with great enthusiasm for getting you into dungeons.

Maybe I can try to convince one or two, some of them havn't leveled any character beyond 15 yet so. Even though I'm as low as 38 right now I don't want to delete the poor fellow!


The Cryptarch's Bane
Been binge gaming the last 2-3 days and now I'm finally lvl 50 :D I don't know if my method is the fastest or anything, but doing hearts and completing low level maps is a lot of fun either way. Though I keep forgetting I have several exp boost items to use xD Is it just me or was it a bit weird to have a personal story mission with a around lvl 39 recommendation inside a 50ish zone? o_O The mission was easy, but getting to it was a bit rougher (and I was aboce the mission recommendation at the time).
There's no reason to go as zoomzoom fast as possible, but you could be doing a few dungeons here and there if you're interested! And remember, events are always better XP out in the world then hearts, and often fill hearts in for you simultaneously.
Neofafnir, never forget.
That's right. thing of beauty.


AC Explorable is from 35+, right? Am I crazy for wanting to try that now? Will I even find a group?

Use the looking for group tool. Create your own group with the description of what you want to do and people will join it. Just enter the dungeon in explore mode and wait. It shouldn't take long. Not everyone wants to do a zerk speed run :) Works really well for story mode too.
And remember, events are always better XP out in the world then hearts, and often fill hearts in for you simultaneously.

To add to this: as long as you're doing content that's generally the level of your character (like doing a level 25 dynamic event as a level 25 characters):

Dynamic Events give 7% experience based on event level and Renown Hearts give 8% experience based on the heart level. So doing a Dynamic Event that also completes a Heart, is quite literally the biggest experience pool you can get, not even including the things you kill while doing it (which if they're standard enemies are 0.125% of the foe's level + a bonus based on a variety of factors). You'll get more experience doing a level 25 event as a level 25 character, than as a level 79 character doing a level 25 event, but the difference isn't that big actually (like 8% vs 5%).

Dungeons give 70% of a character's level, be it story or explorable, so doing dungeons is a very quick way to level.

Even if you don't do dungeons, if you're doing content around the level of your character, it will generally always take the same amount of time between levels - it won't take longer, the higher level you become (Guild Wars 2 was designed to have a "flat" levelling curve instead of an exponentially raising one). Though in practise, levels actually tend to speed up as you level up, for a variety of reasons (you're likely using foods that give a bonus, your dailies might have given you XP boosters, and so on).


Shit. Two years on, I'm still picking stuff up. Guess I better Lrn2ply.
You're not alone. o_O

You'r reading it wrong, penultimate = "second to last". Part 1 is next week (7/29), Part 2 will be on the 12th, then there will be a mid-season break. The article also says "before the Living World goes on a mid-season break", which could also mean that just the Living World content will pause, but that there still might be an update on the 26th (which is actually the 2nd anniversary of the Headstart).

My guess is that we'll see 4 episodes (Gates of Maguuma, Entanglement, The Dragon's Reach pt. 1 and The Dragon's Reach pt.2) then a break, then four more episodes to carry us through September and early October before events like Halloween and Wintersday start up again. If they take one update off, they'd start up again on September 9th, which would take them to October 21st, a week before Halloween.
Hopefully we get another feature pack somewhere in there.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I believe he's talking about the run we PUGd that boss after one of us left (after several wipes), and the guy helped us finish the path easily.
Not at all (though that did teach me how to successfully solo
Alphard via focus mesmer)!

Neofafnir saved us from a wipe by soloing Alphard from something like 50% to 0% on a rifle warrior. It involved a lot of shuffling left to right very quickly.
AC Explorable is from 35+, right? Am I crazy for wanting to try that now? Will I even find a group?
Make a group on the LFG saying something like "First time Explorable Path 1, Good listener!" :)

And make sure to have gear right around your level. Dungeons punish you a lot for having gear too low for you.


Wait... After Part 2 of the update we will be half way done with Season 2? D:

I doubt it. Maybe they need more breaks to keep up this level of content though (I still didn't play the 2 episodes yet, but heard good things about them).


Wait... After Part 2 of the update we will be half way done with Season 2? D:

That's what I was wondering too :(

It feels like it's only just started.. I know we have two more updates but still.. I suppose we're always going to want more than we get. How long was Season 1?


That's what I was wondering too :(

It feels like it's only just started.. I know we have two more updates but still.. I suppose we're always going to want more than we get. How long was Season 1?

I believe it was just shy of a full year. Started January 2013 with Flame and Frost: Prelude, ended March 2014 with the Battle for Lion's Arch: Aftermath.

I think Season 2 is going to end up as 4 episodes, then a break, then 4 more episodes leading into the 'holiday' updates. Seems weird to be thinking of them stopping right when it seems like they just started, but we'll see what happens. All we know is that a break is coming.
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