You don't craft in GW2
You load up a website that tells you exactly what to make to gain your levels and click the buttons it tells you to click.
Actively trying to "craft" in GW2, as you've discovered, is punished.
That's a bit simplistic. I rely on crafting for a lot of things, specifically mission-critical consumables and such. I also crafted all my own gear, from exotic to ascended, and my weapons. Crafting is still important, especially for things you can't get any other way, or would be too expensive to buy yourself - but it's very much a "support" thing, and not a primary role.
Sure, if you're just trying to max out crafting for the sake of it, and to get experience, you can follow the various websites that tell you the most optimal way to do it (I did that myself for a few). But once you're done with that, crafting is still important. You *can* make money as well, but not with lower-level stuff because, well, there are millions of people doing it too, since it's so easy: that floods the market with 'ug get this out of my inventory' items, since people don't *need* to care about every material that went into crafting lower level stuff.
Speeding through the crafting by following a guide however, means you don't really learn what you can make, and what does and doesn't have value, so be careful with that. It results in a lot of people maxing their crafts just for the AP, and then never touching it again, thus losing out on some good money-making avenues, or just convenience.
It's a bit of a double edged sword in a way. Crafting in other MMOs can be incredibly tedious, since they require a lot of user input for minimal output - but that results in more "value" since it's more of a time investment, whereas GW2 makes crafting incredibly simple, but the quickness results in "cheap" commodities. We see it alleviated somewhat with time-gated stuff - things that can only be made once per day, tend to have a high sell value, so making those and selling them is worthwhile since not everyone is going to bother making them.
An easy band-aid to GW2's economy would be to make *everything* time gated, but I'm not sure what the long-term repercussions of that would be.