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Halo 2 - Who's going to be picking up their copy at 12AM?


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
I know alot of places in my area (EBs, Gamestops) will be open at midnight to sell Halo 2. I think it'd be dishonest to my dork roots not to be there, so chances are I'm going to be at the Gamestop I reserved my copy at along with all the other scary folks at 11:55PM.

Musashi Wins!

I'll be there, though I'm attending a multiplayer party at 9pm. I thought about skipping the craziness...but this is THE release for this gen hype wise and I'd like to enjoy the madness a little.


I'll be picking it up.. my EB said to get there maybe an hour early if I didn't want to wait that long once they open. Although, I wonder if I wait until about 1230 to show up if I'll be able to just walk right in and grab it..
My Gamestop has 500 pre-orders. There's also an EBGames in the same mall, and another Gamestop right across the street (used to be a Funco). I will be there at midnight, but I'm not sure if I wanna stand out in the 20 degree weather for two hours beforehand. I think I'm gonna want to get there later, but I'm not sure. Depends on how fast we can buy our pizzas and snacks beforehand. :)


If I didn't have a god damn calculus test tomorrow, I'd be there. I'll just pick it up on my way home from the test.




Oh piss off if you don't like them. People are excited. Give 'em a break. We didn't hassle you when you made 30 threads about Kamadouchie Dagamachi or whatever....
Seeing that I only got a couple hours of sleep last night, there's no way I'm gonna be able to stay up for this PLUS play once I get home. I'll just wait till tomorrow. My pre-order is secure so I'm not worried.


Seems like some people are forgetting Gamespot gave the game a 9.4

Why haven't you cancelled your pre-order?


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
gotta wake up at 6 am tomorrow...so no.

Unless I went to sleep NOW, woke up and picked it up, and played it till I go to work...

hmmm...where's some nyquil when you need it.


It's not waiting in line for, but I'm sure a lot of guys out there will take Halo 2 over sex with their girlfriends/wives tonight. Sad. Just remember EB's clocks on their computers are 12 minutes behind!

*waits for his copy from gamefly*


Soul4ger said:
I'll be WORKING the release at 12 AM. Keep me in your prayers, folks.



I'm just going to wait for tommorrow to pick it up. If I pick it up tonight i'll be up all night playing it and then I'll feel like shit for work.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
I may go it a step further and call in at work tomorrow as well - hot date with the Master Chief and all.. :D


Matlock said:
Make sure to bring a GameCube to fend them off with.

Heh, I was calling people yesterday morning to let them know it was in and we'd be open at midnight and stuff, and I more than once thought about saying "Your copy of Halo 2 for the GameCube will be in on Tuesday," just to fuck with them. :p But I resisted.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
i will. for sure. i'm bringing my digi cam too, but i dont expect all that many people to show at this location. we'll see though

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Do we really need a bunch of threads on when people are going to pick their copy of the game up?

Ninja Scooter said:
nerds. And lots of them.

You didn't pre-order it did you? Don't be hating. ;)
Uno Ill Nino said:
Oh piss off if you don't like them. People are excited. Give 'em a break. We didn't hassle you when you made 30 threads about Kamadouchie Dagamachi or whatever....

:lol IAWTP :lol

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
i wasn't going to pick it up at midnight, but then our eb games announced you could get 1/2 off a meal at the qdoba across the street - delicious, delicious mexican food. i'll be there.

i'm tempted to skip class to dig into the campaign, but hey, i don't care that much.


tedtropy said:
I may go it a step further and call in at work tomorrow as well - hot date with the Master Chief and all.. :D


I am going to call in and I have set up an elaborate plan to do it. Casually mentioned to my boss and a coworker that I was going to go out for some sushi tonight with friends, and that it'd be my first time ever going, and asked him for what to eat since he loves the stuff. I will call tomorrow at right aroun 7 AM (when I should be reporting to work) and letting them know (think) that I am still in the hospital, just waiting for my prescription from the doctor, and after a few hours rest I would be at work at around 3 PM for the meeting... the meeting in which I take practically 0 part in since it's not my area. They will tell me to skip out, freeing me up for the whole day.

... Someone shoot me now. :|
I was going to, and then I got a look from Mrs. Speshylives after I told her about going to EB at midnight to pick up a video game that made me change my mind. After more thought, I realized she had a very valid point. I'll wait the couple of hours.


Question.. If the mall closes at like.. 10:30, and the store is inside, how are they gonna do it?

Sorry if this question has been asked.
They usually leave the doors open with some extra security. All the other shops close their grates.

What would kick ass is if the Gamestop buyers and the EB buyers who both have to go to the same mall rumbled Sharks vs Jets style in the middle, complete with singing and dancing at midnight.


Unconfirmed Member
Not me!

I'm getting the deluxe treatment. Halo 2 delivered straight to my door tomorrow morning. Free overnight shipping is a beautiful thing.


Is this midnight madness thing also open to people who have not preordered?

I ask this because I preordered at GameStop and then I called tonight and he said they have over 1,000 preorders for that store alone and that the wait will likely be long. I don't want to wait in line if other stores with less people will also be selling them. Anyone know?


Sean said:
Is this midnight madness thing also open to people who have not preordered?

I ask this because I preordered at GameStop and then I called tonight and he said they have over 1,000 preorders for that store alone and that the wait will likely be long. I don't want to wait in line if other stores with less people will also be selling them. Anyone know?

I would think it varies by store. if stores have more stock than preorders I dont see why they wouldnt sell them. then again it seems I remember reading stories of Gamestops or EBs not selling games on release day to anyone that didnt preorder.

best bet is to call your local stores.
I'm in

It's pretty damn cold out and since I'm walking it's going to suck initially, but as soon as I get back - BOOYA :D

No calling in for me, I'll just play it some tonight and when I get home from work tomorrow

I will find out how many people call in sick at my job and post it here, just for the sake of hilarity (I work at a helpdesk... I'm guessing at least 20 people, unless they were smart and booked it off earlier)


keep your strippers out of my American football
I don't know...I was thinking of getting there at Midnight, but I dropped by there at 4 this afternoon and there were 2 guys there already. I was planning on taking pics, but the manager informed me that was against company policy, which I think is 100% BS, but I wasn't going to argue the point.

So I might just go up there at 2 or something.



In Vancouver, BC they are starting to sell it at 7pm at one of the Futureshop stores(Lansdowne in Richmond).

I think they go from 7pm to midnight.


The gamestop I preordered it from is getting 400 copies. They're closing at 8 and reopening at 12, so we'll have to wait outside. It's a damned cold night here, too. :(


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Where I live, it's a Gamestop in a mall, one about 2 blocks away in a strip mall, and a EB Games in a near by mall and none are going to be open at 12. Walmart however will be.
I've got no choice but to pick it up tonight at Gamerush.

Work 2 jobs tomorrow, so no time to get it. No time to play tonight either..ergh.

Of course this is Gamerush, they botched my Smackdown vs Raw preorder BY NOT GETTING ANY!

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