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Halo 4 |OT| Spartans Never Die


I'd argue that its a very, very tiny portion of the Halo 4 playerbase that hase read the Halo 3 terminals (and understood them), much less read them, understood them, and have kept up with the latest novels.

Its one thing to have novels and cinematic shorts outside of the game provide more depth and background, its an entirely different thing to require them to have any sense of WTF is going on and why. That's the problem, and that's where 343 dropped the ball big time.

The average playerbase probably doesn't care much more about who
the Didact
is than what the game told. Same with
the Librarian
. They're motivations and reasons for being in the fiction were stated at the basest level required to understand the game. It wasn't confusing. I did look at this objectively when playing, because this is exactly what I was worried about happening when I found that 343 was dipping into the extended fiction.

It might have been helpful to let Halo 4 players know that
the humans being referred to here are not the humans we know, but an entirely separate humanity that arose, explored space, fought the flood and forerunner, got devolved by the forerunner, and then got wiped out entirely by the firing of the rings before re-emerging on Earth thanks to the Librarians indexing program. Yeah, that would've helped quite a bit don't you think?

Yes absolutely, but it was still stated that they were
ancient humans
. At its core it was explained "enough".

More elaboration would always be welcome, I'd never argue against that. But I do believe that enough was given to understand the story. For those looking to delve deeper, there are avenues for it. It's certainly not required.


Whoops, apologies on the double post guys.

Cortana regularly gleans information from the covenant battle net - it wouldn't have hurt to throw in some discussions of their motives.

In which case I'll reach a little here and say her
could have been preventing her from performing her usual functions/thinking clearly. She did acces the battle net a few times, which gave us their basic motivations.

But yeah, that's a good point.


In case there was ever the slightest bit of doubt: Homeboyd is a classy, classy Gaffer.


I lost my job a week ago. Homeboyd decided to help me out with a copy of the game. I was stunned speechless, which for me, is a rare occurrence. As someone else said earlier in the thread, this is why I love GAF. There are some genuinely good people here.

I know I've said it a dozen times in PM, but thanks, Homeboyd. I'm not going to forget this, and I'm going to pay it forward.
In case there was ever the slightest bit of doubt: Homeboyd is a classy, classy Gaffer.


I lost my job a week ago. Homeboyd decided to help me out with a copy of the game. I was stunned speechless, which for me, is a rare occurrence. As someone else said earlier in the thread, this is why I love GAF. There are some genuinely good people here.

I know I've said it a dozen times in PM, but thanks, Homeboyd. I'm not going to forget this, and I'm going to pay it forward.

If this was Facebook, id like your post. ;)
The average playerbase probably doesn't care much more about who
the Didact
is than what the game told. Same with
the Librarian
. They're motivations and reasons for being in the fiction were stated at the basest level required to understand the game. It wasn't confusing. I did look at this objectively when playing, because this is exactly what I was worried about happening when I found that 343 was dipping into the extended fiction.
You're right that most players don't care, and the game gave them no reason to care, which is a bummer. So all you're left with is pushing buttons and plugging Cortana into various things, and most of the time it doesn't matter.

Its a waste of fiction imo. Another five minutes of background or having Lasky ask some questions behalf of the audience would have been a tremendous help.


Minor mission 2 spoilers

Chief: "If I can just get you to Halsey..."
Cortana:"I won't recover from rampancy Chief!"

two minutes later

Cortana:"now that you mentioned it, if you can get me to Halsey, she can fix my Rampancy!"



good credit (by proxy)
This game is amazing. The graphics are amazing. The mood and music are amazing. It feels like a great company's first Halo game. Feels like what a Halo sequel should feel like.


Minor mission 2 spoilers

Chief: "If I can just get you to Halsey..."
Cortana:"I won't recover from rampancy Chief!"

two minutes later

Cortana:"now that you mentioned it, if you can get me to Halsey, she can fix my Rampancy!"

Yeah, keep playing. It kind of gets dark after that, one of the bits I love about the game.
Finished the campaign. It's pretty fun from a gameplay standpoint, don't know where I'd rank it in compared to the other games. I think they showed their hand too early and there isn't much interplay between new enemies and the old ones so the firefights never really varied that much. It's still far better than almost any other shooter I can think of, though.

The story on the other hand was a mess. It was a perfect mix of overloading you with back story and jargon but never making it clear what you're doing and why. I'm sure if you read the books and are heavily invested in the lore, it's pretty great but man, this was their chance to wipe the slate clean and make a Halo story that compared to Combat Evolved's. It felt like more 2 and 3 which were just information dumps with shooting segments attached only this time there was even less of a grounding to it. Sort of like if Combat Evolved didn't exist and Halo 2 was the first game released.

It's really a shame because I think Halo as a universe is fantastic in terms of iconic imagery and aesthetics and from the book or two I read, has a really interesting story to it but cutscenes and (really well hidden) terminals are not the best to way to convey that. There was very little I learned about the world from actually looking around the levels but I think that's because the forerunner aesthetic is really abstract. Everything about it looks amazing even though I couldn't tell what a thing does from looking at it, it's just me running around this neon space cathedral looking building and pressing switches. I didn't feel like I picked up on any sense of design language or world logic to my surroundings which is sort of a shame but there isn't many games that do that well.

Still, it's a really great game and the multiplayer has me hooked completely. It's on my GOTY list for sure.
You're right that most players don't care, and the game gave them no reason to care, which is a bummer. So all you're left with is pushing buttons and plugging Cortana into various things, and most of the time it doesn't matter.

Its a waste of fiction imo. Another five minutes of background or having Lasky ask some questions behalf of the audience would have been a tremendous help.
As someone who doesn't follow the fiction outside the game (with the exception of watching FUD), I had no problems with the story. I'd put it on par with Halo 2, but with much better voice acting this time around.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
In case there was ever the slightest bit of doubt: Homeboyd is a classy, classy Gaffer.


I lost my job a week ago. Homeboyd decided to help me out with a copy of the game. I was stunned speechless, which for me, is a rare occurrence. As someone else said earlier in the thread, this is why I love GAF. There are some genuinely good people here.

I know I've said it a dozen times in PM, but thanks, Homeboyd. I'm not going to forget this, and I'm going to pay it forward.

Good stuff right there.
I agree with everything you've been saying. I just wanted you to know that.
Hey, thanks. Its nice to know I'm not on crazy pills.

I love Halo, and have always thought the games would be even better by incorporating more of the extended fiction in smart ways. And I love Halo 4's control, visuals and audio work. I'll be playing this game for a very long time to come.

Incorporating the story elements was just a huge failure to me, and nobody in my circles can explain what the hell is going on or why - they're just having fun blowing stuff up and making their way to the next button to press (of three), to do that stuff that activates or deactivates that thing. I've done my best to help them out when they've asked for details, but that really shouldn't be necessary. That's all from me on this for now - don't want to dwell on it too much. I've moved on to Spartan Ops anyway.

def sim

I'm enjoying this game a lot more than I expected to. I thought I was done with the franchise after Reach, but they've convinced me to get back on board with this one. The many small changes really add up.

That said, is there something off about the audio mix? Banshees, drop ships and ghosts sneaking up on me, dialog is sometimes super hard to hear, and the music can be way too low at times.


God I'm so terrible at this game. 4 kills and 10 deaths sometimes.

Anyone have any tips?

Use headshot weapon.

Use Promethean Vision.

Don't go across open terrain.

Aim for the body to break shields; finish with headshot.

Don't fuss too much with aiming when you're shooting someone. AA will do a lot of work for you and you can strafe to keep on target.

Hug walls.


In case there was ever the slightest bit of doubt: Homeboyd is a classy, classy Gaffer.


I lost my job a week ago. Homeboyd decided to help me out with a copy of the game. I was stunned speechless, which for me, is a rare occurrence. As someone else said earlier in the thread, this is why I love GAF. There are some genuinely good people here.

I know I've said it a dozen times in PM, but thanks, Homeboyd. I'm not going to forget this, and I'm going to pay it forward.
Cool stuff Homeboyd.


Can I watch the terminal videos now without ruining anything, or should I wait until I beat the game?

I've only played the first level.

Should I watch them when I actually do unlock them?


God I'm so terrible at this game. 4 kills and 10 deaths sometimes.

Anyone have any tips?

- Try to use your grenades at the right time, you can estimate it by your radar, don't randomly throw them, it's a waste.
- 3x Bodyshot, 1x headshot (BR/DMR), and try to strafe.
- sometimes it's better to let go, chasing isn't always the best (they could throw a nade and still own you). This is something I see a lot of people do.
- If you are using a burst/one-shot weapon (like the DMR or BR, which you should) and you engage someone with a automatic weapon like a AR, try to stay away from them as far as possible. The closer they are the more dangerous they are.
- (most of the time) don't bother going in alone if the fight will be 2 vs. 1, they will out-BR you most likely.
- practice, practice and practice.
Starting to get the hang of killing Prometheans on Legendary. Kill their Crawlers and Watchers first, and then get fucking close and blow their faces off with a Scattershot or Boltshot overcharge. It's risky, but works more often than not.

I'd wait before watching the Terminals, btw.

And I've said it before: Halo's storytelling capabilities went down the drain the day Captain Exposition died. Without Keyes around to state the obvious, everyone in the Halo universe is just stumbling forward without a clue in the world.


Starting to get the hang of killing Prometheans on Legendary. Kill their Crawlers and Watchers first, and then get fucking close and blow their faces off with a Scattershot or Boltshot overcharge. It's risky, but works more often than not.

Yeah, long range fights against Knights on Legendary almost always end with empty weapons and death. Bleh, the last level was so annoying about this.
Starting to get the hang of killing Prometheans on Legendary. Kill their Crawlers and Watchers first, and then get fucking close and blow their faces off with a Scattershot or Boltshot overcharge. It's risky, but works more often than not.

Yes, the scattershot is perhaps the easiest way to take the knights down on a consistent basis on legendary.


Legendary is not much harder than Heroic.

Starting to get the hang of killing Prometheans on Legendary. Kill their Crawlers and Watchers first, and then get fucking close and blow their faces off with a Scattershot or Boltshot overcharge.

That's the way to do it, alright.
Did anyone else have problems with the mission
Reclaimer when you have to neutralize big turrets in the sky with the Target Locator? I got to the point where the Mammoth has to recharge, I killed all the enemies, and it's not doing shit.. It's just making noises and not moving........

Anyone have that problem? I think ima have to restart the mission.. Absolutely ridiculous how cheap Legendary AI is and issues like this ;\


Starting to get the hang of killing Prometheans on Legendary. Kill their Crawlers and Watchers first, and then get fucking close and blow their faces off with a Scattershot or Boltshot overcharge. It's risky, but works more often than not.

That's exactly what I do. Just poke out and headshot the crawlers, then destroy the watcher as fast as I can. After that the Knights aren't too hard.

I believe it will be out in January and should be displayed in-game.

It's coming out sometime next year and only viewable on Waypoint.
Man the online pisses me off.

-Game won't let me change loadouts when I die, I keep pressing Y and it does nothing
-I got joined in a match where the whole team quit except one person, and he was losing 47-10
-Keep getting into games where its 3v4
-Games starting when its 4v0
-Wanting to change grenades and having an ordinance at the same time which they changed to the D-Pad so I can't change grenades while I have an ordinance or I'm going to be forced to use it
-No regular Team Slayer/Team Doubles/Team Snipers/Team Swat/
-Barely any lunge on beat downs like before
Hey, thanks. Its nice to know I'm not on crazy pills.

I definitely agree with you as well. To me it was as much about how the story was presented as it was the content that had me disappointed. The number of times major turns of events or character intros were just glossed over with little to no reaction by chief or cortana drove me nuts.

There were so many instances where it felt as if I had stepped into the kitchen to grab a sandwich bag of doritos and had missed some big piece of exposition when in reality I hadn't moved.

In a way, the universe building they have been doing felt a lot like how the music turned out. Both are very enjoyable and well done on their own, but when joined together in the game, they just didn't quite fit together perfectly.

I suppose that it the challenge of game story development as a whole, but even so, that doesn't change that fact the story and game give a feeling of having been produced in parallel and not hand-in-hand with one another.

(All that said, I thought the encounters in the campaign were a ton of fun and I look forward to replaying them)


It should let you leave the pregame lobby once you've been matched up. I got an invite as soon as it matched me up and there is no way to back out until the game starts. No point in locking everyone in if you aren't going to punish quitting in the middle of the game anyway.
God I'm so terrible at this game. 4 kills and 10 deaths sometimes.

Anyone have any tips?

Use the DMR
Don't chase people to kill them
Go around the outsides of maps, not through the middle
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