This has probably been talked abut, but I was playing SP when a marine said these things:
"You know that pro-pipe was solid for sure, but that sticky det is no freaking joke"
"Are you a AR man or a BR man?"
Also, fuck 'Reclaimer'. Such bad encounter design. The marines rush to thier death, the enemy tanks destroy you and the only way to engage is to push forward, otherwise they hide behind rocks.. It does not feel like a battle when they will not engage past a certain area.. just feels like a poorly designed and frustrating encounter, especially on legendary. This campaign has a lot more lows than highs IMO.. I mean its fun, but it kinda has that Halo 2 vibe where everything is more guided.. Even so, I liked that games encounters more.. the AI was more engaging and rewarding.. Something feels off a lot of times in this game.
As of now overall I feel SP game play wise the franchise goes Halo 1 > Halo 3 > ODST > Reach > >Halo 2 >= Halo 4
That may change in time as I spend more time with it. I really did enjoy the first, third and fourth levels on legendary. The second feels too lifeless, it feels very forced, but it may be more fun in co-op. The open environments are really lacking in this game IMO.
Story was awesome, definitely the best one told yet, but it could have used a bit more.