I really hate the jetpack to.
What happens if you use the Spartan Laser / Binary Rifle to blow up the vehicle?
Get shit on
SAW bullets bounce? 0_o
I think so. I was the only one there. No this is good. I found the only way i could die in that situation. Why no medal? 'The hugest suckass..ever..like...of all time.
You sure they didn't reclaim and resell most of those extreme scalped tickets?Penny Arcade sold all their spare passes to scalpers by letting bots buy 300 at a time
So, the scientific determination is that it adds even MORE randomness to the game.I messed around in custom with the survior, 3 of my buddies and I tried to kill each other in various ways on Valhalla in all the vehicles on the map, we got mixed results to say the least, sometimes 1/2 shields, sometimes no shields, sometimes you die instantly
never had someone pop out with full shields, whatever
it seems that its very finicky on when and how it works, Im not saying its a good thing.
Im just saying that throwing a blanket on the whole game is a bit weird, and tbh, its not a perk that will change the whole meta game, people will get their fill of it
not defending its existence, just don't care enough for it to "ruin" the rest of my Halo 4 playtime, I killed a couple guys mid-air after sticking their mongoose, its kinda silly and fun.
Cross posting from HaloOT
If any of yall want to check out the Baschetball gametype that DAEDALOS42 inspired me to make, check out my post here for map and gametype
As other said, seeing this is so much worse than reading the description.
We have media badges for Halo 4 GC and can't get into Pax...
If anybody selling or has extra I'm interested.
Yeah that is confusing. Must have been poor planning on their part or something. So you guys won't even be able to get in, or you can get in but only go to the GC stuff?
haha yes! Can't wait to try it out.
I agree.That is why I like the gametypes that don't use infinity settings the most like slayer pro.Playing Halo 4 on LAN or in fullparties is quite enjoyable.
Yesterday we played with 8 people in Rumble Pit or did some other stuff.
It is amazing how good this game can be with good settings or friends.
No was at a tournament and it was Halo 4.Has a LAN and plays Halo 4.
I hate multiplayer achievements for random occurrences that never happen...
Pitchin' A Tent is sooooo hard.
Nilla, played a full house game of Baschetball with some HBOers. At 4v4 it starts getting claustrophobic and spawn-camping does become an issue, but everyone really liked it except the guy who hates the unpredictability of hammers. might simply be best at 3v3 or maybe there's another weapon combo to try. Someone suggested for larger arenas shotguns or other weak weapons, some guys just wanted it to entirely be passing-based.
Thanks for the feedback dude, like I said the other day, I had a feeling I would make a larger version anyways, obviously to be true to form it should support at least 5v5.
Ill take a crack at it, I reallyyy like the idea of there being no damage,I'lll make a gametype variant with no damage on the weapons
and then maybe try out some different weapons sets on another
The Pit is still pretty fun in Halo 4. The other map is a bit weird but a Pit Slayer 24/7 playlist would be great.
I'm surprised we haven't seen a one map 24/7 playlist in Halo yet. I quite like the idea of it, and it's pretty decent in Call of Duty, even if that map is Nuke Town.
Maybe Concussions Rifles or weapons that can knock people back if there's no damage?