Beyond post-launch support, I always thought reviewing MP games (or MP aspects of games) was a tough thing to do simply because your own play and how the community plays the game evolves over time, especially after the first week or two.Reviews are interesting in MP-specific games for the very reason we've seen with Halo 4. Post-launch support has been great in some areas and confusing as hell in others. It's clear 343 is trying, but the playlist management is ultimately puzzling and the weapon choices in said playlists even more so. Makes it hard to write reviews, but ultimately the review has to be done for the game as it stands at that time or you'd always be updating it.
I've been mostly pro Halo 4 as a competitive shooter overall (not so much as a core Halo game) but even though I don't post about it a ton I have seen the same issues most of the folks here have. I just wrestle with it a lot because I do like the game as a competent multiplayer shooter, and it does have a Halo wrapper, but it's not the core Halo I know from the past. It's odd playing a game you like and dislike at the same time for entirely different reasons.
I think we've all had a different opinion on a competitive MP portion of a game 3 months after launch as opposed to after playing it for a few days.