Commissioned (Premium) - Subscriptions at $5 for 1 month, $25 for 6 months, or $40 for a year.
- 14 maps at launch + all DLC maps. (New maps released on a regular basis, ~2 maps every 3 months.)
- Access to all playlists. (Though if you play with non-Premium friends you're obviously restricted to those playlists.)
- Access to Ranked playlists.
- No cap on your Spartan rank.
- Double XP accelerates you through enlisted ranks.
- Expanded File Share space.
> Halo 5 is Campaign/Firefight only, but comes with unique (cosmetic) multiplayer unlocks and a 6-month subscription to Premium. Campaign DLC is purchased on a per-item basis.
> DLC maps are only available through the Premium subscription - they cannot be purchased independently. Only. Two. Tiers.
> Each map is a separate file, allowing easier patching (smaller downloads) and enabling singular rotational maps for Free users.
> Both tiers include access to Custom Games, Theater, and Forge, though Free users are still limited to the 8 core maps.
> Your Spartan Rank unlocks cosmetic armor pieces, weapon skins, player card backgrounds/weapons/stances, Xbox avatar items, and Upload templates. Nothing that affects gameplay.
> Additional unlocks are available for purchase by Free or Premium users. Drop $2 for an ODST armor set. Microtransactions, but nothing affecting gameplay.
> If you downgrade from Premium to Free, you retain your current Spartan Rank (and any unlocks) but your XP is frozen if you're past the Enlisted cap and you no longer have access to Premium maps.
Take a little bit of Halo 4, mix in some Team Fortress 2 hat stuff, and use Games as a Service to sell it.
That is ALL just awful, like holy shit.