Thanks! People are resistant to change, but I think they'll be willing to listen when Bonnie Ross walks on stage at E3 and says:I think you had a good point Duncan, in the scheme of things, with shorter game lifespans and shorter dev cycles, subscription type services could work.
A big problem would be the initial deployment of it. Look how vehemently you were rebutted by a lot of Halo fans. People are resistant to change. We're no longer playing a single game everyday for years. Plus it would seem a bit convoluted and not straightforward. Plus leave it to Microsoft to try and get as much profit as possible. So I wouldn't trust them.
But I can see where you're coming from, I mean look how many stopped playing Halo 4, I'm pretty sure that for those who get the urge sometimes, subscribing for a month to have all DLC again for only $5, and if they don't like it, they leave again, and if they like it, they can resubscribe.
"Halo multiplayer on Xbox One is free with XBL Gold."
[crowd gasps]
[Larry Hryb cackles]
"And for just $5/month Halo Premium gets you all kinds of extra shit, like new maps and early access to the Steven Spielberg Halo series."
"Hi I'm Steven Spielberg. Please enjoy this
[roll deleted scenes from Terra Nova]
Besides, I don't think it's too convoluted.
> Free
> Premium
That's easier to understand than the DLC variables Fyrewulff pointed out:
I think the time period for paid DLC into eternity has passed us, at this point. I'd go so far as to say the days of maps being actual DLC instead of just bundled into the title update are about over. Splitting the userbase just hurt 4 with DLC.
Paid armor can be ignored, and doesn't split the userbase. Paid maps currently create the following permutations of Halo 4's playerbase:
Vanilla + All DLC
Vanilla + Crimson
Vanilla + Crimson + Majestic
Vanilla + Crimson + Majestic + Castle
Vanilla + Crimson + Majestic + Castle + Champion
Vanilla + Crimson + Majestic + Champion
Vanilla + Crimson + Champion
Vanilla + Crimson + Castle
Vanilla + Majestic + Castle
Vanilla + Majestic + Champion
Vanilla + Majestic + Castle + Champion
Vanilla + Castle + Champion
Vanilla + Champion
And people wonder why DLC starts getting rarer in the later days