I never saw anything wrong with having advantageous positions on a map. So many people here complain about the ridge, but it's not like you can't fight it or find alternate ways around the map.
The ridge is broken, man. It's akin to spawn killing on 1-sided objective on Burial Mounds in Halo 2. Before you have a chance to fight back, if a team of non-idiots holds the hill, you're already half shields upon spawn in the best case scenario. You can "fight it", sure, but you won't win that fight if the other team knows what they're doing, even if your team does too. You can find other ways around the map, but those other ways aren't giving you any kind of vertical advantage, control of power weapons (both railgun and incineration cannon are on or right below the ridge), advantageous angles. really anything. The best you'll get is a hog, and a good team won't let it near their setup.
Not to mention a good team has a couple people at cave-side base and on top of shotgun, thus guaranteeing you spawn at the other base or out in the open. If it's the latter, you're basically already dead, and if the former, you're already trapped. Which team gets the advantage from the start can come down to a single piece of 1v1 combat, which leads to your team spawning with you on the ridge (because that was a smart spawn placement). Or, sometimes, everyone dies in the initial struggle, but one team's standard spawns include a couple partway up the hill!
The map is bad in every way imaginable. It's "functionally symmetrical", the spawns are broken easily, there's an absurdly dominant power position, power weapons have poor placement, but probably worst of all, it's almost always played with Infinity's shitty settings.