I said "half-serious" for a reason.
Think about it. If I'm insulting you by that statement, I am also insulting myself, since I have also played some Halo 4 recently. That's absolutely ridiculous.
You took my post way out of whack. Perhaps Halo 4 has improved. That's not really relevant to what I'm saying.
Maybe this makes more sense:
Settler, for example, was made by people who also made the gameplay the way it is (343 in particular). If you like the gameplay, it makes sense that you would like the maps since they were designed with the gameplay in mind. Way, way simplified and generalized, but it wasn't an entirely serious post anyway.
Halo 4 is the least fun I have had with a Halo. Most of the people here have explained why it just isn't as good a Halo as the other ones. I'm talking about the 10 year olds who play Halo 4 (or really the "COD crowd" that allegedly Halo 4 tried to court) and haven't experienced the great Halo's like CE, 2, and 3. Thus, they really haven't developed taste as to what makes a good Halo gameplay or a good Halo map, because they were never there when Halo had good gameplay or maps. Thus apparently liking the gameplay, they also like the maps designed around it. So in response to the post that said "why does everybody vote for bad maps?" That was my somewhat light-hearted/yet snarky response.
I have, unfortunately, not had the privilege of playing in a party (unless one other friend half the time counts), so randoms is all I get pretty much. After playing a bunch of games I have very little desire to continue (maybe if I get another gold trial I'll see if I can play with you guys and hopefully that will be better, as you say, whatever). Halo CE, 2, and 3 have all been brilliant fun even without parties. Halo 4 just isn't fun like those at all.
Stop taking this so personally. It wasn't directed at you, because again, if it was, then it would also have to be directed at me, which is ridiculous.