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Halo 4 |OT2| TURBO


Yeah I definitely hear you. Releasing multiple multiplayer suites simultaneously already seems pretty bananas to me, but to then just give us a year out with them before H5 starts to seem doubtful too when you think about it.
Halo 4 gamplay/settings on Halo 2 maps, friend. Or some half baked gametype where they try to emulate Halo 2 like they did with CEA settings.
Halo 4 gamplay/settings on Halo 2 maps, friend. Or some half baked gametype where they try to emulate Halo 2 like they did with CEA settings.

To be fair, I think Halo 4 can be changed to match Halo 2 much more closely than Reach did with CE. Reach didn't even have a 12 shot, projectile-based Pistol
(RIP, I'd love for 12 shots to return)
for crying out loud ;'[

Either way, it would still bring on a shitstorm hahah

In Reach's settings, you can still at the very least have take away any AA's (so no sprint) and you still had descoping. The issue was if/when bloom would hit, or what problems it could cause. Certainly not perfect, but it is what it is.

If you can't change flinch or remove sprint, why even bother? And other important factors like CTF settings or the absence of Assault, for example.
I was posting under the assumption of a "Title Update" to remove flinch and bring back descoping, along with added Assault, droppable flags, etc..


In Reach's settings, you can still at the very least have take away any AA's (so no sprint) and you still had descoping. The issue was if/when bloom would hit, or what problems it could cause. Certainly not perfect, but it is what it is.

If you can't change flinch or remove sprint, why even bother? And other important factors like CTF settings or the absence of Assault, for example.


The classic:
First of all, my point still stands that adding another mechanic to fix a broken/unnecessary one is bad thinking. That's the main point of my posts thus far.

About realism then:

I know everybody will think this is crazy but...Halo is not that unrealistic.

It's like this: firstly, the default for everything is reality as we know it. Right? I mean, that's pretty much what default things: the way things are normally. A simulator attempts to mimic that reality, for example. (I know I'm not being the most clear; I'm trying to be).

Secondly, games are about balance. Life isn't always "balanced" and thus is not always "fun." Fun is never fun when it isn't fair, to which being balanced is imperative. You must be balanced to be fair, since the two words cover the same area.

In a game then, we have to take selective parts out of life -- out of the default of reality -- to cut out things that make life unbalanced. Interestingly enough, it appears, the less "stuff" we have, and the simpler things are, the more fair the game becomes.

If we have two dudes with swords, and these swords kill in one hit (we could go even simpler than that, but whatever), this would be perfectly fair. If I hit him first, he dies. If hits me first, I die. Nobody can complain in this situation.

Unfortunately, that is boring, so we start letting some reality back in. Now a sword can only kill you in one hit if it cuts your head off, and say it can only do that if you pull the sword back above your head to give it more force. More interesting.

Now we give the two guys guns. Let's make up a gun. It doesn't matter, it's still acting like reality. My gun shoots hamburgers that explode. That's fine. It doesn't kill balance with the game, and, believe it or not, it's still realistic. How? Because all I did was make a bomb that looks like a hamburger, the fact that it is a hamburger is unimportant because being a hamburger is not functional. It's just a skin we put over something that explodes. This requires some abstract thought here. It doesn't matter that we don't have exploding hamburgers in real life. It works in the game; it follow reality in all the ways it needs to; the concept is predictable (as long as the person knows the hamburger will explode); and our game is still balanced.

Now we do something strange. Our player knows that the hamburger explodes, right? So he shoots the other dude with a hamburger gun and it explodes on contact. Unfortunately, nothing happens. The explosion has only take 1 % of the other dudes health. We would all agree that this is bad game design. The hamburger gun, then, is useless. We might as well use the sword right? Exactly, so nobody use the hamburger gun now. Why is it bad? Because the explosion doesn't do what explosions do. "But it's a hamburger!" So what? We now know that hamburgers explode. "Yeah, but now we know that explosions hardly do anything!" Exactly. The difference here is that the hamburger being a hamburger doesn't affect gameplay. Not doing anything to your opponent with an explosion does.

End of story, btw. The following is yet another example, basically.

So in our example, nobody uses the hamburger gun until one of the guys looses his sword. In desperation, he goes and grabs the hamburger gun, and shoots a hamburger at his opponent. Then something unexpected happens: this time the hamburger kills the dude instantly. Why? Because "to make it more exciting" we made the gun more unpredictable. Except, this isn't fun. It isn't fun because it isn't fair. "Oh but it is fair because it could happen to you to." No. Fun is also about something else, that I talked about earlier: control. If I can't control what my actions accomplish, then what I am doing is not fun. The further a game gets from the reality of "My actions cause these reactions, maybe with just a little bit a variance, depending on some factors that I am capable of being aware of"; the further it gets from being fun.

You've come a long way cheddarz


There were a lot of sacrifices that were made in the engine department for it to become a show piece, it's like that girl we've all had a crush on in high school for about 10 seconds, she's pretty if she's far away, but once you get closer, your penis retracts into your body.

EDIT: This is an awkward first post of the page.

I'm gonna need @modesofsnuggle to weigh in on this one.


You've been here for 5 months and you're already talking like this?

Sorry, but every single one of Guerrilla's games that I've played have been some of the most boring (while pretty) games I've ever played. It's pretty awful. Having somebody like that work on Halo is...not optimal.

I mean, maybe he'll surprise me, but I worry. They're talking about how great Halo 5 is supposed to look, with a new engine and all that, which is perfectly in line with what Killzone has always been.

Not saying Halo 5 will be like Killzone. Just that it won't be Halo.

The classic:

You've come a long way cheddarz

Oh, um...thanks?

I don't even want to think about that.

EDIT: and I gotta say guys. These nicknames... lol
In terms of the tech department, I have a feeling they can get shit done, since with Halo 4, they were basically bending over backwards trying to get the engine to work with about 150 people, now they have 2x that, 1 extra year of dev time, yeah, I but they are like a tidal wave of technological wonder magic :p

if they give us something that plays like Halo 4, they are wasting their talent. no ifs, and or buts about it.

they dont understand Halo if they give us Another Halo4.


No, they aren't hiring people that care or know about halo.

I started calling you Cheddar after the mega post.

And I maintain that it's a dumb nickname, but I was being really dumb, so maybe I deserved it.

I kinda like Cheddahz. Seen that one a few times.

If only I could eat there. :(

I've been there before, and it was actually pretty great, but I've had to completely cut gluten out of my diet. I'm better for it, certainly, but damn it sucks.
What sensitivity do you guys play on?

Huh, apparently I was on a 3. I traditionally play on 4 but if I don't play for a week or two I tend to turn and down and apparently forget about it. I do have FPS freeks and a Razer Sabertooth so that messes with the "feel," too.


343 should add more to the sensitivity. 1-20 would better, 10 just feels too slow now.

Just buy a Sabertooth and you can turn up the sensitivity to whatever super "useful" level you want.


So there is this:

Given the way MS has been binning all their in house engines and porting remakes over to Unreal and making new versions of games on Unreal: I'm going to take a wild guess and say there's a decent chance the next Halo is running on Unreal 4.

This is entirely speculation, based off the fact at how much buddy buddy MS has gotten with Unreal and how it'd logically make sense to be able to move employees between various MS studios without having to retrain them.

The other thing that would make sense is that it's a new engine but still uses the tag API and data style from the previous engines, hence important bits, but everything else under the hood is new 343 engine code.

tl;dr honk honk honk honk
Given the way MS has been binning all their in house engines and porting remakes over to Unreal and making new versions of games on Unreal: I'm going to take a wild guess and say there's a decent chance the next Halo is running on Unreal 4.

This is entirely speculation, based off the fact at how much buddy buddy MS has gotten with Unreal and how it'd logically make sense to be able to move employees between various MS studios without having to retrain them.

The other thing that would make sense is that it's a new engine but still uses the tag API and data style from the previous engines, hence important bits, but everything else under the hood is new 343 engine code.

tl;dr honk honk honk honk

great, we'll have to wait for textures to load.
Spartans already do that, this Spartan is a privatized one or they finally moved their Mortal Didacta and merge the Spartans to only respond to ONI which it could make the other spartans deflect or going wild.
Actually no not really. The S-IIIs in Reach had ONI property and Halsey even threatened Kat by taking a PDA with high value intel.

But I agree with everything else.

Noble Team was giving permission to assist Halsey and the package. But that's it.


I dont know how people play on high sensitivity. If I go above 5 I am shooting all over the place. I dont think that higher is always better. I know people that play on 2 that are very good.


I generally start with the default (yeah, for each and every Halo), and then try to up it a few notches. 10 is just too much.

I think I'm at 7 on Reach.


I don't think I've ever changed my default sensitivity in a Halo game. I usually just leave it at 3(?) and pwn from there
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