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Halo 4 |OT2| TURBO


Let me be clear. All I intended to say was that I liked ADS and consequently would probably enjoy it in Halo if it were to be utilised.

Adding ADS to Halo, in my view, isn't going to 'break' Halo. As a mechanic, it works. That's been proven in other games. A lot of people will love it and a lot of people will hate it. Depending on how 343i wants to move Halo forward, they might use it and they might not. Same goes for a bunch of other things they might elect to use. In this case, I really think it's a very subjective element of gameplay and there's no 'one size fits all' solution to be had. I think they've just gotta decide straight up which side to go down because I think most agree they split the player base with Halo 4 to an extent.

As myself a designer, I can't disagree more.

Just to finish on this thread, it's not because it work in other games it would work in Halo. It's all about design. It's like you would said wall running works in Titanfall so it would also work in Halo. Yeah, in itself, the running would work, but if the map is not designed for this particular gameplay mechanic, then you will only do that on a short run which could break the flow of the player movement, and if the game is not created with that gameplay mechanic in mind, then it will only be a useless functionality.

ADS, in itself, is just a reskinned zoom from Halo if you think about it. But in other games, you can't aim precisely without ADS, no matter the distance your opponent is.

In Halo, you can aim without zooming. Zomming only alter distance view, not aim in itself.

So yeah, ADS could work in Halo only if it acts like a zoom and not like the main way to aim your opponent. If you can't aim without ADS, then it would break the Halo flow.


343 totally fucked the Reach playlists. They had two great playlists for new DLC, plenty of people played and it was great fun then vanished, DLC was bloody useless and then there was a billion playlists. There is something seriously wrong with playlist management, I can understand matchmaking problems but that only seems to come about from initial bone headed ideas or actual tweaks for stuff that isn't broken or having every option under the sun.

Is the DLC worth buying btw? Like, how often does one see them come up in voting? Reach has hardly any maps, but I don't know that it's really worth it to get the DLC.

If only Reach had DLC only maps still.


I was corrected on this many moons ago by Steelyuhas I believe, but 343 = Microsoft. It's nice to view them as an individual/separate entity, but they're really not.

The sad part is that this happened with Bungie as well. With every single release they marketed, "Going back to CE roots and a return to classic gameplay." Same shit's happening with 343 right now, but we'll see if they stay true to their word.

A Custom Games Browser could have helped with so many issues people have with multiplayer, so here's to hoping we'll finally see one in H2A/H5.

Dedicated servers \o/

Wait and see how well that plays out.


Is the DLC worth buying btw? Like, how often does one see them come up in voting? Reach has hardly any maps, but I don't know that it's really worth it to get the DLC.

If only Reach had DLC only maps still.

I haven't played Reach recently so I couldn't say but the maps were pretty good if you could get to play them. Doubt there is any point going back now, roll on new stuff.


Is the DLC worth buying btw? Like, how often does one see them come up in voting? Reach has hardly any maps, but I don't know that it's really worth it to get the DLC.

If only Reach had DLC only maps still.

You mean "DLC only playlists" right? If you have Anniversary those exist.

Aside from the aforementioned DLC, though, having it come up is generally poor, definitely worse than Halo 4.

I'm done.

This fucking meme.
343 wouldn't actually put ADS in Halo, right? You would think they learned their lesson that people don't want their COD and Halo to mix, right? RIGHT?

i still can't believe we're actually having this conversation

Anyway, back on topic, in Halo 4 news: The AR/Jetpack combo is just as strong as ever I see.
343 wouldn't actually put ADS in Halo, right? You would think they learned their lesson that people don't want their COD and Halo to mix, right? RIGHT?

i still can't believe we're actually having this conversation

Eh, you could keep movement speed while aiming down the sights. I mean, aiming with a BR ust szoom in and adds an overlay to the screen. I don't think it'd be terribly worse if they added in a gun on the bottom in some cases. There is no one way to interpret what ADS can do. It's all resident sleeper still though.


If Halo 2 Anniversary is just Halo 4 DLC, and Halo 5 has ADS, this series is over.
If this were to happen, which I have a hard time believing that both of these will concurrently, the series still won't be "dead." It's going to take a helluva lot more than ADS and Halo 4 DLC to kill this franchise. Microsoft's got too much invested into it with the new TV series and added media, and that's not even mentioning the already-guaranteed Halo 6. Saying that something is going to "kill" the franchise is such a trivial, cliché statement.

Let's say that both of your statements are true; ADS is a highlighted feature of Halo 5, and the rumored Halo 2 Anniversary multiplayer resembles Halo CEA and Reach's relationship. Is that desirable? No way in hell, especially to us "hardcore" Halo fans. But with those two additions, do you think that no one is going to buy the games, and it's poor sales and poor online population numbers are going to absolutely demolish the franchise, killing it to a point where Microsoft cancels Halo 6 and never picks up the franchise again? Let's be realistic.

Look at franchises like Resident Evil - sure, it's a completely different game, but it can be compared to Halo when it comes to radical changes in the series, both good and bad in the player's eyes. Resident Evil 4 is praised as one of the best games of all time, whereas RE5 is regarded as one of the worst. A lot of things changed between the two games, game mechanics, plot, etc., however Resident Evil games still get pumped out, and (shocker) some of the more recent ones aren't half-bad and are well-received. Granted, Resident Evil wasn't necessarily an appropriate or good example, however it's a testament that it takes A LOT to potentially "kill" a multi-million dollar franchise.

Halo's one of those franchises where people are going to buy it just because it says "Halo" on the cover, regardless of what's on the inside. I like to shit on Halo as much as the next guy, and I agree that the last recent installments had its fair share of lackluster qualities. However, even if Halo 5 had ADS confirmed, I'm still going to buy it as moronic as that sounds. Because it's Halo. And I have a feeling that's the mentality of a lot of people.

It's going to take a lot - and I mean A LOT - of shit to completely kill the Halo franchise. That phrase gets thrown around here abundantly, and it has since the time of Halo 3 and Reach's release. "Game's dead," "Franchise is dead," "Halo's done," all have been said repeatedly over the years. It's a really, really... erroneous statement, and one that no one who says it can back it up with any relevant information. But here we are, with at least another near half-decade of guaranteed Halo to come.

This might be an outsiders point of view, but here's how I've approached all of Halo's changes over the years: wait until the game comes out, and you play it yourself, before forming a concrete opinion. I wasn't thrilled with Reach's armor abilities, nor Halo 4's changes, however I give the benefit of the doubt and played the game before settling on whether or not the changes made the game better or worse. Who knows, maybe ADS in Halo 5 will make the game better? I'm not saying it will or won't, but I agree it won't be like traditional Halo. But we'll just have to wait and see.

I'm not saying you're right or wrong. Regardless, I'll hold my judgement before I proclaim such definitive statements as "A + B = series over, for sure."
Since Halo 4, anybody hopping online this weekend? I'll be able to play in 9 hours or so, and then tomorrow night probably.

You can even pretend to be in CoD while we play if you really want.


Since Halo 4, anybody hopping online this weekend? I'll be able to play in 9 hours or so, and then tomorrow night probably.

You can even pretend to be in CoD while we play if you really want.

Only if I get to yell "I'm aiming down the sights!" whenever I scope.

I'll probably be on Saturday evening, assuming I get enough work done.

And I'm done trying to beat my head against Portal's achievements.
Since Halo 4, anybody hopping online this weekend? I'll be able to play in 9 hours or so, and then tomorrow night probably.

You can even pretend to be in CoD while we play if you really want.
Been feeling that serious Halo itch, but I definitely don't want to set up my 360 again lol. Some Smashers I play with recently downloaded Halo PC, so I might be streaming that this weekend if you or anyone else are down to jump in :]

Maybe even some H2 Vista.
Only if I get to yell "I'm aiming down the sights!" whenever I scope.

Only if afterwards you scream "OH GOD! I CAN SEE FOREVER!"

Been feeling that serious Halo itch, but I definitely don't want to set up my 360 again lol. Some Smashers I play with recently downloaded Halo PC, so I might be streaming that this weekend if you or anyone else are down to jump in :]

Maybe even some H2 Vista.

Link to your stream? I apparently don't have it anywhere.
Fantastic missions? In Halo 4? I can hardly remember the fucking game. I even fully remember fucking ODST, while I struggle with Halo 4.

Halo 4:

Chief wakes up. Infinity level.
Walk around and explore rectum.
The Promethean level?
The Jungle level?
The Pelican level?
The level where that chick gets dissolved in a unnecessarily detailed way.
Space level.


Listen, there's this rule about life. I know about it, because people like, you know, EVILORE run their forums and discussion boards and debate clubs etc. by it. It goes like this:

If you don't have a reason for your opinion, it's probably dumb. In fact, I feel like I recall bish saying that once, for that matter.

Except no matter how 'dumb' my opinion may be, it should be welcomed with constructive discussion and rebuttal — not hostility and abuse.

Can we stop this now?
I like Sprint but the game flow are not designed with sprint in mind, playing other games makes you understant how sprint could be viable in Halo but it looks like they just put it and see what happens, adding perks to empowers it were bad too. Now the ADS possibility arise from nowhere and the game is no prepared for such change of gameplay.

Glad someone noticed my barely-awake-in-the-middle-of-the-night-so-I-hope-this-makes-sense post before everything became a bickering-fest.

Well I'm more interested in why you would want to in the first place.
Because you like the same stuff as I like?

Oh well, nevermind then
Isn't it obvious? She totally hates Mexicans. I'm sure this is what Prinz was alluding to as well... :)

If this is all you want to do, what you are looking for is Twitter, not NeoGAF. As was pointed out, it's right there in the description of the site (and in the ToS, for that matter).


Since Halo 4, anybody hopping online this weekend? I'll be able to play in 9 hours or so, and then tomorrow night probably.

Sorry, probably not tonight. Gotta go to sister's graduation in the morning tomorrow. Saturday evening'll probably be ok though I suppose. Family's in town too, so we'll see. Hopefully all the super-pros are still hanging around in Dominion Light, eh?
The Halo 3 population is depressing. I've been playing with a work buddy the past 2 nights and I've had a blast.

He just went to grab some food so I figured I'd play some DLC since I haven't played it in FOREVER.

Population: 6

"oh the population counter must be broke"
*30mins passes by*
"guess not :( "

willow ve

uh okay the past couple pages have been interesting.

anyways, im surprised OddOne didn't bring it up since he was posting in the other thread. looks like the dream is dead.

Well the engine probably can't handle HD and high frame rate. Remember the framerate issues they had with CEA?

I would assume they have to use an updated engine to handle high res textures, high count player models, etc., because the Halo 2 engine simply can't handle it.

But yeah, I still assume H2A is going to be accessed through H4 matchmaking

The Halo 3 population is depressing. I've been playing with a work buddy the past 2 nights and I've had a blast.

He just went to grab some food so I figured I'd play some DLC since I haven't played it in FOREVER.

Population: 6

"oh the population counter must be broke"
*30mins passes by*
"guess not :( "

At least 3 still has a DLC playlist. Can't find a game with The Pit or Vertigo in matchmaking in 4. I'm pretty sure they don't exist.
Except no matter how 'dumb' my opinion may be, it should be welcomed with constructive discussion and rebuttal — not hostility and abuse.

Can we stop this now?

They did that....

C'mon now folks, you're ruining my constant lurking in HaloGAF threads!


I for one would be fine with H2 maps all played with H4 Legendary settings.

Maybe they could remove sprint and give us all thruster packs too :O


You're talking about Destiny, Chettler.

I don't recall there being hunters in Destiny. Huge boss type creatures, yes, but not Hunters. And certainly not gravity hammars.

Magic yes, but not quite the kind I'm thinking of.

And the game isn't based around any of these things either.


Except no matter how 'dumb' my opinion may be, it should be welcomed with constructive discussion and rebuttal — not hostility and abuse.

But...it was. You're just offended we didn't like your ideas after just explaining in very detailed posts to other posters. Again, Prinz Eugn's post espoused the vices of ADS in a game like Halo very nicely.

Can we stop this now?

Certainly. Hopefully you've learned your lesson, if only because, as a moderator just said, it's the rules of the forum.

Plenty did. Not everyone.

Then you do a little trick that is guaranteed to make you happy. I call it "ignoring." Not even talking the "ignore button" Just normal ignore.

Just make sure you don't ignore the wrong people.

Just won a game were all my team quit and I was on my own. Feels good man.

Just had a game of SWAT in Reach like that. Except it was me and one other guy against 4. We had to carry the whole game. 49:49 when the timer ran out. We nearly won too.

Fantastic stuff. Reach has it's problems, but it can be so damn fun anyway.


Certainly. Hopefully you've learned your lesson, if only because, as a moderator just said, it's the rules of the forum.

Then you do a little trick that is guaranteed to make you happy. I call it "ignoring." Not even talking the "ignore button" Just normal ignore.

So you're calling me out for having a minority opinion but those others who see fit to lash out at me get a free pass? I think, perhaps, you should read the rules yourself.

Also, don't patronise me. It's not appreciated.
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