User 73706
nah, Souls without Miyazaki is like a console FPS without John Howard.
Or like a space sim without John Madden.
nah, Souls without Miyazaki is like a console FPS without John Howard.
Or like a space sim without John Madden.
If 343 would perhaps release a video showing a quick little 30-second vignette of the BXR, BXB and double-shot with no narration-, fades to black and you see a super-bounce... Holiday 2014. Halo 2 Remastered in Halo 4 -- A launching point of things to come.
How many of you would shit themselves. Don't be shy.
A glitch shown off in a trailer?
I can dig it.
I did a quick stencil version of the H5 logo.... I don't know if they can pull off the Halo 4 style logo again.
Think about it though... If it bodes well and people are into it they finally go forward with what H3 should have been all along. They 'naturally evolve' the glitches from H2 and incorporate them into their own systems for H5 based on the data from the H2R/H5 beta.
They make the melee fights robust (BXB), reward you for button combos of weapon combinations (double-shotting evolved/YY'ing/BXR) by getting more powerful attacks -- this could be much more intuitive evolution of H2's gameplay style into 'perks' and 'armor abilites'. Hell, everyone knows H1 required button combos to master as well (double-melee, switch reloading, etc).
You bring back the nading of weapons, static power-weapons and power-ups; and the only advantage you can gain on your opponents aside from map control and team shooting is literally mastering the combos. That feeling of being able to come back when you're down a shot would be even more earned now as it would be encouraged, and not simply a glitch.
I did a quick stencil version of the H5 logo.... I don't know if they can pull off the Halo 4 style logo again.
My main qualm with that would be simplicity. We need more simplicity, not less of it. Button combos ups complexity, and it's pretty needless. Pretty soon your golden triangle turns into a bunch of different shapes attached to each other all in a mess. Not saying design can't mitigate that, but there's only so much careful organization can do. I feel like it's needless.
I like this one.
More importantly, it's rather difficult to understand without long tutorials. One of the great things about Halo, and why it's always been accessible, since CE, is that it's so simple. Learn the controls, and you're good. You'll figure the rest out for yourself.
I did a quick stencil version of the H5 logo.... I don't know if they can pull off the Halo 4 style logo again.
Finally online, msg Prinz Eugn.
Wait until E3 for confirmation.H4 multiplayer? I can't believe they'd make the same mistake twice after ruining HCEA :S
H2A preorder cancelled.
Why?My main qualm with that would be simplicity. We need more simplicity, not less of it.
i like all of you guys and gals and think you make the internt a swell plac to visit
What about the people that want ADSi like all of you guys and gals and think you make the internt a swell plac to visit
i like all of you guys and gals and think you make the internt a swell plac to visit
Gears of War had iron sights just for the Hammerburst, and it was actually pretty cool and useful. The pace/movement/etc. is different, sure, but in a 3rd person cover shooter where you can roll around and roadie run it never seemed like something that would make sense in Gears. Some of my CoD friends were in love with that game when the Hammerburst was changed, so maybe the perception of "ADS shooting in Halo" will be a better way to attract more people over something as drastic as changing the core formula (ie: ADS for all weapons or even something like random Global Ordnance in H4). After all, we experienced crazier additions, like these bad boys:
Interested to hear your thoughts iMax, if you're still around. Would a few weapons with ADS be something you'd be interested in, granted they were decent?
Side Thought: I mentioned the Plasma Rifle earlier and it made me think of the stun. A unique/diversified sandbox >
+1 Plasma stun
Ok so what happened? Somehow it reads like it was more or less confirmed H2A will just be a Halo 4 map pack?
If it is I really stop supporting 343 in any form this kind of stupidity is just insane.
Why would you do the sane fucking mistake like with Anniversary.
If this is true... Frank you better be praying that we don'tdon't meet each other at PAX :/
Dream isis dead, hype is dead - same with halo.
Not in a sense of violence or a threat, just because I would probably really want to discuss it.Really?
Who are you again?Someone didn't take his medicine.
Not in a sense of violence or a threat, just because I would probably really want to discuss it.
Who are you again?
Edit: oh r/halo is also here :/
Not someone from /r/Halo... where the slrp is strong.
Edit: i dont know you, but /r/Halo is terrible.
Yeah, who are you?
So I just played with Scooby, Kaos, and Awesome Barlow, and Halo 4 was a reasonable amount of fun... except for the crazy game where I got an Untouchable by busting a guy off my Wraith by shooting the ground in front of me mere seconds before the game ended. Probably cost Halo 4 another player due to a rage-coma, but oh well.
I don't really follow, H1 to even H3 had button glitches that dramatically altered combat. How you shoot and perform your melee/gun/grenade kill doesn't change the fact that the kill was made with (solely) those means and not an outside factor.
I'm not suggesting anything like ordnance or 'presents' for pulling things off. Think active-reloading in GoW, slide-jumping, etc. Not suggesting any sort of non interrupt-able animations that are a single button press away, and so on. No actual speed-boosting/overshield-like qualities of the rewards -- think more an extension of whatever action you just initiated (for instance: double-shotting a target 2-3 times and getting hit-markers within a 30 second period would let you 'bank' a quad-shot to be pulled off via the same button combo press.)
It's the opposite of needless honestly, it adds depth to an already stagnate multiplayer shooter. This doesn't change any of the core tennets of what Halo has always been -- it hyper-contextualizes them in a way that isn't scoffed as a 'glitch' or un-intended. (Based on my example in the previous paragraph you could concoct so many awesome things to make use of with grenades/bouncing/strafing/etc. All mechanics already in Halo and none of the additions would be permanent -- you would need the skill to pull them off.)
Fighting game tutorials (KI for example) have come a long way. There's a tutorial in Titanfall. I'd like to think the Halo audience isn't a bunch of babbies and can't learn. We sure as hell all had to learn (the unofficial and un-endorsed) glitches in the previous Halo's to hold our own. There's no reason we couldn't again, especially if it was sanctioned by 343 this time 'round.
How can teaching players advanced tech from within your game be a bad thing?It's not about that. It's about simplicity. That's what makes Halo great. Tutorials are a bad thing.
The point of user interface is to make it as invisible as possible. Tutorials fly right in the face of that.
How can teaching players advanced tech from within your game be a bad thing?
The last few pages of discussion have been quite a saga.
I have to say though, if there is one thing I hate in an argument, it is someone pulling the old 'well it's all subjective, isn't it?' comment out, in some strange attempt to both prove their point and totally nullify it at the same time. If all opinions are equally valid then all opinions are also equally invalid, thus, it's a stupid argument to make and shouldn't be brought into rational discussion - because it denotes that discussion is fruitless in the first place.
Also, what's all this I hear about H2A just being a set of Halo 4 maps or something? I will be fucking devastated if that's the case.
What in the actual fuck is going on anymore
Unconfirmed Halo 4:2 and HaloGAF is at each others throats.
I can't
Doesn't have to.Because that's what makes Halo shine. As I was talking about, simplicity eliminates the amount of interface between you and what you do in the game. We dislike ADS because it restricts what a player can do (he can only shoot properly when aiming, thus preventing him from meleeing and grenading when he wishes).
This is just crazy. So because Halo CE and Halo 2 had button combos, they're not as intelligent, creative and open as Halo 3, Reach and Halo 4? Found an old post:Quickly it turns into "JUST SHOOT" or "PRESS ALL THE WEIRD MELEE COMBO BUTTONS" which is not the intelligent, creative, open, freeing play that Halo is known for.
Many games have button combos that eventually become second nature. Melee without wavedashing and L cancel would not be as competitive as it was. In fact, button combos and animation cancels (something I'd like to see return to Halo as well) made the game play much better and allowed for subpar characters to become more viable competitively.. . . the button glitches that made everything more useful. You could run out of Pistol ammo in a battle, press XXY (backpack reload) as your AR comes out. You continue fighting as you hear the Pistol reloading, sure it doesn't make SENSE, but this brought a new dimension to Halo's meta game . . . You run out of AR bullets and switch back to a fully loaded Pistol.
Two harmless button combos that seriously helped with making the gameplay even more fluid than it already was.
- Backpack reloading -> Sped up the pace of the game and kept players shooting/in the action.
- Double melee -> Risk/Reward. No lunge. You needed a 'nade so if you just spammed the double melee blindly, chances are you'd either kill yourself or waste all of your grenades.
* Why can't they bring they bring back something as harmless as backpack reloading or little "glitches" (ie: reload frames melee cancel)? They could easily make an Advanced Tutorials section detailing Halo's meta game for all types of players.
I'm guessing you must not play any games with button combos or other "glitches" that alters gameplay in any way.As I said above, an important thing in UI design (in this case the controls of the game) is to make it as invisible as possible (except in cases where the game is all about button combos and things, which Halo is not). You want people to interact with what they are doing, not the controller itself. The controller becomes an extension of them. Doing this, you free the player to do as minimal interaction with the "middleman" or the controller, and instead allow them to simply do what they want.
Fewer QTEs, button combos, and other things that take players out of the game.
They sure as shit can't mean the shooting skill gap cause the magnetism is as high as Halo 4's and sweep sniping is prevalent.
From most to least: H2 -> Reach -> H4 -> H3 -> CE (not 100% sure between Reach/H4, but I can't forget that passenger seat aim assist in Reach lol)
Halo 2 by far had the most aim assist; that shit's on another level.
From most to least: H2 -> Reach -> H4 -> H3 -> CE (not 100% sure between Reach/H4, but I can't forget that passenger seat aim assist in Reach lol)
Wouldn't you have to Dr Frankenstein something together at this point?At least then we can all come to terms with Halo being officially dead.
More than H2?? No way. And for Vanilla Reach, I think there's far more aim assist than Halo 3. Hitscan plus aim assist on Reach Sniper = GG, whereas H3's Sniper felt more skill-demanding.You'll have to specify Reach TU vs Reach Vanilla
For me it'd be like
TU Reach > Halo 2 > Halo 4 > Vanilla Reach ~= Halo 3 > CE
I remember sitting down at Halofest for my first game of TU Slayer and going "what the fuck" at the autoaim/bullet magnetism
edit: for those that don't remember, the TU Needle Rifle can be fired at someone's crotch and you'll be awarded a headshot
dat Revenant passenger Sniper thoHAHAHA DAT AIM ASSIST Beam Rifle and warthog, truly amazing.
Doesn't have to.
This is just crazy. So because Halo CE and Halo 2 had button combos, they're not as intelligent, creative and open as Halo 3, Reach and Halo 4? Found an old post:
Many games have button combos that eventually become second nature. Melee without wavedashing and L cancel would not be as competitive as it was. In fact, button combos and animation cancels (something I'd like to see return to Halo as well) made the game play much better and allowed for subpar characters to become more viable competitively.
I'm guessing you must not play any games with button combos or other "glitches" that alters gameplay in any way.