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Halo 4 |OT2| TURBO


I got an idea. How about a black skin for the BR!

Gray with yellow stripe looks good though.
The UNSC could use less black weapons and more gray (with accenting color like yellow), gray+black or tan/gold (like the Splaser).
I don't want "skins" like Halo 4 has though, just more interesting but realistic base coloring. EDIT admittedly that yellow stripe in Halo 4 BR doesn't make sense but it looks good. I'll make some allowances when it comes to looks
I'm out all day at graduation ceremonies and parties, only to check in real quick and see another serious Wahrer post?

brb gonna rethink my view of the world...


I've made serous posts before, I've just been trolling on gaf / Twitter for like the past year and a half.

pls no. I guess I had repressed these from memory, jesus.


They're really ugly those weapon skins. Dieselpunk would work better I think.

They could be done better, sure. I just love the asthetic, and would love it to be done properly.

Just have somebody do a really cool steam punk version of all the different kinds of characters in the Halo universe (no seriously, like a brute with a monocle) in Steampunk. Like the guy who did the Avengers Steampunk thing.

Not saying dieselpunk wouldn't look good either.


You mean like there were cosmetic AR/BR/Magnum/etc. variants of weapons people can choose to use/have it appear as such on their hands?

I would like this. My brother adores Crysis 2 multiplayer (lol), so he modded it so that all the guns would look a certain way when he picked them up. Nobody else could see them except him, but hey, that's sort of the point.

That way you don't have to have loadouts to have weapon skins, and weapons like the hammar or rocket launcher that, in 4, didn't get weapon skins since you didn't have them in loadouts, could get weapon skins.

Have them work like Gears of War 3.

I'm seriously how cool would a steampunk rocket launcher be?


Classic skins/remodels would be dope.

And this could be one of them. Oh, and that reminds me. It doesn't just have to be skins. It could be models too, like you said. The other players can just see the normal model, but you yourself see the awesome classic one.

It'd be cool if you could pose with these different guns and gun skins too, like I showed in my Halo UI mock up.

I mean, I honestly wouldn't mind a tie-dye needler, or tron-themed sniper.


Also, who was rumored to be working on H2A and those ports anyway, Saber and CA?

That's what ntkrnl said yes.

I like the DMR look, but the rest are meh.

I liked the top one ok, but yeah, they could be better done.

I'm just a sucker for the aesthetic. Have to admit, I partially want to get the GOTY Halo 4 because it comes with that.

Dieselpunk? Or the skins?

The only one I think that works is the BR one:

Not sure where you got that. This one looks much better:

It's posts like these that really show how wonderful and open the HaloGAF community is.

I came to HaloGAF from /r/Halo so many moons ago. so I know just how Vitriolic both sides can be. and /r/Halo is shite.

On topic: im not too upset by skins for weapons. it wasnt a terrible idea.
Those were the best skins ever.

I bought the Champion Bundle only for those skins (and because of Pitfall).

I hope we will see some beautiful skins for our weapon and armor in Halo 5.

if they keep weapon customs, they need to let us use the shit we paid for in Halo 4 in Halo 5.


Picked up Halo 4
and Halo 3 ODST
. Should be here in a couple of weeks. Can't wait to return to Halo
3 Multiplayer
without the DLC paywalls.

Amazed that Glyde sells Halo 4 for about $~8


According to your halocharts stats, you got better as Halo got worse, so get gud BK.

The games became easier with each iteration, right? Isn't that a popular argument? So, I suppose, in theory, my MLG Halocharts SuperStats make logical sense.


I've been to anger management since then, I swear.

Speaking of links, I actually tried to dig that video up from your Twitch last week to show a friend. Also, did Man Cannon Radio ever come out?
Gonna play Halo 4 in a few and go all night-ish. You can role-play your own steampunk character while you do!*

*muting guaranteed if you do this
The games became easier with each iteration, right? Isn't that a popular argument? So, I suppose, in theory, my MLG Halocharts SuperStats make logical sense.

I've been to anger management since then, I swear.

Speaking of links, I actually tried to dig that video up from your Twitch last week to show a friend. Also, did Man Cannon Radio ever come out?

Is it not find-able anymore?

And Man Cannon Radio? Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?
They all were shame we didn't get them really.

Ragnarok the only other things I've got is McFarlane weapon skins concept art.

The fact that they tied in-game stuff to toys blows my mind.

I wasn't able to find it last week, but I just searched again and it's there. Watching it makes me so hard. #nostalgia

I heard he's around here somewhere, going by a different name.

Everyone is his Alt.


Iron Gaming doing what others cant. trying to make Competitive Halo Viable again.

Competitive Halo can only be viable if there is a competitive Halo title to play. No league or "eSports" organization can create a competitive league/tournament out of a terrible competitive title.

MLG, PGL, AGL, Iron Gaming, whatever, it doesn't matter, try something for 3-6 months, then it will fail because the game they are running is terrible.


I still miss seeing Sudd at my local Best Buy every Saturday. I wish I had gotten to meet his dad, seems like a swell guy. Definitely nicer than mine, to say the least
Competitive Halo can only be viable if there is a competitive Halo title to play. No league or "eSports" organization can create a competitive league/tournament out of a terrible competitive title.

MLG, PGL, AGL, Iron Gaming, whatever, it doesn't matter, try something for 3-6 months, then it will fail because the game they are running is terrible.

they are actually doing Lans and trying to gleam something from Halo 4 by attempting to make decent settings. akin to Halo council and GoldPro/Unity comp settings.

even if it does fail. at least they are doing something.
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