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Halo 4 |OT2| TURBO


they are actually doing Lans and trying to gleam something from Halo 4 by attempting to make decent settings. akin to Halo council and GoldPro/Unity comp settings.

Ghostayame did his best to make decent settings for Halo 4, how long did that last.

Seriously, stop buying, playing and supporting bad Halo, and maybe, just maybe they'll stop making it?
Ghostayame did his best to make decent settings for Halo 4, how long did that last.

Seriously, stop buying, playing and supporting bad Halo, and maybe, just maybe they'll stop making it?

Ghost did his best to undermine all the work that TheHalocouncil did with GoldPro settings and when he was hired onto 343 everyone sucked up to him and the ones that were working on goldpro settings were ridiculed and ignored because "HurDur ghostayame iz teh best"

fuck him


Can I hire you to geographize the steep hole that is my life?



Ghost did his best to undermine all the work that TheHalocouncil did with GoldPro settings and when he was hired onto 343 everyone sucked up to him and the ones that were working on goldpro settings were ridiculed and ignored because "HurDur ghostayame iz teh best"

fuck him

Oh my bad, I didnt realize there were other revolutionary figures in the Halo community that attempted to make Halo 4 a decent Halo game.
Oh my bad, I didnt realize there were other revolutionary figures in the Halo community that attempted to make Halo 4 a decent Halo game.

The halocouncil had a working set of good settings and maps. but Ayame totally ignored it because we didnt bow down to him and his sense of self importance


Dude... No. For a start, nobody is asking for a Halo 3 remake on One when you can still play it on 360.

Halo 3's entire sandbox is built around projectile based weapons. Shot leading. In Halo 4, bullets don't exist in the same way as they do in 3. They're hit scan based. Completely different.

Well, it's probably gonna happen if those rumours hold up.


Now, here's where you come in: there's nothing inherently wrong with coming here and saying you like aim down sights, even if it does clash with classic Halo. Even though there's a broad spectrum here on what Halo should be, plenty of well-known members still have different opinions. Deadly Cyclone wants Sprint to stay in. Unknown wants Halo PC Anniversary. Juices wants a salary. Booshka wants exclusive Shadowrun skin packs. And those are all okay. You don't see any of them packing their bags and going on hiatus because not everyone agrees with them. The problem is that you didn't stick to your guns, and kept bringing it up. It's not rocket science. You start out by laying down an unpopular opinion with a sub-optimal defense for it, backpedal by saying it was just your opinion and that it's how you feel (which is never a good excuse to back out of an argument: if you don't want your feelings hurt, pull a 1984 and just do everything everyone tells you to), and then finally bring it up again because you want to drop it. Think about the inherent counterintuitivity that comes with that kind of logic. If you want people to drop it, bring up new things. Chances are people are going to be ragging on you every now and then for wanting ADS.

You also need to stop acting like you're the only one that's getting shit on for having an unpopular opinion. In case you haven't noticed, in every facet of the community - the halogaf podcast, HGS, Halo OTs, everyone shits on everyone. It's the internet, dude. It's going to happen. We didn't tell you your particular opinion was shit because we don't like you, we told you your particular opinion was shit because ADS in Halo is shiiiiiiit. I mean hell, I'm churning out fondue fountains of creamy velveteen shit whenever I megapost about Promethean biblical allegation enemy ranks, or - or theoretical Campaign continuity scenarios, or whatever. The difference is that if people don't comment or leave negative comments, I take the insight I can get and run with it. You've spent a couple days trying to justify and simultaneously un-justify yourself, but really all you need to do is move on.

Yeah, the thing is, it's harder to "stick to my guns" when I have a minority opinion. To be clear, once again, I never definitely said 'I want ADS'. I just said I quite like it in other games and wouldn't mind if it was added—I'm indifferent.

I think if people here understood that some (even if it may be a tiny player base) actually really, really, really love Halo 4 and enjoy it on a daily basis. I love the shit out of that game more than I have with any other Halo. The game is not objectively shit and the addition of ADS isn't an objectively shit decision. Different people like different things and people need to understand that. I respect everyone else's view and I completely understand it.

As far as my argument went, I never asked for an argument. I said as much multiple times. I couldn't argue the toss because I don't have a list of points to reel off. My sole 'argument' for liking ADS is that I like ADS. That's it. I don't know why, I don't know what—I just like it in my shooters. It's an intangible thing, you know? I wasn't 'backing out of arguments' because my feelings were hurt. I was backing out because I didn't have an argument. As I said to someone else, I might as well be asking somebody why they like Coca-Cola. Other than 'they like it', what would they say? And furthermore, why should they have to justify it to hordes of people who don't? Can't they just accept and acknowledge that some people don't necessarily like the same things that they do?

Of course I want to drop it – but you're right. I feel like I'm pulling a 1984. I feel like I'm bowing to the Thought Police here. I can't hold an unpopular opinion in public so I'm best shutting up. I don't want to derail the thread. I haven't got an agenda. I just want to discuss things that I can add to. I have nothing to say on ADS because I have no arguments for it. I just like it. ADS is really such an insignificant discussion point in the grand scheme of things here, considering it's really not gonna happen (I've lost track now but we're making this assumption from a VisID, aren't we?).

Now, of course I understand the nature of this community. We've all been playing Halo for over ten years but whilst most of you don't necessarily want to see the series' formula change, some of us do. I think it's important to recognise that. We're not a hive mind.

As for getting shat on, I don't have a problem with that. What I have a problem with is the disrespect and callous nature of some of the comments put towards me. And yes, I understand this is 'the internet' but this isn't Reddit, you know? We're better than that. It doesn't add anything to the discussion; it just pisses everybody off.


Look, if you are on a discussion forum, post things you want to discuss, not things you won't or can't.

I was responding to somebody else who was asking what ADS was...

You know on most shooters when you pull left trigger to bring the weapon's scope up to your eye? That's ADS.

And, I have to say HaloGAF... I quite like it.

And yes, I'm on a discussion forum. I'm happy to discuss so long as it's in a civil way. As we've seen already, it's just a waste of everybody's time when it sinks down into a pointless argument that nobody's interested in at all.
Just drop it. And move on. Simple.

Have constructive stuff gathered to discuss and show how that mechanic can work? I'm all for listening to what you can come up with.

Also, Welcome to Halogaf, Imax.

What's your pros and cons towards Halo 4?


Just drop it. And move on. Simple.

Have constructive stuff gathered to discuss and show how that mechanic can work? I'm all for listening to what you can come up with.

Also, Welcome to Halogaf, Imax.

What's your pros and cons towards Halo 4?


I have nothing to say on ADS other than what I've said already. And there's no point in wasting pages repeating the same things over and over again. So please, yes. Let's drop it and move on!

My pros and cons towards Halo 4?

I've been playing Halo since 2004 and I've loved it all. I've enjoyed each and every evolutionary step moving forward. But I've enjoyed 343i's the most, I think.

I'm a big fan of Call of Duty too, so I was glad to see 343i taking some cues from COD's classes, perks, etc... Also the disconnection of kills from point scoring allowing people to help their team out in other ways to win. The game felt like a re-imagining, of sorts, for the series, which was appropriate considering who made it. It's 343i's baby now, so I was expecting a reinvention to a point.

In retrospect, I was probably more lenient towards Halo 4 because of the five year drought between games. I was desperate for a new entry, so I loved the shit out of it—think I've played through the campaign four times now! But the multiplayer, out of all the Halos I've played, seems to be the most 'returnable'. I've often found that with most Halos, it's difficult to drop back in after a period of inactivity. I didn't find that with Halo 4, which is ironic, I guess, considering the player numbers today. I found it a lot more approachable and a lot more varied.

In terms of cons, I didn't enjoy the maps. The only two that stuck out for me were Ragnarok (which isn't exactly a new map) and Haven. Other than that, they're mostly forgettable. And whilst I enjoyed some of the things they pulled from COD, I think they pulled off more than they could chew. The whole ranking system is a mess and the SR system pissed me off no end. Oh and also, not really a gameplay thing, but I wasn't a fan of the sound design either, particularly in the campaign. Didn't seem polished.


Neo Member
It would be nice, if someone from 343 could come out and confirm or deny, ADS for Halo 5. Too many argument's over something that may or may not exist....


It would be nice, if someone from 343 could come out and confirm or deny, ADS for Halo 5. Too many argument's over something that may or may not exist....

Maybe it will be an awesome trailer clip, where Master Chief throws a perfect grenade, then slo mo to him aiming down his sights to land the perfect headshot on an Elite. A play that could only happen with the revolutionary gameplay feature of ADS.

Fade to black.....Halo 5 November 2015.



I know what you mean about it not belonging in Halo. But couldn't the same thing have been said for tons of other features that were brought in over the years? Jetpacks is one that comes to mind; I'm sure there's lots of others I can't think of right now.

Yeah, the triangle's a good point. Didn't consider that. I do understand how it would damage the gameplay loop. I was just saying I wouldn't be upset if they added it as they've have to make it work. But no, you're right, it wouldn't feel like Halo. This is probably a bad thing but I don't want to feel like an entitled gamer. Part of me feels that 343i should be free to evolve the series how they wish, if they have a different vision to Bungie. I want to see them thrive, you know? I don't want them to become a copycat zombie developer; some sort of Frankenbungie. They need to find their own footing.

Employing something like ADS, like you say, might be a step too far in this regard. Without experiencing it first hand, you'd probably be right in saying that it would ruin Halo's identity. That doesn't mean I wouldn't like to see them try. They could use it cosmetically, as you mention, to appeal to a wider community (but then again, as you say, what's the point?). I wonder if they'd be able to tie-in to the HUD's role though, maybe employing it just for certain weapons (maybe Promethean weapons in order to further differentiate them).

If I were designing it, I think I'd keep ADS away from sidearms, assault rifles and shotguns — but I think there is scope for it to work with LMGs and a new grade of weapon somewhere between a BR and the DMR. But then you run into fragmentation issues, contextual issues — as interesting as it would be from a variety standpoint, it's probably just not worth it.


While it is a long shot, we didnt think Halo 4 was going to have perks either.

We're making this assumption from the visual ID, right? I'm sure the sight is just a cosmetic addition. Anyone play Rainbow Six: Vegas? You could add red-dot sights to your weapons there but there was no ADS. It was just cosmetic, and added a big red laser to the front of your rifle and bumped up your weapon accuracy, IIRC.
We're making this assumption from the visual ID, right? I'm sure the sight is just a cosmetic addition. Anyone play Rainbow Six: Vegas? You could add red-dot sights to your weapons there but there was no ADS. It was just cosmetic, and added a big red laser to the front of your rifle and bumped up your weapon accuracy, IIRC.

yes, but the VisID sets the tone and direction for the game. and a logical conclusion is that 343 could be adding ADS to halo.

but if it were just a cosmetic change to the weapon( and when you click down the stick it was normal zoom) then thats okay. imo.


yes, but the VisID sets the tone and direction for the game. and a logical conclusion is that 343 could be adding ADS to halo.

but if it were just a cosmetic change to the weapon( and when you click down the stick it was normal zoom) then thats okay. imo.

Oh yeah, totally. But this was Vegas' VisID (QFS):

There were no ADS in that game, IIRC. Only on scoped weapons (snipers, ACOG, etc...) Purely cosmetic. I'm sure the same will be true here.

I have nothing to say on ADS other than what I've said already. And there's no point in wasting pages repeating the same things over and over again. So please, yes. Let's drop it and move on!

My pros and cons towards Halo 4?

I've been playing Halo since 2004 and I've loved it all. I've enjoyed each and every evolutionary step moving forward. But I've enjoyed 343i's the most, I think.

I'm a big fan of Call of Duty too, so I was glad to see 343i taking some cues from COD's classes, perks, etc... Also the disconnection of kills from point scoring allowing people to help their team out in other ways to win. The game felt like a re-imagining, of sorts, for the series, which was appropriate considering who made it. It's 343i's baby now, so I was expecting a reinvention to a point.

In retrospect, I was probably more lenient towards Halo 4 because of the five year drought between games. I was desperate for a new entry, so I loved the shit out of it—think I've played through the campaign four times now! But the multiplayer, out of all the Halos I've played, seems to be the most 'returnable'. I've often found that with most Halos, it's difficult to drop back in after a period of inactivity. I didn't find that with Halo 4, which is ironic, I guess, considering the player numbers today. I found it a lot more approachable and a lot more varied.

In terms of cons, I didn't enjoy the maps. The only two that stuck out for me were Ragnarok (which isn't exactly a new map) and Haven. Other than that, they're mostly forgettable. And whilst I enjoyed some of the things they pulled from COD, I think they pulled off more than they could chew. The whole ranking system is a mess and the SR system pissed me off no end. Oh and also, not really a gameplay thing, but I wasn't a fan of the sound design either, particularly in the campaign. Didn't seem polished.
Good read. I agree =)

The MP does feel approachable and has a new feeling to it. Although, as nice of 343 adding new things to it, I do wish they add toggles to the next Halo, I like Sprint to some degree but I would very much want the ability to create my custom game to be like the Classics. Weapons on Map, No sprint, Equal starts. I felt right at home when Bungie did this with Reach's Classic playlist, not anniversary, and was an amazing and very rewarding feeling destroying people on Lockout, Midship, BeeverCreek, and etc. Forge remakes.

Your cons are on the dot. The sound was pretty bad in the Campaign and didn't grasp my attention the way Marty achieved it so well with the Original trilogy, ODST, and Reach. As much as I do welcome new ideas, I hope 343 can accomplish in bringing back more of what really made the past Halos so successful in terms of MP and getting that Halo feel to it again. The Campaign felt empty, I've played it so many times and yet it doesn't play or appeal like Halo to me. The Knights are challenging, but lack dialogue and variety.

With each new level in Halo 2 & 3, if you take the time and venture a bit in the Campaign, there's beautiful sights and sounds to witness. I don't really get almost any of that feeling at all in 4. I think the animations team did an amazing job. Haven is a pretty map and feels & plays well, but like you and many have said before they're not memorable. SP ranks aren't enjoyable like how Reach accomplished with its Ranks and unlockable content wasn't a chore to do although H4 had variety with all the armor but then most of them aren't appealing and looks really weird to be in a Halo game. *Sadfacespartanhelm.jpg*


Good read. I agree =)

The MP does feel approachable and has a new feeling to it. Although, as nice of 343 adding new things to it, I do wish they add toggles to the next Halo, I like Sprint to some degree but I would very much want the ability to create my custom game to be like the Classics. Weapons on Map, No sprint, Equal starts. I felt right at home when Bungie did this with Reach's Classic playlist, not anniversary, and was an amazing and very rewarding feeling destroying people on Lockout, Midship, BeeverCreek, and etc. Forge remakes.

Your cons are on the dot. The sound was pretty bad in the Campaign and didn't grasp my attention the way Marty achieved it so well with the Original trilogy, ODST, and Reach. As much as I do welcome new ideas, I hope 343 can accomplish in bringing back more of what really made the past Halos so successful in terms of MP and getting that Halo feel to it again. The Campaign felt empty, I've played it so many times and yet it doesn't play or appeal like Halo to me. The Knights are challenging, but lack dialogue and variety.

With each new level in Halo 2 & 3, if you take the time and venture a bit in the Campaign, there's beautiful sights and sounds to witness. I don't really get almost any of that feeling at all in 4. I think the animations team did an amazing job. Haven is a pretty map and feels & plays well, but like you and many have said before they're not memorable. SP ranks aren't enjoyable like how Reach accomplished with its Ranks and unlockable content wasn't a chore to do although H4 had variety with all the armor but then most of them aren't appealing and looks really weird to be in a Halo game. *Sadfacespartanhelm.jpg*

Yeah, the audio in the multiplayer was pretty decent but the campaign audio was goddamn awful. It felt really, really rushed. Muffled speech, lacklustre SFX and hardly any of Neil's awesome music. I get a feeling that 343's second outing will be stronger. They've had a bit more time to settle in and get feedback. A lot of people forget this is a brand new studio's first ever game. They did a good job. But the next one will be better.

I hate the Knights. Seriously, they suck. They're freaking bullet sponges. I like the backstory behind them though. They should explore that more. But please, change the AI. Ugh.

And yeah, there are some beautiful sights in past games, particularly Halo 3. There were some awesome vistas in 4, though. One memorable one was when Didact's ship flew above your head into the distance. The vistas you saw on that walk down the level were incredible. But they're the only ones I remember.


Yeah, its just sitting on my harddrive. i understand them wanting Gold for the CGI movies or w/e but im not trying to watch those. I just wanna play something akin to FF without having to put in another game.

Xbox Live Gold is only for online multiplayer. There is no way they should be paywalling solo play and certainly not the movies. That's insane. Has anyone picked them up on that? Also, it's nowhere near as fun as FF, so you're not missing out on much.
Xbox Live Gold is only for online multiplayer. There is no way they should be paywalling solo play and certainly not the movies. That's insane. Has anyone picked them up on that? Also, it's nowhere near as fun as FF, so you're not missing out on much.

Yeah, i think the CGI streaming vids for SpOps was the excuse they gave for Silver members to not be able to access any of the content. which is BS

and this is interesting
Champions Bundle DLC items, including the new armor sets, weapon skins, and the Resistor tactical package, do not appear in Spartan Ops. Instead, weapons revert to their default appearance and armor pieces are replaced by Recruit armor. Equipping Resistor causes the tactical package to automatically revert back to "None".
Apologies in advance. Every once in a while I feel an overwhelming desire to post my unasked for thoughts. There's nothing new that hasn't been discussed or mentioned before and I'm not trying to persuade anyone to agree. I'm just thinking out loud about the things in Halo 4 I liked and disliked, and re-listing them is quite enjoyable.

So, please try to tolerate this most recent upheaval of my deepest feelings regarding Halo 4 and the future...

  • graphics
  • a few of the multiplayer maps - Haven/Solace/Exile
  • visor colors - need moar colors
  • campaign - minority opinion, but my 2nd fav after CE

  • Infinity everything
  • perks
  • random ordnance
  • armor abilities
  • ranked based unlocks
  • instant respawns
  • weapon bloat - eg no need for both BR and DMR
  • pistol - still a weak shadow of the weapon that made CE famous
  • custom loadouts

Other random thoughts: I could handle a halo game that omitted the inclusion of a single player campaign, but I'm sure there would be riots if that actually happened. I'd like to see Halo 4's weapons and game types condensed. Definitely need a single system that all gametypes are designed around. No more infinity slayer and regular slayer and bunch of other versions. Just give me classic halo that is the same in all the other playlists (BTB, Multi-team, etc.). Also, I really feel that matchmaking maps will never play as good as the maps in the first 3 halo games as long as armor abilities continue to be included. Jetpacks are just a massive map breaker that will never fit into matchmaking in an unoffensive manner. Invis should be a pickup and not a contributor to mass camping. Sprint serves no purpose if base movement and maps are designed to compliment each other. AA's just detract from what really makes halo excel.


Apologies in advance. Every once in a while I feel an overwhelming desire to post my unasked for thoughts. There's nothing new that hasn't been discussed or mentioned before and I'm not trying to persuade anyone to agree. I'm just thinking out loud about the things in Halo 4 I liked and disliked, and re-listing them is quite enjoyable.

So, please try to tolerate this most recent upheaval of my deepest feelings regarding Halo 4 and the future...

  • graphics
  • a few of the multiplayer maps - Haven/Solace/Exile
  • visor colors - need moar colors
  • campaign - minority opinion, but my 2nd fav after CE

  • Infinity everything
  • perks
  • random ordnance
  • armor abilities
  • ranked based unlocks
  • instant respawns
  • weapon bloat - eg no need for both BR and DMR
  • pistol - still a weak shadow of the weapon that made CE famous
  • custom loadouts

Other random thoughts: I could handle a halo game that omitted the inclusion of a single player campaign, but I'm sure there would be riots if that actually happened. I'd like to see Halo 4's weapons and game types condensed. Definitely need a single system that all gametypes are designed around. No more infinity slayer and regular slayer and bunch of other versions. Just give me classic halo that is the same in all the other playlists (BTB, Multi-team, etc.). Also, I really feel that matchmaking maps will never play as good as the maps in the first 3 halo games as long as armor abilities continue to be included. Jetpacks are just a massive map breaker that will never fit into matchmaking in an unoffensive manner. Invis should be a pickup and not a contributor to mass camping. Sprint serves no purpose if base movement and maps are designed to compliment each other. AA's just detract from what really makes halo excel.

Yup. Love Halo 4's campaign. My favourite after ODST. But, for multiplayer, I think they went too far with the CODification. Some of it was good – instant respawns are fine by me, as are custom load outs (but plasmas?! come on 343...), etc... but the ranking system was an utter mess and was way too convoluted.

And yeah, I'd be up for them spinning of Halo: Infinity into its own series. No reason not to adopt the FIFA/Madden model of a refreshed and evolved multiplayer experience every year and bundle it with a new campaign every three years. Whether or not they'd be able to make that sustainably, is another discussion. And yeah, armour abilities are kinda lame. Just seem like superfluous additions that just add another degree of unnecessary complexity and fragmentation. A better Halo needs to be stripped back with a simple multiplayer design. Part of the reason I hated Black Ops II was the overly-complex multiplayer design. It's not needed and it's not fun.
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