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Halo 4 |OT2| TURBO

haha, thanks for the quotes guys, drunk as fuck, but I really want to see Halo as the top Console MP title again. Despite all trolling and shit talk, I want to see Halo on MLG mainstage again, huge payouts, playerbase, and viewer numbers. 343 has to make the game to support that.

I agree with the sentiment, I couldn't care less if it was run by 343i or MLG etc. Just the quality of those events, perhaps both much like some of the other eSports out there. You know an official global thing once or twice per year and other events all year round.
The Mantis is replaced by the Promethean Combat Capsule. Like the Prophet's Gravity Throne, the Combat Capsule appears as a floating platform upon which the operator sits. Unlike the Gravity Throne, the Combat Capsule's operator is protected by a hemi-ellipsoidal bubble of hardlight surrounding the top side of the floating platform. The egg shaped hardlight bubble can be temporarily disabled, through damage or an EMP attack, leaving the operator exposed and vulnerable to direct fire. The Combat Capsule can only be boarded once the protective hardlight bubble is disabled but it can be boarded from any direction.

Similar to Covenant hover tech, the Combat Capsule can quickly accelerate in any horizontal direction but its top speed is fairly slow. Unlike Covenant hover tech, the Combat Capsule hovers much higher, at approximately 1.5 Spartan heights off the ground, allowing players and vehicles to pass underneath unhindered. Jump gives the capsule a momentary increase in altitude before coming back down to rest at the standard hover height. Crouch toggles between hovering at the standard hover height or at a low, close to the ground, hover height. Melee attack is disabled while crouching.

Tapping melee causes a miniature Incineration Cannon style projectile to be fired straight down from the underside of the floating platform. The splash damage radius is smaller than Halo 4′s Incineration Cannon but it still disintegrates infantry and destroys vehicles on contact.

The vehicle operator is capable of simultaneously firing both an automatic, non-headshot-capable Sentinel Beam, by holding the left trigger, and a semi-automatic, headshot-capable Particle Beam by tapping the right trigger. The "overheat threshold", the point at which the weapons overheat, is higher than on standard infantry weapons but both of the Combat Capsule's weapons, the Sentinel Beam and the Particle Beam, share one battery.


Neo Member
5 isn't going to be a repeat of 4 hopefully.

I'm not gonna lie, it has all of the same feels. Pre-Halo 4, we got a ton of "Halo is back" hype. I feel that all of these hints from 343 are basically the same thing as pre-H4. I really hope I'm wrong. I want Halo 5 to be a worthy successor to the OG trilogy. I'm not even saying that Halo 4 and Reach are bad games. I'm just saying, I'd rather be playing a more balanced Halo experience. I feel that Halo 5 will be better than Halo 4, but only time will tell. Thankfully we will have a beta this time around.


It took nearly four years, but I finally made it to Inheritor in Reach, and I celebrated with Taco Bell.

I feel like I wanna die.

Congrats you are now qualified to give advice on skill based game play and talk down to other people based on your inheritor status. You can also sign your posts with "but I'm an inheritor in Reach, so don't feel bad if you're not as good as me".


Congrats you are now qualified to give advice on skill based game play and talk down to other people based on your inheritor status. You can also sign your posts with "but I'm an inheritor in Reach, so don't feel bad if you're not as good as me".

1v1 me kid


Neo Member
Randy where are you getting that from?
Are you just talking crap?

Hope so. Floating hover balls don't sound very interesting, unless its a singleplayer enemy or something.

Leave him. He's in his own little world -- his personal slipspace bubble of compressed ignorance. He doesn't seem to be taking any notice of other people's comments, only his single-minded drive to imagined gaming perfection.
Randy where are you getting that from?
Are you just talking crap?

Hope so. Floating hover balls don't sound very interesting, unless its a singleplayer enemy or something.
It's all made up and something out of b.net or waypoint thread.

Clearly Forerunners created rings made out of crystals that can manipulate space, time, and energy. Basically you're like a Green Lantern using your rings to create constructs using concentration. Same thing, almost, except in this case you can manipulate Hardlight instead and more. Want a Giant Bubble Shield made of Hardlight? Blam! Forerunner Crystal Ring can do it all.


Yeah reeks of fan fiction, just the way he writes things as if it's all factual is strange.

Would a single ranking system across all 4 games be possible?

I believe that is why they haven't really talked about rank. Since the games are unified in matchmaking, maybe all four games will count towards a total rank? With certain games having more weight to the score than others.


We’ve seen first person shooters get more and more complex, and more and more sort of reward driven and stuff and there has been kind of a backlash about it. And not just with our stuff but with other peoples games. That it’s just too much and people want something sort of simple. And as Esports comes back they want something more balanced and more symmetrical and fair.

I think that there is definitely some sort of seesaw, and I think that it is tipping back towards the (and esports is certainly driving a lot of that) is going for things that are really truly competitive rather than just sort of reward driven.

But I think you can have your cake and eat it, you can have both of those sets of experiences in your game. And you can reward people in single player and make sure that your multiplayer is something pure.

This makes me happy. Reading my mind. Frankie and 343 get it.

Also think this makes Halo more unique which can only help it stand out and be more successful. I don't care for esports, just something more simple, fair and fun which lends itself to that anyway.


Will someone report Randy please. He's using this as his personal blog instead of a forum. He doesn't respond to anyone or anything.

Randy pls. You're like a bad Wahrer.
I believe that is why they haven't really talked about rank. Since the games are unified in matchmaking, maybe all four games will count towards a total rank? With certain games having more weight to the score than others.
If they created a system like that it would be pretty cool, although then there's the troubles of people wanting a rank for each game (which I also want) and what about social playlists which don't effect rank, will there be social playlists for each game?
Will be interesting to see how it's all handled.


If they created a system like that it would be pretty cool, although then there's the troubles of people wanting a rank for each game (which I also want) and what about social playlists which don't effect rank, will there be social playlists for each game?
Will be interesting to see how it's all handled.

I think they might do a hybrid system. You get a rank for each game and then you get a separate overall rank for all 4.


It took nearly four years, but I finally made it to Inheritor in Reach, and I celebrated with Taco Bell.

I feel like I wanna die.

This was my problem with Reach and my problem with Halo 4, where is the sense of accomplishment in grinding through hundreds of thousands of exp points worth of challenges to get a rank? Anybody can do it, simply by having free time - you learn how to get better at the game by default, not by choice.

The two biggest things they need to change to make Halo competitive again are:

1. Completely separate ranked/social playlists.

2. Keep 'challenges' and exp out of ranked playlists.

I think I've stated this before, but challenges are what truly ruined the competitiveness of the game. It splits the goals of the players instantly. One guy wants grenade sticks for a challenge, one guy wants plasma pistol overload kills, etc., while those of us that just want to win the game are left with a bunch of dead weight players who are attempting to earn exp. The irony of course being that them, with 2 kills and 27 deaths, are the ones who rank up from their big exp boost through completing a challenge and the people who went positive trying to win the match get fuck all.

Ranked should not have challenges. You should gain exp through standard things: kills, medals, wins. The actual reward is ranking up rather than dropping down.

Give us exp grinding to do in social playlists, for armour parts etc. (maybe make every 10 ranks give you a reward in ranked as well) so we get rewarded for fun as well, but the real reward for competitive players will be moving up the ranks and attaining the illusive 50.

Also, MLG playlists plox.


So how many of HaloGAF are getting Xbones now? I definitely will around November.

Conflicted. Two E3s with no system selling exclusive games for either platform (WiiU? Bah. Nintendo hasn't had a game that interest me ever really).

PS4 has more F2P games and Planetside 2 (i don't like playing shooters on PC), PS+ seems like a superior service assuming they keep it like it was for PS3, and is much stronger console, something that will be even more noticeable in a couple of years. But it didn't have any that interesting games really, though EVE Valkyrie is attractive, provided it won't require Morpheus, and LBP3 looked like fun.

Xbone has Halo... but i've said before and still think that Halo is no longer a system seller for me. I'd say Halo compensates the console's weaknesses but no more. Fable Legends looked surprisingly nice but unfortunately there's nothing else, and even it isn't anything more but mildly interesting.
Had they shown Halo 5... well, it might have made Halo a system seller for me again. Might.

I might be slightly leaning toward Xbone as i think Halo 5 may end up being great, but i'd rather not invest 400€+ on a console based on a hope.

EDIT there are some multiplatform games i'd get for sure, and in some cases prefer console version too even if a PC version is available. Destiny, Diablo 3, Cyberpunk 2077, Minecraft (yes, again), The Witcher 3, perhaps Star Wars Battlefront, probably others. But i can live without them easily enough, in case i don't get a console.


I might be slightly leaning toward Xbone as i think Halo 5 may end up being great, but i'd rather not invest 400€+ on a console based on a hope.

I'm waiting until November so maybe we will see something then. Either way something else is bound to drop into the picture down the line and make sure the purchase wasn't a waste. Plenty of games for me to dabble in from November onward.

Been away from Halo 4 for a month and went 25 - 12 in my first game back on Settler. Sweet.


I'm waiting until November so maybe we will see something then. Either way something else is bound to drop into the picture down the line and make sure the purchase wasn't a waste. Plenty of games for me to dabble in from November onward.

I don't know... with Xbox 360, i got lucky with Mass Effect (as it was originally 360 exclusive). And my brother got Fable 2. And i got a bunch of other games i liked, even if they weren't exclusive.
But now my gaming tastes are much more stricter. I wouldn't touch most kinds of games i used to play anymore probably, or at very least i'd get them for cheap or used at most.
Neither console has games like Elite: Dangerous (semi-hard SF space flight, No Man's Sky lacks that hard SF part), or Mechwarrior (Online) (it has surprising depth even with all its issues, plus i just love Battletech).


So frank (i think) was asked about MCC having system link.

He said something along the lines of "system link is always tricky"

Anyone (besides me) worried?

He said it's tricky, but that they will be including it, or at least working as hard as possible to. He said they are trying to make the experience exactly the same, and that you should expect it; I wouldn't be that worried.

edit: does anyone have a link to the recent stream? I think it was giantbomb. I managed to miss it :/


So frank (i think) was asked about MCC having system link.

He said something along the lines of "system link is always tricky"

Anyone (besides me) worried?

At least he followed it up by saying their plan is to still have everything from the original games, including system link. I know the competitive community would really appreciate it.

Not really worried
While Destiny isn't really my cup of tea, I have to admit it's got my favorite UI of any game ever. I love the white HUD compared to the blue ones we've been getting with Halo for so long. It just seems more crisp. That being said, it'd be neat to have a universally white UI with a "flavor color" selectable by the player that would highlight weapons, options, etc. as the flavor color you wanted compared to it just being that pastel blue or whatever they're using for it now.

I finally have a date for my Air Force entry (September 9th!) and I'll be busy with bootcamp / tech school until mid-January, so thankfully it'll let me save up and hear GAF impressions about everything first. The plan is to get an XBO, GTAO XBO edition, Master Chief Collection, and then the inevitable Smash 4 Wii U bundle.


So how many of HaloGAF are getting Xbones now? I definitely will around November.

Oh I've had one since about two months after launch. It actually went from just having it to my main for the most part thanks to the HDMI in. I watch tv with it, I game with it, I ate a ton of crow with it. Course I still love my PS4 a ton too. But yea both consoles are worth owning without a doubt I think.

Speaking of which any Halogaffers feel free to add me on it or PSN. Just be sure to let me know you're from Halogaf. Tag should be obvious. lol
I'm actually worried they aren't going to have a themed Master Chief Collection console. Instead, I probably figure most people are going to splurge on Black Friday XBO / MCC deals, updated XBO (slim?) revealed early Q2 2015, with a Halo 5-themed XBO Slim coming out in late Q3 / early Q4 along with Halo 5.
MS needs to stop with the dilly-dally and make an xbox in the shape of Chief. Discs go in the base, usb ports in the back of the helmet/butt/whatever.

your welcum
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