That map embodied everything that was wrong with Reach. It was made for AA's.Power House > Zealot > Swordbase > Reach Shit > Dog Shit > Cragmire
It also helped shape every map after that. One of the worst things to happen to Halo.
That map embodied everything that was wrong with Reach. It was made for AA's.Power House > Zealot > Swordbase > Reach Shit > Dog Shit > Cragmire
That map embodied everything that was wrong with Reach. It was made for AA's.
It also helped shape every map after that. One of the worst things to happen to Halo.
That map embodied everything that was wrong with Reach. It was made for AA's.
It also helped shape every map after that. One of the worst things to happen to Halo.
So many wrong things said in only two sentences.
Search your feelings. You will know it to be right.You embody everything wrong with Halo.
That map embodied everything that was wrong with Reach. It was made for AA's.
It also helped shape every map after that. One of the worst things to happen to Halo.
Heckpoo is like the king of bad opinion train.Didn't just take over captaining the bad opinion train, but brutally murdered the pervious captain to do so.
Heckpoo is like the king of bad opinion train.
I just visit the bad opinion train casually once or twice.
Heckpooiswas the king of bad opinion train.
I justvisitcommandeered the bad opinion traincasually once or twicefor eternity.
I'm getting off at the next station, man. Visiting a docter stat.Well you sound like you sat on the train's toilet and got bad opinionitis from it
Welp, runaway train loose.A few corrections for accuracy.
usually some godly sniper picking off my random team.
Artist has artwork from Vortex, Solance, Landfall and Skyline.'Demilitarized'
Artist note: Early vis dev for the Halo 4 "Castle Map Pack"
Artist note: Early vis dev for the Halo 4 "Majestic Map Pack"
'Easter Island'
Artist note: Unused viz dev for the Halo 4 "Majestic Map Pack". I had this image in my head of an ancient Covenant "Easter Island", but ultimately it wasn't appropriate for the visual direction of the game.
It's apparently possible to remove skyboxes using Megalo.
Artist note: Unused viz dev for the Halo 4 "Majestic Map Pack". I had this image in my head of an ancient Covenant "Easter Island", but ultimately it wasn't appropriate for the visual direction of the game.
The style of Demilatarized is amazing.
TAxxOUTBR3AKxx said:It was me. The bomb and Extractor are actually 2 different weapons. When you spawn with the extractor, it's the solo handheld portion. When the bomb is spawned, it's the extractor as well but there is also the physical "bomb" at the front end of it.
Ive got the Bomb-spawning in Extraction, but for reasons unknown it wont arm a site while Device Type is set to Neutral, but correctly prohibits players from arming at all. Also, i get an Expert Extraction medal each time I extract a site.
Just realiazed this. 343 may have split the bomb into "phases". The Bomb may pnly be used when the device is set to automatic (default) and the player is actively arming. The weapon get swapped for the bomb and you arm. Either successful or not, you get swapped back to your weapon afterwards.
However, carry_bomb may essentially be the same thing, but meant for device neing set for neutral. It may have properties (like the flag) that make it work a certain way. Maybe if i use THAT tag instead of the default bomb it'll arm sites like intended?
So I was correct. Each objective has a set of options that are hardcoded and may or may not be able to be overrode via Megalo. This means the flag can never be dropped or manually picked up. This means the Oddall/Grifball are allowed to be thrown and auto-pickup enabled/disabled.
I was using the default Bomb tool before. This object however, doesn't allow anything other than melee, which is what you are equipped with in default Extraction and that's all IT CAN do.
However, I changed what spawns to the Carry_Bomb, and you can drop it now. This object was MEANT TO BE carried only and offers dropping like Halo 3 and Reach flags, bombs, and balls. However it still cannot arm sites. So it seems while some progress is being made, it's still slow.
Edit: Because of this, it seems Extraction came directly from Assault. They planned on having the carry_bomb in-game but never finished it for unknown reasons. There's even a HUD banner for carrying it. I'd like to get these couple in-game mechanics to get it mostly set up:
-Allow Bomb to arm Sites
-Set Waypoint on Undropped Bombs
-Set Timer on Undropped Bombs
Interesting pre-vis art from (scrapped?) multiplayer maps for Castle and Majestic pack:
Artist has artwork from Vortex, Solance, Landfall and Skyline.
Yup, pretty sure all green and purple was banned from this game. It's why the UNSC is pretty much white/gray, and the Covenant is almost a dark plum.
Add in the god awful tint and lighting and the color is almost drained from the game.
Concept art does nothing but confuse me. Everything is pretty but looks huge. So am i still not buying maps and voting haven every time?
Played the last time on it when I was on.Speaking of Haven, did they like remove that from matchmaking for some reason?
*checks* I haven't played a game on Haven since the 17th of May. The only maps that come up for 4v4 for me are poop from a butt forge and the occasional Adrift and Abandon.
Oh can somebody do that for Abandon?It's apparently possible to remove skyboxes using Megalo.
Sort of like when Bungie decreased BR starts on Standoff so you had more AR fun. ^_^Lol 343 lowers the weighting of a map people like.
How inhumane.
This is the best post you have ever made.They really should switch to armor sales to subsidize the DLC maps, and make the maps free.
Really, all they need to do is let everyone use any color but black for their spartan. Let people buy the pitch black Halo 1 armor color for 5$ and you could probably fund the next 3 Halos off the sales.
Sort of like when Bungie decreased BR starts on Standoff so you had more AR fun. ^_^
42000 people watching Blops II Gfinity tourney.
Now you know how people feel about Halo.42000 people with bad taste. Blops 2 is bad. Bring back Blops 1.
42000 people with bad taste. Blops 2 is bad. Bring back Blops 1.
42000 people with bad taste. Blops 2 is bad. Bring back Blops 1.
Man Blops always felt sloppy to me, couldn't nail it exactly but MW always felt the more solid game.
Still Blops II catered to the competitive crowd and they get tourneys and people watching.
Same with games like Lol n Dota those are all about competition.
Halo is about accessibility, casualization, removing competitive features.
Which game gets watched? Played?
Bravo creates a solid AR legendary slayer playlist. Game peaks at 30k. BlopsII institutes spectator mode and ranked league play and the game has 45k viewers watching a EU tourney.
The competitive scene is bigger than you think 343i. Sure you'll still get sales to anything with the name Halo. But are people playing your game?
Which game gets watched? Played?
smash bros
But while Sakurai admits the company needs to adapt to incorporate new controller options, he's adamant the rest of the game doesn't need to change to remain fresh. Having had three very successful entries in the franchise, the former Project Sora boss feels the series has found its target audience, meaning introducing gimmicks would hinder rather than help the brand.
"The game system itself is complete, so we dont want to make it 3D or introduce complicated controls just for the sake of it," he said. "However, I am thinking of ways we can introduce a slightly different, fun experience all the while keeping the usual frantic game play."